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Hillary Clinton admitting that she aquitted a child rapist on a legal technicality

AUDIO: Hillary Clinton Speaks of Defense of Child Rapist in Newly Unearthed Tapes

Further proof that this woman puts money and power in front of any just or respectable principles.
We didn't need that as evidence. All you have to do is look at how she's endured thousands of infidelities by her husband over decades but stuck around to realize that she is one of the most power-hungry, money-hungry politicians the U.S. has ever seen.

Typical RWNJ traitor lies.
This is recycled bullshit.
Not only recycled but inane. You take the shilling, you do the job to the best of your ability within the law. It's the inane flip-side to the democrats "oh he's not telling us how much tax he paid, so he can't be trusted." What make Trump distrustful isn't that he won't release his taxes, or that he most likely paid absurdly LOW taxes. What's distrustful was when he said "I'll put Americans first and let the middle tax keep more and the rich, like me, pay more," and then he put up a tax plan that did the exact opposite.
AUDIO: Hillary Clinton Speaks of Defense of Child Rapist in Newly Unearthed Tapes

Further proof that this woman puts money and power in front of any just or respectable principles.
We didn't need that as evidence. All you have to do is look at how she's endured thousands of infidelities by her husband over decades but stuck around to realize that she is one of the most power-hungry, money-hungry politicians the U.S. has ever seen.

So women who endure infidelities and still stick with their marriage are "power-hungry, money-hungry"?
In her case yes.
If 'My Little Pony' Bill had been operating a fucking car wash she would have 100% guaranteed kicked her ass out the door.
And YOU!!!! fucking know it!
  • She has zero composure (one of the most critical traits required for a leader)

Have you seen the sequel of Michael Bay's current movie?

It's called: Eleven Hours, or How Gowdy and the Goppers Got Their Asses Kicked

Oh....you mean in that hearing where she stated that they were there to determine the cause and what could be done to prevent in the future, and when pressed, she went nuclear and screamed into the mic "What difference at this point does it make?"

Well sweetie, if you're trying to determine the cause and a course of action to prevent it in the future, it makes all the difference. Thank you for pointing out one of her most embarrassing episodes where she was unable to keep her composure! Almost forgot about that one!

Oh....you mean in that hearing where she stated that they were there to determine the cause and what could be done to prevent in the future, and when pressed, she went nuclear and screamed into the mic "What difference at this point does it make?"
Let's back track a bit. You left out a whole lot of context between "when pressed" and "went nuclear". You have Johnson over and over going on about whether they could have ascertained whether it was a video or terrorism that sparked the attack and why couldn't they have made a phone call (in the middle of the attack and trying to take care of the wounded to ascertain that)....and repeatedly and rudely interrupting her. In fact, not once, did he seem to try to find out what could be done to prevent it from happening again - his focus seemed to be proving she "mislead the public". 4 deaths, who's only importance to the Republicans appears to be political.

In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make' comment

Johnson: The point I’m making is, a very simple phone call to these individuals, I think, would’ve ascertained immediately that there was no protest prior to this. This attack started at 9:40 p.m. Benghazi time and it was an assault. I appreciate the fact that you called it an assault. But I’m going back to then-Ambassador [Susan] Rice five days later going on the Sunday shows and, what I would say, is purposefully misleading the American public. Why wasn’t that known? And again, I appreciate the fact that the transparency of this hearing, but why weren’t we transparent to that point in time?

Clinton: Well, first of all, Senator, I would say that once the assault happened, and once we got our people rescued and out, our most immediate concern was, number one, taking care of their injuries. As I said, I still have a DS [Diplomatic Security] agent at Walter Reed seriously injured -- getting them into Frankfurt, Ramstein to get taken care of, the FBI going over immediately to start talking to them. We did not think it was appropriate for us to talk to them before the FBI conducted their interviews. And we did not -- I think this is accurate, sir -- I certainly did not know of any reports that contradicted the IC [Intelligence Community] talking points at the time that Ambassador Rice went on the TV shows. And you know I just want to say that people have accused Ambassador Rice and the administration of misleading Americans. I can say trying to be in the middle of this and understanding what was going on, nothing could be further from the truth. Was information developing? Was the situation fluid? Would we reach conclusions later that weren’t reached initially? And I appreciate the --

Johnson: But, Madame Secretary, do you disagree with me that a simple phone call to those evacuees to determine what happened wouldn’t have ascertained immediately that there was no protest? That was a piece of information that could have been easily, easily obtained?

