Hillary Clinton Is America's Most Admired Woman For a Record 21st Time

Not really my point. Trump and its his moronic acolytes think he has a mandate. Win 40 states and 5 million more votes. There's you mandate. Win shitstain states with 10 people in them and a skewed EC that gives Alaskans more rights than Californians - I call that BS....

Ah, I think I misunderstood you. I'm not one of Trump's subjects either and I agree that the selection system sucks. Allthough I also think Trump was the lesser evil in this case and that Hillary's minions deserve to be ridiculed for whining about vast Russian conspiracy and her getting more votes.....

Meanwhile we should be grateful for the orange clown making political comedy great again

Ah, I think I misunderstood you. I'm not one of Trump's subjects either and I agree that the selection system sucks. Allthough I also think Trump was the lesser evil in this case and that Hillary's minions deserve to be ridiculed for whining about vast Russian conspiracy and her getting more votes.....

Meanwhile we should be grateful for the orange clown making political comedy great again


Totally disagree that Hillary was the lesser of two evils. Yet to see a compelling argument in that regard. However do agree, that The Orange One is going to be a hoot. However, the US the laughing stock of the world again is not such a good thing. Then again, they voted for him...
Those were the rules by which every other President was elected. It's worked for 240 years. It reflects poorly on Dems that you apparently were ignorant of these basic facts of the country you wanted to rule, it's a "57 states" moment

No, it hasn't worked. it is flawed. It is the second worse system after the UK FFP system. Proof? You guys bitching 24/7 about each other all the time. That suggests it's not working. people feel disenfranchised, but you guys are so caught up in the 'constitution'..like it is some god-like piece of parchment, that you would rather get fucked over than start living in the 21st century (as an aside, I know you right-wing, neocon loons live for those long-gone days of Jefferson and Washington).

I'm not a Dem. I'm not even American Frank. Shit, you've been on this board for how long and this must be like the 10th time I've told you. Alzheimers??

Your beef with the Electoral College seems to be that a state like Wyoming or Vermont has the same power as California or Texas.

OK. What would you say to an Electoral College in a fictional, redrawn United States, where all the 50 states would have 6.4 million people, same number of representatives and two senators?

Or, alternately a redrawn United States where all states would have the same population as Wyoming or Vermont and instead 50, have several hundred states and and grossly bloated Senate?

That would suck your argument totally oxygen free.

In your virulent hate of everything American you forget to remember that the American system was put together by the wisest men in the history of mankind, unencumbered by phony admiration of royalty, monarchy or some such useless worthless subhuman drones.

You bitch and complain about the American political system, but you fail to offer a better alternative.
Totally disagree that Hillary was the lesser of two evils. Yet to see a compelling argument in that regard...

Well, my biggest concern was that Hillary seemed to want to start WWIII by implementing a no fly zone in Syria which would mean shooting down Russian planes while the orange clown wants better relations with Putin

And if you think Hillary is too sane to actually do that.....

Those were the rules by which every other President was elected. It's worked for 240 years. It reflects poorly on Dems that you apparently were ignorant of these basic facts of the country you wanted to rule, it's a "57 states" moment

No, it hasn't worked. it is flawed. It is the second worse system after the UK FFP system. Proof? You guys bitching 24/7 about each other all the time. That suggests it's not working. people feel disenfranchised, but you guys are so caught up in the 'constitution'..like it is some god-like piece of parchment, that you would rather get fucked over than start living in the 21st century (as an aside, I know you right-wing, neocon loons live for those long-gone days of Jefferson and Washington).

I'm not a Dem. I'm not even American Frank. Shit, you've been on this board for how long and this must be like the 10th time I've told you. Alzheimers??

Ignorant and disenfranchised are two different things. If you're past the age of 14 and still don't know the electoral college picks the President that makes you ignorant, not disenfranchised.
Those were the rules by which every other President was elected. It's worked for 240 years. It reflects poorly on Dems that you apparently were ignorant of these basic facts of the country you wanted to rule, it's a "57 states" moment

No, it hasn't worked. it is flawed. It is the second worse system after the UK FFP system. Proof? You guys bitching 24/7 about each other all the time. That suggests it's not working. people feel disenfranchised, but you guys are so caught up in the 'constitution'..like it is some god-like piece of parchment, that you would rather get fucked over than start living in the 21st century (as an aside, I know you right-wing, neocon loons live for those long-gone days of Jefferson and Washington).

I'm not a Dem. I'm not even American Frank. Shit, you've been on this board for how long and this must be like the 10th time I've told you. Alzheimers??

Your beef with the Electoral College seems to be that a state like Wyoming or Vermont has the same power as California or Texas.

OK. What would you say to an Electoral College in a fictional, redrawn United States, where all the 50 states would have 6.4 million people, same number of representatives and two senators?

Or, alternately a redrawn United States where all states would have the same population as Wyoming or Vermont and instead 50, have several hundred states and and grossly bloated Senate?

That would suck your argument totally oxygen free.

In your virulent hate of everything American you forget to remember that the American system was put together by the wisest men in the history of mankind, unencumbered by phony admiration of royalty, monarchy or some such useless worthless subhuman drones.

You bitch and complain about the American political system, but you fail to offer a better alternative.
CA has 55 EV, WY has 3, how is that the "same power"
Those were the rules, did Dems not know those were the rules?

