Hillary Clinton Benghazi Testimony

so...were you foaming at the mouth when we found out there were no weapons of mass destruction in iraq? oh wait, i forgot, you probably believe there were, no matter how many intelligent people know there aren't.

all this outrage over something that has happened numerous times in the past. good god i can't wait for your party to just disappear inside its assholes. you're off to a roaring start.

That isn't all you forgot. Too bad that these intelligent people didn't know that there weren't any WMD's in Iraq.

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

"Iraq is a long way from [here], but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face."
--Madeline Albright, Feb 18, 1998

"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983."
--Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
-Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998

"Hussein has ... chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies."
-- Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999

"There is no doubt that ... Saddam Hussein has reinvigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to redefine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer-range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies."
Letter to President Bush, Signed by:
-- Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL), and others, Dec 5, 2001

"We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandate of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them."
-- Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI), Sept. 19, 2002

"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
-- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002
Gee, there seems to be a gap from 1999 till after 9/11 and Bush and Cheney feeding them phony intel they fabricated.

"Iraq does not represent any threat to the United States at this time.* Their weapons programs have been exaggerated by the Clinton Administration."
- Tom Delay, 1999

"We are now convinced Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction or active programs."
- President Bill Clinton, August 9th, 2000

"We do not have any direct evidence that Iraq has used the period since Desert Fox to reconstitute its WMD programs" 
-CIA Director,George Tenet, 2/07/2001

"We believe the sanctions have been effective, and Saddam Hussein's regime has no weapons of mass destruction."
-Condoleeza Rice, February 16th, 2001

"Containment has been achieved, and we now believe Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction or the capability of producing them."
- Colin Powell, February 23rd, 2001

hahahahaha! why hasn't tootall come back into this thread since you handed him his ass, I wonder?
Maybe I'd be more sympathetic to their case if the people who are constantly raising hell about helping Libya would stop blocking any effort to actually help Libya.

If you're unfamiliar with the Benghazi controversy, Sen. McCain spends until 5:41 laying out his case. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's response really takes off around 6:30.

Hillary Clinton Turns The Tables On John McCain's Benghazi Grandstanding

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zdDToXwnJHU]Sen. John McCain to Hillary Clinton: American 'People Deserve to Know' Truth About Benghazi Attack - YouTube[/ame]
You don't know what any of the facts are, you've chosen to believe what the administration has told you and ASSUMED that those are the facts.

I know you like to pretend that you are omniscient and that you can know the hearts of your leaders but you aren't.


Bammy sacrificed those people for their own political gain, its as valid a hypothesis as any you've chosen to believe.

but let me ask you this: what's your end game?

End Game = If those 4 Americans died and being called to the mat somehow sparked accountability of elected officials and made them think twice about outright lying to the American people.

I believe without a shadow of doubt the American people were lied to by this administration in a coordinated and consistent message across all their outlets w/ the movie gimmick.

why would they lie? see, that's the thing about conspiracies that nutters never figure out: the why. people actually have to have a REASON for the conspiracy. so why do YOU believe they lied? what was their gain from it?

there's the difference between conservatives and liberals. i don't go on belief. i go on fact. and all the facts have not shown in any way, shape or form a cover-up. your side lost this one. big. back in november. let it go,or shut the fuck up.
That isn't all you forgot. Too bad that these intelligent people didn't know that there weren't any WMD's in Iraq.

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

"Iraq is a long way from [here], but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face."
--Madeline Albright, Feb 18, 1998

"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983."
--Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
-Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998

"Hussein has ... chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies."
-- Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999

"There is no doubt that ... Saddam Hussein has reinvigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to redefine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer-range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies."
Letter to President Bush, Signed by:
-- Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL), and others, Dec 5, 2001

"We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandate of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them."
-- Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI), Sept. 19, 2002

"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
-- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002
Gee, there seems to be a gap from 1999 till after 9/11 and Bush and Cheney feeding them phony intel they fabricated.

"Iraq does not represent any threat to the United States at this time.* Their weapons programs have been exaggerated by the Clinton Administration."
- Tom Delay, 1999

"We are now convinced Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction or active programs."
- President Bill Clinton, August 9th, 2000

"We do not have any direct evidence that Iraq has used the period since Desert Fox to reconstitute its WMD programs" 
-CIA Director,George Tenet, 2/07/2001

"We believe the sanctions have been effective, and Saddam Hussein's regime has no weapons of mass destruction."
-Condoleeza Rice, February 16th, 2001

"Containment has been achieved, and we now believe Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction or the capability of producing them."
- Colin Powell, February 23rd, 2001

hahahahaha! why hasn't tootall come back into this thread since you handed him his ass, I wonder?

