Hillary Clinton's official kickoff speech at the Roosevelt Island Rally, 06/13/2015

If you want to examine the countries yourself, go ahead, make your own conclusions, I'm not here to feed your circlejerk.
Your admission of defeat is appreciated.
Yes, socialism fails 100% of the time. No exceptions.
Keep telling yourself that, not even worth contributing to your circlejerk.
Then shut the fuck up. Everywhere you look socialism has failed. Greece, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, California. Everywhere.
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH. Greece never gave workers the means of production, nor did North korea. Cuba and venezuela still exist, and are Leninist states (venezuela, arguably), although some socialist things are present. LOL, WHAT THE FUCK, CALIFORNIA? WHEN DID CALIFORNIA TRY TO GIVE WORKERS THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION? You're a pathetic joke.
Communism means no private ownership of means of production.
You're too stupid to be a socialist.
I know what communism is., however, a totalitarian state controlling production without democracy isn't socialism you idiot.You're the moron who stated california tried socialism.
To somene who thinks Cuba and Venezuela represent success I suppose he would seem so.
I never said they represent success, I simply conduct examination based on facts to arrive at a conclusion with realistic comparisons. The circlejerk on here is annoying.
And your conclusion is those countries are failures?
If you want to examine the countries yourself, go ahead, make your own conclusions, I'm not here to feed your circlejerk.
Asking Rabbi to use critical thinking skills is like asking Ted Cruz to admit he's a lying scumbag.
LOL. Ironic post by Billy Triple Fail, most failed troll poster on here, is ironic.
Billy, you lose in every thread you start.
Socialist has admitted that Cuba etc are failed countries, providing lower standards of living and sub par economic growth.
Lol you try way too hard.
Your admission of defeat is appreciated.
Yes, socialism fails 100% of the time. No exceptions.
Keep telling yourself that, not even worth contributing to your circlejerk.
Then shut the fuck up. Everywhere you look socialism has failed. Greece, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, California. Everywhere.
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH. Greece never gave workers the means of production, nor did North korea. Cuba and venezuela still exist, and are Leninist states (venezuela, arguably), although some socialist things are present. LOL, WHAT THE FUCK, CALIFORNIA? WHEN DID CALIFORNIA TRY TO GIVE WORKERS THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION? You're a pathetic joke.
Communism means no private ownership of means of production.
You're too stupid to be a socialist.
I know what communism is., however, a totalitarian state controlling production without democracy isn't socialism you idiot.You're the moron who stated california tried socialism.
Obviously you dont. Socialism is a situation where there is still private means of production.
North Korea is a communist country. Cuba is a communist country. Both are failed countries.
I never said they represent success, I simply conduct examination based on facts to arrive at a conclusion with realistic comparisons. The circlejerk on here is annoying.
And your conclusion is those countries are failures?
If you want to examine the countries yourself, go ahead, make your own conclusions, I'm not here to feed your circlejerk.
Asking Rabbi to use critical thinking skills is like asking Ted Cruz to admit he's a lying scumbag.
LOL. Ironic post by Billy Triple Fail, most failed troll poster on here, is ironic.
Billy, you lose in every thread you start.
Socialist has admitted that Cuba etc are failed countries, providing lower standards of living and sub par economic growth.
Lol you try way too hard.
Translation: Pwned again.
The usual class warfare combined with free shit giveaways.
By the way, what accomplishments does Hillary Clinton have that qualify her to be president?

8 years as FLOTUS
8 years as US Senator
4 years as Secretary of State

Probably the best resume of any candidate since Bush 41.
Lol it doesn't matter how much actual experience she has had, the rightwing will still say she's incompetent.
I asked for accomplishments, not experience. Another Billy Triple Nought fail.
And she has bombed at every one of those jobs. Remember how the White House got sued successfully for violating the open records act?

Winning an election to State wide office isn't an accomplishment? Scott Walker would disagree with you. Becoming Secretary of State isn't an accomplishment? Condi Rice would disagree with you.
The usual class warfare combined with free shit giveaways.
By the way, what accomplishments does Hillary Clinton have that qualify her to be president?

