Hillary Clinton Won FL, NC, PENN, and WI, according to Exit Polls

That is actually his argument, the exit polls are always right and the counting is always wrong. He thinks Kerry won.

The problem is you underestimated his stupid, like I did
How can you underestimate the stupidity of someone named Dubyadalastrepugprez?
You have to give him credit: His party was decimated - White House, Senate, House, Supreme Court, state houses - and he's acting like they were the winner.

You've gotta kind of admire that, in a weird way. Kind of a backwards arrogance.

No acting required. Clinton won by 2.5 million votes.

Most Americans know that Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke.
White House. House. Senate. Supreme Court. State houses.

Are you aware of this, on any level?

I'm aware that you Repug mother fuckers steal elections and that your opinions are worthless.

Yes, the Democrats are entitled to win. Any time you lose it is stealing an election that was yours
That is actually his argument, the exit polls are always right and the counting is always wrong. He thinks Kerry won.

The problem is you underestimated his stupid, like I did
How can you underestimate the stupidity of someone named Dubyadalastrepugprez?
You have to give him credit: His party was decimated - White House, Senate, House, Supreme Court, state houses - and he's acting like they were the winner.

You've gotta kind of admire that, in a weird way. Kind of a backwards arrogance.

No acting required. Clinton won by 2.5 million votes.

Most Americans know that Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke.

Congrats on the great victory, savor it. Lol!

More comedy from the board clown!

Says the stupid mother fucker ass clown who voted for Bush....twice.

Says the stupid mother fucker ass clown who voted for Obama....twice.
Yeah, I voted for Hillary, sorry.

Are you expecting Hillary to be President on January 20?

I'm trying to gauge how distorted your perceptions are.
If you voted for Hillary, it begs the same question of you.
I've explained my vote a zillion times. An objective mind would understand it.
If you've explained your vote a zillion times, you might ask yourself why, objectively of course.
Oh, I know why.

I've explained it a zillion times because the hardcore Trump supporters tend to be very binary thinkers, i.e., if you don't vote for Trump you can only be a commie pinko radical. Incredibly simplistic and shallow.

These people are clearly not capable of rational thought outside of their all-or-nothing echo chamber, however, so I eventually just gave up. Life is not black and white, and I just can't get them to understand that.
Yeah, I voted for Hillary, sorry.

Are you expecting Hillary to be President on January 20?

I'm trying to gauge how distorted your perceptions are.
If you voted for Hillary, it begs the same question of you.
I've explained my vote a zillion times. An objective mind would understand it.
If you've explained your vote a zillion times, you might ask yourself why, objectively of course.
Oh, I know why.

I've explained it a zillion times because the hardcore partisan ideologue Trump supporters tend to be very binary thinkers, i.e., if you don't vote for Trump you're a commie pinko radical. Incredibly simplistic and shallow.

These people are clearly not capable of rational thought outside of their all-or-nothing echo chamber, however, so I eventually just gave up. Life is not black and white, and I just can't get them to understand that.
Given that you're rationalizing voting for Hillary Clinton, I understand the extremes of convolution in your argument. I suppose simplicity has its attractions as if in some are binary thinkers while you are not.
Yeah, I voted for Hillary, sorry.

Are you expecting Hillary to be President on January 20?

I'm trying to gauge how distorted your perceptions are.
If you voted for Hillary, it begs the same question of you.
I've explained my vote a zillion times. An objective mind would understand it.
If you've explained your vote a zillion times, you might ask yourself why, objectively of course.
Oh, I know why.

I've explained it a zillion times because the hardcore partisan ideologue Trump supporters tend to be very binary thinkers, i.e., if you don't vote for Trump you're a commie pinko radical. Incredibly simplistic and shallow.

These people are clearly not capable of rational thought outside of their all-or-nothing echo chamber, however, so I eventually just gave up. Life is not black and white, and I just can't get them to understand that.
Given that you're rationalizing voting for Hillary Clinton, I understand the extremes of convolution in your argument. I suppose simplicity has its attractions as if in some are binary thinkers while you are not.
How do you know my argument is convoluted? You must know it, then.

What is it?

All votes are rationalized, including yours.
If you voted for Hillary, it begs the same question of you.
I've explained my vote a zillion times. An objective mind would understand it.
If you've explained your vote a zillion times, you might ask yourself why, objectively of course.
Oh, I know why.

I've explained it a zillion times because the hardcore partisan ideologue Trump supporters tend to be very binary thinkers, i.e., if you don't vote for Trump you're a commie pinko radical. Incredibly simplistic and shallow.

