Hillary Clinton Puts the Lie to Her Own Caution About Fighting Terrorism

Now Ed how does the Taliban get formed in the 90's but be formed during Reagan and I didn't even have a computer and start going after them?
They were already formed when they were one of the Mujahideen factions fighting Reagan's proxy war against the Russians. They rose to power in the early 1990s. There is a difference between forming and rising to be the dominant power in the area.

That's a flat out lie. Stop.
I already posted the link to the history of the Taliban.

History of the Taliban

The Taliban was one of the Mujahideen factions that formed during the Soviet occupation and the internal fighting in Afghanistan. The Taliban emerged as a powerful movement in late 1994 when Pakistan chose the Taliban to guard a convoy trying to open a trade route from Pakistan to Central Asia. With Pakistan providing weapons, military training, and financial support, the Taliban gained control over several Afghan cities and successfully captured Kabul in September 1996.
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Hillary claims tht the best way to fight Salafi terrorism is to be careful to not offend them and to bend over backwards to avoid saying anything that might be used by our enemies to "Wave the bloody shirt" of Crusaderism and provoke more Muslims to join ISIS, AQ and other not so well known Jihadist groups.

But if this is true, then why doesnt she apply that tactic in her campaign against Trump? Why is she so eager to insult the Deplorables and provoke them to higher levels of effort to defeat her?

Because she knows the trade off work in her faovr, or at lest she thinks it does.

The trade off is yes, some Republicans are motivated more to defeat her, but she also is motivating her own supporters to work hard to defeat Trump. That is why she does it, my critique is that she has the percentages wrong as far more people are antagonized by her comments (because they are seriously considering or have decided to support Trump) vrs the hand full (5%) of Salafi Muslims that are revising Islam into a violent religion.

Hillary's actions, rhetoric and behavior show her to have a different set of beliefs about how to beat ones rivals/enemies than to not say bad things about them.

Based on her rhetoric one would conclude that she thinks that Republicans are more of a threat to America than bombers and mass attack idiots spouting Allah Akbar!

Lol, and she probably does think that like the fool she truly is.

more rightwingnut misogyny

now go vote for dumb donald

thank God America is smarter than the dumbo usmb echo chamber of idiocy...

Hillary claims tht the best way to fight Salafi terrorism is to be careful to not offend them and to bend over backwards to avoid saying anything that might be used by our enemies to "Wave the bloody shirt" of Crusaderism and provoke more Muslims to join ISIS, AQ and other not so well known Jihadist groups.
She says be smart and not offend the vast majority of Muslims who are NOT terrorists if we expect them to help us.
But you knew that already when you posted your lie.

to be fair, i think he's so stupid he doesn't understand that.

and then dumb donald tells him what he wants to hear
Ed you can't get much more left wing than the Toronto Star. Do love them though. They were great in my rock and roll days and one of their editors was a godfather to two of my children.

Ready for what I was telling you about the Taliban? Get some vaseline. It's going to hurt. Bend over. Incoming.

Bhutto helped create Taliban monster

In 1991, Pakistan's intelligence services stashed a massive cache of assault rifles and ammunition at a secret weapons dump in Spin Boldak, rushing armaments across the border as a (phony) deadline loomed for ending direct supply of their favoured combatants in Afghanistan's civil war.

Bhutto helped create Taliban monster | Toronto Star

Now back to the Clintons. How the hell did Bill et al NOT KNOW that Bhutto was creating the Taliban.

from where did you get BHUTTO created the TALIBAN?
The Taliban was the product of the Pakistan's ISI intelligence network during Bhutto's reign, but I am not sure that that program reached all the way to the top, though others seem to be.

Pakistan created Taliban during Benazirs regime with support from U.S., Saudi Arabia
New Delhi, Dec.17 : Pakistan organised the Taliban within the country with the active support of the United States and Saudi Arabia in 1996 when Benazir Bhutto was the Prime Minister and Nasir Ullah Babar was interior minister of Pakistan, Afzal Khan, a legendary personality of the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) has said.

Khan, who was a federal Cabinet minister at the time of creation of Taliban, has revealed that the United States created the Taliban to work as their proxy so that they could keep control over central Asia's energy resources. It was also done for the possibility of exploring four trillion cubic feet of gas in Afghanistan besides keeping China away from these energy rich areas.

Afzhal Khan, in a recent interview with Current, a Delhi-based newspaper, talked about various important aspects related to Taliban and role of Pakistan and the U.S. in its creation and the factors significant to bring peace in the region.


