Hillary Clinton's official kickoff speech at the Roosevelt Island Rally, 06/13/2015

Riker's Island would be a more fitting place.

Nice to hear the parrots repeating the Faux News lies and talking points.

You have to give them credit though. Rush, Fox and company have succeeded in convincing low income white folks to vote against their own best interests.

The racists on this board keep complaining about low information blacks voting for free stuff but at least they're smart enough not to vote for fewer jobs, lower income, and more money sucking wars.
And of course you didn't address any of the issues that I raised.
Good. I hope everyone votes democrat. I can't wait til you scumbag Rightwingers get embarrassed in another presidential election.
You'll wait a long time.
Hillary will be the nominee. Failing indictment and conviction of course.
She is the old established candidate with nothing new to offer following 2 terms in the same party.
The GOP will nominate a younger energetic person with new ideas. History shows in every such contest the younger person wins. Every one.
Obama won the second term only because of high voter turnout among blacks in inner cities. They will not turn out to vote for Hillary in the same numbers. No matter how many times she fakes a black accent.
Where in your moronic brain do you get this thought that republicans ever offer "new ideas". They are younger and energetic sure, but republicans by definition do not have new ideas. It's more of the same you simpleton: Ridiculous tax cuts for the wealthy that do next to nothing to boost the economy for the lower classes and pointless deregulations. Oh and they'll repeal ObamaCare and replace it with nothing. God you are such a pawn.
LOL! You've been pwned, once again Billy.
By definition they dont have new ideas. WHose definition? Yours? ThinkProgress'?
Uh, no pawn, they are conservative. Do I need spell out the definition for you? Seriously what is Ted Cruz even running on besides repealing ObamaCare? Nothing. He is a scumbag who has billionaires in his pocket.
LOL! Do you even know what Cruz's platform is?
Scumbag with billionaires in the pocket? That must mean Hillary. She's gotten hundreds of millions of dollars from billionaire scumbags.
It's interesting how you made no attempt to refute what I said. You simply bring up Hillary. You know I'm right.
You'll wait a long time.
Hillary will be the nominee. Failing indictment and conviction of course.
She is the old established candidate with nothing new to offer following 2 terms in the same party.
The GOP will nominate a younger energetic person with new ideas. History shows in every such contest the younger person wins. Every one.
Obama won the second term only because of high voter turnout among blacks in inner cities. They will not turn out to vote for Hillary in the same numbers. No matter how many times she fakes a black accent.
Where in your moronic brain do you get this thought that republicans ever offer "new ideas". They are younger and energetic sure, but republicans by definition do not have new ideas. It's more of the same you simpleton: Ridiculous tax cuts for the wealthy that do next to nothing to boost the economy for the lower classes and pointless deregulations. Oh and they'll repeal ObamaCare and replace it with nothing. God you are such a pawn.
LOL! You've been pwned, once again Billy.
By definition they dont have new ideas. WHose definition? Yours? ThinkProgress'?
Uh, no pawn, they are conservative. Do I need spell out the definition for you? Seriously what is Ted Cruz even running on besides repealing ObamaCare? Nothing. He is a scumbag who has billionaires in his pocket.
LOL! Do you even know what Cruz's platform is?
Scumbag with billionaires in the pocket? That must mean Hillary. She's gotten hundreds of millions of dollars from billionaire scumbags.
It's interesting how you made no attempt to refute what I said. You simply bring up Hillary. You know I'm right.
There is no refuting bullshit.
What is Ted Cruz' platform, dipshit?
Where in your moronic brain do you get this thought that republicans ever offer "new ideas". They are younger and energetic sure, but republicans by definition do not have new ideas. It's more of the same you simpleton: Ridiculous tax cuts for the wealthy that do next to nothing to boost the economy for the lower classes and pointless deregulations. Oh and they'll repeal ObamaCare and replace it with nothing. God you are such a pawn.
LOL! You've been pwned, once again Billy.
