Hillary Clinton's Lawyer Defends Her Use of Personal Email


Hey dumb-ass.

Her "personal" e-mails are the ones that are going to link her to cash to the Clinton Foundation with favors done for the donors as Secretary of State. Bribes. Kickbacks.......Long term Jail sentences.

The Classified Government e-mails that she used a private server for while get her put OUT of the race for President. The private ones for Greed are going to get her put IN jail.

Find another Loons to pull for. She's done.

Uncle Joe Biden met with Pocahontas today...you know the Pinhead from Massachusettts.

There's a Super-Looney ticket that will get you Minnesota's electoral votes---they elected Al Franken for God's sake. Maybe New York and California....and not much else....but at least they are not headed for Jail.

Dum-dum, Clinton tendered all of her email a year ago. Her server has been wiped clean, your rantings are that of a temulent confused wacko, get a hold of yourself, there's nothing there.[/QUOTE]

I believe you may be the worst fool on this board...and so there is no reason to engage you. You can't be taught anything. But, I must try.

She tendered the e-mails she said were Government related. She certainly didn't give them the ones about the bribes and kickbacks in return for favors from her office. She declared those to be "personal" and deleted them. If the FBI can recover those...she goes to jail. If they can't, she has to explain why she spent so much money and hired such high-priced expertise to completely purge a server that she says had nothing on it but e-mails about yoga classes and her daughter's wedding.

Even a real fool like you doesn't believe that...though you may try to tell us you do...because you are a fool. Obviously.
OK, according to your own statement, when the committee discovered that Hillary handed over classified material, it was moved to a secure server....

When Hillary saw classified material, she kept it on an unsecure server located in the bathroom of some yahoo that didn't even have a security clearance....

Are you really so retarded you can't tell the difference????

Hillary wasn't apprised of classified material until recently, almost a year after all that data was turned over. Are you so retarded that you cannot examine the facts before you open your mouyh?

She was Secretary of State, and didnt' know some of the information on her 'only' electronic device was classified?

And this is the person the Left wants to replace Obama?
Wow! That's amazing! So anyone handling evidence is also guilty of the crime too! The forensics lab, the district attorney! Wow! You're a genius and I don't use that word lightly.

That's Wyle E Coyote Super Genius "thinking" right there

Have you considered appearing on "Are you smarter than a fucking moron"?

DUH, Frank these are not law enforcement personnel handling this, these are Republican Congressman and staff.
Who have security clearances... They are required to have them to even look into this!!!!
Cite please.
Hillary wasn't apprised of classified material until recently, almost a year after all that data was turned over. Are you so retarded that you cannot examine the facts before you open your mouyh?

She was Secretary of State, and didnt' know some of the information on her 'only' electronic device was classified?

And this is the person the Left wants to replace Obama?
Her spokesman said Hillary "didn't think it through" when she used the private unsecured server for classified material. AND THIS IS THE WOMAN WE WANT IN THE OVAL OFFICE??? That spokesman didn't help old Hillary a bit.
There's nothing to recover. A DoD Secure Hard Drive Wipe is meant to be used on secure devices to protect them from prying eyes. They wipe the disk seven separate times to ensure that classified material will be completely sanitized.

Post the link that her server was wiped seven times. Now why would she do that? Did it have anything to do with Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation? Huh?

We will never know what was on that server period. Classified documents held on any government server are require to use a DoD wipe I'm not going to search the law for it you will either have to believe it or not as you will.

Classified documents held on any government server are require to use a DoD wipe

Did you miss the memo, and the newspapers, and any of a variety of news stations?

It wasn't a government server, it was a private server.

That's been one of the main talking points

Yes a private server just like Jeb Bush had and a huge number of Congressmen.

When did they hold the office of Secretary of State?

What information was on their servers, that concerned national security?

You seriously don't see a difference in information received between a senator or governor, and the Secretary of State?

Which spin doctor did you get that from?

It'[s not a talking point, it's a laughing point

Hey dumb-ass.

Her "personal" e-mails are the ones that are going to link her to cash to the Clinton Foundation with favors done for the donors as Secretary of State. Bribes. Kickbacks.......Long term Jail sentences.

The Classified Government e-mails that she used a private server for while get her put OUT of the race for President. The private ones for Greed are going to get her put IN jail.

Find another Loons to pull for. She's done.

