Hillary Clinton The Crook Of All Crooks!!!


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, your Girl is in bigger trouble than you thought!!!

James O’Keefe, a Political Sleuth, to Stalk Campaigns for Wrongdoing

James O'Keefe of Project Veritas Action discussed a video shown in Washington on Tuesday, which he said involved Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign staff members.Credit Stephen Crowley/The New York Times
Campaign rallies are crawling with hidden cameras these days as opposition researchers from rivals, activist groups or political action committees spare no expense in hopes of finding a gaffe or, ideally, signs of unlawfulness.

Presidential campaigns were put on notice on Tuesday that the stakes will be higher in this election cycle as Project Veritas Action, a research team that uses undercover investigators, warned that it was stepping up its stalking.

The group, which considers itself a journalism organization, is led by James O’Keefe, who has experienced his own legal problems over the years for lying to gain access to information. In 2010, Mr. O’Keefe pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges and was fined for posing as a repairman to gain access to the office of former Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana. Two years ago, Mr. O’Keefe paid $100,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by a former Acorn member after he posed as a pimp during an investigation of the activist group.



i heard about this on the radio earlier today. oh well, what difference does it make, looks like its going to be a Trump/Cruz ticket at this point.
and when this news gets all over the airwaves, the chit will hit the fan in Humas office and Hillary will just crap her depends again.
dammit! and I was hoping for that Bill/Huma/Inflatable Doll sex scandal to be the October Surpise!!!
doesnt anyone find it rather peculiar that Bill has stayed silent all of this time?
doesnt anyone find it rather peculiar that Bill has stayed silent all of this time?

Which is pretty odd for him. Something tells me that he does not want to be indicted because of her.

It will take away his time with "the energizer".

doesnt anyone find it rather peculiar that Bill has stayed silent all of this time?

Which is pretty odd for him. Something tells me that he does not want to be indicted because of her.

It will take away his time with "the energizer".

and same with Huma, she hasnt said anything about her Husband in regards to him showing the world his weener.
Yet she is winning and have big odds in the electoral college. Fuck small useless government!
doesnt anyone find it rather peculiar that Bill has stayed silent all of this time?

Which is pretty odd for him. Something tells me that he does not want to be indicted because of her.

It will take away his time with "the energizer".

and same with Huma, she hasnt said anything about her Husband in regards to him showing the world his weener.
i am still waiting for Huma to go on national TV and make a comment about her Husbands bad habits on the web.
i heard about this on the radio earlier today. oh well, what difference does it make, looks like its going to be a Trump/Cruz ticket at this point.
I don't think so. Trump is not who the republicans in power want to run, so there will be some reason that he backs out.
the next president has already been decided.
Calling Hillary Clinton the "Crook of All Crooks" is demonstrative of a profound historical ignorance.

I guess we can expect another season of superlatives, exaggerations, lies, hypocrisy, and enough logical fallacies to spontaneously turn the moon into cheese!
In related news, James O'Keefe has placed six million feet of film fragments found on the floor of his studio up for sale on eBay.

"I have no idea how all that got there."
and same with Huma, she hasnt said anything about her Husband in regards to him showing the world his weener.
Lets not forget...he was showing his weener to under age girls. A fact most reporters ignore.
Calling Hillary Clinton the "Crook of All Crooks" is demonstrative of a profound historical ignorance.

I guess we can expect another season of superlatives, exaggerations, lies, hypocrisy, and enough logical fallacies to spontaneously turn the moon into cheese!

Yep, from both sides, just look at the crap the fake indian is posting.
In related news, James O'Keefe has placed six million feet of film fragments found on the floor of his studio up for sale on eBay.

"I have no idea how all that got there."

YoYo has no idea who Lil Jimmy O'Keefe is or that he has never done even one honest thing in his life.

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