These people are clearly not capable of rational thought outside of their all-or-nothing echo chamber, however, so I eventually just gave up. Life is not black and white, and I just can't get them to understand that.
Given that you're rationalizing voting for Hillary Clinton, I understand the extremes of convolution in your argument. I suppose simplicity has its attractions as if in some are binary thinkers while you are not.
How do you know my argument is convoluted? You must know it, then.

What is it?

All votes are rationalized, including yours.
Convolution in this case comes from that your thought is not convoluted while that of others is. Compound that with your claim that all votes are rationalized and (therefore) binary while yours are not, also convoluted, can only lead to one conclusion.

I agree with you on PC, and as a very important issue for me, I cannot easily understand voting for Clinton, binary or not.
I've explained my vote a zillion times. An objective mind would understand it.
If you've explained your vote a zillion times, you might ask yourself why, objectively of course.
Oh, I know why.

I've explained it a zillion times because the hardcore partisan ideologue Trump supporters tend to be very binary thinkers, i.e., if you don't vote for Trump you're a commie pinko radical. Incredibly simplistic and shallow.

These people are clearly not capable of rational thought outside of their all-or-nothing echo chamber, however, so I eventually just gave up. Life is not black and white, and I just can't get them to understand that.
Given that you're rationalizing voting for Hillary Clinton, I understand the extremes of convolution in your argument. I suppose simplicity has its attractions as if in some are binary thinkers while you are not.
How do you know my argument is convoluted? You must know it, then.

What is it?

All votes are rationalized, including yours.
Convolution in this case comes from that your thought is not convoluted while that of others is. Compound that with your claim that all votes are rationalized and (therefore) binary while yours are not, also convoluted, can only lead to one conclusion.

I agree with you on PC, and as a very important issue for me, I cannot easily understand voting for Clinton, binary or not.
It was a shit sandwich for me.

Issues and temperament. On a scale of 1 to 10, Hillary scored a -12, Trump a -14.

I'm very much looking forward to being proven wrong.
If you've explained your vote a zillion times, you might ask yourself why, objectively of course.
Oh, I know why.

I've explained it a zillion times because the hardcore partisan ideologue Trump supporters tend to be very binary thinkers, i.e., if you don't vote for Trump you're a commie pinko radical. Incredibly simplistic and shallow.

These people are clearly not capable of rational thought outside of their all-or-nothing echo chamber, however, so I eventually just gave up. Life is not black and white, and I just can't get them to understand that.
Given that you're rationalizing voting for Hillary Clinton, I understand the extremes of convolution in your argument. I suppose simplicity has its attractions as if in some are binary thinkers while you are not.
How do you know my argument is convoluted? You must know it, then.

What is it?

All votes are rationalized, including yours.
Convolution in this case comes from that your thought is not convoluted while that of others is. Compound that with your claim that all votes are rationalized and (therefore) binary while yours are not, also convoluted, can only lead to one conclusion.

I agree with you on PC, and as a very important issue for me, I cannot easily understand voting for Clinton, binary or not.
It was a shit sandwich for me.

Issues and temperament. On a scale of 1 to 10, Hillary scored a -12, Trump a -14.

I'm very much looking forward to being proven wrong.
Nikos Kazantzakis once wrote in Zorba the Greek, and I am Greek, "You can knock on a dead man's door forever."

I expect the pointlessness of this exchange is clear.
Hillary Clinton will never be President, and

How do you hack electronics that aren't on the Internet? Is my Stereo in danger of being hacked? My toaster? My Refrigerator??

The voting machine I used in Lee County Florida was plugged into a wall. Nothing else.

I checked around the back and I didn't see a Russian Spy slipping a thumb drive or a disc into the machine.

dimocraps aren't just scum.

They be some seriously stupid motherfuckers.

Which explains why they're dimocraps
I believe the vote totals are an accurate count of votes cast. The real problem I keep seeing getting worse in the actual polling places is voter purging of legitimate voters. This problem is very real! It is hitting 10% of voters in targeted Democrat areas. In the end Clinton will be ahead by 3 million popular votes, but will lose because voter purging suppressed votes in targeted Democrat areas to engineer an electoral win for Republicans.

This problem needs to be fixed ASAP!