Uncle Joe Biden met with Pocahontas today...you know the Pinhead from Massachusettts.

There's a Super-Looney ticket that will get you Minnesota's electoral votes---they elected Al Franken for God's sake. Maybe New York and California....and not much else....but at least they are not headed for Jail.

Dum-dum, Clinton tendered all of her email a year ago. Her server has been wiped clean, your rantings are that of a temulent confused wacko, get a hold of yourself, there's nothing there.

I believe you may be the worst fool on this board...and so there is no reason to engage you. You can't be taught anything. But, I must try.

She tendered the e-mails she said were Government related. She certainly didn't give them the ones about the bribes and kickbacks in return for favors from her office. She declared those to be "personal" and deleted them. If the FBI can recover those...she goes to jail. If they can't, she has to explain why she spent so much money and hired such high-priced expertise to completely purge a server that she says had nothing on it but e-mails about yoga classes and her daughter's wedding.

Even a real fool like you doesn't believe that...though you may try to tell us you do...because you are a fool. Obviously.[/QUOTE]

I guess you are purposefully determined to find her guilty without evidence, because as I have explained earlier a DoD wipe will clean her hard drive to a point that it is impossible to recover data, that's why it was developed in the first place to protect our nation's secrets. So you can rave like a lunatic all you like, nothing will be found on that server. It's was her private correspondence and she had every right to protect it from raving maniacs who want to use it for a political assassination.
Hillary wasn't apprised of classified material until recently, almost a year after all that data was turned over. Are you so retarded that you cannot examine the facts before you open your mouyh?

She was Secretary of State, and didnt' know some of the information on her 'only' electronic device was classified?

And this is the person the Left wants to replace Obama?
DUH, Frank these are not law enforcement personnel handling this, these are Republican Congressman and staff.
Who have security clearances... They are required to have them to even look into this!!!!
Cite please.
She was Secretary of State, and didnt' know some of the information on her 'only' electronic device was classified?

And this is the person the Left wants to replace Obama?
Her spokesman said Hillary "didn't think it through" when she used the private unsecured server for classified material. AND THIS IS THE WOMAN WE WANT IN THE OVAL OFFICE??? That spokesman didn't help old Hillary a bit.
Post the link that her server was wiped seven times. Now why would she do that? Did it have anything to do with Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation? Huh?

We will never know what was on that server period. Classified documents held on any government server are require to use a DoD wipe I'm not going to search the law for it you will either have to believe it or not as you will.

Classified documents held on any government server are require to use a DoD wipe

Did you miss the memo, and the newspapers, and any of a variety of news stations?

It wasn't a government server, it was a private server.

That's been one of the main talking points

Yes a private server just like Jeb Bush had and a huge number of Congressmen.

When did they hold the office of Secretary of State?

What information was on their servers, that concerned national security?

You seriously don't see a difference in information received between a senator or governor, and the Secretary of State?

Which spin doctor did you get that from?

It'[s not a talking point, it's a laughing point

We won't know if private government information was transmitted to benefit a family member will we.

Hey dumb-ass.

Her "personal" e-mails are the ones that are going to link her to cash to the Clinton Foundation with favors done for the donors as Secretary of State. Bribes. Kickbacks.......Long term Jail sentences.

The Classified Government e-mails that she used a private server for while get her put OUT of the race for President. The private ones for Greed are going to get her put IN jail.

Find another Loons to pull for. She's done.

Uncle Joe Biden met with Pocahontas today...you know the Pinhead from Massachusettts.

There's a Super-Looney ticket that will get you Minnesota's electoral votes---they elected Al Franken for God's sake. Maybe New York and California....and not much else....but at least they are not headed for Jail.

Dum-dum, Clinton tendered all of her email a year ago. Her server has been wiped clean, your rantings are that of a temulent confused wacko, get a hold of yourself, there's nothing there.

I believe you may be the worst fool on this board...and so there is no reason to engage you. You can't be taught anything. But, I must try.

She tendered the e-mails she said were Government related. She certainly didn't give them the ones about the bribes and kickbacks in return for favors from her office. She declared those to be "personal" and deleted them. If the FBI can recover those...she goes to jail. If they can't, she has to explain why she spent so much money and hired such high-priced expertise to completely purge a server that she says had nothing on it but e-mails about yoga classes and her daughter's wedding.

Even a real fool like you doesn't believe that...though you may try to tell us you do...because you are a fool. Obviously.

