Hillary Clinton Is America's Most Admired Woman For a Record 21st Time

Noooooooo, you're not a democrat...

In NZ I have voted ACT (to the right of the US GoP), National (our version of the GoP), Labour (our version of Dem) and Greens. I vote policy, not party. In one election my constituency vote went to the National candidate because she was a very good local politician and represented her constituents and their problems very well. In that same election, my party vote went to Labour because their agenda - at the time - was more in keeping with my own personal views. If I lived in NZ now, I'd probably be a national voter. Labour are a too left for me at the moment.
No Californian got disenfranchised.

As I said before, this is the United STATES of America.

In your version it would be called simply America or some such.

But this country is a union of states with equal rights, with no malice and no jealousy toward an other. After the original 13, all states knew what they were getting into, and got into with happy eagerness. California knew that it will have to face and sometimes lose to states with lesser population.

Besides, your argument is stupid: If the Supreme Court of the United States has no problem with the Electoral College neither should an uninformed alien from Britain. Or are you forgetting that even your own country has similar supposedly equal partners namely, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

You are also forgetting that the United STATES fought a long and bitter civil war to keep and improve the system so wisely designed by the Founding Fathers.

  1. Your ilk wants the United States presidential election go down like elections in Cuba or in Venezuela or oin the glorious peoples republic of North Korea.
2. Your ilk is looking for faults where none exists.

3. Your ilk is butting their noses where they don't belong.

4. Have you tried to join the Democratic Part? I am sure you would be welcome as n honorary member and a useful idiot.

5. You have washed out old hag as your head of state with the hope that a somewhat less washed out dork or his son to be your next head of state, and you have the nerve to berate and criticize other countries of how they choose their leaders.

6. Your Prime Minister, whoever that is, usually wins by less than 50% of the popular vote. Obviously,you have no problem with that.

7. Finally is your butthurt due to the fact that your ancestors were kicked out in resounding success 240 years ago?

Don't go away mad, just go away. nd take the cry baby Democrats with you.

I've explained this on at least three different threads but I will do so again. For every 195,000 citizens in Wyoming there is 1 EC. For every 713,000 Californians there is 1 EC. IOW, the 590,000 Wyoming citizens get 3 EC votes. The same number in Cali don't even get one. That is disenfranchisement any way you look at it. Every person I have mentioned this to has yet to come back to me and disagree. They have said the BS you spout about this is the United STATES, blah, blah, blah, and that is correct. That doesn't negate the FACT that if you happen to live in Wyoming your vote means more. Most red voters think this is fine. And if that is how you feel, fine. But please don't bleat to the rest of us how it is the best society in the world, and is the land of the free. Sure you are. If you live in Alaska or Wyoming. Now to your other points:

1) Yeah, all those other western countries, who with the noted exception of UK, have far superior electoral systems than the US , have systems like N korea and Venezuela. Spoken like a true ignoramus who has no idea how other political systems work.
2) Already pointed out the faults. There are plenty more too.
3) The day the US butts its nose out of everybody else's business is the day I leave this board. Been saying so for the past 10 years. And yet, here I still am.
4) I'm a centrist. Not a democrat.
5) That 'old hag' has spent 70 years of her life to serving her people and she has NO power. She is 90 and shows no sign of slowing down. She has already worked 25 years past when normal people retire. The US, on the other hand, has a leader that can issue executive orders and give pardons on a whim. The only other countries I can think of where leaders can do that kind of thing with little or no oversight are dictatorships. Not even the 'old hag' can do that, yet your president can. Please don't lecture me on how much more freer you are than me. I'd take my system and freedom over yours any day of the week.
6) No I don't have a problem with that because we have better checks and balances. Almost all NZ and Australian parliaments are coalitions. IOW, politicians down here - like its is in real life unless you are an American rights-wing neocon loon - have to compromise so one party doesn't get to skew the country too far one way or the other. It is an infinitely better system than the US where politicians are more concerned about the win than actually serving the people.
7) They were your ancestors, too. And no, I come from an English colony, too.