He said that Pakistan did organize the Taliban within Pakistan but with the active support of the US and Saudi Arabia in 1996 when Benazir Bhutto was the prime minister and Nasir Ullah Babar was interior minister of Pakistan. Being a federal Cabinet minister at that time, I am witness to the events."

Khan said: "Strategically, the US created the Taliban to work as their proxy so that they could keep control over central Asia's energy resources. It was also to explore the four trillion cubicfeet of gas in Afghanistan besides keeping China away from these energy rich areas."

Bhuttos Created Taliban – Benazir apologized in London at LSE

The whole of Pakistan and region is on the verge of collapse and turmoil because of the mistakes of Benziar Bhutto and her government’s support of Taliban which became Al-Qaida. Benazir Bhutto admitted few months ago, “We made a mistake in supporting (creating) Taliban”, at London School of Economics (LSE).Her interior minister Naseerullah Babar used to call ‘Taliban’ my boys.

Try again-----I was alive during that period of time----IN FACT---the usa was instrumental in creating THE TALIBAN---way back in the 1980s-----at that time the Pakistani "volunteers" were called MUJAHADEEN fighting for FREEDOM of Afghanistan from USSR incursion. The White House did not ask me. I have my information from eager Pakistanis----some of whom boasted of friends and relatives who were BRAVELY
fighting in Afghanistan as the behest of and for the BENEFIT of the USA------by THAT TIME the Taliban had already manifested the filth that they are (1990s) I kinda knew
way back in the 1980s that the eager Mujahadeen of Pakistan
were seeking CALIPHATE in Afghanistan. It should have been a lesson for us. SUPPORTING AND FUNDING-----is not the same as CREATING------SUPPORTING and FUNDING
without using one's head as to just WHAT we were supporting
is the issue. BTW----my very eager Pakistani informants told me that I (me ---rosie) just don't understand the GOOD that the Taliban were doing in Afghanistan (ie ---imposing shariah)
Now back to the Clintons. How the hell did Bill et al NOT KNOW that Bhutto was creating the Taliban.

from where did you get BHUTTO created the TALIBAN?

Benazir created the Taliban. That's a given. You didn't know this?

At that time the TALIBAN were the darlings of Pakistani society-----they were the brightest and the best----gone off
to Afghanistan to turn it into a CALIPHATE ---FOR THE GOOD OF ALL MANKIND. -------that's ISLAM. Ask Achmadinejad and the Ayatoilets
Hillary claims tht the best way to fight Salafi terrorism is to be careful to not offend them and to bend over backwards to avoid saying anything that might be used by our enemies to "Wave the bloody shirt" of Crusaderism and provoke more Muslims to join ISIS, AQ and other not so well known Jihadist groups.

But if this is true, then why doesnt she apply that tactic in her campaign against Trump? Why is she so eager to insult the Deplorables and provoke them to higher levels of effort to defeat her?

Because she knows the trade off work in her faovr, or at lest she thinks it does.

The trade off is yes, some Republicans are motivated more to defeat her, but she also is motivating her own supporters to work hard to defeat Trump. That is why she does it, my critique is that she has the percentages wrong as far more people are antagonized by her comments (because they are seriously considering or have decided to support Trump) vrs the hand full (5%) of Salafi Muslims that are revising Islam into a violent religion.

Hillary's actions, rhetoric and behavior show her to have a different set of beliefs about how to beat ones rivals/enemies than to not say bad things about them.

Based on her rhetoric one would conclude that she thinks that Republicans are more of a threat to America than bombers and mass attack idiots spouting Allah Akbar!

Lol, and she probably does think that like the fool she truly is.

more rightwingnut misogyny

now go vote for dumb donald

Oh stop you stupid old bitch. You are tiresome.

I'm pretty sure I'm younger than you. And I know you're far nastier than I am

Now shut up and go back to your drugs.
Hillary claims tht the best way to fight Salafi terrorism is to be careful to not offend them and to bend over backwards to avoid saying anything that might be used by our enemies to "Wave the bloody shirt" of Crusaderism and provoke more Muslims to join ISIS, AQ and other not so well known Jihadist groups.

But if this is true, then why doesnt she apply that tactic in her campaign against Trump? Why is she so eager to insult the Deplorables and provoke them to higher levels of effort to defeat her?

Because she knows the trade off work in her faovr, or at lest she thinks it does.

