Hillary Clinton Is Just To Damn Old

I didn't like this approach when it was directed at McCain and I don't like it now
The ones talking about age are beside themselves because she actually got into the race. I know, it's scary but she is running and there's nothing much you can do to stop her.
Stop her? Are you kidding? Hell I WANT her to run. One year in and she drops dead from a stroke. And the dem's have NOBODY.

Ehh... They would have the vice president....

Hillary is going to probably pick a youthful vice...

Anyway this is the lamest attempt at trying to find a fault in the a Democratic candidate from a guy who is supporting a complete no hoper due to a deranged complex....

This thread is just funny.
I think Hillary will drop dead during the primaries.
Or maybe you will drop dead from your meltdown about Hillary here. Go figure...

the only meltdown we've been seeing is from you dear. Go vote for her and be done with it
Since I don't need a national voter's ID card, I'm gonna vote for Hillary 6 or 7 times.
Republican Playbook to defeat Hillary

1. Benghazi!
2. Quotes taken out of context
3. Bad photoshop
4. Blowjob references
6. Vince Foster, Whitewater....
7. email conspiracy theories
8 Claiming Hillary has no experience
9. Blaming Hillary for 9-11
10. Cankles

You forgot:

"Hillary can't bake, Hillary can't bake!" I remember that one vividly.... ahhhh....
NO, not at all Slats. I'm PRO-LIFE remember? I just think your taking an aged feeble senile person and making them the ONLY choice COULD harm them.

I'm SUGGESTING you be PRO-life in this case and put her in the home where she can't harm anyone.

I have no idea if you are pro-life, nor do I care. But one thing we all do know:

You are pro-boldface-type.
Told you before. Show me the rule violation or piss off.

What are you incoherently babbling about this time, grandpapa?
You know Stats. i know women that have tits smarter then you.

like tits on a boar

You are a boar, or a bore?

I have no idea if you are pro-life, nor do I care. But one thing we all do know:

You are pro-boldface-type.
Told you before. Show me the rule violation or piss off.

What are you incoherently babbling about this time, grandpapa?
You know Stats. i know women that have tits smarter then you.

like tits on a boar

You are a boar, or a bore?

Move on to the NEXT thread then. It's NOT like you would be missed here.
Told you before. Show me the rule violation or piss off.

What are you incoherently babbling about this time, grandpapa?
You know Stats. i know women that have tits smarter then you.

like tits on a boar

You are a boar, or a bore?

Move on to the NEXT thread then. It's NOT like you would be missed here.

Oh, Hell no. Poking fun at you is half of the game here in USMB. :dev3::dev3::dev3:

Besides, you look so happy when flogged. :whip::whip::whip:
People age at different rates and that's just fact. Some stay youthful for a long time. Cher and Lena Horne come to mind. But Hillary is aging quickly, VERY quickly. See photo below....

This picture was taken yesterday. Looks like Mitch McConnel with long hair. Shes aging hard NOT just on the outside but ALSO on the inside. Now they SAY she fell and hit her head and had a blood clot. Strokes are CAUSED by blood clots and odds are she had a mini stroke and fell and hit her head. I worked end stage rehab for 27 years and THAT is what is telling me they are LYING about what went down.

Their STORY about dehydration does NOT play either. When your body is UNABLE to tell your mind you need a glass of water YOUR wiring harness IS screwed up. There SO off the mark calling this as that they MIGHT want to think again democrats. She had a half DOZEN people standing around here at ALL times and STILL dehydrated?

She is aging on the inside RAPIDLY. THIS woman does not have four years of HIGH stress job abilities in her. the campaign MIGHT kill her. So you democrats may want to open your field and get some more folks. Just being honest with you here democrats that's all.

NO person who ever DIED on the trail ever served ONE DAY in office. And as much as you want to be there I have a VERY strong feeling she will not. I think you democrats should stop your support for her on sheer morals and ethics. NOT hers but YOURS.

Your pushing her and her alone COULD very well lead to her death. I TRULY suggest YOU think about it.
Winning argument with women voters.
I hope Republicans run on a platform of Hillary is old and ugly
What else do they have? Her foreign policy experience? If it's what they're talking about here, they've got nothing.
You're right.
When it comes to foreign policy she's got absolutely nothing

Neither did Obama. So it seems it's not important to them unless it comes to a Republican.

then we hear, What's their "foreign policy"
People age at different rates and that's just fact. Some stay youthful for a long time. Cher and Lena Horne come to mind. But Hillary is aging quickly, VERY quickly. See photo below....