By definition they dont have new ideas. WHose definition? Yours? ThinkProgress'?
Uh, no pawn, they are conservative. Do I need spell out the definition for you? Seriously what is Ted Cruz even running on besides repealing ObamaCare? Nothing. He is a scumbag who has billionaires in his pocket.
LOL! Do you even know what Cruz's platform is?
Scumbag with billionaires in the pocket? That must mean Hillary. She's gotten hundreds of millions of dollars from billionaire scumbags.
It's interesting how you made no attempt to refute what I said. You simply bring up Hillary. You know I'm right.
There is no refuting bullshit.
What is Ted Cruz' platform, dipshit?
Um repealing ObamaCare, tax breaks for the wealthy, and deregulation. That's all teabaggers have to offer.
Where in your moronic brain do you get this thought that republicans ever offer "new ideas". They are younger and energetic sure, but republicans by definition do not have new ideas. It's more of the same you simpleton: Ridiculous tax cuts for the wealthy that do next to nothing to boost the economy for the lower classes and pointless deregulations. Oh and they'll repeal ObamaCare and replace it with nothing. God you are such a pawn.
LOL! You've been pwned, once again Billy.
By definition they dont have new ideas. WHose definition? Yours? ThinkProgress'?
Uh, no pawn, they are conservative. Do I need spell out the definition for you? Seriously what is Ted Cruz even running on besides repealing ObamaCare? Nothing. He is a scumbag who has billionaires in his pocket.
LOL! Do you even know what Cruz's platform is?
Scumbag with billionaires in the pocket? That must mean Hillary. She's gotten hundreds of millions of dollars from billionaire scumbags.
It's interesting how you made no attempt to refute what I said. You simply bring up Hillary. You know I'm right.
There is no refuting bullshit.
What is Ted Cruz' platform, dipshit?
Ted Cruz on the Issues
He's a nut.
LOL! You've been pwned, once again Billy.
By definition they dont have new ideas. WHose definition? Yours? ThinkProgress'?
Uh, no pawn, they are conservative. Do I need spell out the definition for you? Seriously what is Ted Cruz even running on besides repealing ObamaCare? Nothing. He is a scumbag who has billionaires in his pocket.
LOL! Do you even know what Cruz's platform is?
Scumbag with billionaires in the pocket? That must mean Hillary. She's gotten hundreds of millions of dollars from billionaire scumbags.
It's interesting how you made no attempt to refute what I said. You simply bring up Hillary. You know I'm right.
There is no refuting bullshit.
What is Ted Cruz' platform, dipshit?
Um repealing ObamaCare, tax breaks for the wealthy, and deregulation. That's all teabaggers have to offer.
What you dont know literally fills up the Internet.
LOL! You've been pwned, once again Billy.
By definition they dont have new ideas. WHose definition? Yours? ThinkProgress'?
Uh, no pawn, they are conservative. Do I need spell out the definition for you? Seriously what is Ted Cruz even running on besides repealing ObamaCare? Nothing. He is a scumbag who has billionaires in his pocket.
LOL! Do you even know what Cruz's platform is?
Scumbag with billionaires in the pocket? That must mean Hillary. She's gotten hundreds of millions of dollars from billionaire scumbags.
It's interesting how you made no attempt to refute what I said. You simply bring up Hillary. You know I'm right.
There is no refuting bullshit.
What is Ted Cruz' platform, dipshit?
Ted Cruz on the Issues
He's a nut.
To somene who thinks Cuba and Venezuela represent success I suppose he would seem so.
Uh, no pawn, they are conservative. Do I need spell out the definition for you? Seriously what is Ted Cruz even running on besides repealing ObamaCare? Nothing. He is a scumbag who has billionaires in his pocket.
LOL! Do you even know what Cruz's platform is?
Scumbag with billionaires in the pocket? That must mean Hillary. She's gotten hundreds of millions of dollars from billionaire scumbags.