All of my quotes are verified here: http://www.snopes.com/politics/war/wmdquotes.asp

None of the these quotes were verified.
"Containment has been achieved, and we now believe Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction or the capability of producing them."

Sorry! Your search ""Containment has been achieved, and we now believe Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction or the capability of producing them."
" did not return any Web search results.

"We believe the sanctions have been effective, and Saddam Hussein's regime has no weapons of mass destruction."
-Condoleeza Rice, February 16th, 2001

Your search - "We believe the sanctions have been effective, and Saddam Hussein's regime has no weapons of mass destruction."
- - did not return any Web search results.

"We are now convinced Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction or active programs."
- President Bill Clinton, August 9th, 2000

Your search - "We are now convinced Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction or active programs." - did not return any Web search results

This is what our next Sec of State had to say, and it is also verified by Snopes.
"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003
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What difference does it make?

It's the difference between treason and incompetency; I thought everybody knew.

ex animo
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The conservative cranks doin' the Hillary-hate here are the same crowd who declared Hillary faked an injury to avoid ever testifying. They'd like us to forget that. As usual, they were laughably wrong. It's kind of what defines them, being totally wrong about every single thing every time.

They fell hard for the Fast and Furious faux-scandal because FOX and Drudge ordered them too. They reprised their Useful Idiot role here with Benghazi. And being they never learn, they'll just as willingly keep playing Useful Idiot and swallow the next phony scandal that Drudge and FOX dream up.
why would they lie? see, that's the thing about conspiracies that nutters never figure out: the why. people actually have to have a REASON for the conspiracy. so why do YOU believe they lied? what was their gain from it?

Obama shys like a cockroach to the kitchen light from "terrorist" acts on his watch.

Especially by a high profile one like Al Queda

Same reason Ft. Hood was "workplace violence"
do you think these idiotic bagger loons care that after they die we're all going to get a hearty guffaw at their expense? they're going to go down i history as being the grassy knoll believers of their time. benghazi, fast & furious, all this shit just makes you guys look like unhinged fucking morons.

see the thing is, guys, we don't have to believe in a conspiracy to point to two major bush era fuckups that cost THOUSANDS of american lives. and you dumbfucks have to rest your hats on lies from the right-wing mainstream media. so yeah...history will laugh. and so will i.

Fact Check: Biden Voted for Iraq, Afghanistan Wars

Fact Check: Biden Voted for Iraq, Afghanistan Wars


VP & Gaffer​

but let me ask you this: what's your end game?

End Game = If those 4 Americans died and being called to the mat somehow sparked accountability of elected officials and made them think twice about outright lying to the American people.

I believe without a shadow of doubt the American people were lied to by this administration in a coordinated and consistent message across all their outlets w/ the movie gimmick.

why would they lie? see, that's the thing about conspiracies that nutters never figure out: the why. people actually have to have a REASON for the conspiracy. so why do YOU believe they lied? what was their gain from it?

there's the difference between conservatives and liberals. i don't go on belief. i go on fact. and all the facts have not shown in any way, shape or form a cover-up. your side lost this one. big. back in november. let it go,or shut the fuck up.

The motive for lying is clear. Obama just spent our treasure on bombing the crap out of Libya. He was making nice with the new regime he helped install. He didn't want to upset the apple cart by killing Libyans and thus messing with his nation building. He may have thought that the organized attack was just a protest. The attack went further then he thought and it was too late to do anything. So instead of saying, we don't know, he said it was definitely over a video. OBVIOUSLY he was either fed false information or was lying, your choice.
I just wanna say that anyone comparing this to Ollie North; is an idiot. That was 30 days of intense questioning in which he was not precluded from potential criminal prosecution. And he had literally just hours to prepare for it. This was what? An hour of Hillary being allowed to throw a tantrum after evading testimony for months.
also, anyone comparing benghazi to the iran contra affair is a fucking idiot. because you know, there is no willful conspiracy on behalf of president obama...on the other hand, with st. reagan the forgetful...
End Game = If those 4 Americans died and being called to the mat somehow sparked accountability of elected officials and made them think twice about outright lying to the American people.

I believe without a shadow of doubt the American people were lied to by this administration in a coordinated and consistent message across all their outlets w/ the movie gimmick.

why would they lie? see, that's the thing about conspiracies that nutters never figure out: the why. people actually have to have a REASON for the conspiracy. so why do YOU believe they lied? what was their gain from it?

there's the difference between conservatives and liberals. i don't go on belief. i go on fact. and all the facts have not shown in any way, shape or form a cover-up. your side lost this one. big. back in november. let it go,or shut the fuck up.

