Hillary Clinton: ‘Fox News Is Always Trying To Impeach Me’

She is just trying to stay relevant. She knows she is no longer relevant to anything and will soon probably be losing those big bucks she gets for giving speeches.
She is a Giant in this world compared to little you :21:

She's giant alright....
You want giant here is Giant
CNN’s Don Lemon: If you listen to Trump, you wonder ‘do we live in the greatest country on Earth?'

Get your own material slack jaw.
Edit your own Post because they suck
Fox News Melts
Down After Hillary
Clinton Mocks
Them For 'Trying To Impeach Me'
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She is a has been. :D Maybe celebrity apprentice is in her future.

Well she is not under FBI Investigation "You know who" is LOL...Maybe a Super Max is in his future

And you are begging him and those like him to take your rights from you. Brilliant! :113:
I am trying to get someone to translate your response from the Zombie GIMP

A brilliant mind like yours can't figure it out, eh? :113: Awesome.
its gibberish ... I am not fluent in gibberish and I do not admire an Orange con man LOL

It's not gibberish if you speak English.
I have Republicans tell me by not voting for Trump I enabled Clinton, I have Democrats tell me by not voting for Clinton I enabled Trump.

You nuts need to think for yourselves instead of letting your party think for you. Until then, this nation will continue to go down the road mediocrity, thanks.

I see you are saying everyone should think like you because you are a gravitas filled white male ... I ain't doing that ... I am not going to listen to pompous

You are the pompous one though. Why that is is yet to be determined though. :D
This time next year Hillary will be shiting her Depends in 'the sun room'.
you are a profound thinker and a wit by USMB Wing nut standard

Seriously? You calling someone else a nut is quite ironic, considering that you are one of the nuttiest of nuts. :D
That is your opinion which makes for fine toilet paper ... Fox news is obsessed with Hillary Clinton you are obsessed with hating her ...think outside the FOX sewer
She's right.

I agree, but I'm getting tired of her too. I think she needs to find something more rewarding to do with the rest of her life than being a failed presidential candidate. Like Gore, who went on to be a professor. I realize she is always being asked to speak and take part in these panel discussions and so forth, but it can't be good for her to keep focusing on these issues. She should focus on something healthier for her psyche.

I have to agree on this one. I support her right to speak out, but some of the stuff she's been saying just isn't helpful to Dems.

I would say the same of Nancy Pelosi. Time has come for the old guard to make way for the new.

Would rather not see either Hillary or Nancy out campaigning later this year - Obama and Biden are another matter.
Agree. It is time for the old guard to make way for the new. I don't want Biden out in front either. Or Bernie. They are all too old. And I'm in their age range, so it isn't ageism on my part; I just think we need people who are more youthful, energetic, and with possibly a new perspective. One thing that I believe we really need is someone who wants to bring the country back together. The extreme partisanship is destorying the country. I don't think any of the old guard want to work toward a less partisan future. Obama is not 'old guard' to me. He still has something to say, IMO. But the others need to give way to the younger people. Mrs. Clinton is no longer the voice of the Democratic party. I think she is doing more harm than good. As the Right cherry picks what she says to bring out the less flattering quotations, she should reallize that and realize she is just feeding into what they want and being used, and making liberals and Democrats look foolish for supporting her. It harms the party, and that's the main thing.
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This time next year Hillary will be shiting her Depends in 'the sun room'.
you are a profound thinker and a wit by USMB Wing nut standard

Seriously? You calling someone else a nut is quite ironic, considering that you are one of the nuttiest of nuts. :D
That is your opinion which makes for fine toilet paper ... Fox news is obsessed with Hillary Clinton you are obsessed with hating her ...think outside the FOX sewer

Maybe she should just stop whining for a while?
Well she is not under FBI Investigation "You know who" is LOL...Maybe a Super Max is in his future

And you are begging him and those like him to take your rights from you. Brilliant! :113:
I am trying to get someone to translate your response from the Zombie GIMP

A brilliant mind like yours can't figure it out, eh? :113: Awesome.
its gibberish ... I am not fluent in gibberish and I do not admire an Orange con man LOL

