Hillary Clinton's Email Scandal

Gee the sound of silence.........criminality of Hilly on parade

Or maybe this whole "investigation" is full of shit and you wingnuts haven't caught onto that yet.
There is nothing for wingnuts to catch onto. Using a fishing analogy -- why fish when you can have your halibut brought to you fresh frozen at the local Piggly Wiggly supermarket?

Wingnuts are fed a steady appetite of craziness. They would wither on the vine if 'news' like this dried up
Apparently there are some people who still don't know what a fucking server is. I even heard that twat face, Mr. Tingler, Chris Mathews, say that what Hillary did analogous to keeping a Gmail account.

A server is a piece of hardware in which data is stored. If you email over a particular server, then that email, that data, originates in that machine. All email communications go through that machine.

Hillary had a private server sitting offsite from the State Department. It was created and installed by private contractors not sanctioned by the State Department. The State Department never approved of official State Department business being conducted over this server.

Hillary unilaterally decided that she would receive and disseminate both classified and non-classified material and data over her unsanctioned server. The fact that an email is marked "classified" or not is clearly irrelevant notwithstanding comments to the contrary, as it is reasonably foreseeable that materials that are not classified today may become classified at a later date. Even Hillary argues this double edged sword. The difference is that a Secretary KNOWS this. She knew that she would be receiving info that, if not currently marked "classified" may become classified as some other time.

We know that Hillary has classified and top secret info on her server and that it got there by virtue of emails directed to her personal server. HER PERSONAL SERVER IS THE PERSONSAL PROPERTY OF HILLARY CLINTON.

The analogy is this: a State Department employee takes some files not overtly marked "classified" home with him. These files contain info on, say, Al Qaida in Libya, or the state of affairs in Benghazi, or where to eat in Benghazi....whatever. The employer takes these files home and places them in his own personal file cabinet in his office at home. This employed does not "know" if the files' contents are classified. However, he DOES have reason to know that the contents may become classified, especially with what all is going on in and around Libya.

The employee decides he will photocopy the contents of these files. He does so then he creates his own mirror file. He returns the original file to the State Department and retains an identical file at home, in his own personal file cabinet.

We then engage Libya in a military action. We "lead from behind", of course. The State Department then decides that everything related to Benghazi will be classified (probably to thwart FOIA requests).

So now we have a State Department employee with classified data sitting at his house in his own personal file cabinet. The State Department does not know about this and the employee does not bother to say anything about it. Does this violate the law?

What Hillary did was the exact same thing. Keeping classified info on your private server is the exact same thing as keeping hard copies of classified documents in a personal file cabinet. It is illegal because Hillary knew or should have known that she could be receiving classified data, whether it was marked that way or not.

It is absolutely absurd to think that the State Department, CIA, or whoever, would approve of data handling measures that result in classified information floating around in an uncontrolled way. Again, Hillary knew this, yet CHOSE to disregard such a basic principle.

Let's not forget that this is not the first time that Hillary has decided to take home confidential and sensitive information. There was also those times when Bill was President where the FBI files on political opponents showed up in the White House. Gee, how did that happen? Oh, and the time that the Rose Law Firm billing records showed up in Hillary's possession. "Oops, I done it again!", Hillary must have thought. Remember when Clinton pal, Leon Panetta, was caught stealing classified documents from the CIA?

Are you starting to see a pattern here?

Hillary was inappropriately and illegally exercising control of state department data. None of it, classified or not, has any business being stored on a private server. The fact that it is reasonably foreseeable that data may become classified yet you still decide to house it on your private server, thereby negligently exposing it to risk and compromising American security, is a violation of the federal espionage act and is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Yet, here is Hillary, laughing it up and saying it is all just to fuck with her poll numbers. It is almost certainly a sign of the end of our constitutional republic when there exists such a thin line between President and felon.

Dude, e-mails do not originate at a server, they typically originate from a personal computer or phone.

Not that I disagree with your general tone, but I hate know it all's that are completely wrong.
Apparently there are some people who still don't know what a fucking server is. I even heard that twat face, Mr. Tingler, Chris Mathews, say that what Hillary did analogous to keeping a Gmail account.

A server is a piece of hardware in which data is stored. If you email over a particular server, then that email, that data, originates in that machine. All email communications go through that machine.

Hillary had a private server sitting offsite from the State Department. It was created and installed by private contractors not sanctioned by the State Department. The State Department never approved of official State Department business being conducted over this server.