I usually do not resort to personal insults unless I am forced to do so by extreme stupidity.

Your numbers mean nothing, The law says that all states have equal rights regardless of population. Unless you can provide proof that New York, California, New Jersey or lllinois want out of the United States because they have been robbed out of their voting rights and have been disenfranchised by current laws, shut the hell up and learn from people who are, obviously , smarter than you.

I am not going thru your counter arguments point by point, because, even though I am retired, I still prefer not wasng my time with insufferable fools.

That old hag refuses to show love for her son, by desperately hanging on the straw crown, and will probably go down in like Hillary Clinton went down in the pipe dream of an undeserved rsgrace defending it, in the growing movement of republicanism in England, just like Hillary Clinton went down for not deserving the post she aspired for, just like your old hag has done nothing for the false adulation she is getting.

And for your education, I am a proud Canadian, who lived in the United States, worked there for six years and found the mericans the most friendly and accomodating peoople I have ever met.

I am surprised that you are a kiwi. I could have sworn you were an Englkish person.

Recently I spent one month on ariver cruise in Europe (Amsterdam to Istanbul) and the friends we made were mostly Australians and New Zealanders. Thankfully, none of tem was as obstinate as you.

Grow up and learn to admit when you lost.
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as I said several times. If you don't like the EC, change the constitution. Until then, deal with it.

Additionally, you lost. Deal with that. the GOP now controls the whitehouse, both houses of congress, and a majority of governors and state legislatures.

Until you dem/libs wake up and realize that the people are not buying your liberal bullshit, your party will continue to crumble into chaos.

I think you should change the constitution. I would say Clinton getting more votes, Trumpie getting less than McCain and Romney, and the GoP losing seats in both houses, is hardly the the Dem party crumbling.

I'm not even a Dem. I just call BS when I see it.

get your facts straight. Trump got more votes than McCrazy and Romney. The GOP controls both houses of congress, 39 of 50 state governors and a majority of state legislatures. The election of 2016 was a rejection of not only the hildebeast, but Obama, democrats, liberalism and the lying media.
No Californian got disenfranchised.

As I said before, this is the United STATES of America.

In your version it would be called simply America or some such.

But this country is a union of states with equal rights, with no malice and no jealousy toward an other. After the original 13, all states knew what they were getting into, and got into with happy eagerness. California knew that it will have to face and sometimes lose to states with lesser population.

Besides, your argument is stupid: If the Supreme Court of the United States has no problem with the Electoral College neither should an uninformed alien from Britain. Or are you forgetting that even your own country has similar supposedly equal partners namely, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

You are also forgetting that the United STATES fought a long and bitter civil war to keep and improve the system so wisely designed by the Founding Fathers.

  1. Your ilk wants the United States presidential election go down like elections in Cuba or in Venezuela or oin the glorious peoples republic of North Korea.
2. Your ilk is looking for faults where none exists.

3. Your ilk is butting their noses where they don't belong.

4. Have you tried to join the Democratic Part? I am sure you would be welcome as n honorary member and a useful idiot.

5. You have washed out old hag as your head of state with the hope that a somewhat less washed out dork or his son to be your next head of state, and you have the nerve to berate and criticize other countries of how they choose their leaders.

6. Your Prime Minister, whoever that is, usually wins by less than 50% of the popular vote. Obviously,you have no problem with that.

7. Finally is your butthurt due to the fact that your ancestors were kicked out in resounding success 240 years ago?

Don't go away mad, just go away. nd take the cry baby Democrats with you.