I guess you are purposefully determined to find her guilty without evidence, because as I have explained earlier a DoD wipe will clean her hard drive to a point that it is impossible to recover data, that's why it was developed in the first place to protect our nation's secrets. So you can rave like a lunatic all you like, nothing will be found on that server. It's was her private correspondence and she had every right to protect it from raving maniacs who want to use it for a political assassination.[/QUOTE]
Tell that to Sidney.
She was Secretary of State, and didnt' know some of the information on her 'only' electronic device was classified?

And this is the person the Left wants to replace Obama?
Who have security clearances... They are required to have them to even look into this!!!!
Cite please.
Her spokesman said Hillary "didn't think it through" when she used the private unsecured server for classified material. AND THIS IS THE WOMAN WE WANT IN THE OVAL OFFICE??? That spokesman didn't help old Hillary a bit.
Post the link that her server was wiped seven times. Now why would she do that? Did it have anything to do with Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation? Huh?

We will never know what was on that server period. Classified documents held on any government server are require to use a DoD wipe I'm not going to search the law for it you will either have to believe it or not as you will.

Classified documents held on any government server are require to use a DoD wipe

Did you miss the memo, and the newspapers, and any of a variety of news stations?

It wasn't a government server, it was a private server.

That's been one of the main talking points

Yes a private server just like Jeb Bush had and a huge number of Congressmen.

When did they hold the office of Secretary of State?

What information was on their servers, that concerned national security?

You seriously don't see a difference in information received between a senator or governor, and the Secretary of State?

Which spin doctor did you get that from?

It'[s not a talking point, it's a laughing point

We won't know if private government information was transmitted to benefit a family member will we.

Do you hurt yourself when you stretch like that?
Expect to see much more of this. It's about time:

Hillary Clinton's Lawyer Defends Her Use of Personal Email

Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email account for conducting State Department business followed both federal rules in place at the time and the practice of some of her predecessors, her lawyer says.

The explanation, from Washington, D.C. lawyer David Kendall, comes in a letter sent late Friday to the State Department's undersecretary for management, obtained by NBC News.

"Secretary Clinton's use of personal e-mail was consistent with the practice of other Secretaries of State and was permissible under State Department policy in place during her tenure," Kendall writes...

...In his letter, Kendall quotes from a memoir by former Secretary of State Colin Powell who wrote that he used his personal email account for messages to "principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to [his] foreign-minister colleagues."

Clinton's use of her personal account was also permitted by federal regulations, Kendall says, including rules issued by the National Archives to implement a federal law on record preservation.

In 2009, Kendall says, the rule explained the practice to be followed when federal agencies "allow employees to send and receive electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency."

In that event, the employee must ensure that a record of the email is obtained in a government system. "Secretary Clinton followed that regulation through her practice of communicating with other Department officials on their state.gov e-mail accounts," Kendall's letter says.

By forwarding and copying messages to department employees at their government addresses, her emails were preserved in the State Department system, he said.

Kendall also said Clinton followed government regulations in deciding which emails in her personal accounts were private and which involved official business.

Wait and see how this turns out, but it is looking more and more as if zealots on the Right are chasing their tail on this one, not to mention the fact that they shot their gunpowder way too early.

It's looking more and more like republican hopes that they can drag this nonsense out until November 2016 are getting slimmer and slimmer.

It is in the hands of the FBI and the Justice Department now.
hiLIARy has nothing to fear, her sycophants will follow her to the gates of hell!!! She has a vagina!!!

Cite please.
We will never know what was on that server period. Classified documents held on any government server are require to use a DoD wipe I'm not going to search the law for it you will either have to believe it or not as you will.

Classified documents held on any government server are require to use a DoD wipe

Did you miss the memo, and the newspapers, and any of a variety of news stations?

It wasn't a government server, it was a private server.

That's been one of the main talking points

Yes a private server just like Jeb Bush had and a huge number of Congressmen.

When did they hold the office of Secretary of State?

What information was on their servers, that concerned national security?

You seriously don't see a difference in information received between a senator or governor, and the Secretary of State?

Which spin doctor did you get that from?

It'[s not a talking point, it's a laughing point

We won't know if private government information was transmitted to benefit a family member will we.

Do you hurt yourself when you stretch like that?