I hate to point out the obvious here, Kiss but Hillary Clinton didn't lose because of voter purging...she lost because she alienated the supporters of Bernie Sanders and they didn't turn out for her...she lost because the black vote didn't care about her like they did Barack Obama and they didn't turn out for her...and she lost because blue collar union voters in the Rust Belt didn't think she cared about them and a lot of them voted for the other guy. This race wasn't lost because of something the GOP did...it was lost because of the things that Hillary Clinton and her minions at the DNC did.

Yes Democrats did not turn out to vote like in 2008. But that is not the entire problem. I personally saw 10% of registered active Black Democrat Voters purged off the voter rolls. They came to vote & were denied or voted by affidavit provisional ballot. Since 2008 I personally oversaw every voter who voted in Normandy, Missouri, St. Louis county precinct 1906 NOR6,7 & they are 99.6% Black Voters who voted 99% Democrat in primary elections.

In 2008 there were 1824 registered voters of which 1319 voted = 72.31% turnout.
In 2016 there were 1560 registered voters of which 952 voted = 61.03% turnout.

In 2008 - 1288 voted Obama & 17 voted McCain
In 2016 - 907 voted Clinton & 21 voted Trump

Since 2008 there were 264 additional registered voters were purged off the rolls. 2016 had 367 fewer votes cast than 2008 of which about 95 in precinct 1906 NOR6,7 were due to purging of legitimate registered voters who were denied their constitutional right on election day 2016. This happen in all heavy Black Democrat precinct.

In 2008 & in 2012 someone at election headquarters loaded old voter roll into the St. Louis county system on election day removing everyone from the voter roll that had moved over the 4 prior years. Everyone knows working poor move the most & this prevented Obama from winning Missouri in 2008!

I'm always amused by the claims that voters were turned away and denied the right to vote, Kiss! If you're too damn stupid to know what precinct you should be voting in and your name isn't on the rolls then you are given the ability to vote with a provisional ballot which would then be counted once it was established that you were indeed a registered voter. How many of those "purged" voters were turned away and not allowed to vote? Any?

What your statistics tell me about Normandy Missouri is that the black vote didn't turn out in 2016 like they did in 2008 because they were not excited about the Democratic candidate. They didn't even care enough to register to vote.

There were 868 fewer places to vote in Democratic precincts nationwide in 2016 compared to 2012. Why? Because Repug election officials wanted to create extremely long lines so that Democratic voters would go home without voting:

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

There are many forms of voter suppression. And the fascist despicable Repug Party has mastered them all.

The lines were so long because Republican election officials in Phoenix’s Maricopa County, the largest in the state, reduced the number of polling places by 70 percent from 2012 to 2016, from 200 to just 60—one polling place per 21,000 registered voters.

A Republican county cut polling places? I guess that was to increase Republican votes?

Tucson’s Pima County—the second largest in the state, which is 35 percent Latino and leans Democratic—“is the nation’s biggest closer of polling places,” from 280 in 2012 to 218 in 2016.

A Democrat county with plenty of Latinos cut polling places to increase Republican votes?
This year you could vote by mail...you could vote early...and you could vote on election day. What you COULD NOT do is vote if you never cared enough to register! Registration of black voters for this election was down all across the nation. Not because of anything the GOP did...but because they simply were not as excited about a 72 year old white woman as they were about Barack Obama.

The GOP most definitely did have something to do with the decline in black voter turnout.

What percentage of the black voter turnout decline is attributable to GOP voter suppression tactics is more debatable, but to deny that it did happen just shows that you're an infantile dishonest Repug fucktard.

The "denial" that's taking place is by people like you, DubyaDa! You can't bring yourself to admit that the Democrats ran a really lousy candidate with a long history of scandals and no new solutions to the countries' problems. This liberal talking point that blacks are too helpless to figure out how to vote unless you get rid of all obstacles (like having a valid ID or even registering!) is inherently racist in itself yet you trot it out anytime an election doesn't go your way. Black voters typically don't turn out unless they feel invested in a candidate...such as they were for Barack Obama. For you to sit here and claim that it was the GOP that kept them from registering and voting in this election might make you feel better about Clinton's loss but you're only deluding yourself if you think that's reality.

Your party SHOULD be bringing in new leadership to replace the dinosaurs that you have running it now but they just voted Pelosi another stint as Democratic leader in the House! You want to know why so much of the country sees nothing new in the Democrats approach? It's because there IS nothing new in their approach!

See post #424, fucktard.

Facts do matter. Your meaningless Repug opinions do not.

You ran a great candidate, you ran a great campaign, it was stolen from you. You keep telling everyone that and I am sure in 2020 you will win.

