Hillary Clinton: ‘Fox News Is Always Trying To Impeach Me’

Trump only got elected because of Putin and the Russian government supported him and meddled in our democracy. They flooded America with lies and misinformation about Trump's opponent.

Do you mean when the DNC's own emails were released via Wikileaks, which you guys LOVED during the Bush years? :D ROFL.
Remember when Julian Assange was the "freedom fighter" for the liberal cause when he was exposing information during a republican administration? But when he releases the DNC's own emails during an election, and it is against them and their self righteousness, it's the Russians trying to interfere with our electoral processes? :D Too funny. Bunch of putzes falling over their own feet to protect politicians. :)
She's right.

I agree, but I'm getting tired of her too. I think she needs to find something more rewarding to do with the rest of her life than being a failed presidential candidate. Like Gore, who went on to be a professor. I realize she is always being asked to speak and take part in these panel discussions and so forth, but it can't be good for her to keep focusing on these issues. She should focus on something healthier for her psyche.

I all fairness she isn't the one obsessed with her, She could become a hermit and Fox would still run stories about her... So while you could be getting tired of her, its not her fault...
She's right.

I agree, but I'm getting tired of her too. I think she needs to find something more rewarding to do with the rest of her life than being a failed presidential candidate. Like Gore, who went on to be a professor. I realize she is always being asked to speak and take part in these panel discussions and so forth, but it can't be good for her to keep focusing on these issues. She should focus on something healthier for her psyche.

I all fairness she isn't the one obsessed with her, She could become a hermit and Fox would still run stories about her... So while you could be getting tired of her, its not her fault...

If she didn't say anything, there would be nothing to report a "story" about! :D Lol!
If you want to look at it politically, what she is doing is not doing the Democrats any good. If you want to win elections, she needs to back off. She's being very narcissistic. She should care more about the Democratic party as a whole and not herself.

Funny. I mostly watch CNN and MSNBC - and I rarely even hear them mention Hillary's name. It's the Fox News NaziCons who are obsessed and fixated on Hillary. Apparently the mushrooms need their daily dose of Hillary red meat.

What a surprise, no wonder you're so ill informed.
Trump only got elected because of Putin and the Russian government supported him and meddled in our democracy. They flooded America with lies and misinformation about Trump's opponent.


Great...another one. :rolleyes:

Hillary is STILL the crowned champion of corruption, scandal, influence peddling, self-serving, criminal politicians, the Godmother of the Political Left's Crime Family.

She spent decades insulting, attacking, intimidating, and silencing Slick Willey's sexual criminal victims in an attempt to preserve her one-day shot at the WH. Even after her LATEST loss she attacked women who did not support her as weak-willed and easily intimidated.

She is the Queen of 'Not Me'. She has been protected her entire political life from scandal, as if someone rolled her fat ass in TEFLON.
-- During Whitewater ,for example, 14 people were convicted, to include the couple Hillary and Bill entered into the deal with...yet they miraculously skated out without a scratch.

-- The authorities have her aid on film crossing a police-taped dead man's office carrying out a box of files, When asked if she had knowledge of them Hillary denied it....only to have the files show up in her living quarters in the WH with her finger prints all over them...and still she walked away without so much as a slap on the wrist.

As Secretary of State, she helped Obama finance, supply, arm, train, protect, and even Un-Constitutionally drag the US into an Un-Constitutional war to help the terrorists Al Qaeda takeover their own country...and abandoned Americans to die needlessly in its aftermath. HER agency, HER responsibility, HER failure, and she again skates.

There is an overwhelming mountain of undeniable evidence that Hillary perpetrated THOUSANDS of crimes - according to the FBI, to include Espionage, Criminal Negligence, Obstruction, Lying to the FBI, illegal possession / storage . handling / destruction of classified, and over 15,000 violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act AND evidence exists proving Obama and his criminal administration is responsible for her not being Indicted and going to prison.

