Hillary Clinton: ‘Fox News Is Always Trying To Impeach Me’

Thank you for admitting snowflakes / liberals are little more than spoiled, tantrum-throwing children who want to lash out and hurt those who have prevented them from getting their way.

The fact that ... you want 'revenge' for your sexual criminal Enabling, American-Abandoning, National Security-Endangering, Terrorist-Aiding, Constitution and Law-violating, Felon who could not even win her own party's nomination NOT winning the Presidential election, you want to punish the country for REJECTING HILLARY AGAIN ... speaks volumes about you and other snowflakes.

'Nuff said.

I didn't vote for Hillary
As for "Terrorist aiding" - Get back to us when Trumpelthinskin pulls out of Syria and cedes it to ISIS.
Should be fun when people start burning in cages again.

'Nuff said
So you support the 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner's decision to Un-Constitutionally, without Congressional Authorization, invading Syria to help ISIS overthrow Al-Assad (that Putin was NEVER going to allow to happen to begin with), all because Al-Assad called Barry's humiliating 'Red Line Bluff', forcing him to back down in front of the whole world?!
-- Barry even tried to then BLAME 'the whole world' fro his 'Red Line', only to have them laugh at his @ss. :p


Yup - like you said:

'Nuff said.
Nothing in your post is true or accurate.

Is it ever? This is why we call him "Queasy" :)
Trump only got elected because of Putin and the Russian government supported him and meddled in our democracy. They flooded America with lies and misinformation about Trump's opponent.

Trump got votes because he was supposed to look out for the working man and they believed him, I knew that was a farce from day one, just as I knew Obama's rhetoric in 2008 was a farce.

You can't trust what politicians say.
What are you talking about/ The working man / Middle class is a lot better off now than under Obama and way better off than if Hillary had been elected. You think SHE would have gotten the tax reform bill pushed through, putting thousands of dollars in bonuses, raises, and new jobs in the hands of the Middle Class? Ummm.....NO!

No but we would have had a lot more Syrian refugees and illegal immigrants added to our taxpayer burdens. Brilliant!
Nothing in your post is true or accurate.

...says the snowflake who still doesn't accept the outcome of the election and believes Hillary is the real President because she won the 'Popularity Contest'...

Thank you for admitting snowflakes / liberals are little more than spoiled, tantrum-throwing children who want to lash out and hurt those who have prevented them from getting their way.

The fact that ... you want 'revenge' for your sexual criminal Enabling, American-Abandoning, National Security-Endangering, Terrorist-Aiding, Constitution and Law-violating, Felon who could not even win her own party's nomination NOT winning the Presidential election, you want to punish the country for REJECTING HILLARY AGAIN ... speaks volumes about you and other snowflakes.

'Nuff said.

I didn't vote for Hillary
As for "Terrorist aiding" - Get back to us when Trumpelthinskin pulls out of Syria and cedes it to ISIS.
Should be fun when people start burning in cages again.

'Nuff said
So you support the 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner's decision to Un-Constitutionally, without Congressional Authorization, invading Syria to help ISIS overthrow Al-Assad (that Putin was NEVER going to allow to happen to begin with), all because Al-Assad called Barry's humiliating 'Red Line Bluff', forcing him to back down in front of the whole world?!
-- Barry even tried to then BLAME 'the whole world' fro his 'Red Line', only to have them laugh at his @ss. :p


Yup - like you said:

'Nuff said.
Nothing in your post is true or accurate.

Is it ever? This is why we call him "Queasy" :)

I can see why you would feel queasy, but don't blame it on a fellow poster. :D
Note to Hillary: try to get it through your paranoid brain, you lost the election and Fox doesn't have impeachment power. It might be better for her mental health if she quits whining.

Hillary thought the way Presidents were elected was through a 'Popularity Contest' and had no clue how they were really decided, so it makes perfect sense that she believes Fox News could 'Impeach' her!


I know she wasn't a very good lawyer but I suspect she was absent the day that her law class discussed that the Electoral College picks the President, not the illegals in California.
She's right.

I agree, but I'm getting tired of her too. I think she needs to find something more rewarding to do with the rest of her life than being a failed presidential candidate. Like Gore, who went on to be a professor. I realize she is always being asked to speak and take part in these panel discussions and so forth, but it can't be good for her to keep focusing on these issues. She should focus on something healthier for her psyche.

I all fairness she isn't the one obsessed with her, She could become a hermit and Fox would still run stories about her... So while you could be getting tired of her, its not her fault...
I agree that the Right is obsessed with her. However, I disagree that if she 'became a hermit' they would still run stories about her. She continues to speak around the world, to do speaking engagements and interviews. If she stopped, they wouldn't have anything to attack. They'd probably speculate something negative about her health, that's about it.