The motive for lying is clear. Obama just spent our treasure on bombing the crap out of Libya. He was making nice with the new regime he helped install. He didn't want to upset the apple cart by killing Libyans and thus messing with his nation building. He may have thought that the organized attack was just a protest. The attack went further then he thought and it was too late to do anything. So instead of saying, we don't know, he said it was definitely over a video. OBVIOUSLY he was either fed false information or was lying, your choice.

spent our treasure? are you fucking serious? sadly, you are serious. you want to talk about spending our treasure? how about in iraq. there's a war that the bush administration had a vested interested in keeping everyone unaware of how wrong we were to go in there.

holy shit you're a fucking idiot, and i'm so glad that the hagel era will be the end of the bush doctrine...or at least for awhile. you neocons are fucking poison for world peace. so we just have to hog the ball until enough of you dumbasses die.
why would they lie? see, that's the thing about conspiracies that nutters never figure out: the why. people actually have to have a REASON for the conspiracy. so why do YOU believe they lied? what was their gain from it?

there's the difference between conservatives and liberals. i don't go on belief. i go on fact. and all the facts have not shown in any way, shape or form a cover-up. your side lost this one. big. back in november. let it go,or shut the fuck up.

The motive for lying is clear. Obama just spent our treasure on bombing the crap out of Libya. He was making nice with the new regime he helped install. He didn't want to upset the apple cart by killing Libyans and thus messing with his nation building. He may have thought that the organized attack was just a protest. The attack went further then he thought and it was too late to do anything. So instead of saying, we don't know, he said it was definitely over a video. OBVIOUSLY he was either fed false information or was lying, your choice.

spent our treasure? are you fucking serious? sadly, you are serious. you want to talk about spending our treasure? how about in iraq. there's a war that the bush administration had a vested interested in keeping everyone unaware of how wrong we were to go in there.

holy shit you're a fucking idiot, and i'm so glad that the hagel era will be the end of the bush doctrine...or at least for awhile. you neocons are fucking poison for world peace. so we just have to hog the ball until enough of you dumbasses die.

No. I think your the fucking idiot.

Benghazi was a fuck up by Barrys State Department. Repeated requests for additonal security were refused. Other embassies and the Red Cross pulled out because of those threats. Embassies don't shut down for no good reason.

The attack came and Barry's State Departments official line was its a spontaneous demonstration over some fucking video that no one saw or even knew about. Hell they even arrested the guy who made the video.

Of course it was all lies. The CIA said it was AQ from the getgo.

This administration did nothing but lie from the very first and any honest person can see it. Hell. Barry was more interested in his Vegas fundraiser than his consulate under attack in Benghazi.

His State Department under Hilary Clinton dropped the ball. They didn't send the extra security when needed and sure as hell didn't send help when needed and four very good men are dead because of their lack of action.

Leon Panetta gave some bullshit about it being to "risky" and they needed more info. Hell. Its the ME. Everything is "risky" and how much more info do you need to know your consulate is under attack. Jesus what morons.

You can cut it any way you want but the meat still stinks to high heaven.
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The motive for lying is clear. Obama just spent our treasure on bombing the crap out of Libya. He was making nice with the new regime he helped install. He didn't want to upset the apple cart by killing Libyans and thus messing with his nation building. He may have thought that the organized attack was just a protest. The attack went further then he thought and it was too late to do anything. So instead of saying, we don't know, he said it was definitely over a video. OBVIOUSLY he was either fed false information or was lying, your choice.

spent our treasure? are you fucking serious? sadly, you are serious. you want to talk about spending our treasure? how about in iraq. there's a war that the bush administration had a vested interested in keeping everyone unaware of how wrong we were to go in there.

holy shit you're a fucking idiot, and i'm so glad that the hagel era will be the end of the bush doctrine...or at least for awhile. you neocons are fucking poison for world peace. so we just have to hog the ball until enough of you dumbasses die.

No. I think your the fucking idiot.

Benghazi was a fuck up by Barrys State Department. Repeated requests for additonal security were refused. Other embassies and the Red Cross pulled out because of those threats. Embassies don't shut down for no good reason.

The attack came and Barry's State Departments official line was its a spontaneous demonstration over some fucking video that no one saw or even knew about. Hell they even arrested the guy who made the video.

Of course it was all lies. The CIA said it was AQ from the getgo.