Evidence exists proving Hillary violated campaign law, campaign finance law, and committed sedition, conspiracy, and treason in paying a foreign spy working with the Russians for a debunked report she illegally used in a US election in an attempt to effect the democratic election's out-come...a report Obama's FBI illegally used to spy on the political opposition's candidate and campaign during an election.

Hillary was already a LOSER, having lost her 1st run at the Presidency. In 2016 she could not even win her party's nomination, As evidence shows, she bought the DNC, rigged the primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, and stacked the deck to beat Bernie, who would have won the nomination. (In her 1st election she was rejected by America in favor of a 1st-Term Senator who came out on 'nowhere' & in her 2nd attempt she was going to be beaten by a member of the SOCIALIST party so old that he looked like the crypt keeper....which is why she had to cheat and break laws to STEAL the nomination.)

Hillary should have been in an orange prison jumpsuit on election day, not on a ballot.

She also ran the worst campaign in the history of the US, arrogantly blowing off states she believed she would win without ever setting foot in the state, only to have the margin of her loss be those states. :p

While Democrats refuse to accept the outcome of the election, they can also not accept that in comparison between Trump and Hillary in regards to 'illegal collusion with Russians', it is proven public knowledge that Hillary took $145 Million from the 'KGB BANK' while Bill took $500k from them to give speeches while meeting directly with Putin, as opposed to Trump who Libs / snowflakes have any evidence against to support their butt-hurt, un-proven, accusations.
Remember when Julian Assange was the "freedom fighter" for the liberal cause when he was exposing information during a republican administration? But when he releases the DNC's own emails during an election, and it is against them and their self righteousness, it's the Russians trying to interfere with our electoral processes? :D Too funny. Bunch of putzes falling over their own feet to protect politicians. :)

The information disseminated by The Swedish Rapist and Putin Stooge in 2010 (post Bush) had little to do with politics.
It was about the war in Iraq.
Additionally, he's always been a turd and don't remember any Prog calling him a Freedom Fighter.
Up yer game Chris ;-)
"What difference, at this point, does it make?" It is only a matter of time before she fades away into obscurity now.
Even the Democrats can't wait for that to happen, as they have publicly made comments urging / asking her to just GO AWAY.
Trump only got elected because of Putin and the Russian government supported him and meddled in our democracy. They flooded America with lies and misinformation about Trump's opponent.

View attachment 186430

Great...another one. :rolleyes:

Hillary is STILL the crowned champion of corruption, scandal, influence peddling, self-serving, criminal politicians, the Godmother of the Political Left's Crime Family.

She spent decades insulting, attacking, intimidating, and silencing Slick Willey's sexual criminal victims in an attempt to preserve her one-day shot at the WH. Even after her LATEST loss she attacked women who did not support her as weak-willed and easily intimidated.

She is the Queen of 'Not Me'. She has been protected her entire political life from scandal, as if someone rolled her fat ass in TEFLON.
-- During Whitewater ,for example, 14 people were convicted, to include the couple Hillary and Bill entered into the deal with...yet they miraculously skated out without a scratch.

-- The authorities have her aid on film crossing a police-taped dead man's office carrying out a box of files, When asked if she had knowledge of them Hillary denied it....only to have the files show up in her living quarters in the WH with her finger prints all over them...and still she walked away without so much as a slap on the wrist.

As Secretary of State, she helped Obama finance, supply, arm, train, protect, and even Un-Constitutionally drag the US into an Un-Constitutional war to help the terrorists Al Qaeda takeover their own country...and abandoned Americans to die needlessly in its aftermath. HER agency, HER responsibility, HER failure, and she again skates.

There is an overwhelming mountain of undeniable evidence that Hillary perpetrated THOUSANDS of crimes - according to the FBI, to include Espionage, Criminal Negligence, Obstruction, Lying to the FBI, illegal possession / storage . handling / destruction of classified, and over 15,000 violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act AND evidence exists proving Obama and his criminal administration is responsible for her not being Indicted and going to prison.

