Hillary Clinton: Government Has ‘A Right’ To Regulate 2nd Amendment

Unfortunately, this is the dark path Big Government Authoritarians are leading us down. They truly believe Civil Rights are mere 'favors', only granted and bestowed upon us by Government.

Those folks don't care about the Constitution. We are all born with inalienable rights. They're not mere 'favors' from Government. We all possess them regardless of Government.

Yep, and those authoritarians exist on the left and the right.

Yup, Big Government Authoritarians run both major political parties. They really do feel civil rights only come from Government. Mere 'favors' we should all praise and thank Big Brother for 'allowing.'

They don't get the inalienable rights thing. For them, it's all about forcing their agendas on others. They don't care if it violates rights. It's about forcing others to go along with whatever they're pushing.

Exactly so, that's why you will, for instance, see the exact same moron who is screaming about his gun righrts oppose gay marriage and vice versa. Because they are morons who don't recognize that BOTH are rights and the government shouldn't have any say in either one.
Unfortunately, this is the dark path Big Government Authoritarians are leading us down. They truly believe Civil Rights are mere 'favors', only granted and bestowed upon us by Government.

Those folks don't care about the Constitution. We are all born with inalienable rights. They're not mere 'favors' from Government. We all possess them regardless of Government.

Yep, and those authoritarians exist on the left and the right.

Yup, Big Government Authoritarians run both major political parties. They really do feel civil rights only come from Government. Mere 'favors' we should all praise and thank Big Brother for 'allowing.'

They don't get the inalienable rights thing. For them, it's all about forcing their agendas on others. They don't care if it violates rights. It's about forcing others to go along with whatever they're pushing.

Exactly so, that's why you will, for instance, see the exact same moron who is screaming about his gun righrts oppose gay marriage and vice versa. Because they are morons who don't recognize that BOTH are rights and the government shouldn't have any say in either one.

Could you please show where does constitution mention marriage? Oh...
Unfortunately, this is the dark path Big Government Authoritarians are leading us down. They truly believe Civil Rights are mere 'favors', only granted and bestowed upon us by Government.

Those folks don't care about the Constitution. We are all born with inalienable rights. They're not mere 'favors' from Government. We all possess them regardless of Government.

Yep, and those authoritarians exist on the left and the right.

Yup, Big Government Authoritarians run both major political parties. They really do feel civil rights only come from Government. Mere 'favors' we should all praise and thank Big Brother for 'allowing.'

They don't get the inalienable rights thing. For them, it's all about forcing their agendas on others. They don't care if it violates rights. It's about forcing others to go along with whatever they're pushing.

Exactly so, that's why you will, for instance, see the exact same moron who is screaming about his gun righrts oppose gay marriage and vice versa. Because they are morons who don't recognize that BOTH are rights and the government shouldn't have any say in either one.

Could you please show where does constitution mention marriage? Oh...

What the fuck?

In point of fact it mentions it in the 10th Amendment.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

That's pretty clear. Is the power of marriage delegate to the US in the COTUS? No? Then they of course shouldn't be regulating it.
The bitch just admitted she wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment.

Government has a right to regulate the Second Amendment, Hillary Clinton said in an interview on the June 5 airing of This Week With George Stephanopoulos, Clinton contended that Americans have historically recognized the government’s “right” to regulate the bearing of arms, suggesting that it was not until District of Columbia v Heller (2008) that anyone thought otherwise. Stephanopoulos asked, “Do you believe an individual’s right to bear arms is a constitutional right? That it’s not linked to the service in the militia?”

Stephanopoulos asked, “Do you believe an individual’s right to bear arms is a constitutional right? That it’s not linked to the service in the militia?”

Clinton responded:

I think that for most of our history there was a nuanced reading of the Second Amendment, until the decision by the late Justice [Antonin] Scalia. And there was no argument until then that localities, and states, and the federal government had a right–as we do with every amendment–to impose reasonable regulations.

While arguing for the government’s “right” to regulate the Second Amendment, Clinton twice refused to say the people have “a constitutional right” to keep and bear arms.

Hillary Clinton: Government Has ‘A Right’ To Regulate 2nd Amendment

The bitch just admitted she wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment.


ROFL! You find the truth to be stupid? Regulating the 2nd amendment is the same as abolishing it.