Or, at least, if when she speaks, she would not refer to herself and her loss. They cherry pick that stuff out and mock her. It makes the entire Democratic party look bad for supporting her. It will have a negative impact on the party. Other presidential candidates move on after losing an election. She should. She is not the voice of the party, not any longer.
Thank you for admitting snowflakes / liberals are little more than spoiled, tantrum-throwing children who want to lash out and hurt those who have prevented them from getting their way.

The fact that ... you want 'revenge' for your sexual criminal Enabling, American-Abandoning, National Security-Endangering, Terrorist-Aiding, Constitution and Law-violating, Felon who could not even win her own party's nomination NOT winning the Presidential election, you want to punish the country for REJECTING HILLARY AGAIN ... speaks volumes about you and other snowflakes.

'Nuff said.

I didn't vote for Hillary
As for "Terrorist aiding" - Get back to us when Trumpelthinskin pulls out of Syria and cedes it to ISIS.
Should be fun when people start burning in cages again.

'Nuff said
So you support the 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner's decision to Un-Constitutionally, without Congressional Authorization, invading Syria to help ISIS overthrow Al-Assad (that Putin was NEVER going to allow to happen to begin with), all because Al-Assad called Barry's humiliating 'Red Line Bluff', forcing him to back down in front of the whole world?!
-- Barry even tried to then BLAME 'the whole world' fro his 'Red Line', only to have them laugh at his @ss. :p


Yup - like you said:

'Nuff said.
Nothing in your post is true or accurate.
You call me names because that is all you can do. 'Evidence' and 'Facts' justr aren't snowflake / Liberal / Mueller things... :p
Is it ever? This is why we call him "Queasy" :)
She's right.

I agree, but I'm getting tired of her too. I think she needs to find something more rewarding to do with the rest of her life than being a failed presidential candidate. Like Gore, who went on to be a professor. I realize she is always being asked to speak and take part in these panel discussions and so forth, but it can't be good for her to keep focusing on these issues. She should focus on something healthier for her psyche.

I all fairness she isn't the one obsessed with her, She could become a hermit and Fox would still run stories about her... So while you could be getting tired of her, its not her fault...
I agree that the Right is obsessed with her. However, I disagree that if she 'became a hermit' they would still run stories about her. She continues to speak around the world, to do speaking engagement and interviews. If she stopped, they wouldn't have anything to attack. Or, at least, if when she spoke, she would not refer to herself and her loss. They cherry pick that stuff out and mock her. It makes the entire Democratic party look bad for supporting her. It will have a negative impact on the party. Other presidential candidates move on after losing an election. She should. She is not the voice of the party, not any longer.
SHE says she is not only the voice of the party but the 'CHOSEN ONE' for the DNC in 2020... :p That's why even Democrats are telling her to STFU and GO AWAY!

(Doesn't she still OWN the DNC?)
She's right.

I agree, but I'm getting tired of her too. I think she needs to find something more rewarding to do with the rest of her life than being a failed presidential candidate. Like Gore, who went on to be a professor. I realize she is always being asked to speak and take part in these panel discussions and so forth, but it can't be good for her to keep focusing on these issues. She should focus on something healthier for her psyche.

I all fairness she isn't the one obsessed with her, She could become a hermit and Fox would still run stories about her... So while you could be getting tired of her, its not her fault...
I agree that the Right is obsessed with her. However, I disagree that if she 'became a hermit' they would still run stories about her. She continues to speak around the world, to do speaking engagements and interviews. If she stopped, they wouldn't have anything to attack. They'd probably speculate something negative about her health, that's about it.

Or, at least, if when she speaks, she would not refer to herself and her loss. They cherry pick that stuff out and mock her. It makes the entire Democratic party look bad for supporting her. It will have a negative impact on the party. Other presidential candidates move on after losing an election. She should. She is not the voice of the party, not any longer.

Esmerelda, what we need not do as democrats is fall for what republicans want us to do. Hillary is not asking to be paid to speak. People are requesting her. Democrats have bee doing this for years and it irks me. We let republicans call us the democrat party and we just take it. We decided we weren't liberal because republicans made fun of it so we turned progressive. Now we're talking about catering to the working class white racist who voted for Trump to win the next election. We dare not run against Trump, we dare not badmouth Trump, I mean are we democrats or mice?.

Here is the answer to what we Democrats need.