This administration did nothing but lie from the very first and any honest person can see it. Hell. Barry was more interested in his Vegas fundraiser than his consulate under attack in Benghazi.

His State Department under Hilary Clinton dropped the ball. They didn't send the extra security when needed and sure as hell didn't send help when needed and four very good men are dead because of their lack of action.

Leon Panetta gave some bullshit about it being to "risky" and they needed more info. Hell. Its the ME. Everything is "risky" and how much more info do you need to know your consulate is under attack. Jesus what morons.

You can cut it any way you want but the meat still stinks to high heaven.

firstly, let's see you post some links to all the evidence of this shit you're trying to pin on clinton and obama. the arb didn't pin it on them. and it was an unbiased review board. i know to conservatives that means you don't trust them because murdoch or the kochs didn't sponsor it, but for those of us who don't live in the land of conservative bullshit, that means the fuck up was down the chain.

what's your end game? what do you want? obama impeached over this? give me a fucking break. if we didn't impeach bush for the iraq war, why the fuck would anyone impeach obama for anything related to benghazi, or anything else? the answer? sane people wouldn't.
spent our treasure? are you fucking serious? sadly, you are serious. you want to talk about spending our treasure? how about in iraq. there's a war that the bush administration had a vested interested in keeping everyone unaware of how wrong we were to go in there.

holy shit you're a fucking idiot, and i'm so glad that the hagel era will be the end of the bush doctrine...or at least for awhile. you neocons are fucking poison for world peace. so we just have to hog the ball until enough of you dumbasses die.

No. I think your the fucking idiot.

Benghazi was a fuck up by Barrys State Department. Repeated requests for additonal security were refused. Other embassies and the Red Cross pulled out because of those threats. Embassies don't shut down for no good reason.

The attack came and Barry's State Departments official line was its a spontaneous demonstration over some fucking video that no one saw or even knew about. Hell they even arrested the guy who made the video.

Of course it was all lies. The CIA said it was AQ from the getgo.

This administration did nothing but lie from the very first and any honest person can see it. Hell. Barry was more interested in his Vegas fundraiser than his consulate under attack in Benghazi.

His State Department under Hilary Clinton dropped the ball. They didn't send the extra security when needed and sure as hell didn't send help when needed and four very good men are dead because of their lack of action.

Leon Panetta gave some bullshit about it being to "risky" and they needed more info. Hell. Its the ME. Everything is "risky" and how much more info do you need to know your consulate is under attack. Jesus what morons.

You can cut it any way you want but the meat still stinks to high heaven.

firstly, let's see you post some links to all the evidence of this shit you're trying to pin on clinton and obama. the arb didn't pin it on them. and it was an unbiased review board. i know to conservatives that means you don't trust them because murdoch or the kochs didn't sponsor it, but for those of us who don't live in the land of conservative bullshit, that means the fuck up was down the chain.

what's your end game? what do you want? obama impeached over this? give me a fucking break. if we didn't impeach bush for the iraq war, why the fuck would anyone impeach obama for anything related to benghazi, or anything else? the answer? sane people wouldn't.

Pin on Obama. My God you idiot. He's the POTUS. Its his State Department and his administration. You can honestly say that he and his State Department did a great job on Benghazi??

If Bush were still POTUS you'd be accusing him up one side and down the other and be demanding answers.

My end game?? Impeach Barry?Nope. But the truth would be nice. Its to bad we didn't get that from the start instead of the pack of lies we did get.

As for links. Google it yourself asshole. I already did.
No. I think your the fucking idiot.

Benghazi was a fuck up by Barrys State Department. Repeated requests for additonal security were refused. Other embassies and the Red Cross pulled out because of those threats. Embassies don't shut down for no good reason.

The attack came and Barry's State Departments official line was its a spontaneous demonstration over some fucking video that no one saw or even knew about. Hell they even arrested the guy who made the video.

Of course it was all lies. The CIA said it was AQ from the getgo.

This administration did nothing but lie from the very first and any honest person can see it. Hell. Barry was more interested in his Vegas fundraiser than his consulate under attack in Benghazi.

His State Department under Hilary Clinton dropped the ball. They didn't send the extra security when needed and sure as hell didn't send help when needed and four very good men are dead because of their lack of action.

Leon Panetta gave some bullshit about it being to "risky" and they needed more info. Hell. Its the ME. Everything is "risky" and how much more info do you need to know your consulate is under attack. Jesus what morons.