Considering that it's already regulated, your statement is as dumb as they come.
Unfortunately, both Parties have been hijacked by Big Government Authoritarians. They believe civil rights are to be giveth by Government, and taketh away by Government. The Authoritarians don't support the Constitution.

We're all born with inalienable rights. They aren't given to us by Government. We need to get back to following the Constitution. It's the ultimate road map to Freedom & Liberty.
'Well regulated' is right in the 2nd amendment.

This never ending bullshit that you people like to conjure up regarding the 2nd amendment has grown old. It says well regulated and that is what it means. And if you think it means 'militia' then you can only own guns if you are part of a well regulated militia. YOU don't get to make the shit up as you go.

You aren't great defenders of anything, you are whiny little children who want everything your way all the time or you are going to cry and stomp your feet. Good, get to it and cry for us. The crap you believe in is not in the US Constitution and never was. Don't like US law? Go find a place that has the laws more in line with your whiny string of non-existent garbage. Syria would be a good place to start. Sorry but the normals are tired of listening to you whine and lie about every little thing that OFFENDS you or that your addle fantasy mind tries to inject into the Constitution.

Stop bitching, get your shit together with your buddies and overthrow whatever it is you want to overthrow, you know all the stupid shit you say you are constantly threatening people with. "We came unarmed...this time". Blow me, get armed. You won't now and you won't ever because you are cowardly angries who are scared to actually do ANYTHING. The fact that the Republican convention is a 'gun free zone' and you gleefully will bow to the government and not bring any guns outs you as frauds.

Cry for us.
Kinda like your kind went from gay marriage to transvestites using women's locker rooms overnight? What's next bestiality or pedophilia you will want to make acceptable?

You have your fantasies don't you.

Try to stay on topic rather than bring in your nightly dreams.
Unfortunately, this is the dark path Big Government Authoritarians are leading us down. They truly believe Civil Rights are mere 'favors', only granted and bestowed upon us by Government.

Those folks don't care about the Constitution. We are all born with inalienable rights. They're not mere 'favors' from Government. We all possess them regardless of Government.

Yep, and those authoritarians exist on the left and the right.

Yup, Big Government Authoritarians run both major political parties. They really do feel civil rights only come from Government. Mere 'favors' we should all praise and thank Big Brother for 'allowing.'

They don't get the inalienable rights thing. For them, it's all about forcing their agendas on others. They don't care if it violates rights. It's about forcing others to go along with whatever they're pushing.

Exactly so, that's why you will, for instance, see the exact same moron who is screaming about his gun righrts oppose gay marriage and vice versa. Because they are morons who don't recognize that BOTH are rights and the government shouldn't have any say in either one.

Could you please show where does constitution mention marriage? Oh...

What the fuck?

In point of fact it mentions it in the 10th Amendment.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

That's pretty clear. Is the power of marriage delegate to the US in the COTUS? No? Then they of course shouldn't be regulating it.

Federal "judges" and bureaucrats have not read, nor are they familiar with, the US Constitution (1787). Ask Comrade Starkiev.
'Well regulated' is right in the 2nd amendment.

This never ending bullshit that you people like to conjure up regarding the 2nd amendment has grown old. It says well regulated and that is what it means. And if you think it means 'militia' then you can only own guns if you are part of a well regulated militia. YOU don't get to make the shit up as you go.

You aren't great defenders of anything, you are whiny little children who want everything your way all the time or you are going to cry and stomp your feet. Good, get to it and cry for us. The crap you believe in is not in the US Constitution and never was. Don't like US law? Go find a place that has the laws more in line with your whiny string of non-existent garbage. Syria would be a good place to start. Sorry but the normals are tired of listening to you whine and lie about every little thing that OFFENDS you or that your addle fantasy mind tries to inject into the Constitution.

Stop bitching, get your shit together with your buddies and overthrow whatever it is you want to overthrow, you know all the stupid shit you say you are constantly threatening people with. "We came unarmed...this time". Blow me, get armed. You won't now and you won't ever because you are cowardly angries who are scared to actually do ANYTHING. The fact that the Republican convention is a 'gun free zone' and you gleefully will bow to the government and not bring any guns outs you as frauds.