Hillary unilaterally decided that she would receive and disseminate both classified and non-classified material and data over her unsanctioned server. The fact that an email is marked "classified" or not is clearly irrelevant notwithstanding comments to the contrary, as it is reasonably foreseeable that materials that are not classified today may become classified at a later date. Even Hillary argues this double edged sword. The difference is that a Secretary KNOWS this. She knew that she would be receiving info that, if not currently marked "classified" may become classified as some other time.

We know that Hillary has classified and top secret info on her server and that it got there by virtue of emails directed to her personal server. HER PERSONAL SERVER IS THE PERSONSAL PROPERTY OF HILLARY CLINTON.

The analogy is this: a State Department employee takes some files not overtly marked "classified" home with him. These files contain info on, say, Al Qaida in Libya, or the state of affairs in Benghazi, or where to eat in Benghazi....whatever. The employer takes these files home and places them in his own personal file cabinet in his office at home. This employed does not "know" if the files' contents are classified. However, he DOES have reason to know that the contents may become classified, especially with what all is going on in and around Libya.

The employee decides he will photocopy the contents of these files. He does so then he creates his own mirror file. He returns the original file to the State Department and retains an identical file at home, in his own personal file cabinet.

We then engage Libya in a military action. We "lead from behind", of course. The State Department then decides that everything related to Benghazi will be classified (probably to thwart FOIA requests).

So now we have a State Department employee with classified data sitting at his house in his own personal file cabinet. The State Department does not know about this and the employee does not bother to say anything about it. Does this violate the law?

What Hillary did was the exact same thing. Keeping classified info on your private server is the exact same thing as keeping hard copies of classified documents in a personal file cabinet. It is illegal because Hillary knew or should have known that she could be receiving classified data, whether it was marked that way or not.

It is absolutely absurd to think that the State Department, CIA, or whoever, would approve of data handling measures that result in classified information floating around in an uncontrolled way. Again, Hillary knew this, yet CHOSE to disregard such a basic principle.

Let's not forget that this is not the first time that Hillary has decided to take home confidential and sensitive information. There was also those times when Bill was President where the FBI files on political opponents showed up in the White House. Gee, how did that happen? Oh, and the time that the Rose Law Firm billing records showed up in Hillary's possession. "Oops, I done it again!", Hillary must have thought. Remember when Clinton pal, Leon Panetta, was caught stealing classified documents from the CIA?

Are you starting to see a pattern here?

Hillary was inappropriately and illegally exercising control of state department data. None of it, classified or not, has any business being stored on a private server. The fact that it is reasonably foreseeable that data may become classified yet you still decide to house it on your private server, thereby negligently exposing it to risk and compromising American security, is a violation of the federal espionage act and is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Yet, here is Hillary, laughing it up and saying it is all just to fuck with her poll numbers. It is almost certainly a sign of the end of our constitutional republic when there exists such a thin line between President and felon.

Dude, e-mails do not originate at a server, they typically originate from a personal computer or phone.

Not that I disagree with your general tone, but I hate know it all's that are completely wrong.
I agree. I don't remember saying that, but I was in mid rant, so I could have. Even I make mistakes sometimes.
Apparently there are some people who still don't know what a fucking server is. I even heard that twat face, Mr. Tingler, Chris Mathews, say that what Hillary did analogous to keeping a Gmail account.

A server is a piece of hardware in which data is stored. If you email over a particular server, then that email, that data, originates in that machine. All email communications go through that machine.

Hillary had a private server sitting offsite from the State Department. It was created and installed by private contractors not sanctioned by the State Department. The State Department never approved of official State Department business being conducted over this server.

Hillary unilaterally decided that she would receive and disseminate both classified and non-classified material and data over her unsanctioned server. The fact that an email is marked "classified" or not is clearly irrelevant notwithstanding comments to the contrary, as it is reasonably foreseeable that materials that are not classified today may become classified at a later date. Even Hillary argues this double edged sword. The difference is that a Secretary KNOWS this. She knew that she would be receiving info that, if not currently marked "classified" may become classified as some other time.

We know that Hillary has classified and top secret info on her server and that it got there by virtue of emails directed to her personal server. HER PERSONAL SERVER IS THE PERSONSAL PROPERTY OF HILLARY CLINTON.