The trade off is yes, some Republicans are motivated more to defeat her, but she also is motivating her own supporters to work hard to defeat Trump. That is why she does it, my critique is that she has the percentages wrong as far more people are antagonized by her comments (because they are seriously considering or have decided to support Trump) vrs the hand full (5%) of Salafi Muslims that are revising Islam into a violent religion.

Hillary's actions, rhetoric and behavior show her to have a different set of beliefs about how to beat ones rivals/enemies than to not say bad things about them.

Based on her rhetoric one would conclude that she thinks that Republicans are more of a threat to America than bombers and mass attack idiots spouting Allah Akbar!

Lol, and she probably does think that like the fool she truly is.

The Deplorable insult themselves and America.

Thank you, good night.
The Taliban was the product of the Paklistan's ISI intelligence network during Bhutto's reign, but I am not sure that that program reached all the way to the top, though others seem to be.
And Reagan's favorite Republican is a major Taliban supporter.

Media reports documenting the Taliban’s harsh, radical beliefs were "nonsense."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

The Taliban would develop a "disciplined, moral society" that did not harbor terrorists.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

The Taliban posed no threat to the U.S.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

"Taliban could provide stability in an area where chaos was creating a real threat to the U.S."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

"Listen! Hold on! I am a bigger expert on Afghanistan than any member of Congress."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) California

Dana is a jerk----with ONE EXCEPTION------LONG LIVE FREE PUNJAB (aka balochistan)
Lets make it clear.... It was US misadventures into the Middle East that brought the rise of Islamic Fundamentalism,

BS----Islamic fundamentalism EXISTS wherever islam exists.
it rises and falls like a perpetual sin wave------as X approaches
Ed you can't get much more left wing than the Toronto Star. Do love them though. They were great in my rock and roll days and one of their editors was a godfather to two of my children.

Ready for what I was telling you about the Taliban? Get some vaseline. It's going to hurt. Bend over. Incoming.

Bhutto helped create Taliban monster

In 1991, Pakistan's intelligence services stashed a massive cache of assault rifles and ammunition at a secret weapons dump in Spin Boldak, rushing armaments across the border as a (phony) deadline loomed for ending direct supply of their favoured combatants in Afghanistan's civil war.

Bhutto helped create Taliban monster | Toronto Star
You do know that Bhutto was NOT Prime Minister in 1991.
The Taliban was the product of the Pakistan's ISI intelligence network during Bhutto's reign
The Taliban were actually a fighting faction of the Mujahideen long before Bhutto's reign.

No. Get on your red shoes lets dance.
Sorry if I step on your toes!

History of the Taliban

The Taliban was one of the Mujahideen factions that formed during the Soviet occupation and the internal fighting in Afghanistan.

The Taliban did not exist prior to 1991 and then it was only a religious/political movement until 1994 when the following occured.

Taliban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 1991, the Taliban (a movement originating from Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-run religious schools for Afghan refugees in Pakistan) also developed in Afghanistan as a politico-religious force. The most often-repeated story and the Taliban's own story of how Mullah Omar first mobilized his followers is that in the spring of 1994, neighbors in Singesar told him that the local governor had abducted two teenage girls, shaved their heads, and taken them to a camp where they were raped. 30 Taliban (with only 16 rifles) freed the girls, and hanged the governor from the barrel of a tank. Later that year, two militia commanders killed civilians while fighting for the right to sodomize a young boy. The Taliban freed him. Mullah Omar started his movement with fewer than 50 armed madrassah students in his hometown of Kandahar.[72][73]

I respect the Taliban as a worthy enemy who possess honesty and other virtues, but they are our enemy so we must exterminate them until they make peace or surrender.
Why is she so eager to insult the Deplorables and provoke them to higher levels of effort to defeat her?

deplorable things SHOULD be called out for what they are.

good leaders don't coddle and court racists, sexists, homophobics, xenophobics, Islamophobics...

IF you don't fit the bill then she wasn't talking about you...

or was she?? boo hoo :itsok:

GH was always a globalist. He's always been that way.

As to the rest of your rant, you are the party of the KKK and Jim Crow.

George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary
Why is she so eager to insult the Deplorables and provoke them to higher levels of effort to defeat her?

deplorable things SHOULD be called out for what they are.

good leaders don't coddle and court racists, sexists, homophobics, xenophobics, Islamophobics...

IF you don't fit the bill then she wasn't talking about you...

or was she?? boo hoo :itsok:

George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary
GH was always a globalist. He's always been that way.

As to the rest of your rant, you are the party of the KKK and Jim Crow.
George HW Bush is a senile corporate stooge.

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