You can cut it any way you want but the meat still stinks to high heaven.

firstly, let's see you post some links to all the evidence of this shit you're trying to pin on clinton and obama. the arb didn't pin it on them. and it was an unbiased review board. i know to conservatives that means you don't trust them because murdoch or the kochs didn't sponsor it, but for those of us who don't live in the land of conservative bullshit, that means the fuck up was down the chain.

what's your end game? what do you want? obama impeached over this? give me a fucking break. if we didn't impeach bush for the iraq war, why the fuck would anyone impeach obama for anything related to benghazi, or anything else? the answer? sane people wouldn't.

Pin on Obama. My God you idiot. He's the POTUS. Its his State Department and his administration. You can honestly say that he and his State Department did a great job on Benghazi??

If Bush were still POTUS you'd be accusing him up one side and down the other and be demanding answers.

My end game?? Impeach Barry?Nope. But the truth would be nice. Its to bad we didn't get that from the start instead of the pack of lies we did get.

As for links. Google it yourself asshole. I already did.

oh, so you can't provide any links that back up your bullshit. gotcha.

also, as soon as you call the president "barry" unironically, you reveal yourself to be an obama hater and your points are from now on invalidated by your moath-foamy-ness.
firstly, let's see you post some links to all the evidence of this shit you're trying to pin on clinton and obama. the arb didn't pin it on them. and it was an unbiased review board. i know to conservatives that means you don't trust them because murdoch or the kochs didn't sponsor it, but for those of us who don't live in the land of conservative bullshit, that means the fuck up was down the chain.

what's your end game? what do you want? obama impeached over this? give me a fucking break. if we didn't impeach bush for the iraq war, why the fuck would anyone impeach obama for anything related to benghazi, or anything else? the answer? sane people wouldn't.

Pin on Obama. My God you idiot. He's the POTUS. Its his State Department and his administration. You can honestly say that he and his State Department did a great job on Benghazi??

If Bush were still POTUS you'd be accusing him up one side and down the other and be demanding answers.

My end game?? Impeach Barry?Nope. But the truth would be nice. Its to bad we didn't get that from the start instead of the pack of lies we did get.

As for links. Google it yourself asshole. I already did.

oh, so you can't provide any links that back up your bullshit. gotcha.

also, as soon as you call the president "barry" unironically, you reveal yourself to be an obama hater and your points are from now on invalidated by your moath-foamy-ness.

Google is your friend. Look it up yourself.

He calls himself Barry

Hate him?? Hell no. Hate is a strong emotion and he, quite frankly, isn't worth the effort it would take to hate him. Absolute disgust is more like it. The man has no honor and no integrity and had no problem flying off to his fundraiser in Vegas as those four men were dying. Tells me all I need to know about him. How bout you??

Moath-foamy-ness in his defense fits you to a tee. Your such a blind ass kisser you refuse to see the forrest for the trees and are completely happy with the administrations explanation of Benghazi. Of course the deaths of those four good men mean absolutely nothing to you.

Can't say I'm surprised.
why would they lie? see, that's the thing about conspiracies that nutters never figure out: the why. people actually have to have a REASON for the conspiracy. so why do YOU believe they lied? what was their gain from it?

there's the difference between conservatives and liberals. i don't go on belief. i go on fact. and all the facts have not shown in any way, shape or form a cover-up. your side lost this one. big. back in november. let it go,or shut the fuck up.

The motive for lying is clear. Obama just spent our treasure on bombing the crap out of Libya. He was making nice with the new regime he helped install. He didn't want to upset the apple cart by killing Libyans and thus messing with his nation building. He may have thought that the organized attack was just a protest. The attack went further then he thought and it was too late to do anything. So instead of saying, we don't know, he said it was definitely over a video. OBVIOUSLY he was either fed false information or was lying, your choice.

spent our treasure? are you fucking serious? sadly, you are serious. you want to talk about spending our treasure? how about in iraq. there's a war that the bush administration had a vested interested in keeping everyone unaware of how wrong we were to go in there.

holy shit you're a fucking idiot, and i'm so glad that the hagel era will be the end of the bush doctrine...or at least for awhile. you neocons are fucking poison for world peace. so we just have to hog the ball until enough of you dumbasses die.

Tomahawk missile: Unit cost, US$569,000 (1999) AGM-109H/L version to $1.45 million

I realize that 1.4 million isn't anything to a liberal when it is someone else's money. WTF is wrong with you people? You hated Bush, you hated the war that Kerry, Clinton and many other democrats voted for. Yet you think that somehow saying Obama is just like Bush is some sort of defense???? I seriously doubt you realize how asinine you sound making that comparison.

I suppose you will be asking Obama to kill more Americans, that apparently is your open minded liberal wet dream.
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