Cry for us.
Kinda like your kind went from gay marriage to transvestites using women's locker rooms overnight? What's next bestiality or pedophilia you will want to make acceptable?

You have your fantasies don't you.

Try to stay on topic rather than bring in your nightly dreams.

MR. CHIEF JUSTICE WAITE delivered the opinion of the court

The Government of the United States is one of delegated powers alone. Its authority is defined and limited by the Constitution. All powers not granted to it by that instrument are reserved to the States or the people

The right there specified is that of "bearing arms for a lawful purpose." This is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The second amendment declares that it shall not be infringed, but this, as has been seen, means no more than that it shall not be infringed by Congress. This is one of the amendments that has no other effect than to restrict the powers of the national government, leaving the people to look for their protection against any violation by their fellow citizens of the rights it recognizes, to what is called, in The City of New York v. Miln,11 Pet. 139, the "powers which relate to merely municipal legislation, or what was, perhaps, more properly called internal police," "not surrendered or restrained" by the Constitution of the United States.

United States v. Cruikshank
92 U.S. 542 (1875)

Unfortunately, this is the dark path Big Government Authoritarians are leading us down. They truly believe Civil Rights are mere 'favors', only granted and bestowed upon us by Government.

Those folks don't care about the Constitution. We are all born with inalienable rights. They're not mere 'favors' from Government. We all possess them regardless of Government.

Yep, and those authoritarians exist on the left and the right.

Yup, Big Government Authoritarians run both major political parties. They really do feel civil rights only come from Government. Mere 'favors' we should all praise and thank Big Brother for 'allowing.'

They don't get the inalienable rights thing. For them, it's all about forcing their agendas on others. They don't care if it violates rights. It's about forcing others to go along with whatever they're pushing.

Exactly so, that's why you will, for instance, see the exact same moron who is screaming about his gun righrts oppose gay marriage and vice versa. Because they are morons who don't recognize that BOTH are rights and the government shouldn't have any say in either one.

Could you please show where does constitution mention marriage? Oh...

What the fuck?

In point of fact it mentions it in the 10th Amendment.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

That's pretty clear. Is the power of marriage delegate to the US in the COTUS? No? Then they of course shouldn't be regulating it.

So i guess there should be no drug laws then, right?
Yep, and those authoritarians exist on the left and the right.

Yup, Big Government Authoritarians run both major political parties. They really do feel civil rights only come from Government. Mere 'favors' we should all praise and thank Big Brother for 'allowing.'

They don't get the inalienable rights thing. For them, it's all about forcing their agendas on others. They don't care if it violates rights. It's about forcing others to go along with whatever they're pushing.

Exactly so, that's why you will, for instance, see the exact same moron who is screaming about his gun righrts oppose gay marriage and vice versa. Because they are morons who don't recognize that BOTH are rights and the government shouldn't have any say in either one.

Could you please show where does constitution mention marriage? Oh...

What the fuck?

In point of fact it mentions it in the 10th Amendment.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

That's pretty clear. Is the power of marriage delegate to the US in the COTUS? No? Then they of course shouldn't be regulating it.

So i guess there should be no drug laws then, right?

Doing drugs should be left up to adults to decide for themselves. The Government shouldn't be involved with it. Decriminalize drugs and immediately abolish the DEA.

Then, reverse all non-violent drug related prosecutions. Release millions of Americans who don't belong in cages. Most convicted have a problem, they need treatment. They shouldn't be shoved in cages.
Unfortunately, this is the dark path Big Government Authoritarians are leading us down. They truly believe Civil Rights are mere 'favors', only granted and bestowed upon us by Government.

Those folks don't care about the Constitution. We are all born with inalienable rights. They're not mere 'favors' from Government. We all possess them regardless of Government.

Yep, and those authoritarians exist on the left and the right.

Yup, Big Government Authoritarians run both major political parties. They really do feel civil rights only come from Government. Mere 'favors' we should all praise and thank Big Brother for 'allowing.'

They don't get the inalienable rights thing. For them, it's all about forcing their agendas on others. They don't care if it violates rights. It's about forcing others to go along with whatever they're pushing.

Exactly so, that's why you will, for instance, see the exact same moron who is screaming about his gun righrts oppose gay marriage and vice versa. Because they are morons who don't recognize that BOTH are rights and the government shouldn't have any say in either one.