She seems to be superior than the current President in lying and dividing. Considering Obama has been the best at these points, Hillary is quite experienced.

If you have been "divided" by Obama, you were not that committed to whomever you have been divided from to start with.

Obama has worked at putting a wedge between rich and poor, black and white, insurance companies and average American, doctors against the average American, bankers and average Americans and on and on. He divides to win and what is amazing is he doesn't back up his own words.

No such wedge exists.
The usual class warfare combined with free shit giveaways.
By the way, what accomplishments does Hillary Clinton have that qualify her to be president?

8 years as FLOTUS
8 years as US Senator
4 years as Secretary of State

Probably the best resume of any candidate since Bush 41.
And her accomplishments?
Those are accomplishments.

The world is one fucking mess and a good reason was because of the disasterous Obama/Hillary foreign policy.
It was a disaster. Obama cleaned it up; we're not taking (and losing) hundreds of lives in Iraq/Afghanistan.

She stopped our people in Benghazi from being rescued and as a result among the dead was our ambassador.
Not true.

When questioned her response was "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?"
When asked a specific question, her response was similar, yes. Your conveniently leaving out details.

She had a long history of corruption based of her involvement of giving favors for money.\
She deleted all her emails excepted for the ones she wanted to give to release.
She is a crook.

Then why isn't she is jail?
The usual class warfare combined with free shit giveaways.
By the way, what accomplishments does Hillary Clinton have that qualify her to be president?

She seems to be superior than the current President in lying and dividing. Considering Obama has been the best at these points, Hillary is quite experienced.

If you have been "divided" by Obama, you were not that committed to whomever you have been divided from to start with.

Obama has worked at putting a wedge between rich and poor, black and white, insurance companies and average American, doctors against the average American, bankers and average Americans and on and on. He divides to win and what is amazing is he doesn't back up his own words.

No such wedge exists.

It does exist, more so than before he took office.

BTW, who is your favorite candidate for this election?
The usual class warfare combined with free shit giveaways.
By the way, what accomplishments does Hillary Clinton have that qualify her to be president?

8 years as FLOTUS
8 years as US Senator
4 years as Secretary of State

Probably the best resume of any candidate since Bush 41.
Let's see....

Voted for the war in Iraq as a Senator.....
Yeah, after being lied to by the CIA who sexed up the intel.

Accomplished nothing as Secretary of State (but brags on being in the Situation Room when Bin Laden was killed (even though she obviously didn't help plan the raid, since her only military experience was having a draft dodger as a husband)....
America had it's reputation restored by Obama and an assist from Clinton and Kerry.

And glad you brought up FLOTUS!!!! Didn't she claim to be our co-president???? That means she must have been in on the decision not to kill Bin Laden, enabling him to carry out the deadliest attack on US soil in history.....

Bill Clinton Hours Before 9 11 Attacks I Could Have Killed Osama bin Laden - ABC News

Hours before the 9/11 terrorist attacks, former President Bill Clinton told an audience in Australia about his missed chance to kill attack mastermind Osama bin Laden, according to audio released this week.

Here is the actual quote:

“I’m just saying, you know, if I were Osama bin Laden ... He’s a very smart guy. I spent a lot of time thinking about him. And I nearly got him once,” Clinton said in the audio, which was recorded by former Liberal Party head Michael Kroger and aired by Sky News.

“I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have had to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him.
“And so I didn’t do it.”

Its a good thing that Obama was able to do it where Bush failed so miserably so often.
The usual class warfare combined with free shit giveaways.
By the way, what accomplishments does Hillary Clinton have that qualify her to be president?

She seems to be superior than the current President in lying and dividing. Considering Obama has been the best at these points, Hillary is quite experienced.

If you have been "divided" by Obama, you were not that committed to whomever you have been divided from to start with.