The analogy is this: a State Department employee takes some files not overtly marked "classified" home with him. These files contain info on, say, Al Qaida in Libya, or the state of affairs in Benghazi, or where to eat in Benghazi....whatever. The employer takes these files home and places them in his own personal file cabinet in his office at home. This employed does not "know" if the files' contents are classified. However, he DOES have reason to know that the contents may become classified, especially with what all is going on in and around Libya.

The employee decides he will photocopy the contents of these files. He does so then he creates his own mirror file. He returns the original file to the State Department and retains an identical file at home, in his own personal file cabinet.

We then engage Libya in a military action. We "lead from behind", of course. The State Department then decides that everything related to Benghazi will be classified (probably to thwart FOIA requests).

So now we have a State Department employee with classified data sitting at his house in his own personal file cabinet. The State Department does not know about this and the employee does not bother to say anything about it. Does this violate the law?

What Hillary did was the exact same thing. Keeping classified info on your private server is the exact same thing as keeping hard copies of classified documents in a personal file cabinet. It is illegal because Hillary knew or should have known that she could be receiving classified data, whether it was marked that way or not.

It is absolutely absurd to think that the State Department, CIA, or whoever, would approve of data handling measures that result in classified information floating around in an uncontrolled way. Again, Hillary knew this, yet CHOSE to disregard such a basic principle.

Let's not forget that this is not the first time that Hillary has decided to take home confidential and sensitive information. There was also those times when Bill was President where the FBI files on political opponents showed up in the White House. Gee, how did that happen? Oh, and the time that the Rose Law Firm billing records showed up in Hillary's possession. "Oops, I done it again!", Hillary must have thought. Remember when Clinton pal, Leon Panetta, was caught stealing classified documents from the CIA?

Are you starting to see a pattern here?

Hillary was inappropriately and illegally exercising control of state department data. None of it, classified or not, has any business being stored on a private server. The fact that it is reasonably foreseeable that data may become classified yet you still decide to house it on your private server, thereby negligently exposing it to risk and compromising American security, is a violation of the federal espionage act and is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Yet, here is Hillary, laughing it up and saying it is all just to fuck with her poll numbers. It is almost certainly a sign of the end of our constitutional republic when there exists such a thin line between President and felon.

Dude, e-mails do not originate at a server, they typically originate from a personal computer or phone.

Not that I disagree with your general tone, but I hate know it all's that are completely wrong.
I agree. I don't remember saying that, but I was in mid rant, so I could have. Even I make mistakes sometimes.
February 29, 2016
Brace yourself for the greatest prosecutorial discretion event in history
By James Longstreet

As Barack Obama finishes his final year, his attorney general, in all likelihood, will execute the greatest instance of prosecutorial discretion in the history or our nation.

Prosecutorial discretion refers to the fact that under American law, government prosecuting attorneys have nearly absolute powers. A prosecuting attorney has power on various matters including those relating to choosing whether or not to bring criminal charges, deciding the nature of charges, plea bargaining and sentence recommendation. This discretion of the prosecuting attorney is called prosecutorial discretion.

Prosecutorial discretion has also been described as a type of legal “triage.” When the ability or capacity to prosecute is curtailed or restricted, the cases that are the most egregious are moved to the top the list, and those less so are dismissed, thus the discretion. (In traffic court, there are ten speeders and only the capacity to prosecute five. Those over the speed limit to the greatest degree are prosecuted.)

Of late, prosecutorial discretion is in high use within the illegal immigration crisis regarding the limited numbers of courts and judges.

But what indeed is required is reasoning and legal ground to employ the “discretion.” As time passes, as the Democrat nominating convention nears, the reason that eventually will be employed for this discretion gains weight.

Loretta Lynch has already broken the seal on her foray into the morass of prosecutorial discretion. She dismissed the IRS investigation.

Justice Department officials used “prosecutorial discretion” to shelter former IRS official Lois Lerner from a grand jury after she was held in contempt of Congress. “I believe that in the exercise of prosecutorial discretion, the matter was handled and was resolved,” Attorney General Loretta Lynch told the House Judiciary Committee[.]

Lerner is just the beginning. The IRS dismissal, large enough on its own scale and importance, will be but a side event in this attorney general’s career. For the longer the Hillary email “scandal” plays out, the more protracted the discovery and analysis by the FBI, and the deeper into the campaigning and nomination process we go, the less likely any indictment of Ms. Clinton. It will likely involve a discretionary event by Loretta Lynch.