Could you please show where does constitution mention marriage? Oh...

What the fuck?

In point of fact it mentions it in the 10th Amendment.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

That's pretty clear. Is the power of marriage delegate to the US in the COTUS? No? Then they of course shouldn't be regulating it.

There you go...

Now please explain what powers are delegated to the Federal government by the Constitution?
'Well regulated' is right in the 2nd amendment.

This never ending bullshit that you people like to conjure up regarding the 2nd amendment has grown old. It says well regulated and that is what it means. And if you think it means 'militia' then you can only own guns if you are part of a well regulated militia. YOU don't get to make the shit up as you go.

You aren't great defenders of anything, you are whiny little children who want everything your way all the time or you are going to cry and stomp your feet. Good, get to it and cry for us. The crap you believe in is not in the US Constitution and never was. Don't like US law? Go find a place that has the laws more in line with your whiny string of non-existent garbage. Syria would be a good place to start. Sorry but the normals are tired of listening to you whine and lie about every little thing that OFFENDS you or that your addle fantasy mind tries to inject into the Constitution.

Stop bitching, get your shit together with your buddies and overthrow whatever it is you want to overthrow, you know all the stupid shit you say you are constantly threatening people with. "We came unarmed...this time". Blow me, get armed. You won't now and you won't ever because you are cowardly angries who are scared to actually do ANYTHING. The fact that the Republican convention is a 'gun free zone' and you gleefully will bow to the government and not bring any guns outs you as frauds.

Cry for us.
Kinda like your kind went from gay marriage to transvestites using women's locker rooms overnight? What's next bestiality or pedophilia you will want to make acceptable?

You have your fantasies don't you.

Try to stay on topic rather than bring in your nightly dreams.
Nothing like the whine of a liberal when someone mention a man shouldn't use the women's locker room or bathroom.
The bitch just admitted she wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment.

Government has a right to regulate the Second Amendment, Hillary Clinton said in an interview on the June 5 airing of This Week With George Stephanopoulos, Clinton contended that Americans have historically recognized the government’s “right” to regulate the bearing of arms, suggesting that it was not until District of Columbia v Heller (2008) that anyone thought otherwise. Stephanopoulos asked, “Do you believe an individual’s right to bear arms is a constitutional right? That it’s not linked to the service in the militia?”

Stephanopoulos asked, “Do you believe an individual’s right to bear arms is a constitutional right? That it’s not linked to the service in the militia?”

Clinton responded:

I think that for most of our history there was a nuanced reading of the Second Amendment, until the decision by the late Justice [Antonin] Scalia. And there was no argument until then that localities, and states, and the federal government had a right–as we do with every amendment–to impose reasonable regulations.

While arguing for the government’s “right” to regulate the Second Amendment, Clinton twice refused to say the people have “a constitutional right” to keep and bear arms.

This language clearly shows the difference between liberal and conservative approaches to govt

1. by conservative and Constitutionalist beliefs in limited govt
PEOPLE have rights by NATURE, and we agree what RESPONSIBILITIES to give to govt by the Constitution
Not the other way!

2. liberals keep teaching that govt has all the power to establish rights and will of the people
and then dictate it from the top down. All you have to do is 'get elected' and you can mandate at will by executive order.
All you have to do is get enough people to vote by 'majority rule' and you get to overrule the equal protection of other people's interests, consent or beliefs.
If you don't agree with a law or vote, all you have to do is get a judge to rule in your favor and 'that creates law from the bench by precedent'

You might as well have two different creeds or denominations fighting to establish their religious beliefs as precedent through govt.
Where is the separation of church and state, and protection from discrimination by creed, when it comes to Political Beliefs?

You have it backwards. If a law is passed which violates the Constitution, it is the obligation of the Courts to overturn it.

For example, laws which refuse gays the right to marry. Such laws violate the rights of consenting adults. It's not a question of overturning laws we don't like.

As an aside, I find it quite amusing that gun lovers are so quick to scream about THEIR Constitutional rights being violated, every time any gun control measures are proposed, however practical or sensible. Yet these self-same people want all sorts of regulations and restrictions put on women who try to obtain a legal abortion.

