Hillary Clinton: ‘Fox News Is Always Trying To Impeach Me’


Nice ATTEMPT to DOGE / RUN AWAY from the FACT that your last statement / post was delusional horse $h!t. As Barry's numbers plunged Democrats wanted nothing to do with him showing up to campaign for them

Funny you should bring up approval ratings - or should I say 'SHOCKING' that you would bring that subject up - since the President's approval rating just hit 51%, surpassing Barry's. It is fun to watch the President wipe out every 'Legacy' / mark left by Barry....

Trump approval drops to record low in March
Source: The Hill

President Trump's approval rating hit a record low in March, a new poll finds.

Morning Consult's 50 state approval tracker finds 41 percent of registered voters approved of Trump's job performance during March. A majority, 54 percent, disapproved of the president's job performance.

The data from March surpasses the president's previous lows in October and November, when 42 percent of respondents approved of Trump's job performance and 53 percent disapproved.

It also falls below his February approval ratings, when 43 percent of respondents approved of the job he was doing in the White House and 52 percent held the opposite view.

Read more: Poll: Trump approval drops to record low


You're so desperate you are citing a source you mocked others / Conservatives for using in the past.... According to YOU the Hill is 'Fake News'. Try again.... :p
Here is how Fox and Trump do you

Agree. It is time for the old guard to make way for the new. I don't want Biden out in front either. Or Bernie. They are all too old. And I'm in their age range, so it isn't ageism on my part; I just think we need people who are more youthful, energetic, and with possibly a new perspective. One thing that I believe we really need is someone who wants to bring the country back together. The extreme partisanship is destorying the country. I don't think any of the old guard want to work toward a less partisan future. Obama is not 'old guard' to me. He still has something to say, IMO. But the others need to give way to the younger people. Mrs. Clinton is no longer the voice of the Democratic party. I think she is doing more harm than good. As the Right cherry picks what she says to bring out the less flattering quotations, she should reallize that and realize she is just feeding into what they want and being used, and making liberals and Democrats look foolish for supporting her. It harms the party, and that's the main thing.

Obama is an amazing communicator and campaigner - He'd be an asset to any Dem on the campaign trail. But we may disagree a bit on Biden. Yeah, he's old but he has always been really good at connecting with blue collar workers. The Rust Belt is where you'd use old Joe.

Btw, I don't wanna see Bill Clinton campaigning anymore either - he's running a step slow, the voice is wavering and also has his moments of saying stupid stuff, like when he said "Obamacare is the craziest thing in the world" ..

Not helpful either
Both of the Clintons have too much baggage. It's time for them to step away from the pollitical scene.
The Clintons are like the old Maffia leaders in the movies, when they get old and start making mistakes and begin to be more of a negative to 'the family' than they are a plus any more. If this HAD been a movie, instead of protecting Hillary from going to prison before the election, Barry would have taken her and Slick Willy for a ride out in the desert outside of Vegas, insisting they bring their own shovels. :p
Both of the Clintons have too much baggage. It's time for them to step away from the pollitical scene.

Yep - and we agree on Nancy P. It won't work, but since Republicans have nothing to run ON other than a Toxic Orange Turd - they'll run AGAINST Nancy.

She did a pretty good job as Speaker - but please God - move her on OUT
The Clintons are like the old Maffia leaders in the movies, when they get old and start making mistakes and begin to be more of a negative to 'the family' than they are a plus any more. If this HAD been a movie, instead of protecting Hillary from going to prison before the election, Barry would have taken her and Slick Willy for a ride out in the desert outside of Vegas, insisting they bring their own shovels. :p

‘That’s a lie — full stop’: Morning Joe shows devastating video proof of Sarah Sanders lying about Trump and Russia
The Clintons are like the old Maffia leaders in the movies, when they get old and start making mistakes and begin to be more of a negative to 'the family' than they are a plus any more. If this HAD been a movie, instead of protecting Hillary from going to prison before the election, Barry would have taken her and Slick Willy for a ride out in the desert outside of Vegas, insisting they bring their own shovels. :p

‘That’s a lie — full stop’: Morning Joe shows devastating video proof of Sarah Sanders lying about Trump and Russia

NO evidence a crime was ever perpetrated warranting an investigation.
NO evidence to suggest a crime was committed by Trump.
Feinstein admitted it.
Brennan admitted it.
MUELLER just admitted it.

Don't be afraid....you can finally admit it, too. Everyone knows it anyway.... :p
Nice ATTEMPT to DOGE / RUN AWAY from the FACT that your last statement / post was delusional horse $h!t. As Barry's numbers plunged Democrats wanted nothing to do with him showing up to campaign for them

Funny you should bring up approval ratings - or should I say 'SHOCKING' that you would bring that subject up - since the President's approval rating just hit 51%, surpassing Barry's. It is fun to watch the President wipe out every 'Legacy' / mark left by Barry....