It's not gibberish if you speak English.
I speak English and Spanish and a smattering of other languages including "obscenity"...you on the others hand are like the Fox NUT work obsessed with Hillary Clinton
This time next year Hillary will be shiting her Depends in 'the sun room'.
you are a profound thinker and a wit by USMB Wing nut standard

Seriously? You calling someone else a nut is quite ironic, considering that you are one of the nuttiest of nuts. :D
That is your opinion which makes for fine toilet paper ... Fox news is obsessed with Hillary Clinton you are obsessed with hating her ...think outside the FOX sewer

Maybe she should just stop whining for a while?
Like I said your opinions I find worthless on account that like Fox news you are fixated on The Hill Clinton towering above you
This time next year Hillary will be shiting her Depends in 'the sun room'.
you are a profound thinker and a wit by USMB Wing nut standard

Seriously? You calling someone else a nut is quite ironic, considering that you are one of the nuttiest of nuts. :D
That is your opinion which makes for fine toilet paper ... Fox news is obsessed with Hillary Clinton you are obsessed with hating her ...think outside the FOX sewer

Maybe she should just stop whining for a while?
Like I said your opinions I find worthless on account that like Fox news you are fixated on The Hill Clinton towering above you

Who cares? I guess you do find my opinions worthwhile since you take the time to respond to them ALL THE TIME. :D
Remember how Hitlery whined when she was running against Obama too?
I have Republicans tell me by not voting for Trump I enabled Clinton, I have Democrats tell me by not voting for Clinton I enabled Trump.

You nuts need to think for yourselves instead of letting your party think for you. Until then, this nation will continue to go down the road mediocrity, thanks.

I see you are saying everyone should think like you because you are a gravitas filled white male ... I ain't doing that ... I am not going to listen to pompous

You are the pompous one though. Why that is is yet to be determined though. :D
again your opinions of me have the effect of a butterfly fart on the path of a Pacific Typhoon half a world away...meanwhile Hill is still achieving
you are a profound thinker and a wit by USMB Wing nut standard

Seriously? You calling someone else a nut is quite ironic, considering that you are one of the nuttiest of nuts. :D
That is your opinion which makes for fine toilet paper ... Fox news is obsessed with Hillary Clinton you are obsessed with hating her ...think outside the FOX sewer

Maybe she should just stop whining for a while?
Like I said your opinions I find worthless on account that like Fox news you are fixated on The Hill Clinton towering above you

Who cares? I guess you do find my opinions worthwhile since you take the time to respond to them ALL THE TIME. :D
I like mocking the zombie Gimps U R 1
anyone who finds a Freak like Trump more admirable than Clinton is someone who has lost all perspective... U R 1
Hillary Clinton on Donald Trump: We Haven't 'Seen the Bottom Yet'

Fox News Melts Down After Hillary Clinton Mocks Them For ‘Trying To Impeach Me’

Hillary Clinton called out President Donald Trump and Fox News over their obsession with her nearly a year and a half after the election.

“When he can’t think of anything to say, Trump starts chanting it and you sit there and you think, ‘Does he think I was elected?’” she said Tuesday. “I said something publicly a few months ago, Fox News is always trying to impeach me, so someone needs to tell them that it doesn’t apply to a private citizen.”

Clinton was speaking at a Wing workspace panel discussion in New York, where she took on a wide range of issues, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and the tone of today’s politics.

I would hope that we can change the political culture,” she said. “Because I don’t want anybody going through that. I don’t care who you are. I don’t care how much I agree or disagree with you. To be lied about persistently, to be vilified is very harmful.”

But it was her comments about Trump and Fox News that quickly became even more fodder for the network.

“Fox & Friends First” slammed her early Wednesday.

HILLARY AT IT AGAIN,” read a message on the show’s Twitter feed. “The failed presidential nominee going on yet another post-election rant against President Trump, Putin, & Fox News.”

More: Fox News Melts Down After Hillary Clinton Mocks Them For 'Trying To Impeach Me'

Yes, Trump and Fox News act like Hillary was elected. In fact - she was! Trump is not a legitimate president - so he and Fox News are always trying to impeach Hillary. Go Hillary!
Yes, the best thing to do is just point and laugh at FOX and trump when they do that.
I have Republicans tell me by not voting for Trump I enabled Clinton, I have Democrats tell me by not voting for Clinton I enabled Trump.