Evidence exists proving Hillary violated campaign law, campaign finance law, and committed sedition, conspiracy, and treason in paying a foreign spy working with the Russians for a debunked report she illegally used in a US election in an attempt to effect the democratic election's out-come...a report Obama's FBI illegally used to spy on the political opposition's candidate and campaign during an election.

Hillary was already a LOSER, having lost her 1st run at the Presidency. In 2016 she could not even win her party's nomination, As evidence shows, she bought the DNC, rigged the primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, and stacked the deck to beat Bernie, who would have won the nomination. (In her 1st election she was rejected by America in favor of a 1st-Term Senator who came out on 'nowhere' & in her 2nd attempt she was going to be beaten by a member of the SOCIALIST party so old that he looked like the crypt keeper....which is why she had to cheat and break laws to STEAL the nomination.)

Hillary should have been in an orange prison jumpsuit on election day, not on a ballot.

She also ran the worst campaign in the history of the US, arrogantly blowing off states she believed she would win without ever setting foot in the state, only to have the margin of her loss be those states. :p

While Democrats refuse to accept the outcome of the election, they can also not accept that in comparison between Trump and Hillary in regards to 'illegal collusion with Russians', it is proven public knowledge that Hillary took $145 Million from the 'KGB BANK' while Bill took $500k from them to give speeches while meeting directly with Putin, as opposed to Trump who Libs / snowflakes have any evidence against to support their butt-hurt, un-proven, accusations.

Absolutely. This is nothing new for them. They do it with every election and even try to pull it within their own party, ex Bernie Sanders and Obama. They have their little smear tactics down pat, or so they think.
Remember when Julian Assange was the "freedom fighter" for the liberal cause when he was exposing information during a republican administration? But when he releases the DNC's own emails during an election, and it is against them and their self righteousness, it's the Russians trying to interfere with our electoral processes? :D Too funny. Bunch of putzes falling over their own feet to protect politicians. :)

The information disseminated by The Swedish Rapist and Putin Stooge in 2010 (post Bush) had little to do with politics.
It was about the war in Iraq.
Additionally, he's always been a turd and don't remember any Prog calling him a Freedom Fighter.
Up yer game Chris ;-)

So, what did you think of the DNC emails, basically calling all of you democrat supporters a bunch of stupid turds? :D
Every one of his executive orders will be trashed in early 2021
Sounds like a lot of wishful thinking and hopes for 'payback' for Trump erasing Obama's 'Legacy'. :p

Yep - payback is gonna be a bitch ;-)

I don't think anyone has to worry too much from a people who would support a party who actually comes out and calls them stupid in so many words and they still maintain their dogged support for them. :D It's really funny actually, yet kind of sad too. :(
Can any one point to anyone on Fox calling on anyone to impeach Hillary?

Just wondering because I suspect they aren’t
America just wants Crooked Hillary to go away.

She is a terrible person and an embarrassment to the country. These stupid Moon Bats were idiots nominating her for President. What the hell were the morons thinking?
I don't think anyone has to worry too much from a people who would support a party who actually comes out and calls them stupid in so many words and they still maintain their dogged support for them. :D It's really funny actually, yet kind of sad too. :(

I'm an Indy, not a Dem. I hated the DNC under Little Debbie Wasserman.

No fan of Tom Perez either - shoulda gone with Ellison.

Yer failing bigly this morning :)
Yep - payback is gonna be a bitch ;-)
Thank you for admitting snowflakes / liberals are little more than spoiled, tantrum-throwing children who want to lash out and hurt those who have prevented them from getting their way.

The fact that ... you want 'revenge' for your sexual criminal Enabling, American-Abandoning, National Security-Endangering, Terrorist-Aiding, Constitution and Law-violating, Felon who could not even win her own party's nomination NOT winning the Presidential election, you want to punish the country for REJECTING HILLARY AGAIN ... speaks volumes about you and other snowflakes.

'Nuff said.

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