Hillary Clinton: ‘Fox News Is Always Trying To Impeach Me’

"Madame Resident Clinton" Still enjoying that. How do you impeach someone who's never been president? Only election she ever won was in a state where they'd elect a pile of dog shit if it had a (D) behind it.
you voted for a pile of Orange Mucus because he had an R behind him

That is the issue with me, you have an R or a D after your name and you get sheep casting a ballot for you, no thinking, just vote for the R and D, nothing else matters.
"Madame Resident Clinton" Still enjoying that. How do you impeach someone who's never been president? Only election she ever won was in a state where they'd elect a pile of dog shit if it had a (D) behind it.
you voted for a pile of Orange Mucus because he had an R behind him

That is the issue with me, you have an R or a D after your name and you get sheep casting a ballot for you, no thinking, just vote for the R and D, nothing else matters.

I think most people who voted for Trump were voting AGAINST both the Rs and the Ds. It is a message being sent to our politicians that they had better watch their steps and stop getting too big for their britches because they can be taken out too. :)
That is why I voted for Trump. Also, the fact that he wasn't threatening to put limitations on my rights, to invite more taxpayer burdens into the country, and he promised to fix the things that have been broken by the consistent monopoly the Rs and Ds have had on our government. It is DISGUSTING and time for more 3rd party candidates who don't really align with either of the major political parties.
Let us not forget that a lot of the establishment republicans HATE Trump just as much as any leftist sheeple. :D

But they're being gutless turds unwilling or unable to muster the courage to object to how things are bring run; or not run as the case may be! The only ones mouthing off are "R's" that are halfway out the door and ready to jump ship from DC politics! The rest have endorsed all that's going on and aligning themselves with this monster sitting in the POTUS chair! The same people who thought the man insane & a liar are now his biggest cheerleaders & I'm embarrassed for them all! :102: :206:
Let us not forget that a lot of the establishment republicans HATE Trump just as much as any leftist sheeple. :D

But they're being gutless turds unwilling or unable to muster the courage to object to how things are bring run; or not run as the case may be! The only ones mouthing off are "R's" that are halfway out the door and ready to jump ship from DC politics! The rest have endorsed all that's going on and aligning themselves with this monster sitting in the POTUS chair! The same people who thought the man insane & a liar are now his biggest cheerleaders & I'm embarrassed for them all! :102: :206:

Amen! Trump is corrupt and evil - just like his supporters!

Fox News Melts Down After Hillary Clinton Mocks Them For ‘Trying To Impeach Me’

Hillary Clinton called out President Donald Trump and Fox News over their obsession with her nearly a year and a half after the election.

“When he can’t think of anything to say, Trump starts chanting it and you sit there and you think, ‘Does he think I was elected?’” she said Tuesday. “I said something publicly a few months ago, Fox News is always trying to impeach me, so someone needs to tell them that it doesn’t apply to a private citizen.”

Clinton was speaking at a Wing workspace panel discussion in New York, where she took on a wide range of issues, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and the tone of today’s politics.

I would hope that we can change the political culture,” she said. “Because I don’t want anybody going through that. I don’t care who you are. I don’t care how much I agree or disagree with you. To be lied about persistently, to be vilified is very harmful.”

But it was her comments about Trump and Fox News that quickly became even more fodder for the network.

“Fox & Friends First” slammed her early Wednesday.

HILLARY AT IT AGAIN,” read a message on the show’s Twitter feed. “The failed presidential nominee going on yet another post-election rant against President Trump, Putin, & Fox News.”

More: Fox News Melts Down After Hillary Clinton Mocks Them For 'Trying To Impeach Me'

Yes, Trump and Fox News act like Hillary was elected. In fact - she was! Trump is not a legitimate president - so he and Fox News are always trying to impeach Hillary. Go Hillary!
Poor woman thinks she's president.
Let us not forget that a lot of the establishment republicans HATE Trump just as much as any leftist sheeple. :D

But they're being gutless turds unwilling or unable to muster the courage to object to how things are bring run; or not run as the case may be! The only ones mouthing off are "R's" that are halfway out the door and ready to jump ship from DC politics! The rest have endorsed all that's going on and aligning themselves with this monster sitting in the POTUS chair! The same people who thought the man insane & a liar are now his biggest cheerleaders & I'm embarrassed for them all! :102: :206:

That's good. If the republicans and democrats hate him, that is because he won't play along. Great news!
Let us not forget that a lot of the establishment republicans HATE Trump just as much as any leftist sheeple. :D