Maybe you should force those wanting to buy guns to look at pictures of children who have been shot in school shootings, or those who've been accidentally shot, before they can buy a gun. They should be forced to look at all of the gun death figures for the US and wait three days to properly consider the consequence of their actions. Just like women wanting an abortion.
The bitch just admitted she wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment.

Government has a right to regulate the Second Amendment, Hillary Clinton said in an interview on the June 5 airing of This Week With George Stephanopoulos, Clinton contended that Americans have historically recognized the government’s “right” to regulate the bearing of arms, suggesting that it was not until District of Columbia v Heller (2008) that anyone thought otherwise. Stephanopoulos asked, “Do you believe an individual’s right to bear arms is a constitutional right? That it’s not linked to the service in the militia?”

Stephanopoulos asked, “Do you believe an individual’s right to bear arms is a constitutional right? That it’s not linked to the service in the militia?”

Clinton responded:

I think that for most of our history there was a nuanced reading of the Second Amendment, until the decision by the late Justice [Antonin] Scalia. And there was no argument until then that localities, and states, and the federal government had a right–as we do with every amendment–to impose reasonable regulations.

While arguing for the government’s “right” to regulate the Second Amendment, Clinton twice refused to say the people have “a constitutional right” to keep and bear arms.

This language clearly shows the difference between liberal and conservative approaches to govt

1. by conservative and Constitutionalist beliefs in limited govt
PEOPLE have rights by NATURE, and we agree what RESPONSIBILITIES to give to govt by the Constitution
Not the other way!

2. liberals keep teaching that govt has all the power to establish rights and will of the people
and then dictate it from the top down. All you have to do is 'get elected' and you can mandate at will by executive order.
All you have to do is get enough people to vote by 'majority rule' and you get to overrule the equal protection of other people's interests, consent or beliefs.
If you don't agree with a law or vote, all you have to do is get a judge to rule in your favor and 'that creates law from the bench by precedent'

You might as well have two different creeds or denominations fighting to establish their religious beliefs as precedent through govt.
Where is the separation of church and state, and protection from discrimination by creed, when it comes to Political Beliefs?

You have it backwards. If a law is passed which violates the Constitution, it is the obligation of the Courts to overturn it.

For example, laws which refuse gays the right to marry. Such laws violate the rights of consenting adults. It's not a question of overturning laws we don't like.

As an aside, I find it quite amusing that gun lovers are so quick to scream about THEIR Constitutional rights being violated, every time any gun control measures are proposed, however practical or sensible. Yet these self-same people want all sorts of regulations and restrictions put on women who try to obtain a legal abortion.

Maybe you should force those wanting to buy guns to look at pictures of children who have been shot in school shootings, or those who've been accidentally shot, before they can buy a gun. They should be forced to look at all of the gun death figures for the US and wait three days to properly consider the consequence of their actions. Just like women wanting an abortion.

Hi Dragonlady there4eyeM Hutch Starskey
If you read my other messages YES I agree and have stated so
that Courts are supposed to REJECT laws that are unconstitutional.

But NOT go too far by ESTABLISHING law, there is a DIFFERENCE.

For example, where DOMA went too far and was unconstitutional by discriminating and excluding
same sex beliefs, it is EQUALLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL to ESTABLISH gay marriage or "belief IN marriage equality" through the Courts and Govt as it is to establish BELIEFS AGAINST gay marriage and equality.

Issues of BELIEFS, where BOTH sides have their own creeds, BOTH need to be rejected as private matters.
NOT endorsing one side and excluding or penalizing the other.

Do ANY of you get that this is a TWO WAY rule:
First Amendment - govt can neither ESTABLISH NOR PROHIBIT beliefs
Fourteenth Amendment - equal protection of laws and no discrimination by creed, where BOTH
sides of the marriage debate and BOTH SIDES of the abortion debate are POLITICAL BELIEFS

Both sides have to be treated equally, not favoring one set of beliefs and penalizing the other.
Both have to be included in consensual decisions that accommodate both.