The more Hillary becomes the likely nominee, the greater the political aspects of the FBI’s work. To now dethrone the Democrat nominee with an indictment is much more difficult than if it had been done after the Iowa caucus. And the closer we get to the convention, the more distasteful and difficult any action against Hillary.


Read more: Blog: Brace yourself for the greatest prosecutorial discretion event in history
A 'scandal' that represents how conservatives are as desperate now as they were last October.

It also illustrates how bankrupt the republican agenda is, that the GOP has nothing of value or merit to offer the American people – only contrivances, lies, and personal attacks.

What are republican policy proposals, what are the GOP's positions on the issues, what do republicans plan to do to benefit the American people – we hear nothing from the right concerning these matters, just inane personal attacks against Clinton and unfounded nonsense with regard to 'emails.'

If republicans believe that they're going to beat Clinton with 'emails' alone, they're sadly mistaken.
Apparently there are some people who still don't know what a fucking server is. I even heard that twat face, Mr. Tingler, Chris Mathews, say that what Hillary did analogous to keeping a Gmail account.

A server is a piece of hardware in which data is stored. If you email over a particular server, then that email, that data, originates in that machine. All email communications go through that machine.

Hillary had a private server sitting offsite from the State Department. It was created and installed by private contractors not sanctioned by the State Department. The State Department never approved of official State Department business being conducted over this server.

Hillary unilaterally decided that she would receive and disseminate both classified and non-classified material and data over her unsanctioned server. The fact that an email is marked "classified" or not is clearly irrelevant notwithstanding comments to the contrary, as it is reasonably foreseeable that materials that are not classified today may become classified at a later date. Even Hillary argues this double edged sword. The difference is that a Secretary KNOWS this. She knew that she would be receiving info that, if not currently marked "classified" may become classified as some other time.

We know that Hillary has classified and top secret info on her server and that it got there by virtue of emails directed to her personal server. HER PERSONAL SERVER IS THE PERSONSAL PROPERTY OF HILLARY CLINTON.

The analogy is this: a State Department employee takes some files not overtly marked "classified" home with him. These files contain info on, say, Al Qaida in Libya, or the state of affairs in Benghazi, or where to eat in Benghazi....whatever. The employer takes these files home and places them in his own personal file cabinet in his office at home. This employed does not "know" if the files' contents are classified. However, he DOES have reason to know that the contents may become classified, especially with what all is going on in and around Libya.

The employee decides he will photocopy the contents of these files. He does so then he creates his own mirror file. He returns the original file to the State Department and retains an identical file at home, in his own personal file cabinet.

We then engage Libya in a military action. We "lead from behind", of course. The State Department then decides that everything related to Benghazi will be classified (probably to thwart FOIA requests).

So now we have a State Department employee with classified data sitting at his house in his own personal file cabinet. The State Department does not know about this and the employee does not bother to say anything about it. Does this violate the law?

What Hillary did was the exact same thing. Keeping classified info on your private server is the exact same thing as keeping hard copies of classified documents in a personal file cabinet. It is illegal because Hillary knew or should have known that she could be receiving classified data, whether it was marked that way or not.

It is absolutely absurd to think that the State Department, CIA, or whoever, would approve of data handling measures that result in classified information floating around in an uncontrolled way. Again, Hillary knew this, yet CHOSE to disregard such a basic principle.

Let's not forget that this is not the first time that Hillary has decided to take home confidential and sensitive information. There was also those times when Bill was President where the FBI files on political opponents showed up in the White House. Gee, how did that happen? Oh, and the time that the Rose Law Firm billing records showed up in Hillary's possession. "Oops, I done it again!", Hillary must have thought. Remember when Clinton pal, Leon Panetta, was caught stealing classified documents from the CIA?

Are you starting to see a pattern here?

Hillary was inappropriately and illegally exercising control of state department data. None of it, classified or not, has any business being stored on a private server. The fact that it is reasonably foreseeable that data may become classified yet you still decide to house it on your private server, thereby negligently exposing it to risk and compromising American security, is a violation of the federal espionage act and is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Yet, here is Hillary, laughing it up and saying it is all just to fuck with her poll numbers. It is almost certainly a sign of the end of our constitutional republic when there exists such a thin line between President and felon.

Actually though Clinton clearly had her own server, she also received information from Yahoo and Gmail accounts, and in that respect these emails are still on Yahoo and Gmail servers worldwide, with no ability for the USA to recall them as they are not on US soil and not part of any investigation. So this info is all over the World. this is not Matthews point, but it is true nevertheless.

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