It's interesting how you made no attempt to refute what I said. You simply bring up Hillary. You know I'm right.
There is no refuting bullshit.
What is Ted Cruz' platform, dipshit?
Ted Cruz on the Issues
He's a nut.
To somene who thinks Cuba and Venezuela represent success I suppose he would seem so.
I never said they represent success, I simply conduct examination based on facts to arrive at a conclusion with realistic comparisons. The circlejerk on here is annoying.
LOL! Do you even know what Cruz's platform is?
Scumbag with billionaires in the pocket? That must mean Hillary. She's gotten hundreds of millions of dollars from billionaire scumbags.
It's interesting how you made no attempt to refute what I said. You simply bring up Hillary. You know I'm right.
There is no refuting bullshit.
What is Ted Cruz' platform, dipshit?
Ted Cruz on the Issues
He's a nut.
To somene who thinks Cuba and Venezuela represent success I suppose he would seem so.
I never said they represent success, I simply conduct examination based on facts to arrive at a conclusion with realistic comparisons. The circlejerk on here is annoying.
And your conclusion is those countries are failures?
LOL! Do you even know what Cruz's platform is?
Scumbag with billionaires in the pocket? That must mean Hillary. She's gotten hundreds of millions of dollars from billionaire scumbags.
It's interesting how you made no attempt to refute what I said. You simply bring up Hillary. You know I'm right.
There is no refuting bullshit.
What is Ted Cruz' platform, dipshit?
Ted Cruz on the Issues
He's a nut.
To somene who thinks Cuba and Venezuela represent success I suppose he would seem so.
I never said they represent success, I simply conduct examination based on facts to arrive at a conclusion with realistic comparisons. The circlejerk on here is annoying.
Welcome to USMB.
It's interesting how you made no attempt to refute what I said. You simply bring up Hillary. You know I'm right.
There is no refuting bullshit.
What is Ted Cruz' platform, dipshit?
Ted Cruz on the Issues
He's a nut.
To somene who thinks Cuba and Venezuela represent success I suppose he would seem so.
I never said they represent success, I simply conduct examination based on facts to arrive at a conclusion with realistic comparisons. The circlejerk on here is annoying.
And your conclusion is those countries are failures?
If you want to examine the countries yourself, go ahead, make your own conclusions, I'm not here to feed your circlejerk.
There is no refuting bullshit.
What is Ted Cruz' platform, dipshit?
Ted Cruz on the Issues
He's a nut.
To somene who thinks Cuba and Venezuela represent success I suppose he would seem so.
I never said they represent success, I simply conduct examination based on facts to arrive at a conclusion with realistic comparisons. The circlejerk on here is annoying.
And your conclusion is those countries are failures?
If you want to examine the countries yourself, go ahead, make your own conclusions, I'm not here to feed your circlejerk.
Your admission of defeat is appreciated.
Yes, socialism fails 100% of the time. No exceptions.
To somene who thinks Cuba and Venezuela represent success I suppose he would seem so.
I never said they represent success, I simply conduct examination based on facts to arrive at a conclusion with realistic comparisons. The circlejerk on here is annoying.
And your conclusion is those countries are failures?
If you want to examine the countries yourself, go ahead, make your own conclusions, I'm not here to feed your circlejerk.
Your admission of defeat is appreciated.
Yes, socialism fails 100% of the time. No exceptions.
Keep telling yourself that, not even worth contributing to your circlejerk.
To somene who thinks Cuba and Venezuela represent success I suppose he would seem so.
I never said they represent success, I simply conduct examination based on facts to arrive at a conclusion with realistic comparisons. The circlejerk on here is annoying.
And your conclusion is those countries are failures?
If you want to examine the countries yourself, go ahead, make your own conclusions, I'm not here to feed your circlejerk.
Your admission of defeat is appreciated.
Yes, socialism fails 100% of the time. No exceptions.
Keep telling yourself that, not even worth contributing to your circlejerk.