Obama has worked at putting a wedge between rich and poor, black and white, insurance companies and average American, doctors against the average American, bankers and average Americans and on and on. He divides to win and what is amazing is he doesn't back up his own words.

No such wedge exists.

It does exist, more so than before he took office.

BTW, who is your favorite candidate for this election?

So, assuming you are white, what is it you can not do with a black person now that you could do in 2007? And what has Obama done specifically to cause you not to be able to do it?
She seems to be superior than the current President in lying and dividing. Considering Obama has been the best at these points, Hillary is quite experienced.

If you have been "divided" by Obama, you were not that committed to whomever you have been divided from to start with.

Obama has worked at putting a wedge between rich and poor, black and white, insurance companies and average American, doctors against the average American, bankers and average Americans and on and on. He divides to win and what is amazing is he doesn't back up his own words.

No such wedge exists.

It does exist, more so than before he took office.

BTW, who is your favorite candidate for this election?

So, assuming you are white, what is it you can not do with a black person now that you could do in 2007? And what has Obama done specifically to cause you not to be able to do it?

What does being able or not being able to do anything have to do with a division in the country and Obama pitting one group against another?
If you have been "divided" by Obama, you were not that committed to whomever you have been divided from to start with.

Obama has worked at putting a wedge between rich and poor, black and white, insurance companies and average American, doctors against the average American, bankers and average Americans and on and on. He divides to win and what is amazing is he doesn't back up his own words.

No such wedge exists.

It does exist, more so than before he took office.

BTW, who is your favorite candidate for this election?

So, assuming you are white, what is it you can not do with a black person now that you could do in 2007? And what has Obama done specifically to cause you not to be able to do it?

What does being able or not being able to do anything have to do with a division in the country and Obama pitting one group against another?

Well, you're saying there is a wedge between blacks and whites and Obama is responsible for it. I assume he wouldn't have had the power to put the wedge there before he was President.

IF there is this wedge you say there is...you should be able to tell us what you're not able to do with black people that you were able to do with them prior to Obama being President.

All I'm asking for is some proof of this wedge you say is there (which it isn't).
We'll get to whether Obama is responsible or if you're responsible for it (which you are ultimately) later on.
Obama has worked at putting a wedge between rich and poor, black and white, insurance companies and average American, doctors against the average American, bankers and average Americans and on and on. He divides to win and what is amazing is he doesn't back up his own words.

No such wedge exists.

It does exist, more so than before he took office.

BTW, who is your favorite candidate for this election?

So, assuming you are white, what is it you can not do with a black person now that you could do in 2007? And what has Obama done specifically to cause you not to be able to do it?

What does being able or not being able to do anything have to do with a division in the country and Obama pitting one group against another?

Well, you're saying there is a wedge between blacks and whites and Obama is responsible for it. I assume he wouldn't have had the power to put the wedge there before he was President.

IF there is this wedge you say there is...you should be able to tell us what you're not able to do with black people that you were able to do with them prior to Obama being President.

All I'm asking for is some proof of this wedge you say is there (which it isn't).
We'll get to whether Obama is responsible or if you're responsible for it (which you are ultimately) later on.

Race relations are a bigger issue now than four years ago. Obamacare pitted and drove a wedge between insurance companies, doctors, hospitals and the working class. Obama pitted big bad bankers that stole money from the middle class and yet never prosecuted anyone. He pitted gun grabbers and those that follower the bible against the rest of the country.

I am not responsible for Obama's actions, I see the results.

So spare me your BS. BTW, who are you leaning on voting for? I notice you dodge this question.
The usual class warfare combined with free shit giveaways.
By the way, what accomplishments does Hillary Clinton have that qualify her to be president?

8 years as FLOTUS
8 years as US Senator
4 years as Secretary of State

Probably the best resume of any candidate since Bush 41.
Lol it doesn't matter how much actual experience she has had, the rightwing will still say she's incompetent.
I asked for accomplishments, not experience. Another Billy Triple Nought fail.
And she has bombed at every one of those jobs. Remember how the White House got sued successfully for violating the open records act?