Clinton won by 2% and 2.5 million votes and counting, fucktard. She did everything she had to do to win.

You're a joke and Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke. Most Americans and the whole world knows it.

She did everything she had to do to win.

Except get more Electoral Votes.....to actually win. DERP!
Even Republican pollster Frank Luntz declared on election night that Hillary Clinton was going to win the election, based on the exit polls.

Exit polls are exactly that, polls, and nothing more. They are not the actual vote count. She lost, period.


Dancing Pollcats

Cityboy pollsters worked in an environment they were familiar with: the Hillarious 57 counties.
Hillary Clinton won Florida, N. Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, according to the exit polls. The story link and polling data are provided below.

I have a very difficult time believing the exit polls were "wrong" by such large amounts in all 4 of these states. Historically, exit polls are extremely reliable, which is why they are used by the United Nations to monitor elections in Third World countries. If the U.S. were a Third World country, the United Nations would be crying foul regarding this election.
I think the more logical explanation for why the exit polls were "wrong" by such a large amount is that Repug election officials stole this election for Trump in these 4 states. It happened to Gore in Florida in 2000 and it also happened to Kerry in Ohio in 2004.

The Repug Party is fascist. The Repug Party is evil. The Repug Party does not believe in democracy. Democracy in this country is in mortal danger.

Hopefully, Jill Stein's recounts discover fraud in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, but it could be extremely difficult to prove.

2016 Exit Polls vs. Actual Results: Here’s What May Have Happened


Exit Polls: Clinton 47.7%, Trump 46.4% (Clinton by 1.3%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.8%, Trump 49.0% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 2.5%

North Carolina:

Exit Polls:
Clinton 48.6%, Trump 46.5% (Clinton by 2.1%)
Actual Results: Clinton 46.1%, Trump 49.9%) (Trump by 3.8%)

Trump gain: 5.9%


Exit Polls:
Clinton 50.5%, Trump 46.1% (Clinton by 4.4%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.6%, Trump 48.8% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 5.6%


Exit Polls:
Clinton 48.2%, Trump 44.3% (Clinton by 3.9%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.6%, Trump 48.8% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 5.1%

And the exit polls said Kerry would win in 2004! Elections are decided by actual votes! After being called a "basket of deplorables," homophobic," racist," etc. do you think it is not possible that many Trump voters didn't want to tell posters how they intended to vote?

That is actually his argument, the exit polls are always right and the counting is always wrong. He thinks Kerry won.

The problem is you underestimated his stupid, like I did
How can you underestimate the stupidity of someone named Dubyadalastrepugprez?
You have to give him credit: His party was decimated - White House, Senate, House, Supreme Court, state houses - and he's acting like they were the winner.

You've gotta kind of admire that, in a weird way. Kind of a backwards arrogance.

No acting required. Clinton won by 2.5 million votes.

Most Americans know that Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke.

That's President Trump and the Republican House and Senate.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Hillary Clinton will never be President, and

How do you hack electronics that aren't on the Internet? Is my Stereo in danger of being hacked? My toaster? My Refrigerator??

The voting machine I used in Lee County Florida was plugged into a wall. Nothing else.

I checked around the back and I didn't see a Russian Spy slipping a thumb drive or a disc into the machine.

dimocraps aren't just scum.

They be some seriously stupid motherfuckers.

Which explains why they're dimocraps

Stuxnet can hack electronics that aren't on the Internet!

But I have yet see any evidence of that occurring in this election.

Appears the exit polling was flawed.

There is also no evidence of Dead People voting.

However selective voter purging is very real & was very effective.
Last edited:
I believe the vote totals are an accurate count of votes cast. The real problem I keep seeing getting worse in the actual polling places is voter purging of legitimate voters. This problem is very real! It is hitting 10% of voters in targeted Democrat areas. In the end Clinton will be ahead by 3 million popular votes, but will lose because voter purging suppressed votes in targeted Democrat areas to engineer an electoral win for Republicans.

This problem needs to be fixed ASAP!

I hate to point out the obvious here, Kiss but Hillary Clinton didn't lose because of voter purging...she lost because she alienated the supporters of Bernie Sanders and they didn't turn out for her...she lost because the black vote didn't care about her like they did Barack Obama and they didn't turn out for her...and she lost because blue collar union voters in the Rust Belt didn't think she cared about them and a lot of them voted for the other guy. This race wasn't lost because of something the GOP did...it was lost because of the things that Hillary Clinton and her minions at the DNC did.