Clinton: But, Senator, again—

Johnson: Within hours, if not days?

Clinton: Senator, you know, when you’re in these positions, the last thing you want to do is interfere with any other process going on, number one—

Johnson: I realize that’s a good excuse.

Clinton: Well, no, it’s the fact. Number two, I would recommend highly you read both what the ARB said about it and the classified ARB because, even today, there are questions being raised. Now, we have no doubt they were terrorists, they were militants, they attacked us, they killed our people. But what was going on and why they were doing what they were doing is still unknown --

Johnson: No, again, we were misled that there were supposedly protests and that something sprang out of that -- an assault sprang out of that -- and that was easily ascertained that that was not the fact, and the American people could have known that within days and they didn’t know that.

Clinton: With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator. Now, honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is that people were trying in real time to get to the best information. The IC has a process, I understand, going with the other committees to explain how these talking points came out. But you know, to be clear, it is, from my perspective, less important today looking backwards as to why these militants decided they did it than to find them and bring them to justice, and then maybe we’ll figure out what was going on in the meantime.

It's interesting to note what you chose to leave out of the quote - like all the pertinant information maybe?
Not surprising, she's known to defend rapists. Her own husband is a sick serial rapist. She viciously attacked his numerous victims. She's pure evil. To hell with her.
AUDIO: Hillary Clinton Speaks of Defense of Child Rapist in Newly Unearthed Tapes

Further proof that this woman puts money and power in front of any just or respectable principles.
We didn't need that as evidence. All you have to do is look at how she's endured thousands of infidelities by her husband over decades but stuck around to realize that she is one of the most power-hungry, money-hungry politicians the U.S. has ever seen.

So women who endure infidelities and still stick with their marriage are "power-hungry, money-hungry"?
In her case yes.
If 'My Little Pony' Bill had been operating a fucking car wash she would have 100% guaranteed kicked her ass out the door.
And YOU!!!! fucking know it!

You just fucking assume it. I know of plenty of women - with unfaithful husbands - who stick it out, and they aren't wealthy.
Not surprising, she's known to defend rapists. Her own husband is a sick serial rapist. She viciously attacked his numerous victims. She's pure evil. To hell with her.

Where has he ever been convicted of rape?

Where did she "viciously" attack them?
AUDIO: Hillary Clinton Speaks of Defense of Child Rapist in Newly Unearthed Tapes

Further proof that this woman puts money and power in front of any just or respectable principles.
We didn't need that as evidence. All you have to do is look at how she's endured thousands of infidelities by her husband over decades but stuck around to realize that she is one of the most power-hungry, money-hungry politicians the U.S. has ever seen.

So women who endure infidelities and still stick with their marriage are "power-hungry, money-hungry"?

Well that depends - are their husbands President of the United States worth tens of millions of dollars with the connections to land those women any job in government they want (even when the are completely unqualified)? Then yes.

If their husbands live in a trailer and don't have a job, I think it's safe to say that those women are not sticking around for power and money (but only they could answer what ignorant reasons they are sticking around for - most likely serious lack of self-confidence).

I think Hillary's earned it on her own merits.
Well then it follows that anything she has done she has 'earned' right?
She has certainly 'earned' the mistrust and respect of many millions of people. Or should I have referred to them as 'stupid people'? Or are these 'stupid' people all getting the wrong impression because they watch/listen to talk radio and FOX?
Most plain ordinary people can sense fucking grifters like the Clintons a mile away.
Not surprising, she's known to defend rapists. Her own husband is a sick serial rapist. She viciously attacked his numerous victims. She's pure evil. To hell with her.