He said his in 2012 and his words ring truer now. We democrats need to get a damn backbone.
Note to Hillary: try to get it through your paranoid brain, you lost the election and Fox doesn't have impeachment power. It might be better for her mental health if she quits whining.

Hillary thought the way Presidents were elected was through a 'Popularity Contest' and had no clue how they were really decided, so it makes perfect sense that she believes Fox News could 'Impeach' her!


I know she wasn't a very good lawyer but I suspect she was absent the day that her law class discussed that the Electoral College picks the President, not the illegals in California.

She was good enough to work on Watergate. Illegals in California didn't vote, but we damn sure know that Russians ain't supposed to be working with American campaigns.
She was good enough to work on Watergate. Illegals in California didn't vote, but we damn sure know that Russians ain't supposed to be working with American campaigns.

Hillary must have missed Law School Class that day, as well -the day they taught how it is illegal for a Presidential candidate to collude with / pay a foreign spy working with Russians for a propaganda-filled debunked report then use it in a Presidential election in an attempt to sway the outcome of that election...

...and evidently the FBI was unaware that using such a false / debunked document, given to them by the DNC candidate who had just violated campaign law, to obtain FISA warrants deceptively to spy on the opposing political candidate for the DNC candidate is illegal as well.
She's right.

I agree, but I'm getting tired of her too. I think she needs to find something more rewarding to do with the rest of her life than being a failed presidential candidate. Like Gore, who went on to be a professor. I realize she is always being asked to speak and take part in these panel discussions and so forth, but it can't be good for her to keep focusing on these issues. She should focus on something healthier for her psyche.

I all fairness she isn't the one obsessed with her, She could become a hermit and Fox would still run stories about her... So while you could be getting tired of her, its not her fault...
I agree that the Right is obsessed with her. However, I disagree that if she 'became a hermit' they would still run stories about her. She continues to speak around the world, to do speaking engagements and interviews. If she stopped, they wouldn't have anything to attack. They'd probably speculate something negative about her health, that's about it.

Or, at least, if when she speaks, she would not refer to herself and her loss. They cherry pick that stuff out and mock her. It makes the entire Democratic party look bad for supporting her. It will have a negative impact on the party. Other presidential candidates move on after losing an election. She should. She is not the voice of the party, not any longer.

Esmerelda, what we need not do as democrats is fall for what republicans want us to do. Hillary is not asking to be paid to speak. People are requesting her. Democrats have bee doing this for years and it irks me. We let republicans call us the democrat party and we just take it. We decided we weren't liberal because republicans made fun of it so we turned progressive. Now we're talking about catering to the working class white racist who voted for Trump to win the next election. We dare not run against Trump, we dare not badmouth Trump, I mean are we democrats or mice?.

Here is the answer to what we Democrats need.

He said his in 2012 and his words ring truer now. We democrats need to get a damn backbone.

That's not what I am saying at all. You want to continue to support her, whatever. She is not doing the party any good. Don't fucking lecture me and tell me to tow your or anyone's else's line. GFY

And I am not talking about catering to anyone. Reaasonable people need to rise to the top on both sides and start working together.
“When he can’t think of anything to say, Trump starts chanting it and you sit there and you think, ‘Does he think I was elected?’” she said Tuesday. “I said something publicly a few months ago, Fox News is always trying to impeach me, so someone needs to tell them that it doesn’t apply to a private citizen.”
The Hildabeast gets it wrong again, they are not trying to "Impeach" you they are trying to indict you.
Both of the Clintons have too much baggage. It's time for them to step away from the pollitical scene.
and Trump LOL ?
Of course. But that's not the issue of this thread. Why are you guys attacking me? I don't believe this. Tow the party line or else, huh?

The thing is the party line should not be defending and protecting people who are damaging the party.

That is the problem, everyone is supposed to tow the party line, Democrat or Republican, it is the same thing. We need more opinions.
Both of the Clintons have too much baggage. It's time for them to step away from the pollitical scene.
and Trump LOL ?
Of course. But that's not the issue of this thread. Why are you guys attacking me? I don't believe this. Tow the party line or else, huh?

The thing is the party line should not be defending and protecting people who are damaging the party.

That is the problem, everyone is supposed to tow the party line, Democrat or Republican, it is the same thing. We need more opinions.

Well, just because a person thinks that a politician is used up doesn't mean they aren't or don't think they are still towing the party line. They just think that Hillary would cause them to lose elections in the future. It is not like they are admitting that she is a sketchy character or anything.
Very few independent thinkers and most people do just tow the party line and do what their party tells them. It is sickening, really. A bunch of brainwashed goons.

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