Yes Democrats did not turn out to vote like in 2008. But that is not the entire problem. I personally saw 10% of registered active Black Democrat Voters purged off the voter rolls. They came to vote & were denied or voted by affidavit provisional ballot. Since 2008 I personally oversaw every voter who voted in Normandy, Missouri, St. Louis county precinct 1906 NOR6,7 & they are 99.6% Black Voters who voted 99% Democrat in primary elections.

In 2008 there were 1824 registered voters of which 1319 voted = 72.31% turnout.
In 2016 there were 1560 registered voters of which 952 voted = 61.03% turnout.

In 2008 - 1288 voted Obama & 17 voted McCain
In 2016 - 907 voted Clinton & 21 voted Trump

Since 2008 there were 264 additional registered voters were purged off the rolls. 2016 had 367 fewer votes cast than 2008 of which about 95 in precinct 1906 NOR6,7 were due to purging of legitimate registered voters who were denied their constitutional right on election day 2016. This happen in all heavy Black Democrat precinct.

In 2008 & in 2012 someone at election headquarters loaded old voter roll into the St. Louis county system on election day removing everyone from the voter roll that had moved over the 4 prior years. Everyone knows working poor move the most & this prevented Obama from winning Missouri in 2008!

I'm always amused by the claims that voters were turned away and denied the right to vote, Kiss! If you're too damn stupid to know what precinct you should be voting in and your name isn't on the rolls then you are given the ability to vote with a provisional ballot which would then be counted once it was established that you were indeed a registered voter. How many of those "purged" voters were turned away and not allowed to vote? Any?

What your statistics tell me about Normandy Missouri is that the black vote didn't turn out in 2016 like they did in 2008 because they were not excited about the Democratic candidate. They didn't even care enough to register to vote.

There were 868 fewer places to vote in Democratic precincts nationwide in 2016 compared to 2012. Why? Because Repug election officials wanted to create extremely long lines so that Democratic voters would go home without voting:

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

There are many forms of voter suppression. And the fascist despicable Repug Party has mastered them all.

The lines were so long because Republican election officials in Phoenix’s Maricopa County, the largest in the state, reduced the number of polling places by 70 percent from 2012 to 2016, from 200 to just 60—one polling place per 21,000 registered voters.

A Republican county cut polling places? I guess that was to increase Republican votes?

Tucson’s Pima County—the second largest in the state, which is 35 percent Latino and leans Democratic—“is the nation’s biggest closer of polling places,” from 280 in 2012 to 218 in 2016.

A Democrat county with plenty of Latinos cut polling places to increase Republican votes?

The vast majority of people in Maricopa County are Democrats, you fucking idiot. The Secretary of State for Arizona is a Republican and that person controls the polling place locations throughout the state.

You're hopelessly fucking stupid. But you are a willfully ignorant Repug, so no surprise there.
I hate to point out the obvious here, Kiss but Hillary Clinton didn't lose because of voter purging...she lost because she alienated the supporters of Bernie Sanders and they didn't turn out for her...she lost because the black vote didn't care about her like they did Barack Obama and they didn't turn out for her...and she lost because blue collar union voters in the Rust Belt didn't think she cared about them and a lot of them voted for the other guy. This race wasn't lost because of something the GOP did...it was lost because of the things that Hillary Clinton and her minions at the DNC did.

Yes Democrats did not turn out to vote like in 2008. But that is not the entire problem. I personally saw 10% of registered active Black Democrat Voters purged off the voter rolls. They came to vote & were denied or voted by affidavit provisional ballot. Since 2008 I personally oversaw every voter who voted in Normandy, Missouri, St. Louis county precinct 1906 NOR6,7 & they are 99.6% Black Voters who voted 99% Democrat in primary elections.

In 2008 there were 1824 registered voters of which 1319 voted = 72.31% turnout.
In 2016 there were 1560 registered voters of which 952 voted = 61.03% turnout.

In 2008 - 1288 voted Obama & 17 voted McCain
In 2016 - 907 voted Clinton & 21 voted Trump

Since 2008 there were 264 additional registered voters were purged off the rolls. 2016 had 367 fewer votes cast than 2008 of which about 95 in precinct 1906 NOR6,7 were due to purging of legitimate registered voters who were denied their constitutional right on election day 2016. This happen in all heavy Black Democrat precinct.

In 2008 & in 2012 someone at election headquarters loaded old voter roll into the St. Louis county system on election day removing everyone from the voter roll that had moved over the 4 prior years. Everyone knows working poor move the most & this prevented Obama from winning Missouri in 2008!