Where has he ever been convicted of rape?

Where did she "viciously" attack them?

While defending her pervert husband, she's engaged in vicious smear campaigns against his victims. She is pure evil.
AUDIO: Hillary Clinton Speaks of Defense of Child Rapist in Newly Unearthed Tapes

Further proof that this woman puts money and power in front of any just or respectable principles.
We didn't need that as evidence. All you have to do is look at how she's endured thousands of infidelities by her husband over decades but stuck around to realize that she is one of the most power-hungry, money-hungry politicians the U.S. has ever seen.

So Hilary has family values and decided to keep her family together. You're going to throw that in her face? Donald Trump is a legendary cheater he's been married three times and he's the head of the party your family values? You guys are a joke.
Family" Was that before she had Hubble's baby or after?
We didn't need that as evidence. All you have to do is look at how she's endured thousands of infidelities by her husband over decades but stuck around to realize that she is one of the most power-hungry, money-hungry politicians the U.S. has ever seen.

So women who endure infidelities and still stick with their marriage are "power-hungry, money-hungry"?

Well that depends - are their husbands President of the United States worth tens of millions of dollars with the connections to land those women any job in government they want (even when the are completely unqualified)? Then yes.

If their husbands live in a trailer and don't have a job, I think it's safe to say that those women are not sticking around for power and money (but only they could answer what ignorant reasons they are sticking around for - most likely serious lack of self-confidence).

I think Hillary's earned it on her own merits.
Oh yeah. No question about it. Let's take an honest look at her:

  • She has zero composure (one of the most critical traits required for a leader)
  • She has a long history of lying
  • She has committed serious felonies
  • She tried to cover up the deaths of four Americans
  • She stole from the White House (seriously - who in the hell does that?!?)
  • She accept infidelity so long as she remains in power and money
  • She's more interested in power and her own legacy than any American (including her own daughter)

Wow....some serious "merits" there. She's not qualified for a job at a gas station if anyone were to be truly honest with themselves. Who would hire an entry-level person who was caught stealing from their previous employer?!?

Sure, let's take an honest look at her.

1. That's an opinion. I think she has good composure - certainly far better than the thin-skinned Donald.
2. I think she's lied, but not as much as you guys probably claim. I'm also pragmatic. Most politicians lie at least some and you're fooling yourself if you think otherwise.
3. What felonies? I searched and came up with nothing - no criminal record, nothing.
4. What cover up? - how long have you all been hammering away at Bengazi and what do you have to show for it? A lot of wasted taxpayer money and a bunch of conspiracy theories. The sadness is that you think that is more important than the loss of those lives or trying to find ways to beef up embassy security without hampering the embassy's mission.
5. She stole from the White House? Even that is convoluted and calling it theft is inaccurate. Ironically the Reagans faced similar issues.
6. According to who? We have no reason why she accepted infidelity. She's an accomplished professional woman in her own right and hardly poor.
7. How do we know this? We don't.

Much of what you say is your opinion of her, which is fine - but none of it indicates whether or not she earned her place on her own merits.
AUDIO: Hillary Clinton Speaks of Defense of Child Rapist in Newly Unearthed Tapes

Further proof that this woman puts money and power in front of any just or respectable principles.
We didn't need that as evidence. All you have to do is look at how she's endured thousands of infidelities by her husband over decades but stuck around to realize that she is one of the most power-hungry, money-hungry politicians the U.S. has ever seen.

So women who endure infidelities and still stick with their marriage are "power-hungry, money-hungry"?

Well that depends - are their husbands President of the United States worth tens of millions of dollars with the connections to land those women any job in government they want (even when the are completely unqualified)? Then yes.

If their husbands live in a trailer and don't have a job, I think it's safe to say that those women are not sticking around for power and money (but only they could answer what ignorant reasons they are sticking around for - most likely serious lack of self-confidence).

