Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation"

Where did she say Jail?
“But I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda, and whether they should be civilly, or even in some cases criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrence, because the Russians are unlikely, except in a very few cases, to ever stand trial in the United States.”
Don't have a huge problem with opening a discussion about this...
The 1st amendment is a right... People like Trump piss on that right by abusing it everyday. He sayas things that have got people death threats and interfered with other people freedom.
That is essentially wrong, we can't have individuals interfering with others peoples safety and freedom, if we do so then someone has too much power and legislation is needed to have both individuals to enjoy the same freedom.
We already have laws that cover this.
J6 is all you got. And, you justify burning, looting, and maiming in multiple cities because of the rare instance of a white police officer killing a black suspect. Kamala Harris and Maxine Waters use the threat of riots as a tactic to get what they want from the ballot box or court room.

Now we have Republicans being shot at.
Being shot at by other republicans... Democrats don't really believe in guns.

Trump got shot at because two demonstrably crazy people - Crooks and Routh - were able to acquire military-grade weapons.

1000 people being shot by police a year is not rare, guy.

It's an insane number compared to other industrialized country, which have numbers in the low double digits.
“But I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda, and whether they should be civilly, or even in some cases criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrence, because the Russians are unlikely, except in a very few cases, to ever stand trial in the United States.”

We already have laws that cover this.
Very difficult to prove.... If you stumbled onto an operation let's say with 20 people sitting behind keyboards with a list false statements that they were instructed to spread well yeah maybe.

Other than that one person's opinion can be another person's false information and one person's false information can be another person's opinion. You simply cannot make a blanket rule. It would be a catastrophe.

Additionally how do you prove motive?

Over the course of my life I've changed my mind many times about things after having received more information on the subject. Did that make me a liar? No. It made me a better informed person that simple.
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Being shot at by other republicans... Democrats don't really believe in guns.

Trump got shot at because two demonstrably crazy people - Crooks and Routh - were able to acquire military-grade weapons.

1000 people being shot by police a year is not rare, guy.

It's an insane number compared to other industrialized country, which have numbers in the low double digits.
Rough and Crooks also had driver's licenced.
Being shot at by other republicans... Democrats don't really believe in guns.

Trump got shot at because two demonstrably crazy people - Crooks and Routh - were able to acquire military-grade weapons.

1000 people being shot by police a year is not rare, guy.

It's an insane number compared to other industrialized country, which have numbers in the low double digits.
The last guy was a Biden/Harris supporter, Simp.

Why do you lie all the time?

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