I'm always amused by the claims that voters were turned away and denied the right to vote, Kiss! If you're too damn stupid to know what precinct you should be voting in and your name isn't on the rolls then you are given the ability to vote with a provisional ballot which would then be counted once it was established that you were indeed a registered voter. How many of those "purged" voters were turned away and not allowed to vote? Any?

What your statistics tell me about Normandy Missouri is that the black vote didn't turn out in 2016 like they did in 2008 because they were not excited about the Democratic candidate. They didn't even care enough to register to vote.

There were 868 fewer places to vote in Democratic precincts nationwide in 2016 compared to 2012. Why? Because Repug election officials wanted to create extremely long lines so that Democratic voters would go home without voting:

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

There are many forms of voter suppression. And the fascist despicable Repug Party has mastered them all.

The lines were so long because Republican election officials in Phoenix’s Maricopa County, the largest in the state, reduced the number of polling places by 70 percent from 2012 to 2016, from 200 to just 60—one polling place per 21,000 registered voters.

A Republican county cut polling places? I guess that was to increase Republican votes?

Tucson’s Pima County—the second largest in the state, which is 35 percent Latino and leans Democratic—“is the nation’s biggest closer of polling places,” from 280 in 2012 to 218 in 2016.

A Democrat county with plenty of Latinos cut polling places to increase Republican votes?

The vast majority of people in Maricopa County are Democrats, you fucking idiot. The Secretary of State for Arizona is a Republican and that person controls the polling place locations throughout the state.

You're hopelessly fucking stupid. But you are a willfully ignorant Repug, so no surprise there.

The vast majority of people in Maricopa County are Democrats, you fucking idiot.

Your own article, you stupid twat.....

The lines were so long because Republican election officials in Phoenix’s Maricopa County

County officials weren't immediately available for comment, but Maricopa County spokeswoman Elizabeth Bartholomew told the Associated Press the trimming was to save money and because a majority of voters get early ballots mailed to them. Plus, independents can't vote in either side's primary, and they make up a third of the electorate.

In other words, county officials bet against high turnout on primary day in Tuesday's Republican and Democratic presidential contests. And they lost.

That's weird, the county trimmed to save money (not the state you fucktard).

12News grabbed official county maps to help visualize just how drastically the county cut its polling locations:

The county cut.

Dear Arizona: Seriously?

The Secretary of State for Arizona is a Republican and that person controls the polling place locations throughout the state.

No, county officials do that. Moron.
I hate to point out the obvious here, Kiss but Hillary Clinton didn't lose because of voter purging...she lost because she alienated the supporters of Bernie Sanders and they didn't turn out for her...she lost because the black vote didn't care about her like they did Barack Obama and they didn't turn out for her...and she lost because blue collar union voters in the Rust Belt didn't think she cared about them and a lot of them voted for the other guy. This race wasn't lost because of something the GOP did...it was lost because of the things that Hillary Clinton and her minions at the DNC did.

Yes Democrats did not turn out to vote like in 2008. But that is not the entire problem. I personally saw 10% of registered active Black Democrat Voters purged off the voter rolls. They came to vote & were denied or voted by affidavit provisional ballot. Since 2008 I personally oversaw every voter who voted in Normandy, Missouri, St. Louis county precinct 1906 NOR6,7 & they are 99.6% Black Voters who voted 99% Democrat in primary elections.

In 2008 there were 1824 registered voters of which 1319 voted = 72.31% turnout.
In 2016 there were 1560 registered voters of which 952 voted = 61.03% turnout.

In 2008 - 1288 voted Obama & 17 voted McCain
In 2016 - 907 voted Clinton & 21 voted Trump

Since 2008 there were 264 additional registered voters were purged off the rolls. 2016 had 367 fewer votes cast than 2008 of which about 95 in precinct 1906 NOR6,7 were due to purging of legitimate registered voters who were denied their constitutional right on election day 2016. This happen in all heavy Black Democrat precinct.

In 2008 & in 2012 someone at election headquarters loaded old voter roll into the St. Louis county system on election day removing everyone from the voter roll that had moved over the 4 prior years. Everyone knows working poor move the most & this prevented Obama from winning Missouri in 2008!

I'm always amused by the claims that voters were turned away and denied the right to vote, Kiss! If you're too damn stupid to know what precinct you should be voting in and your name isn't on the rolls then you are given the ability to vote with a provisional ballot which would then be counted once it was established that you were indeed a registered voter. How many of those "purged" voters were turned away and not allowed to vote? Any?