I've explained this on at least three different threads but I will do so again. For every 195,000 citizens in Wyoming there is 1 EC. For every 713,000 Californians there is 1 EC. IOW, the 590,000 Wyoming citizens get 3 EC votes. The same number in Cali don't even get one. That is disenfranchisement any way you look at it. Every person I have mentioned this to has yet to come back to me and disagree. They have said the BS you spout about this is the United STATES, blah, blah, blah, and that is correct. That doesn't negate the FACT that if you happen to live in Wyoming your vote means more. Most red voters think this is fine. And if that is how you feel, fine. But please don't bleat to the rest of us how it is the best society in the world, and is the land of the free. Sure you are. If you live in Alaska or Wyoming. Now to your other points:

1) Yeah, all those other western countries, who with the noted exception of UK, have far superior electoral systems than the US , have systems like N korea and Venezuela. Spoken like a true ignoramus who has no idea how other political systems work.
2) Already pointed out the faults. There are plenty more too.
3) The day the US butts its nose out of everybody else's business is the day I leave this board. Been saying so for the past 10 years. And yet, here I still am.
4) I'm a centrist. Not a democrat.
5) That 'old hag' has spent 70 years of her life to serving her people and she has NO power. She is 90 and shows no sign of slowing down. She has already worked 25 years past when normal people retire. The US, on the other hand, has a leader that can issue executive orders and give pardons on a whim. The only other countries I can think of where leaders can do that kind of thing with little or no oversight are dictatorships. Not even the 'old hag' can do that, yet your president can. Please don't lecture me on how much more freer you are than me. I'd take my system and freedom over yours any day of the week.
6) No I don't have a problem with that because we have better checks and balances. Almost all NZ and Australian parliaments are coalitions. IOW, politicians down here - like its is in real life unless you are an American rights-wing neocon loon - have to compromise so one party doesn't get to skew the country too far one way or the other. It is an infinitely better system than the US where politicians are more concerned about the win than actually serving the people.
7) They were your ancestors, too. And no, I come from an English colony, too.

The US constitution specifies how we elect presidents. Its not going to change. Both candidates knew the rules before the election started. Trump won by the rules of the contest. Hillary lost, its over.

get your facts straight. Trump got more votes than McCrazy and Romney. The GOP controls both houses of congress, 39 of 50 state governors and a majority of state legislatures. The election of 2016 was a rejection of not only the hildebeast, but Obama, democrats, liberalism and the lying media.

He has now after all votes. You are right. After the initial count he hadn't though.
1) He lost the popular vote
2) The GoP lost seats in the senate and house. Hardly a ringing endorsement
3) State legislature?? One word: Gerrymandering
The US constitution specifies how we elect presidents. Its not going to change. Both candidates knew the rules before the election started. Trump won by the rules of the contest. Hillary lost, its over.

Not my point.
The US constitution specifies how we elect presidents. Its not going to change. Both candidates knew the rules before the election started. Trump won by the rules of the contest. Hillary lost, its over.

Not my point.

your point is that you don't like the EC. Tough shit. Until the constitution is changed its how we elect presidents.
[ But the people still elected him in a big way..

Big way? She received more than 2.8 million votes than him. And please don't give me this 'illegal' crap or 'take away California" BS. There is absolutely no evidence there were illegal votes. And even if all those 2.8 million votes happened in California (which is not true) so what? Californian voters should be disenfranchised because of where they live? Big way? The GoP LOST seats in the senate and house. Hardly a 'big way' vote for Trump.

Yes we hate those socialist Marxist liberal piece of crap.


No Californian got disenfranchised.

As I said before, this is the United STATES of America.

In your version it would be called simply America or some such.

But this country is a union of states with equal rights, with no malice and no jealousy toward an other. After the original 13, all states knew what they were getting into, and got into with happy eagerness. California knew that it will have to face and sometimes lose to states with lesser population.

Besides, your argument is stupid: If the Supreme Court of the United States has no problem with the Electoral College neither should an uninformed alien from Britain. Or are you forgetting that even your own country has similar supposedly equal partners namely, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

You are also forgetting that the United STATES fought a long and bitter civil war to keep and improve the system so wisely designed by the Founding Fathers.

  1. Your ilk wants the United States presidential election go down like elections in Cuba or in Venezuela or oin the glorious peoples republic of North Korea.
2. Your ilk is looking for faults where none exists.

3. Your ilk is butting their noses where they don't belong.

4. Have you tried to join the Democratic Part? I am sure you would be welcome as n honorary member and a useful idiot.

5. You have washed out old hag as your head of state with the hope that a somewhat less washed out dork or his son to be your next head of state, and you have the nerve to berate and criticize other countries of how they choose their leaders.

