Hillary Clinton Might Go To Jail?

Remember Liberals obsession with the missing 18 minutes of Nixons tapes? Did they really care about morals and integrity or just using morals and standards to hold Conservatives accountable? We've got a high ranking IRS official losing emails or destroying hard drives and a Secretary of State using her own email server that can never be accessed; except, by hackers of course. You Liberals need to get off your high horse.

Or you guys need to stop hoping that a "scandal" stops Hillary because you lack a candidate who can beat her.

Hey, here's a crazy idea. How about instead of manufacturing scandals, you actually find a candidate who can make a compelling case that, "We need another Republican in the White House! We promise this one won't get us into a recession or a war or something that might actually EFFECT YOUR LIFE!"
You libs can relax. That old political hack isn't ever going to see the inside of a jail cell. She's a Democrat. It will all die down in a couple of days. Not so if she was a Republican.

I'm still waiting for the Republicans who got us into a war based on lies to go to prison... but that ain't happening, either.
They have more powerful friends.

And you have to be charged, and convicted, before you go to prison.

Much easier to metaphorically 'hang' an individual than a group.
You libs can relax. That old political hack isn't ever going to see the inside of a jail cell. She's a Democrat. It will all die down in a couple of days. Not so if she was a Republican.

I'm still waiting for the Republicans who got us into a war based on lies to go to prison... but that ain't happening, either.
Because that isnt what happened? I realize facts dont matter to you so its pointless.
Remember Liberals obsession with the missing 18 minutes of Nixons tapes? Did they really care about morals and integrity or just using morals and standards to hold Conservatives accountable? We've got a high ranking IRS official losing emails or destroying hard drives and a Secretary of State using her own email server that can never be accessed; except, by hackers of course. You Liberals need to get off your high horse.

Or you guys need to stop hoping that a "scandal" stops Hillary because you lack a candidate who can beat her.

Hey, here's a crazy idea. How about instead of manufacturing scandals, you actually find a candidate who can make a compelling case that, "We need another Republican in the White House! We promise this one won't get us into a recession or a war or something that might actually EFFECT YOUR LIFE!"
Unfortunately, you make a good case here.

Most (all?) of the candidates lining-up at the trough for a shot at the White House are just not Presidential material.

Billary has an early lead because of her name and former (and residual?) popularity?

That's not exactly a well-grounded range of qualifications for the office, either.

Then again, given the Pubs idiotic elevation of both McSame (2008) and Mittens (2012) to the GOP candidacy in recent years, they've done an even worse job than the Dems, in putting someone before the American People who inspires confidence and enthusiasm.

This business of routinely voting for the lesser of two evils is getting a little tiresome, and it's putting wear-and-tear on the Republic, and its People.

It has oftentimes been that way in the past, as well, but we seem to be suffering from a prolonged phase of such bad choices in recent memory.

You're right... the Pubs have to get off their asses and do one helluva lot better job at advancing fresh faces and ideas than they've done in the past few elections.

After two terms laden with Social Engineering by Judicial Activism and Imperial Decree, the country needs a break, and a return to sanity.

If the Pubs can't get their heads out of their asses, with respect to fresh faces and ideas, the country may not get that needed break.

Helluva situation.
You libs can relax. That old political hack isn't ever going to see the inside of a jail cell. She's a Democrat. It will all die down in a couple of days. Not so if she was a Republican.

I'm still waiting for the Republicans who got us into a war based on lies to go to prison... but that ain't happening, either.
Because that isnt what happened? I realize facts dont matter to you so its pointless.

Bush said there were WMD's in Iraq.
There were no WMD's in Iraq. (no, expired mustard gas buried in 1991 doesn't count)
Bush Lied.
People died.