Then shut the fuck up. Everywhere you look socialism has failed. Greece, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, California. Everywhere.
There is no refuting bullshit.
What is Ted Cruz' platform, dipshit?
Ted Cruz on the Issues
He's a nut.
To somene who thinks Cuba and Venezuela represent success I suppose he would seem so.
I never said they represent success, I simply conduct examination based on facts to arrive at a conclusion with realistic comparisons. The circlejerk on here is annoying.
And your conclusion is those countries are failures?
If you want to examine the countries yourself, go ahead, make your own conclusions, I'm not here to feed your circlejerk.
Asking Rabbi to use critical thinking skills is like asking Ted Cruz to admit he's a lying scumbag.
I never said they represent success, I simply conduct examination based on facts to arrive at a conclusion with realistic comparisons. The circlejerk on here is annoying.
And your conclusion is those countries are failures?
If you want to examine the countries yourself, go ahead, make your own conclusions, I'm not here to feed your circlejerk.
Your admission of defeat is appreciated.
Yes, socialism fails 100% of the time. No exceptions.
Keep telling yourself that, not even worth contributing to your circlejerk.
Then shut the fuck up. Everywhere you look socialism has failed. Greece, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, California. Everywhere.
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH. Greece never gave workers the means of production, nor did North korea. Cuba and venezuela still exist, and are Leninist states (venezuela, arguably), although some socialist things are present. LOL, WHAT THE FUCK, CALIFORNIA? WHEN DID CALIFORNIA TRY TO GIVE WORKERS THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION? You're a pathetic joke.
To somene who thinks Cuba and Venezuela represent success I suppose he would seem so.
I never said they represent success, I simply conduct examination based on facts to arrive at a conclusion with realistic comparisons. The circlejerk on here is annoying.
And your conclusion is those countries are failures?
If you want to examine the countries yourself, go ahead, make your own conclusions, I'm not here to feed your circlejerk.
Asking Rabbi to use critical thinking skills is like asking Ted Cruz to admit he's a lying scumbag.
LOL. Ironic post by Billy Triple Fail, most failed troll poster on here, is ironic.
Billy, you lose in every thread you start.
Socialist has admitted that Cuba etc are failed countries, providing lower standards of living and sub par economic growth.
And your conclusion is those countries are failures?
If you want to examine the countries yourself, go ahead, make your own conclusions, I'm not here to feed your circlejerk.
Your admission of defeat is appreciated.
Yes, socialism fails 100% of the time. No exceptions.
Keep telling yourself that, not even worth contributing to your circlejerk.
Then shut the fuck up. Everywhere you look socialism has failed. Greece, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, California. Everywhere.
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH. Greece never gave workers the means of production, nor did North korea. Cuba and venezuela still exist, and are Leninist states (venezuela, arguably), although some socialist things are present. LOL, WHAT THE FUCK, CALIFORNIA? WHEN DID CALIFORNIA TRY TO GIVE WORKERS THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION? You're a pathetic joke.
Communism means no private ownership of means of production.
You're too stupid to be a socialist.
To somene who thinks Cuba and Venezuela represent success I suppose he would seem so.
I never said they represent success, I simply conduct examination based on facts to arrive at a conclusion with realistic comparisons. The circlejerk on here is annoying.
And your conclusion is those countries are failures?
If you want to examine the countries yourself, go ahead, make your own conclusions, I'm not here to feed your circlejerk.
Asking Rabbi to use critical thinking skills is like asking Ted Cruz to admit he's a lying scumbag.
LOL. Ironic post by Billy Triple Fail, most failed troll poster on here, is ironic.
Billy, you lose in every thread you start.
Socialist has admitted that Cuba etc are failed countries, providing lower standards of living and sub par economic growth.
I never admitted they were failing countries buddy, and they provide better standards compared to what they were after the state put forth humanitarian policies and evil "socialist" policies.

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