6. Your Prime Minister, whoever that is, usually wins by less than 50% of the popular vote. Obviously,you have no problem with that.

7. Finally is your butthurt due to the fact that your ancestors were kicked out in resounding success 240 years ago?

Don't go away mad, just go away. nd take the cry baby Democrats with you.

I've explained this on at least three different threads but I will do so again. For every 195,000 citizens in Wyoming there is 1 EC. For every 713,000 Californians there is 1 EC. IOW, the 590,000 Wyoming citizens get 3 EC votes. The same number in Cali don't even get one. That is disenfranchisement any way you look at it. Every person I have mentioned this to has yet to come back to me and disagree. They have said the BS you spout about this is the United STATES, blah, blah, blah, and that is correct. That doesn't negate the FACT that if you happen to live in Wyoming your vote means more. Most red voters think this is fine. And if that is how you feel, fine. But please don't bleat to the rest of us how it is the best society in the world, and is the land of the free. Sure you are. If you live in Alaska or Wyoming. Now to your other points:

1) Yeah, all those other western countries, who with the noted exception of UK, have far superior electoral systems than the US , have systems like N korea and Venezuela. Spoken like a true ignoramus who has no idea how other political systems work.
2) Already pointed out the faults. There are plenty more too.
3) The day the US butts its nose out of everybody else's business is the day I leave this board. Been saying so for the past 10 years. And yet, here I still am.
4) I'm a centrist. Not a democrat.
5) That 'old hag' has spent 70 years of her life to serving her people and she has NO power. She is 90 and shows no sign of slowing down. She has already worked 25 years past when normal people retire. The US, on the other hand, has a leader that can issue executive orders and give pardons on a whim. The only other countries I can think of where leaders can do that kind of thing with little or no oversight are dictatorships. Not even the 'old hag' can do that, yet your president can. Please don't lecture me on how much more freer you are than me. I'd take my system and freedom over yours any day of the week.
6) No I don't have a problem with that because we have better checks and balances. Almost all NZ and Australian parliaments are coalitions. IOW, politicians down here - like its is in real life unless you are an American rights-wing neocon loon - have to compromise so one party doesn't get to skew the country too far one way or the other. It is an infinitely better system than the US where politicians are more concerned about the win than actually serving the people.
7) They were your ancestors, too. And no, I come from an English colony, too.

Zzzzzz we don't give a crap.


get your facts straight. Trump got more votes than McCrazy and Romney. The GOP controls both houses of congress, 39 of 50 state governors and a majority of state legislatures. The election of 2016 was a rejection of not only the hildebeast, but Obama, democrats, liberalism and the lying media.

He has now after all votes. You are right. After the initial count he hadn't though.
1) He lost the popular vote
2) The GoP lost seats in the senate and house. Hardly a ringing endorsement
3) State legislature?? One word: Gerrymandering


And gerrymandering?

Have you ever seen a ward map of Chicago? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black


your point is that you don't like the EC. Tough shit. Until the constitution is changed its how we elect presidents.

That is part of it. What I like is for everybody to have their say. I know you don't. Land of the free my arse.
And gerrymandering?

Have you ever seen a ward map of Chicago? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black



Yep, as I have said before, they both do it, just that the GoP do it better. What a great democracy the US is (and please, don't give me this shit about being a republic - I'm talking democracy in the general sense)...
And gerrymandering?

Have you ever seen a ward map of Chicago? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black



Yep, as I have said before, they both do it, just that the GoP do it better. What a great democracy the US is (and please, don't give me this shit about being a republic - I'm talking democracy in the general sense)...

the gop does it better?

That's a laugh the gop has not been in power of the blue citys in decades in Chicagos case over a 100 years.

the gop does it better?

That's a laugh the gop has not been in power of the blue citys in decades in Chicagos case over a 100 years.

Didn't somebody just post that the Dems got their butts kicked in the state legislature races??

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