It's a reasonable question, Jeb Bush made $29 million after leaving the Governor's office. The question is how much help did he have?
She was Secretary of State, and didnt' know some of the information on her 'only' electronic device was classified?

And this is the person the Left wants to replace Obama?
Who have security clearances... They are required to have them to even look into this!!!!
Cite please.
Her spokesman said Hillary "didn't think it through" when she used the private unsecured server for classified material. AND THIS IS THE WOMAN WE WANT IN THE OVAL OFFICE??? That spokesman didn't help old Hillary a bit.
Post the link that her server was wiped seven times. Now why would she do that? Did it have anything to do with Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation? Huh?

We will never know what was on that server period. Classified documents held on any government server are require to use a DoD wipe I'm not going to search the law for it you will either have to believe it or not as you will.

Classified documents held on any government server are require to use a DoD wipe

Did you miss the memo, and the newspapers, and any of a variety of news stations?

It wasn't a government server, it was a private server.

That's been one of the main talking points

Yes a private server just like Jeb Bush had and a huge number of Congressmen.

When did they hold the office of Secretary of State?

What information was on their servers, that concerned national security?

You seriously don't see a difference in information received between a senator or governor, and the Secretary of State?

Which spin doctor did you get that from?

It'[s not a talking point, it's a laughing point

We won't know if private government information was transmitted to benefit a family member will we.


FBI to start recovery of Hillary Clinton's email server - Us Latest News

Mr. Hayes said investigators could try to recover an activity log from the server, which would show any action that a user took to erase or delete data. They could also potentially trace the path of emails and detect other devices to which the messages were sent — opening the way for discovery of other devices containing the data.

“You can subpoena those devices as well for evidence. That’s probably where this investigation would progress,” Mr. Hayessaid.
So let's ponder a question shall we? If the material in Hillary Clinton's server was turned over to the House Benghazi Committee nearly a year ago, doesn't that make them equally guilty under the law for storing classified material on an unsecured server?

The law is black and white and if the Benghazi Committee stored classified material without their knowledge they are just as guilty as Hillary Clinton.

Wow! That's amazing! So anyone handling evidence is also guilty of the crime too! The forensics lab, the district attorney! Wow! You're a genius and I don't use that word lightly.

That's Wyle E Coyote Super Genius "thinking" right there

Have you considered appearing on "Are you smarter than a fucking moron"?

DUH, Frank these are not law enforcement personnel handling this, these are Republican Congressman and staff.

DUH, they all have a security clearance.
Did you miss the memo, and the newspapers, and any of a variety of news stations?

It wasn't a government server, it was a private server.

That's been one of the main talking points

Yes a private server just like Jeb Bush had and a huge number of Congressmen.

When did they hold the office of Secretary of State?

What information was on their servers, that concerned national security?

You seriously don't see a difference in information received between a senator or governor, and the Secretary of State?

Which spin doctor did you get that from?

It'[s not a talking point, it's a laughing point

We won't know if private government information was transmitted to benefit a family member will we.

Do you hurt yourself when you stretch like that?

It's a reasonable question, Jeb Bush made $29 million after leaving the Governor's office. The question is how much help did he have?

The Clintons have made over 100 million since they left the White House, dead broke.

and that doesn't include the Foundation

how much help did they have?
Yes a private server just like Jeb Bush had and a huge number of Congressmen.

When did they hold the office of Secretary of State?

What information was on their servers, that concerned national security?

You seriously don't see a difference in information received between a senator or governor, and the Secretary of State?

Which spin doctor did you get that from?

It'[s not a talking point, it's a laughing point

We won't know if private government information was transmitted to benefit a family member will we.

Do you hurt yourself when you stretch like that?

It's a reasonable question, Jeb Bush made $29 million after leaving the Governor's office. The question is how much help did he have?

The Clintons have made over 100 million since they left the White House, dead broke.

and that doesn't include the Foundation

how much help did they have?
The next question is whether or not they will be dead broke after this... Just like Bill's previous legal bills broke them.
So let's ponder a question shall we? If the material in Hillary Clinton's server was turned over to the House Benghazi Committee nearly a year ago, doesn't that make them equally guilty under the law for storing classified material on an unsecured server?

The law is black and white and if the Benghazi Committee stored classified material without their knowledge they are just as guilty as Hillary Clinton.

Wow! That's amazing! So anyone handling evidence is also guilty of the crime too! The forensics lab, the district attorney! Wow! You're a genius and I don't use that word lightly.