1. the laws cannot touch on private beliefs or creeds that vary per individual or group
but the govt must remain neutral and equally inclusive or else leave the entire matter to individuals
or states to decide by that same criteria of equal protection from discrimination by the other creeds
2. people have to take responsibility for their own beliefs, the consequences and costs, and
cannot abuse govt to make a law that imposes costs or consequences of "other people's beliefs"
on people in ways we don't agree to
3. the laws rulings or policies have to be made through the proper channels and process Constitutionally ie not abusing the executive office or judiciary to make policies that belong to the legislatures.
NOTE: there is a FINE LINE between just "ruling on a law as Constitutional" vs. ENDORSING and ESTABLISHING a law biased by political or religious beliefs favoring one creed and penalizing another.
On the marriage issue, the Libertarians who say to get marriage out of govt and govt out of marriage
are probably the most consistent in treating ALL beliefs about marriage equally as PRIVATE and not public.

Dragonlady you give a good example, that pro gun control people don't want all the consequences of gun violence without more accountability by gun rights activists who oppose regulations and the same with abortion rights, where prolife people don't want to endorse or pay for any aftermath to do with abortion if they never agreed to that in the first place. Both sides of these issues don't want to be made responsible for the other side's beliefs, so why not focus on where they AGREE will solve the problems instead of fighting.

The courts go too far when they take sides on issues with beliefs at stake, so one is going to get discriminated against compared with the other. That's what wrong with the recent issues on marriage equality and now transgender orientation is beliefs are involved on both sides, and neither side is proven or disproven,
but both positions for or against remain FAITH BASED and govt is NOT SUPPOSED TO DECIDE THESE!
'Well regulated' is right in the 2nd amendment.

This never ending bullshit that you people like to conjure up regarding the 2nd amendment has grown old. It says well regulated and that is what it means. And if you think it means 'militia' then you can only own guns if you are part of a well regulated militia. YOU don't get to make the shit up as you go.

You aren't great defenders of anything, you are whiny little children who want everything your way all the time or you are going to cry and stomp your feet. Good, get to it and cry for us. The crap you believe in is not in the US Constitution and never was. Don't like US law? Go find a place that has the laws more in line with your whiny string of non-existent garbage. Syria would be a good place to start. Sorry but the normals are tired of listening to you whine and lie about every little thing that OFFENDS you or that your addle fantasy mind tries to inject into the Constitution.

Stop bitching, get your shit together with your buddies and overthrow whatever it is you want to overthrow, you know all the stupid shit you say you are constantly threatening people with. "We came unarmed...this time". Blow me, get armed. You won't now and you won't ever because you are cowardly angries who are scared to actually do ANYTHING. The fact that the Republican convention is a 'gun free zone' and you gleefully will bow to the government and not bring any guns outs you as frauds.

Cry for us.
Kinda like your kind went from gay marriage to transvestites using women's locker rooms overnight? What's next bestiality or pedophilia you will want to make acceptable?

You have your fantasies don't you.

Try to stay on topic rather than bring in your nightly dreams.
Nothing like the whine of a liberal when someone mention a man shouldn't use the women's locker room or bathroom.

jknowgood They have the right to practice their own beliefs about gender in private but not impose them publicly on everyone through govt. It's called "separation of church and state" by liberal principles.
The LGBT is faith based, not based on science, similar to beliefs about Christianity that aren't proven either but faith-based. So these creeds should be treated equally under law, instead of discriminating either way. They both need to be protected from infringement by the other. Govt should be separating these, not jumping in and taking one side over the other!
'Well regulated' is right in the 2nd amendment.

This never ending bullshit that you people like to conjure up regarding the 2nd amendment has grown old. It says well regulated and that is what it means. And if you think it means 'militia' then you can only own guns if you are part of a well regulated militia. YOU don't get to make the shit up as you go.

You aren't great defenders of anything, you are whiny little children who want everything your way all the time or you are going to cry and stomp your feet. Good, get to it and cry for us. The crap you believe in is not in the US Constitution and never was. Don't like US law? Go find a place that has the laws more in line with your whiny string of non-existent garbage. Syria would be a good place to start. Sorry but the normals are tired of listening to you whine and lie about every little thing that OFFENDS you or that your addle fantasy mind tries to inject into the Constitution.

Stop bitching, get your shit together with your buddies and overthrow whatever it is you want to overthrow, you know all the stupid shit you say you are constantly threatening people with. "We came unarmed...this time". Blow me, get armed. You won't now and you won't ever because you are cowardly angries who are scared to actually do ANYTHING. The fact that the Republican convention is a 'gun free zone' and you gleefully will bow to the government and not bring any guns outs you as frauds.

