Hillary Clinton: ‘Fox News Is Always Trying To Impeach Me’

America just wants Crooked Hillary to go away.

She is a terrible person and an embarrassment to the country. These stupid Moon Bats were idiots nominating her for President. What the hell were the morons thinking?

They were for HER. She has a vagina so they thought she could "snatch" up the election! :lol:
I don't think anyone has to worry too much from a people who would support a party who actually comes out and calls them stupid in so many words and they still maintain their dogged support for them. :D It's really funny actually, yet kind of sad too. :(

I'm an Indy, not a Dem. I hated the DNC under Little Debbie Wasserman.

No fan of Tom Perez either - shoulda gone with Ellison.

Yer failing bigly this morning :)

Oh, you just admitted that you aren't a fan of the democrats, and I lost bigly? :D Errrr. Who's your president? Your little booty was already smacked down.
So, you hate Democrats 95% yet you voted for Clinton? Why?
Hello one name "Donald Trump" Gross

Voting for one because the other is worse is a bad reason for me to vote for anyone. That is just my opinion.
so its better that Trump is in power No ?...are fucking kidding me or to vote for someone with ZERO chance of winning or not vote at all...you have to play the hand that is dealt...that meant Hillary over Trump by any rational logical standards

Sorry, Clinton didn't win either, the only ones that didn't throw their vote away were those that voted for Trump and that got us in a worse spot than had we elected a third party candidate.
Thank you for admitting snowflakes / liberals are little more than spoiled, tantrum-throwing children who want to lash out and hurt those who have prevented them from getting their way.

The fact that ... you want 'revenge' for your sexual criminal Enabling, American-Abandoning, National Security-Endangering, Terrorist-Aiding, Constitution and Law-violating, Felon who could not even win her own party's nomination NOT winning the Presidential election, you want to punish the country for REJECTING HILLARY AGAIN ... speaks volumes about you and other snowflakes.

'Nuff said.

I didn't vote for Hillary
As for "Terrorist aiding" - Get back to us when Trumpelthinskin pulls out of Syria and cedes it to ISIS.
Should be fun when people start burning in cages again.

'Nuff said
Both of the Clintons have too much baggage. It's time for them to step away from the pollitical scene.
and Trump LOL ?
Of course. But that's not the issue of this thread. Why are you guys attacking me? I don't believe this. Tow the party line or else, huh?

The thing is the party line should not be defending and protecting people who are damaging the party.
America just wants Crooked Hillary to go away.

She is a terrible person and an embarrassment to the country. These stupid Moon Bats were idiots nominating her for President. What the hell were the morons thinking?


Were the shoe on the other foot, had the GOP run a candidate under multiple criminal investigations by the FBI, with it so obvious that they committed felonies, the DNC and Liberal media would NEVER have allowed that GOP candidate to remain in the race....yet the Democrats kept Hillary out of Prison to remain on the ballot instead of in a prison cell on election day....only to become a 2-TIME LOSER! :p
Trump only got elected because of Putin and the Russian government supported him and meddled in our democracy. They flooded America with lies and misinformation about Trump's opponent.

Trump got votes because he was supposed to look out for the working man and they believed him, I knew that was a farce from day one, just as I knew Obama's rhetoric in 2008 was a farce.

You can't trust what politicians say.
Note to Hillary: try to get it through your paranoid brain, you lost the election and Fox doesn't have impeachment power. It might be better for her mental health if she quits whining.
Thank you for admitting snowflakes / liberals are little more than spoiled, tantrum-throwing children who want to lash out and hurt those who have prevented them from getting their way.

The fact that ... you want 'revenge' for your sexual criminal Enabling, American-Abandoning, National Security-Endangering, Terrorist-Aiding, Constitution and Law-violating, Felon who could not even win her own party's nomination NOT winning the Presidential election, you want to punish the country for REJECTING HILLARY AGAIN ... speaks volumes about you and other snowflakes.

'Nuff said.

I didn't vote for Hillary
As for "Terrorist aiding" - Get back to us when Trumpelthinskin pulls out of Syria and cedes it to ISIS.
Should be fun when people start burning in cages again.

'Nuff said

Then why would you be here defending her from . . . well really nothing but people talking about her? Doesn't really add up.
Thank you for admitting snowflakes / liberals are little more than spoiled, tantrum-throwing children who want to lash out and hurt those who have prevented them from getting their way.

The fact that ... you want 'revenge' for your sexual criminal Enabling, American-Abandoning, National Security-Endangering, Terrorist-Aiding, Constitution and Law-violating, Felon who could not even win her own party's nomination NOT winning the Presidential election, you want to punish the country for REJECTING HILLARY AGAIN ... speaks volumes about you and other snowflakes.

'Nuff said.

I didn't vote for Hillary
As for "Terrorist aiding" - Get back to us when Trumpelthinskin pulls out of Syria and cedes it to ISIS.
Should be fun when people start burning in cages again.

'Nuff said
So you support the 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner's decision to Un-Constitutionally, without Congressional Authorization, invading Syria to help ISIS overthrow Al-Assad (that Putin was NEVER going to allow to happen to begin with), all because Al-Assad called Barry's humiliating 'Red Line Bluff', forcing him to back down in front of the whole world?!
-- Barry even tried to then BLAME 'the whole world' fro his 'Red Line', only to have them laugh at his @ss. :p


Yup - like you said:

'Nuff said.
Both of the Clintons have too much baggage. It's time for them to step away from the pollitical scene.