I think Hillary's earned it on her own merits.
Well then it follows that anything she has done she has 'earned' right?
She has certainly 'earned' the mistrust and respect of many millions of people. Or should I have referred to them as 'stupid people'? Or are these 'stupid' people all getting the wrong impression because they watch/listen to talk radio and FOX?
Most plain ordinary people can sense fucking grifters like the Clintons a mile away.

Yup, she's earned it. But opinions are only opinions - everyone has them and not everyone agrees with yours.
AUDIO: Hillary Clinton Speaks of Defense of Child Rapist in Newly Unearthed Tapes

Further proof that this woman puts money and power in front of any just or respectable principles.
We didn't need that as evidence. All you have to do is look at how she's endured thousands of infidelities by her husband over decades but stuck around to realize that she is one of the most power-hungry, money-hungry politicians the U.S. has ever seen.

So women who endure infidelities and still stick with their marriage are "power-hungry, money-hungry"?
no, inadequate and dependent, that she can't live without the cheater and womanizer. What does that say about her ability to lead women. not much for me. But hey libturds follow turds, so I'm not surprised by her following of stupid.
We didn't need that as evidence. All you have to do is look at how she's endured thousands of infidelities by her husband over decades but stuck around to realize that she is one of the most power-hungry, money-hungry politicians the U.S. has ever seen.

So women who endure infidelities and still stick with their marriage are "power-hungry, money-hungry"?

Well that depends - are their husbands President of the United States worth tens of millions of dollars with the connections to land those women any job in government they want (even when the are completely unqualified)? Then yes.

If their husbands live in a trailer and don't have a job, I think it's safe to say that those women are not sticking around for power and money (but only they could answer what ignorant reasons they are sticking around for - most likely serious lack of self-confidence).

I think Hillary's earned it on her own merits.
Well then it follows that anything she has done she has 'earned' right?
She has certainly 'earned' the mistrust and respect of many millions of people. Or should I have referred to them as 'stupid people'? Or are these 'stupid' people all getting the wrong impression because they watch/listen to talk radio and FOX?
Most plain ordinary people can sense fucking grifters like the Clintons a mile away.

Yup, she's earned it. But opinions are only opinions - everyone has them and not everyone agrees with yours.
but quite a few do. And that is the reason for the election right?
AUDIO: Hillary Clinton Speaks of Defense of Child Rapist in Newly Unearthed Tapes

Further proof that this woman puts money and power in front of any just or respectable principles.
We didn't need that as evidence. All you have to do is look at how she's endured thousands of infidelities by her husband over decades but stuck around to realize that she is one of the most power-hungry, money-hungry politicians the U.S. has ever seen.

So women who endure infidelities and still stick with their marriage are "power-hungry, money-hungry"?
no, inadequate and dependent, that she can't live without the cheater and womanizer. What does that say about her ability to lead women. not much for me. But hey libturds follow turds, so I'm not surprised by her following of stupid.

People stay in a marriage for a variety of reasons and maybe she learned to deal with Bill's infidelity, who knows and who cares? It says nothing one way or another about her ability to lead women other than to feed a lot of armchair psychology.
So women who endure infidelities and still stick with their marriage are "power-hungry, money-hungry"?

Well that depends - are their husbands President of the United States worth tens of millions of dollars with the connections to land those women any job in government they want (even when the are completely unqualified)? Then yes.

If their husbands live in a trailer and don't have a job, I think it's safe to say that those women are not sticking around for power and money (but only they could answer what ignorant reasons they are sticking around for - most likely serious lack of self-confidence).

I think Hillary's earned it on her own merits.
Well then it follows that anything she has done she has 'earned' right?
She has certainly 'earned' the mistrust and respect of many millions of people. Or should I have referred to them as 'stupid people'? Or are these 'stupid' people all getting the wrong impression because they watch/listen to talk radio and FOX?
Most plain ordinary people can sense fucking grifters like the Clintons a mile away.

Yup, she's earned it. But opinions are only opinions - everyone has them and not everyone agrees with yours.
but quite a few do. And that is the reason for the election right?

Of course.
Breaking News... Clinton just chose her hubby's good friend Bill Cosby as her running mate. She now has the rapist vote locked up.

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