Cry for us.
Kinda like your kind went from gay marriage to transvestites using women's locker rooms overnight? What's next bestiality or pedophilia you will want to make acceptable?

You have your fantasies don't you.

Try to stay on topic rather than bring in your nightly dreams.
Nothing like the whine of a liberal when someone mention a man shouldn't use the women's locker room or bathroom.

Red Herring as you have no argument. If the topic is beyond you then your posts are meaningless. Try the Flame Zone, more your in your ken.
"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose."

Who said anything about doing that? Of course there are limitations, but we shouldn't those limitations as a vehicle to create more limitations. And we most certainly aren't demanding that we have the right to buy an M61 Vulcan Cannon for the purpose of self-defense. That's overkill, and not necessary. You are so dishonest, Clayton. Slither back to your hole.
I want one of those.

I find it amusing when liberals are too stupid to realize the difference between an enumerated right wish the COTUS SPECIFICALLY says can not be infringed with abortion which is only a right because no law has been passed declaring a fetus to be a human being.

You see how that works you moron? Congress could pass a law tomorrow declaring that a 2 month old fetus is a human being and boom that makes any abortion performed after such point murder. And that law would be constitutional, however NO law infringing on gun rights in constitutional.

You are free to seek to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Good luck.

Yes and no Fair&Balanced According to the liberal creed that anything passed by court ruling or majority rule instantly becomes the law of the land and the will of the people, these rules do not apply consistently:

1. for the abortion issue YES under their system it WOULD become law for Courts to act as legislatures because they don't recognize separation of powers. They treat all govt as one and don't make the Constitutional distinctions that Constitutionalists make. For the hardcore Constitutionalists, the Courts STILL do not have Constitutional authority to rule on matters of beliefs such as involved in abortion policies, and do NOT have the right to establish "when does life begin and count as human rights" unless the public consents, since this is not scientific but remains faith based. The Liberals would LET courts make faith based decisions that discriminate by creed, as with marriage equality and ruling on ACA mandates that overrode political beliefs by favoring some over others.

2. for gun rights, the Constitutionalists would argue NO law infringing on the Constitutional right to bear arms is constitutional, but the same liberals who also don't believe in rejecting laws that infringe on Tenth or First Amendment rights "unless and until this is ordered in Courts"
would STILL put executive or court orders first as law. Unless the Court rules SPECIFICALLY that said law violates the Second Amendment, they think it is FAIR GAME to pass such a policy through any means and process using the given system, ie including executive or judicial order. As long as that ruling or order
matches their beliefs, then it is legal to them because they consent to use govt that way to establish their will.

I am NOT SAYING I agree with any of this biased way of using govt,
I have made it clear it is Unconstitutional to abuse govt to establish beliefs and discriminate against creeds.

But since they cannot resolve their conflicts over beliefs and creeds the RIGHT way by FREE CHOICE to either reach agreement or separate policies and funding in private,
they abuse govt to take shortcuts to establish this collectively by bullying it through!

They DO NOT believe in the same Constitutional structures and standards that conservative
Constitutionalists do. You are looking at two different denominations, like Protestant vs Catholic
or Christian vs. Atheist, and neither side can be forced by law to change their beliefs that are inherent.
They have to choose by VOLUNTARY means, by educated choice, to quit imposing creeds back and forth.

We cannot force Christian beliefs on people. And Constitutional beliefs are the same way.
Liberals are so contradictory in this; basically even if matters involve faith based beliefs
they still need to go through govt and "have courts RULE on that in order to make laws real to them"
They depend on using govt for this in ways that Conservatives believe are unconstitutional.

I think we are going to need to separate by party if both sides are going to get their way equally.
I don't see how these viewpoints are compatible when it comes to govt being used to establish creeds.
A Government has the right and duty to regulate behavior that threatens public safety. PERIOD.

Selling a gun to a stranger without a background check puts the public at risk.

Selling a gun to a criminal / wife beater / drunk / dishonorable discharge puts public safety at risk.

Scalia said this:

District of Columbia vs Heller -

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons."
I just read the 2d Amendment and I don't see any of your first three comments mentioned. Where did you find those comments? Thanx.

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