Yep - and we agree on Nancy P. It won't work, but since Republicans have nothing to run ON other than a Toxic Orange Turd - they'll run AGAINST Nancy.

She did a pretty good job as Speaker - but please God - move her on OUT
It is time for changes. I agree.
Were the shoe on the other foot, had the GOP run a candidate under multiple criminal investigations by the FBI, with it so obvious that they committed felonies, the DNC and Liberal media would NEVER have allowed that GOP candidate to remain in the race....yet the Democrats kept Hillary out of Prison to remain on the ballot instead of in a prison cell on election day....only to become a 2-TIME LOSER! :p

How did those "multiple investigations" go for ya?

Kinda funny how Trump said Hillary would be under endless investigation if she won. :)

Thank you for admitting snowflakes / liberals are little more than spoiled, tantrum-throwing children who want to lash out and hurt those who have prevented them from getting their way.

The fact that ... you want 'revenge' for your sexual criminal Enabling, American-Abandoning, National Security-Endangering, Terrorist-Aiding, Constitution and Law-violating, Felon who could not even win her own party's nomination NOT winning the Presidential election, you want to punish the country for REJECTING HILLARY AGAIN ... speaks volumes about you and other snowflakes.

'Nuff said.

I didn't vote for Hillary
As for "Terrorist aiding" - Get back to us when Trumpelthinskin pulls out of Syria and cedes it to ISIS.
Should be fun when people start burning in cages again.

'Nuff said
So you support the 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner's decision to Un-Constitutionally, without Congressional Authorization, invading Syria to help ISIS overthrow Al-Assad (that Putin was NEVER going to allow to happen to begin with), all because Al-Assad called Barry's humiliating 'Red Line Bluff', forcing him to back down in front of the whole world?!
-- Barry even tried to then BLAME 'the whole world' fro his 'Red Line', only to have them laugh at his @ss. :p


Yup - like you said:

'Nuff said.

That line in the sand bull was just that, a bunch of bull and nothing more. He was a weak president, and of course foreigners approve. :D
Note to Hillary: try to get it through your paranoid brain, you lost the election and Fox doesn't have impeachment power. It might be better for her mental health if she quits whining.

Hillary thought the way Presidents were elected was through a 'Popularity Contest' and had no clue how they were really decided, so it makes perfect sense that she believes Fox News could 'Impeach' her!

Hillary has changed. She's believing democrats. She no longer whines about losing. She won and is unlawfully prevented from taking office.

The democrats should stop playing with the poor thing like this.
Well, they could just form a coup and take out the president and put Hitlery in there as a dictator. If they succeeded in taking away our 2nd amendment right, what is really stopping them from doing anything they want? Who is the person who is going to stop the government from doing whatever it wants to do? I voted for Trump because he is not a part of the political insiders group in Washington. If you trust ANY of those politicians, you have a major screw loose.
Trump only got elected because of Putin and the Russian government supported him and meddled in our democracy. They flooded America with lies and misinformation about Trump's opponent.

Trump got votes because he was supposed to look out for the working man and they believed him, I knew that was a farce from day one, just as I knew Obama's rhetoric in 2008 was a farce.

You can't trust what politicians say.
What are you talking about/ The working man / Middle class is a lot better off now than under Obama and way better off than if Hillary had been elected. You think SHE would have gotten the tax reform bill pushed through, putting thousands of dollars in bonuses, raises, and new jobs in the hands of the Middle Class? Ummm.....NO!
America just wants Crooked Hillary to go away.

She is a terrible person and an embarrassment to the country. These stupid Moon Bats were idiots nominating her for President. What the hell were the morons thinking?


Were the shoe on the other foot, had the GOP run a candidate under multiple criminal investigations by the FBI, with it so obvious that they committed felonies, the DNC and Liberal media would NEVER have allowed that GOP candidate to remain in the race....yet the Democrats kept Hillary out of Prison to remain on the ballot instead of in a prison cell on election day....only to become a 2-TIME LOSER! :p

They couldn't have come up with a worse candidate than her.

A bunch of morons voted for her because she had a "D" by her name but nobody actually thought she would competent, honest or not corrupt.

She needs to just go away.

Meanwhile , the Justice Department needs to really investigate her corruption and hold her accountable.
Thank you for admitting snowflakes / liberals are little more than spoiled, tantrum-throwing children who want to lash out and hurt those who have prevented them from getting their way.

The fact that ... you want 'revenge' for your sexual criminal Enabling, American-Abandoning, National Security-Endangering, Terrorist-Aiding, Constitution and Law-violating, Felon who could not even win her own party's nomination NOT winning the Presidential election, you want to punish the country for REJECTING HILLARY AGAIN ... speaks volumes about you and other snowflakes.

'Nuff said.

I didn't vote for Hillary
As for "Terrorist aiding" - Get back to us when Trumpelthinskin pulls out of Syria and cedes it to ISIS.
Should be fun when people start burning in cages again.

'Nuff said
So you support the 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner's decision to Un-Constitutionally, without Congressional Authorization, invading Syria to help ISIS overthrow Al-Assad (that Putin was NEVER going to allow to happen to begin with), all because Al-Assad called Barry's humiliating 'Red Line Bluff', forcing him to back down in front of the whole world?!
-- Barry even tried to then BLAME 'the whole world' fro his 'Red Line', only to have them laugh at his @ss. :p


Yup - like you said:

'Nuff said.
Nothing in your post is true or accurate.
Well, they could just form a coup and take out the president ...

That's what Obama and his criminal Cabinet tried to do...

...but on't tempt Hillary...the Clintons have 'taken out' people before.... :p

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