This picture was taken yesterday. Looks like Mitch McConnel with long hair. Shes aging hard NOT just on the outside but ALSO on the inside. Now they SAY she fell and hit her head and had a blood clot. Strokes are CAUSED by blood clots and odds are she had a mini stroke and fell and hit her head. I worked end stage rehab for 27 years and THAT is what is telling me they are LYING about what went down.

Their STORY about dehydration does NOT play either. When your body is UNABLE to tell your mind you need a glass of water YOUR wiring harness IS screwed up. There SO off the mark calling this as that they MIGHT want to think again democrats. She had a half DOZEN people standing around here at ALL times and STILL dehydrated?

She is aging on the inside RAPIDLY. THIS woman does not have four years of HIGH stress job abilities in her. the campaign MIGHT kill her. So you democrats may want to open your field and get some more folks. Just being honest with you here democrats that's all.

NO person who ever DIED on the trail ever served ONE DAY in office. And as much as you want to be there I have a VERY strong feeling she will not. I think you democrats should stop your support for her on sheer morals and ethics. NOT hers but YOURS.

Your pushing her and her alone COULD very well lead to her death. I TRULY suggest YOU think about it.

Probably why she's taking a low stress campaign strategy, to avoid becoming overly stressed out and having a big stroke.
She's avoiding all situations that would require answering hard questions. She thinks she can just coast into the White House because it's her turn.
Upon entering the office of the President of the United State, Ronald Reagan was 69 years, 349 days old (just one month shy of his 70th birthday), then served 2,922 days as our president and then enjoyed a retirement of 5,615 days (more than double his 2-terms in office) before unfortunately dying in 2004.

He looked pretty damned old at 69 and yet, he was voted in to office. He also had a slew of medical problems, but that didn't keep him from getting elected.

When Hillary is sworn in, she have just turned 69 after the election of 2016, so she will be almost a year younger than Reagan was.

Righties are really, really, really, REALLY bad at math and it comes back to bite them in the ass every time.


and Nancy ran the country during reagan's second term. you dem/libs made a big deal about that at the time.

HRC is old, tired, angry, arrogant, and just downright unpleasant. She is a terrible candidate, but you fools are stuck with her.
Upon entering the office of the President of the United State, Ronald Reagan was 69 years, 349 days old (just one month shy of his 70th birthday), then served 2,922 days as our president and then enjoyed a retirement of 5,615 days (more than double his 2-terms in office) before unfortunately dying in 2004.

He looked pretty damned old at 69 and yet, he was voted in to office. He also had a slew of medical problems, but that didn't keep him from getting elected.

When Hillary is sworn in, she have just turned 69 after the election of 2016, so she will be almost a year younger than Reagan was.

Righties are really, really, really, REALLY bad at math and it comes back to bite them in the ass every time.


and Nancy ran the country during reagan's second term. you dem/libs made a big deal about that at the time.

HRC is old, tired, angry, arrogant, and just downright unpleasant. She is a terrible candidate, but you fools are stuck with her.

Oh, that's a new one, I never heard that one.

You really think so? Really?

Upon entering the office of the President of the United State, Ronald Reagan was 69 years, 349 days old (just one month shy of his 70th birthday), then served 2,922 days as our president and then enjoyed a retirement of 5,615 days (more than double his 2-terms in office) before unfortunately dying in 2004.

He looked pretty damned old at 69 and yet, he was voted in to office. He also had a slew of medical problems, but that didn't keep him from getting elected.

When Hillary is sworn in, she have just turned 69 after the election of 2016, so she will be almost a year younger than Reagan was.

Righties are really, really, really, REALLY bad at math and it comes back to bite them in the ass every time.


and Nancy ran the country during reagan's second term. you dem/libs made a big deal about that at the time.

HRC is old, tired, angry, arrogant, and just downright unpleasant. She is a terrible candidate, but you fools are stuck with her.

Oh, that's a new one, I never heard that one.

You really think so? Really?


new? not really.

but I find it very amusing that you dems are stuck with her this time. Obama has destroyed your party and HRC will complete its demise. 2017 will see a republican in the white house and GOP control of both houses of congress. You libs had your chance and you blew it.
People age at different rates and that's just fact. Some stay youthful for a long time. Cher and Lena Horne come to mind. But Hillary is aging quickly, VERY quickly. See photo below....

This picture was taken yesterday. Looks like Mitch McConnel with long hair. Shes aging hard NOT just on the outside but ALSO on the inside. Now they SAY she fell and hit her head and had a blood clot. Strokes are CAUSED by blood clots and odds are she had a mini stroke and fell and hit her head. I worked end stage rehab for 27 years and THAT is what is telling me they are LYING about what went down.