Nobody is going to want perhaps the best campaigner in history and his 63 point approval rating? Sure Dorfus - SURE

And RASMUSSEN again? You couldn't even get THAT right!

No fixing stupid :)

RCP Average 3/16 - 4/4 -- 41.5 53.5 -12.0

Rasmussen Reports 4/2 - 4/4 1500 LV 47 51 -4
Economist/YouGov 4/1 - 4/3 1246 RV 41 55 -14
Reuters/Ipsos 3/30 - 4/3 1519 RV 41 56 -15
Harvard-Harris 3/27 - 3/29 1340 RV 44 56 -12
Gallup 3/25 - 3/31 1500 A 39 55 -16
IBD/TIPP 3/22 - 3/29 902 A 38 56 -18
PPP (D) 3/23 - 3/25 846 RV 39 54 -15
Last edited:
Both of the Clintons have too much baggage. It's time for them to step away from the pollitical scene.

Yep - and we agree on Nancy P. It won't work, but since Republicans have nothing to run ON other than a Toxic Orange Turd - they'll run AGAINST Nancy.

She did a pretty good job as Speaker - but please God - move her on OUT
You should really pull your head out of your arse and take a look at all the WINNING Trump has been doing.

Wait, what am I saying - you can't even accept the outcome of the 2016 election yet, so there is no way you are going to accept / admit to the positive things Trump has accomplished so far.

Nice ATTEMPT to DOGE / RUN AWAY from the FACT that your last statement / post was delusional horse $h!t. As Barry's numbers plunged Democrats wanted nothing to do with him showing up to campaign for them

Funny you should bring up approval ratings - or should I say 'SHOCKING' that you would bring that subject up - since the President's approval rating just hit 51%, surpassing Barry's. It is fun to watch the President wipe out every 'Legacy' / mark left by Barry....


Nobody is going to want perhaps the best campaigner in history and his 63 point approval rating? Sure Dorfus - SURE

And RASMUSSEN again? You couldn't even get THAT right!

No fixing stupid :)

RCP Average 3/16 - 4/4 -- 41.5 53.5 -12.0

Rasmussen Reports 4/2 - 4/4 1500 LV 47 51 -4
Economist/YouGov 4/1 - 4/3 1246 RV 41 55 -14
Reuters/Ipsos 3/30 - 4/3 1519 RV 41 56 -15
Harvard-Harris 3/27 - 3/29 1340 RV 44 56 -12
Gallup 3/25 - 3/31 1500 A 39 55 -16
IBD/TIPP 3/22 - 3/29 902 A 38 56 -18
PPP (D) 3/23 - 3/25 846 RV 39 54 -15
Thank you for that butt-hurt delusional OPINION, but I will still stick to the reported FACTS, as demonstrated in the article, the link to which I already posted that proves your earlier statement was a steaming pile of ... OPINION. :p
I have Republicans tell me by not voting for Trump I enabled Clinton, I have Democrats tell me by not voting for Clinton I enabled Trump.

You nuts need to think for yourselves instead of letting your party think for you. Until then, this nation will continue to go down the road mediocrity, thanks.

I see you are saying everyone should think like you because you are a gravitas filled white male ... I ain't doing that ... I am not going to listen to pompous

You are the pompous one though. Why that is is yet to be determined though. :D
again your opinions of me have the effect of a butterfly fart on the path of a Pacific Typhoon half a world away...meanwhile Hill is still achieving

So you are saying her opinion is just as important as yours, thanks for the clarification.
and yours too ...Pizza

Didn’t imply otherwise, you did.
You should really pull your head out of your arse and take a look at all the WINNING Trump has been doing.

Wait, what am I saying - you can't even accept the outcome of the 2016 election yet, so there is no way you are going to accept / admit to the positive things Trump has accomplished so far.


Yeah SO much win :rolleyes:
So, you hate Democrats 95% yet you voted for Clinton? Why?
Hello one name "Donald Trump" Gross

Voting for one because the other is worse is a bad reason for me to vote for anyone. That is just my opinion.
so its better that Trump is in power No ?...are fucking kidding me or to vote for someone with ZERO chance of winning or not vote at all...you have to play the hand that is dealt...that meant Hillary over Trump by any rational logical standards
Trump only got elected because of Putin and the Russian government supported him and meddled in our democracy. They flooded America with lies and misinformation about Trump's opponent.
Trump only got elected because of Putin and the Russian government supported him and meddled in our democracy. They flooded America with lies and misinformation about Trump's opponent.

That is HILARIOUS! :lmao: I know the Russians sure swayed my opinion about the election and Hillary. I mean, gosh. Before this I thought she was a living SAINT. Seriously. :D

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