That's Wyle E Coyote Super Genius "thinking" right there

Have you considered appearing on "Are you smarter than a fucking moron"?

DUH, Frank these are not law enforcement personnel handling this, these are Republican Congressman and staff.

DUH it's still the stupidest thing said by a Progressive on USMB
Cite please.
We will never know what was on that server period. Classified documents held on any government server are require to use a DoD wipe I'm not going to search the law for it you will either have to believe it or not as you will.

Classified documents held on any government server are require to use a DoD wipe

Did you miss the memo, and the newspapers, and any of a variety of news stations?

It wasn't a government server, it was a private server.

That's been one of the main talking points

Yes a private server just like Jeb Bush had and a huge number of Congressmen.

When did they hold the office of Secretary of State?

What information was on their servers, that concerned national security?

You seriously don't see a difference in information received between a senator or governor, and the Secretary of State?

Which spin doctor did you get that from?

It'[s not a talking point, it's a laughing point

We won't know if private government information was transmitted to benefit a family member will we.


FBI to start recovery of Hillary Clinton's email server - Us Latest News

Mr. Hayes said investigators could try to recover an activity log from the server, which would show any action that a user took to erase or delete data. They could also potentially trace the path of emails and detect other devices to which the messages were sent — opening the way for discovery of other devices containing the data.

“You can subpoena those devices as well for evidence. That’s probably where this investigation would progress,” Mr. Hayessaid.

The FBI will try but you can expect bad news from them in the near future.

Secure erase procedure (also known as a "disk wiping") is performed when it is for some reason necessary to irreversibly delete some data. This procedure is typically applied to "sensitive" (i.e. top secret) data only. When you erase the file by using normal means, the corresponding references are deleted and the space formerly occupied by the file is marked as being free. However, the actual file data remains intact on the disk until the space is claimed by some other file (at which point the original data is overwritten). We consider data overwritten at least once beyond any recovery. While it was possible to recover previous layers of data from older generation media (like magnetic tapes), we consider this is impossible with the modern hard drives. Rumor has it the other way, referring to some obscure "government agencies" being able to recover previous layers of data. We believe such references are a hoax. For any kind of electronic memory (i.e. not involving magnetic surfaces, examples being RAM and SSD devices) the recovery of overwritten data is certainly impossible, because no remains of previous state are available by the very design of the storage.

There is a DoD (U.S. Department of Defense) standard of data wiping - DoD 5220.22-M - described at www.dss.mil.

When working with a disk wipe tool, always keep in mind that the deletion is really irreversible. There is no way back if you delete wrong files.Data wiping (a.k.a. secure erase)
Cite please.
We will never know what was on that server period. Classified documents held on any government server are require to use a DoD wipe I'm not going to search the law for it you will either have to believe it or not as you will.

Classified documents held on any government server are require to use a DoD wipe

Did you miss the memo, and the newspapers, and any of a variety of news stations?

It wasn't a government server, it was a private server.

That's been one of the main talking points

Yes a private server just like Jeb Bush had and a huge number of Congressmen.

When did they hold the office of Secretary of State?

What information was on their servers, that concerned national security?

You seriously don't see a difference in information received between a senator or governor, and the Secretary of State?

Which spin doctor did you get that from?

It'[s not a talking point, it's a laughing point

We won't know if private government information was transmitted to benefit a family member will we.


FBI to start recovery of Hillary Clinton's email server - Us Latest News

Mr. Hayes said investigators could try to recover an activity log from the server, which would show any action that a user took to erase or delete data. They could also potentially trace the path of emails and detect other devices to which the messages were sent — opening the way for discovery of other devices containing the data.

“You can subpoena those devices as well for evidence. That’s probably where this investigation would progress,” Mr. Hayessaid.
So, I suppose it's no coincidence that Hillary's aides devices were destroyed?
Did you miss the memo, and the newspapers, and any of a variety of news stations?

It wasn't a government server, it was a private server.

That's been one of the main talking points

Yes a private server just like Jeb Bush had and a huge number of Congressmen.

When did they hold the office of Secretary of State?

What information was on their servers, that concerned national security?

You seriously don't see a difference in information received between a senator or governor, and the Secretary of State?

Which spin doctor did you get that from?