Their STORY about dehydration does NOT play either. When your body is UNABLE to tell your mind you need a glass of water YOUR wiring harness IS screwed up. There SO off the mark calling this as that they MIGHT want to think again democrats. She had a half DOZEN people standing around here at ALL times and STILL dehydrated?

She is aging on the inside RAPIDLY. THIS woman does not have four years of HIGH stress job abilities in her. the campaign MIGHT kill her. So you democrats may want to open your field and get some more folks. Just being honest with you here democrats that's all.

NO person who ever DIED on the trail ever served ONE DAY in office. And as much as you want to be there I have a VERY strong feeling she will not. I think you democrats should stop your support for her on sheer morals and ethics. NOT hers but YOURS.

Your pushing her and her alone COULD very well lead to her death. I TRULY suggest YOU think about it.

Probably why she's taking a low stress campaign strategy, to avoid becoming overly stressed out and having a big stroke.
She's avoiding all situations that would require answering hard questions. She thinks she can just coast into the White House because it's her turn.

Of course it is. All we'll be seeing is Heavy heavy CLASS WARFARE from her and her DNC lapdogs in the media and party

AND next we will all be accused of BEING SEXIST next...mark my words folks...they have NOTHING else
Upon entering the office of the President of the United State, Ronald Reagan was 69 years, 349 days old (just one month shy of his 70th birthday), then served 2,922 days as our president and then enjoyed a retirement of 5,615 days (more than double his 2-terms in office) before unfortunately dying in 2004.

He looked pretty damned old at 69 and yet, he was voted in to office. He also had a slew of medical problems, but that didn't keep him from getting elected.

When Hillary is sworn in, she have just turned 69 after the election of 2016, so she will be almost a year younger than Reagan was.

Righties are really, really, really, REALLY bad at math and it comes back to bite them in the ass every time.


and Nancy ran the country during reagan's second term. you dem/libs made a big deal about that at the time.

HRC is old, tired, angry, arrogant, and just downright unpleasant. She is a terrible candidate, but you fools are stuck with her.

Oh, that's a new one, I never heard that one.

You really think so? Really?


new? not really.

but I find it very amusing that you dems are stuck with her this time. Obama has destroyed your party and HRC will complete its demise. 2017 will see a republican in the white house and GOP control of both houses of congress. You libs had your chance and you blew it.

I think we will see a Republican President. they people spoke out loud and clear with the last two MIDTERM elections.
I hope Republicans run on a platform of Hillary is old and ugly
What else do they have? Her foreign policy experience? If it's what they're talking about here, they've got nothing.
Hillary has foreign policy experience -- she can see Canada from New York.
Hardly, she was Secretary of State.
Give is just one foreign policy success story

I'd be interested in hearing about that, myself.

Just one foreign policy success story, of any size and substance, anyway.

So far... since the original request... crickets.

Upon entering the office of the President of the United State, Ronald Reagan was 69 years, 349 days old (just one month shy of his 70th birthday), then served 2,922 days as our president and then enjoyed a retirement of 5,615 days (more than double his 2-terms in office) before unfortunately dying in 2004.

He looked pretty damned old at 69 and yet, he was voted in to office. He also had a slew of medical problems, but that didn't keep him from getting elected.

When Hillary is sworn in, she have just turned 69 after the election of 2016, so she will be almost a year younger than Reagan was.

Righties are really, really, really, REALLY bad at math and it comes back to bite them in the ass every time.


and Nancy ran the country during reagan's second term. you dem/libs made a big deal about that at the time.

HRC is old, tired, angry, arrogant, and just downright unpleasant. She is a terrible candidate, but you fools are stuck with her.

Oh, that's a new one, I never heard that one.

You really think so? Really?


new? not really.

but I find it very amusing that you dems are stuck with her this time. Obama has destroyed your party and HRC will complete its demise. 2017 will see a republican in the white house and GOP control of both houses of congress. You libs had your chance and you blew it.

I think we will see a Republican President. they people spoke out loud and clear with the last two MIDTERM elections.
Good idea skipping past the last two presidential elections when predicting the next one. :mm:
Upon entering the office of the President of the United State, Ronald Reagan was 69 years, 349 days old (just one month shy of his 70th birthday), then served 2,922 days as our president and then enjoyed a retirement of 5,615 days (more than double his 2-terms in office) before unfortunately dying in 2004.

He looked pretty damned old at 69 and yet, he was voted in to office. He also had a slew of medical problems, but that didn't keep him from getting elected.

When Hillary is sworn in, she have just turned 69 after the election of 2016, so she will be almost a year younger than Reagan was.

Righties are really, really, really, REALLY bad at math and it comes back to bite them in the ass every time.


Nice of you to acknowledge what a great President Reagan was....particularly in his 2nd term. Big :thup:

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