You nuts need to think for yourselves instead of letting your party think for you. Until then, this nation will continue to go down the road mediocrity, thanks.

I see you are saying everyone should think like you because you are a gravitas filled white male ... I ain't doing that ... I am not going to listen to pompous

No, I am saying we all need to think for ourselves and not let the political systems think for us. We have the rich doing our thinking to our detriment. We have a huge deficit, we are attracting terrible candidates and worse yet they are winning. Our economic future is in deep trouble and we keep spending. One day we will pay dearly.

I want you to think for yourself and look at both parties and see the damage they are doing to the middle class.
I have Republicans tell me by not voting for Trump I enabled Clinton, I have Democrats tell me by not voting for Clinton I enabled Trump.

You nuts need to think for yourselves instead of letting your party think for you. Until then, this nation will continue to go down the road mediocrity, thanks.

I see you are saying everyone should think like you because you are a gravitas filled white male ... I ain't doing that ... I am not going to listen to pompous

You are the pompous one though. Why that is is yet to be determined though. :D
again your opinions of me have the effect of a butterfly fart on the path of a Pacific Typhoon half a world away...meanwhile Hill is still achieving

Yikes! I think she might want to eat the children.
I have Republicans tell me by not voting for Trump I enabled Clinton, I have Democrats tell me by not voting for Clinton I enabled Trump.

You nuts need to think for yourselves instead of letting your party think for you. Until then, this nation will continue to go down the road mediocrity, thanks.

I see you are saying everyone should think like you because you are a gravitas filled white male ... I ain't doing that ... I am not going to listen to pompous

No, I am saying we all need to think for ourselves and not let the political systems think for us. We have the rich doing our thinking to our detriment. We have a huge deficit, we are attracting terrible candidates and worse yet they are winning. Our economic future is in deep trouble and we keep spending. One day we will pay dearly.

I want you to think for yourself and look at both parties and see the damage they are doing to the middle class.
Oh I see it ... I see the GOP as 100 percent evil and the Democrats as 95 % evil... I am going for that 5 percent LOL ... One reason I hugely dislike Clinton is her reaction to the vile murder of Qaddafi
I have Republicans tell me by not voting for Trump I enabled Clinton, I have Democrats tell me by not voting for Clinton I enabled Trump.

You nuts need to think for yourselves instead of letting your party think for you. Until then, this nation will continue to go down the road mediocrity, thanks.

I see you are saying everyone should think like you because you are a gravitas filled white male ... I ain't doing that ... I am not going to listen to pompous

You are the pompous one though. Why that is is yet to be determined though. :D
again your opinions of me have the effect of a butterfly fart on the path of a Pacific Typhoon half a world away...meanwhile Hill is still achieving

So you are saying her opinion is just as important as yours, thanks for the clarification.
Agree. It is time for the old guard to make way for the new. I don't want Biden out in front either. Or Bernie. They are all too old. And I'm in their age range, so it isn't ageism on my part; I just think we need people who are more youthful, energetic, and with possibly a new perspective. One thing that I believe we really need is someone who wants to bring the country back together. The extreme partisanship is destorying the country. I don't think any of the old guard want to work toward a less partisan future. Obama is not 'old guard' to me. He still has something to say, IMO. But the others need to give way to the younger people. Mrs. Clinton is no longer the voice of the Democratic party. I think she is doing more harm than good. As the Right cherry picks what she says to bring out the less flattering quotations, she should reallize that and realize she is just feeding into what they want and being used, and making liberals and Democrats look foolish for supporting her. It harms the party, and that's the main thing.

Obama is an amazing communicator and campaigner - He'd be an asset to any Dem on the campaign trail. But we may disagree a bit on Biden. Yeah, he's old but he has always been really good at connecting with blue collar workers. The Rust Belt is where you'd use old Joe.

Btw, I don't wanna see Bill Clinton campaigning anymore either - he's running a step slow, the voice is wavering and also has his moments of saying stupid stuff, like when he said "Obamacare is the craziest thing in the world" ..

Not helpful either

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