Which makes it right, how? I note you are not refuting what a dumb arse system it is. I am not surprised. You only care about the win. not the ramifications, which is why your country is going to make the same mistakes over and over again.
Those were the rules by which every other President was elected. It's worked for 240 years. It reflects poorly on Dems that you apparently were ignorant of these basic facts of the country you wanted to rule, it's a "57 states" moment

Welllllll.....you just wait 'til the votes from the other seven states come in!!!

You just wait!!!!
Those were the rules by which every other President was elected. It's worked for 240 years. It reflects poorly on Dems that you apparently were ignorant of these basic facts of the country you wanted to rule, it's a "57 states" moment

No, it hasn't worked. it is flawed. It is the second worse system after the UK FFP system. Proof? You guys bitching 24/7 about each other all the time. That suggests it's not working. people feel disenfranchised, but you guys are so caught up in the 'constitution'..like it is some god-like piece of parchment, that you would rather get fucked over than start living in the 21st century (as an aside, I know you right-wing, neocon loons live for those long-gone days of Jefferson and Washington).

I'm not a Dem. I'm not even American Frank. Shit, you've been on this board for how long and this must be like the 10th time I've told you. Alzheimers??

Your beef with the Electoral College seems to be that a state like Wyoming or Vermont has the same power as California or Texas.

OK. What would you say to an Electoral College in a fictional, redrawn United States, where all the 50 states would have 6.4 million people, same number of representatives and two senators?

Or, alternately a redrawn United States where all states would have the same population as Wyoming or Vermont and instead 50, have several hundred states and and grossly bloated Senate?

That would suck your argument totally oxygen free.

In your virulent hate of everything American you forget to remember that the American system was put together by the wisest men in the history of mankind, unencumbered by phony admiration of royalty, monarchy or some such useless worthless subhuman drones.

You bitch and complain about the American political system, but you fail to offer a better alternative.
CA has 55 EV, WY has 3, how is that the "same power"

The voice of a senator from California is no stronger than the voice of a senator from Wyoming.

The voice of a one out of 55 representative is no stronger than the voice of one, one out of 3.

It is the United STATES of America.

Same power, it seems to me.

Hillary Clinton Is America's Most Admired Woman For a Record 21st Time

Americans named Hillary Clinton the Most Admired Woman for the 15th consecutive year and 21st time overall. Since her initial win in 1993 as first lady, Clinton has topped the list every year but 1995 and 1996 (when she finished behind Mother Teresa) and 2001 (behind Laura Bush).


First lady Michelle Obama finished second on the Most Admired Woman list,
then German Chancellor Angela Merkel,
then Oprah Winfrey,
then Ellen DeGeneres,
then Queen Elizabeth of England,
then human rights activist Malala Yousafzai,
then former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
Every one else received 1% or less.

But for a quirk in the American electoral process, the most admired woman on Earth would be POTUS

if this were true she would have won. Looks like these are the same pollsters that predicted her 93% win chance. Looks like they're not too credible, nor is this "poll".
Talk about fake news!
Who sponsored that pole?
The Clinton Foundation?

Your beef with the Electoral College seems to be that a state like Wyoming or Vermont has the same power as California or Texas.

OK. What would you say to an Electoral College in a fictional, redrawn United States, where all the 50 states would have 6.4 million people, same number of representatives and two senators?

Or, alternately a redrawn United States where all states would have the same population as Wyoming or Vermont and instead 50, have several hundred states and and grossly bloated Senate?

That would suck your argument totally oxygen free.

In your virulent hate of everything American you forget to remember that the American system was put together by the wisest men in the history of mankind, unencumbered by phony admiration of royalty, monarchy or some such useless worthless subhuman drones.

You bitch and complain about the American political system, but you fail to offer a better alternative.

No, if you actually read my posts, you would see that my beef with the EC is that it gives MORE power to the likes of Alaska and Wyoming over California and Texas. It would be better if the system was like Maine whereby the EC in each state is divided up by voting percentage.

And yes, you should increase the number of Congress critters and Senators to spread the work load. For example, as the UK's population has increased so has the number of members of parliament. That happens in most western countries and I don't see those countries going to hell in a hand basket. You have had the same number of congress critters since 1913 when your population was about 100 million. Since then the population has tripled but congress critters are expected to do the same job. If you were offered a job that takes an eight-hour day or more, and then your workload tripled without compensation and you just had people bitching and moaning all the time, would you like it? It leaves it open to graft and grifters and lobbyists because there are not enough people to get shit done.

I would argue that they were not the smartest men in history. Pretty smart, but not the smartest. Some were still slave owners, and I have seen other systems in place that are better. You have a system that allows one person to give executive orders. It allows one person to issue pardons on a whim. Not even the Queen can do that.

And you haven't read my posts. I have said many times on these boards that there are better systems. NZ and Australia for two. Germany and most Scandinavian countries have better systems, too. The only western system that is worse than the US (IMO) is the UK's FFP.
Ignorant and disenfranchised are two different things. If you're past the age of 14 and still don't know the electoral college picks the President that makes you ignorant, not disenfranchised.

Not arguing on what its end result is. That is a given and very easy to understand. Arguing about what a crap system it is. There is a difference. If you can't see that point, you cannot be past the age of 14...

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