A lot more serious than using a personal e-mail address, which apparently was SUCH a disaster no one noticed the lack of a .gov e-mail for years.
Not that it excuses anything but I wonder how many of you calling for harsh penalties against Hillary are prepared to see Scott Walker face the same fate for doing the same thing?
You libs can relax. That old political hack isn't ever going to see the inside of a jail cell. She's a Democrat. It will all die down in a couple of days. Not so if she was a Republican.

I'm still waiting for the Republicans who got us into a war based on lies to go to prison... but that ain't happening, either.
Because that isnt what happened? I realize facts dont matter to you so its pointless.

Bush said there were WMD's in Iraq.
There were no WMD's in Iraq. (no, expired mustard gas buried in 1991 doesn't count)
Bush Lied.
People died.

A lot more serious than using a personal e-mail address, which apparently was SUCH a disaster no one noticed the lack of a .gov e-mail for years.
Thats been debunked so often and so well only a fool continues to repeat it.
You libs can relax. That old political hack isn't ever going to see the inside of a jail cell. She's a Democrat. It will all die down in a couple of days. Not so if she was a Republican.

I'm still waiting for the Republicans who got us into a war based on lies to go to prison... but that ain't happening, either.
Because that isnt what happened? I realize facts dont matter to you so its pointless.

Bush said there were WMD's in Iraq.
There were no WMD's in Iraq. (no, expired mustard gas buried in 1991 doesn't count)
Bush Lied.
People died.

A lot more serious than using a personal e-mail address, which apparently was SUCH a disaster no one noticed the lack of a .gov e-mail for years.
Thats been debunked so often and so well only a fool continues to repeat it.
GWB legacy polish only works on people who suffer from long-term memory loss.
No it hasn't been debunked. Bush lied and half of his top officials made millions off the war.

And Colin Powell used his private email account.

The author of the newspaper story also lied. Hillary did nothing illegal. The rules changed AFTER she left office.

The laws requiring administration officials to put their shares into a blind trust were openly violated by Cheney and Rumsfeld with not a whisper from you folks.
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You libs can relax. That old political hack isn't ever going to see the inside of a jail cell. She's a Democrat. It will all die down in a couple of days. Not so if she was a Republican.

I'm still waiting for the Republicans who got us into a war based on lies to go to prison... but that ain't happening, either.
Because that isnt what happened? I realize facts dont matter to you so its pointless.

Bush said there were WMD's in Iraq.
There were no WMD's in Iraq. (no, expired mustard gas buried in 1991 doesn't count)
Bush Lied.
People died.

A lot more serious than using a personal e-mail address, which apparently was SUCH a disaster no one noticed the lack of a .gov e-mail for years.
Thats been debunked so often and so well only a fool continues to repeat it.
GWB legacy polish only works on people who suffer from long-term memory loss.
Only a fool continues to believe it. So far I've got two of the biggest fools on this site proving it.
Nah that won't happen but if stuff likes this keeps coming out her automatic road to the 2016 Democratic Presidential nomination might not be as automatic as many think.

It might have an effect if anyone other then anti-Hillary preople gave a crap. What does the 47 percent care if Hillary breaks the law or not? Does it effect their monthly check? No, but electing someone honest, not 100 years old, and a person of with accomplishments might.

So no, short or murder, I doubt those who support democrats will care.
You libs can relax. That old political hack isn't ever going to see the inside of a jail cell. She's a Democrat. It will all die down in a couple of days. Not so if she was a Republican.

Walker's lack of a college degree will get more play.
Nah that won't happen but if stuff likes this keeps coming out her automatic road to the 2016 Democratic Presidential nomination might not be as automatic as many think.

It might have an effect if anyone other then anti-Hillary preople gave a crap. What does the 47 percent care if Hillary breaks the law or not? Does it effect their monthly check? No, but electing someone honest, not 100 years old, and a person of with accomplishments might.

So no, short or murder, I doubt those who support democrats will care.
I'm an anti-Hillary person but I am beginning to think that all politicians have a secret communications network to hide from FOIA requests and none on either side are willing to let this issue go too far or spread to themselves.

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