What your statistics tell me about Normandy Missouri is that the black vote didn't turn out in 2016 like they did in 2008 because they were not excited about the Democratic candidate. They didn't even care enough to register to vote.

There were 868 fewer places to vote in Democratic precincts nationwide in 2016 compared to 2012. Why? Because Repug election officials wanted to create extremely long lines so that Democratic voters would go home without voting:

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

There are many forms of voter suppression. And the fascist despicable Repug Party has mastered them all.

The lines were so long because Republican election officials in Phoenix’s Maricopa County, the largest in the state, reduced the number of polling places by 70 percent from 2012 to 2016, from 200 to just 60—one polling place per 21,000 registered voters.

A Republican county cut polling places? I guess that was to increase Republican votes?

Tucson’s Pima County—the second largest in the state, which is 35 percent Latino and leans Democratic—“is the nation’s biggest closer of polling places,” from 280 in 2012 to 218 in 2016.

A Democrat county with plenty of Latinos cut polling places to increase Republican votes?

The vast majority of people in Maricopa County are Democrats, you fucking idiot. The Secretary of State for Arizona is a Republican and that person controls the polling place locations throughout the state.

You're hopelessly fucking stupid. But you are a willfully ignorant Repug, so no surprise there.

The vast majority of people in Maricopa County are Democrats, you fucking idiot.

Maricopa County has a long history of being a
Republican Party stronghold. While the city of Phoenix leans towards the Democratic Party, along with some other small areas within the county, the rest of the county tends to vote heavily Republican. Every Republican presidential candidate has carried Maricopa County since 1948. This includes the 1964 presidential run of native son Barry Goldwater, who would not have even carried his own state had it not been for a 21,000-vote margin in Maricopa County.

Maricopa County, Arizona - Wikipedia

Have I told you lately that you're a fucktard? You fucking fucktard!
Hillary Clinton won Florida, N. Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, according to the exit polls. The story link and polling data are provided below.

I have a very difficult time believing the exit polls were "wrong" by such large amounts in all 4 of these states. Historically, exit polls are extremely reliable, which is why they are used by the United Nations to monitor elections in Third World countries. If the U.S. were a Third World country, the United Nations would be crying foul regarding this election.

I think the more logical explanation for why the exit polls were "wrong" by such a large amount is that Repug election officials stole this election for Trump in these 4 states. It happened to Gore in Florida in 2000 and it also happened to Kerry in Ohio in 2004.

The Repug Party is fascist. The Repug Party is evil. The Repug Party does not believe in democracy. Democracy in this country is in mortal danger.

Hopefully, Jill Stein's recounts discover fraud in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, but it could be extremely difficult to prove.

2016 Exit Polls vs. Actual Results: Here’s What May Have Happened


Exit Polls: Clinton 47.7%, Trump 46.4% (Clinton by 1.3%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.8%, Trump 49.0% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 2.5%

North Carolina:

Exit Polls:
Clinton 48.6%, Trump 46.5% (Clinton by 2.1%)
Actual Results: Clinton 46.1%, Trump 49.9%) (Trump by 3.8%)

Trump gain: 5.9%


Exit Polls:
Clinton 50.5%, Trump 46.1% (Clinton by 4.4%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.6%, Trump 48.8% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 5.6%


Exit Polls:
Clinton 48.2%, Trump 44.3% (Clinton by 3.9%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.6%, Trump 48.8% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 5.1%

Then why did the Hillary camp already know it lost as soon as east coast polls closed? Hell, they knew the night before when they cancelled for big fireworks show.
Yes Democrats did not turn out to vote like in 2008. But that is not the entire problem. I personally saw 10% of registered active Black Democrat Voters purged off the voter rolls. They came to vote & were denied or voted by affidavit provisional ballot. Since 2008 I personally oversaw every voter who voted in Normandy, Missouri, St. Louis county precinct 1906 NOR6,7 & they are 99.6% Black Voters who voted 99% Democrat in primary elections.

In 2008 there were 1824 registered voters of which 1319 voted = 72.31% turnout.
In 2016 there were 1560 registered voters of which 952 voted = 61.03% turnout.

In 2008 - 1288 voted Obama & 17 voted McCain
In 2016 - 907 voted Clinton & 21 voted Trump

Since 2008 there were 264 additional registered voters were purged off the rolls. 2016 had 367 fewer votes cast than 2008 of which about 95 in precinct 1906 NOR6,7 were due to purging of legitimate registered voters who were denied their constitutional right on election day 2016. This happen in all heavy Black Democrat precinct.