It'[s not a talking point, it's a laughing point

We won't know if private government information was transmitted to benefit a family member will we.


FBI to start recovery of Hillary Clinton's email server - Us Latest News

Mr. Hayes said investigators could try to recover an activity log from the server, which would show any action that a user took to erase or delete data. They could also potentially trace the path of emails and detect other devices to which the messages were sent — opening the way for discovery of other devices containing the data.

“You can subpoena those devices as well for evidence. That’s probably where this investigation would progress,” Mr. Hayessaid.
So, I suppose it's no coincidence that Hillary's aides devices were destroyed?


someone will claim it's standard procedure...

But never find a link to prove it
Did you miss the memo, and the newspapers, and any of a variety of news stations?

It wasn't a government server, it was a private server.

That's been one of the main talking points

Yes a private server just like Jeb Bush had and a huge number of Congressmen.

When did they hold the office of Secretary of State?

What information was on their servers, that concerned national security?

You seriously don't see a difference in information received between a senator or governor, and the Secretary of State?

Which spin doctor did you get that from?

It'[s not a talking point, it's a laughing point

We won't know if private government information was transmitted to benefit a family member will we.


FBI to start recovery of Hillary Clinton's email server - Us Latest News

Mr. Hayes said investigators could try to recover an activity log from the server, which would show any action that a user took to erase or delete data. They could also potentially trace the path of emails and detect other devices to which the messages were sent — opening the way for discovery of other devices containing the data.

“You can subpoena those devices as well for evidence. That’s probably where this investigation would progress,” Mr. Hayessaid.

The FBI will try but you can expect bad news from them in the near future.

Secure erase procedure (also known as a "disk wiping") is performed when it is for some reason necessary to irreversibly delete some data. This procedure is typically applied to "sensitive" (i.e. top secret) data only. When you erase the file by using normal means, the corresponding references are deleted and the space formerly occupied by the file is marked as being free. However, the actual file data remains intact on the disk until the space is claimed by some other file (at which point the original data is overwritten). We consider data overwritten at least once beyond any recovery. While it was possible to recover previous layers of data from older generation media (like magnetic tapes), we consider this is impossible with the modern hard drives. Rumor has it the other way, referring to some obscure "government agencies" being able to recover previous layers of data. We believe such references are a hoax. For any kind of electronic memory (i.e. not involving magnetic surfaces, examples being RAM and SSD devices) the recovery of overwritten data is certainly impossible, because no remains of previous state are available by the very design of the storage.

There is a DoD (U.S. Department of Defense) standard of data wiping - DoD 5220.22-M - described at www.dss.mil.

When working with a disk wipe tool, always keep in mind that the deletion is really irreversible. There is no way back if you delete wrong files.Data wiping (a.k.a. secure erase)
Again, Hillary's server was wiped by a private company, so where do the government standards come in??? Did she give that jackass company a secure government server?
Did you miss the memo, and the newspapers, and any of a variety of news stations?

It wasn't a government server, it was a private server.

That's been one of the main talking points

Yes a private server just like Jeb Bush had and a huge number of Congressmen.

When did they hold the office of Secretary of State?

What information was on their servers, that concerned national security?

You seriously don't see a difference in information received between a senator or governor, and the Secretary of State?

Which spin doctor did you get that from?

It'[s not a talking point, it's a laughing point

We won't know if private government information was transmitted to benefit a family member will we.


FBI to start recovery of Hillary Clinton's email server - Us Latest News

Mr. Hayes said investigators could try to recover an activity log from the server, which would show any action that a user took to erase or delete data. They could also potentially trace the path of emails and detect other devices to which the messages were sent — opening the way for discovery of other devices containing the data.

“You can subpoena those devices as well for evidence. That’s probably where this investigation would progress,” Mr. Hayessaid.
So, I suppose it's no coincidence that Hillary's aides devices were destroyed?
More evidence of criminal activity (and charges) if anything is recovered or tracked down to other sources. RICO could also come into play.
Let's be realistic, that entire wiping the server thing speaks volumes. They recover it and she's finished

There's nothing to recover. A DoD Secure Hard Drive Wipe is meant to be used on secure devices to protect them from prying eyes. They wipe the disk seven separate times to ensure that classified material will be completely sanitized.

What a relief. For a minute I thought we would have to read about Hillary's Yoga lessons and plans for Chelsea's wedding. No wonder she had it wiped seven times.

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