But they're being gutless turds unwilling or unable to muster the courage to object to how things are bring run; or not run as the case may be! The only ones mouthing off are "R's" that are halfway out the door and ready to jump ship from DC politics! The rest have endorsed all that's going on and aligning themselves with this monster sitting in the POTUS chair! The same people who thought the man insane & a liar are now his biggest cheerleaders & I'm embarrassed for them all! :102: :206:

Do you really think politicians have YOUR best interests in mind? REALLY? :D You think the government cares about you, don't you? Lol. Better to keep voting in those who aren't establishment politicians, IMO.
Note to Hillary: try to get it through your paranoid brain, you lost the election and Fox doesn't have impeachment power. It might be better for her mental health if she quits whining.

Hillary thought the way Presidents were elected was through a 'Popularity Contest' and had no clue how they were really decided, so it makes perfect sense that she believes Fox News could 'Impeach' her!


I know she wasn't a very good lawyer but I suspect she was absent the day that her law class discussed that the Electoral College picks the President, not the illegals in California.

She was good enough to work on Watergate. Illegals in California didn't vote, but we damn sure know that Russians ain't supposed to be working with American campaigns.

You are confused Moon Bat

She got kicked off the Watergate team. The stupid bitch couldn't even pass the Bar exam in DC and there were 3-5 million of those illegal assholes that voted in the 2016 election, mostly in Commie Kalifornia and The Socialist Republic of New York. They were voting their welfare checks along side the Negroes.

She was and is a dumb corrupt dishonest kunt. You Moon Bats were idiots nominating her. Good thing you were idiots and picked her because she lost. The last thing this country needed was another Democrat disaster after that Obama failure.
Remember when Hillary whined about how everyone liked Obama more than her too? Lol. Maybe she would feel better if she went and ate some worms?

The difference is "white women" who have no faith in each other! Trump won due to winning that DEMO! Hope never to hear anymore BS about a lack of representation when women caused Hillary to lose the Presidency! :102: :14: :206:
Remember when Hillary whined about how everyone liked Obama more than her too? Lol. Maybe she would feel better if she went and ate some worms?

The difference is "white women" who have no faith in each other! Trump won due to winning that DEMO! Hope never to hear anymore BS about a lack of representation when women caused Hillary to lose the Presidency! :102: :14: :206:

Oh is it because my husband beat me into voting for Trump? :D Lol. I don't trust Hillary because she is Hillary. Her gender bears no bearing on the issue except for when she kept bringing it up.
Remember when Hillary whined about how everyone liked Obama more than her too? Lol. Maybe she would feel better if she went and ate some worms?

The difference is "white women" who have no faith in each other! Trump won due to winning that DEMO! Hope never to hear anymore BS about a lack of representation when women caused Hillary to lose the Presidency! :102: :14: :206:

Oh is it because my husband beat me into voting for Trump? :D Lol. I don't trust Hillary because she is Hillary. Her gender bears no bearing on the issue except for when she kept bringing it up.

And you trust a pathological liar like Trump? Interesting choice; esp. after being exposed earlier! Some just like shady characters running things I guess! Good luck with that! :1041: :102: :9:

Is someone forcing you to listen to her speeches, or forcing fox to constantly whine about them?
Whining is whining, and she is the queen of whining.

Funny. I never hear her whining on CNN or MSNBC. Where do you hear her whining? Voices in your head?
The fact that you watch CNN and MSNBC explains everything, not only about the queen of whining, but your own pathologies.

Is someone forcing you to listen to her speeches, or forcing fox to constantly whine about them?
Whining is whining, and she is the queen of whining.

Funny. I never hear her whining on CNN or MSNBC. Where do you hear her whining? Voices in your head?
The fact that you watch CNN and MSNBC explains everything, not only about the queen of whining, but your own pathologies.

I watch them with FNC just so I can keep up with the nuttiest commentary mirrored in Trump's Tweets and speeches! :14:

Is someone forcing you to listen to her speeches, or forcing fox to constantly whine about them?
Whining is whining, and she is the queen of whining.

Funny. I never hear her whining on CNN or MSNBC. Where do you hear her whining? Voices in your head?
The fact that you watch CNN and MSNBC explains everything, not only about the queen of whining, but your own pathologies.

I watch them with FNC just so I can keep up with the nuttiest commentary mirrored in Trump's Tweets and speeches! :14:
Well, if you must. there should be some warning about watching CNN and MSNBC without a tin-foil hat, you know - like cigarettes.

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