In 2008 & in 2012 someone at election headquarters loaded old voter roll into the St. Louis county system on election day removing everyone from the voter roll that had moved over the 4 prior years. Everyone knows working poor move the most & this prevented Obama from winning Missouri in 2008!

I'm always amused by the claims that voters were turned away and denied the right to vote, Kiss! If you're too damn stupid to know what precinct you should be voting in and your name isn't on the rolls then you are given the ability to vote with a provisional ballot which would then be counted once it was established that you were indeed a registered voter. How many of those "purged" voters were turned away and not allowed to vote? Any?

What your statistics tell me about Normandy Missouri is that the black vote didn't turn out in 2016 like they did in 2008 because they were not excited about the Democratic candidate. They didn't even care enough to register to vote.

There were 868 fewer places to vote in Democratic precincts nationwide in 2016 compared to 2012. Why? Because Repug election officials wanted to create extremely long lines so that Democratic voters would go home without voting:

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

There are many forms of voter suppression. And the fascist despicable Repug Party has mastered them all.

The lines were so long because Republican election officials in Phoenix’s Maricopa County, the largest in the state, reduced the number of polling places by 70 percent from 2012 to 2016, from 200 to just 60—one polling place per 21,000 registered voters.

A Republican county cut polling places? I guess that was to increase Republican votes?

Tucson’s Pima County—the second largest in the state, which is 35 percent Latino and leans Democratic—“is the nation’s biggest closer of polling places,” from 280 in 2012 to 218 in 2016.

A Democrat county with plenty of Latinos cut polling places to increase Republican votes?

The vast majority of people in Maricopa County are Democrats, you fucking idiot. The Secretary of State for Arizona is a Republican and that person controls the polling place locations throughout the state.

You're hopelessly fucking stupid. But you are a willfully ignorant Repug, so no surprise there.

The vast majority of people in Maricopa County are Democrats, you fucking idiot.

Maricopa County has a long history of being a
Republican Party stronghold. While the city of Phoenix leans towards the Democratic Party, along with some other small areas within the county, the rest of the county tends to vote heavily Republican. Every Republican presidential candidate has carried Maricopa County since 1948. This includes the 1964 presidential run of native son Barry Goldwater, who would not have even carried his own state had it not been for a 21,000-vote margin in Maricopa County.

Maricopa County, Arizona - Wikipedia

Have I told you lately that you're a fucktard? You fucking fucktard!

Repug election officials in Maricopa County removed voting machines and/or voting locations from Democratic precincts, as the article explains. This is what I meant to say. And you've completed ignored that part of the article, like the intellectually dishonest little Repug shit that you are.
The GOP most definitely did have something to do with the decline in black voter turnout.

What percentage of the black voter turnout decline is attributable to GOP voter suppression tactics is more debatable, but to deny that it did happen just shows that you're an infantile dishonest Repug fucktard.

The "denial" that's taking place is by people like you, DubyaDa! You can't bring yourself to admit that the Democrats ran a really lousy candidate with a long history of scandals and no new solutions to the countries' problems. This liberal talking point that blacks are too helpless to figure out how to vote unless you get rid of all obstacles (like having a valid ID or even registering!) is inherently racist in itself yet you trot it out anytime an election doesn't go your way. Black voters typically don't turn out unless they feel invested in a candidate...such as they were for Barack Obama. For you to sit here and claim that it was the GOP that kept them from registering and voting in this election might make you feel better about Clinton's loss but you're only deluding yourself if you think that's reality.

Your party SHOULD be bringing in new leadership to replace the dinosaurs that you have running it now but they just voted Pelosi another stint as Democratic leader in the House! You want to know why so much of the country sees nothing new in the Democrats approach? It's because there IS nothing new in their approach!

See post #424, fucktard.

Facts do matter. Your meaningless Repug opinions do not.

You ran a great candidate, you ran a great campaign, it was stolen from you. You keep telling everyone that and I am sure in 2020 you will win.

Clinton won by 2% and 2.5 million votes and counting, fucktard. She did everything she had to do to win.

You're a joke and Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke. Most Americans and the whole world knows it.

She did everything she had to do to win.

Except get more Electoral Votes.....to actually win. DERP!

She decided to play a football game and because she scored 5 field goals she claims she won because trump only scored 3 touchdowns.

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