Winning an election to State wide office isn't an accomplishment? Scott Walker would disagree with you. Becoming Secretary of State isn't an accomplishment? Condi Rice would disagree with you.

It's not the office title...it's what you do while in office. Certainly you understand the difference?

So with the Hildabeast....tell us what you like best. The Russian reset. :D Allowing 4 people to die in Benghazi after they asked for additional security for months? Libya? The rise of ISIS? Maybe Syria or allowing Iraq to fall apart? Maybe allowing most of the Middle east to go up in flames?

So which of Hillary's accomplishments do you like best? :)
It was very controlled, predictable and boring. She does not have the gift to make natural and genuine connections with people like her husband, Reagan and Obama have had...she impresses nobody except the hardcore left, and even their enthusiasm is nothing compared to the level of excitement that they demonstrated for Obama. They will be dutiful water carriers though.:thup: :D
The usual class warfare combined with free shit giveaways.
By the way, what accomplishments does Hillary Clinton have that qualify her to be president?

8 years as FLOTUS
8 years as US Senator
4 years as Secretary of State

Probably the best resume of any candidate since Bush 41.
Lol it doesn't matter how much actual experience she has had, the rightwing will still say she's incompetent.
I asked for accomplishments, not experience. Another Billy Triple Nought fail.
And she has bombed at every one of those jobs. Remember how the White House got sued successfully for violating the open records act?

Winning an election to State wide office isn't an accomplishment? Scott Walker would disagree with you. Becoming Secretary of State isn't an accomplishment? Condi Rice would disagree with you.
Lots of people win election to state office.
Many people have been SecState.
Those arent qualifications. Nor are they particularly achievements.
The usual class warfare combined with free shit giveaways.
By the way, what accomplishments does Hillary Clinton have that qualify her to be president?

8 years as FLOTUS
8 years as US Senator
4 years as Secretary of State

Probably the best resume of any candidate since Bush 41.
Lol it doesn't matter how much actual experience she has had, the rightwing will still say she's incompetent.
I asked for accomplishments, not experience. Another Billy Triple Nought fail.
And she has bombed at every one of those jobs. Remember how the White House got sued successfully for violating the open records act?

Winning an election to State wide office isn't an accomplishment? Scott Walker would disagree with you. Becoming Secretary of State isn't an accomplishment? Condi Rice would disagree with you.
Lots of people win election to state office.
Many people have been SecState.
Those arent qualifications. Nor are they particularly achievements.
if i had a hamster, he would be more qualified to be president than Hillary
8 years as FLOTUS
8 years as US Senator
4 years as Secretary of State

Probably the best resume of any candidate since Bush 41.
Lol it doesn't matter how much actual experience she has had, the rightwing will still say she's incompetent.
I asked for accomplishments, not experience. Another Billy Triple Nought fail.
And she has bombed at every one of those jobs. Remember how the White House got sued successfully for violating the open records act?

Winning an election to State wide office isn't an accomplishment? Scott Walker would disagree with you. Becoming Secretary of State isn't an accomplishment? Condi Rice would disagree with you.
Lots of people win election to state office.
Many people have been SecState.
Those arent qualifications. Nor are they particularly achievements.
if i had a hamster, he would be more qualified to be president than Hillary
Hamsters make bad liars. That's why.
No such wedge exists.

It does exist, more so than before he took office.

BTW, who is your favorite candidate for this election?

So, assuming you are white, what is it you can not do with a black person now that you could do in 2007? And what has Obama done specifically to cause you not to be able to do it?

What does being able or not being able to do anything have to do with a division in the country and Obama pitting one group against another?

Well, you're saying there is a wedge between blacks and whites and Obama is responsible for it. I assume he wouldn't have had the power to put the wedge there before he was President.

IF there is this wedge you say there is...you should be able to tell us what you're not able to do with black people that you were able to do with them prior to Obama being President.

All I'm asking for is some proof of this wedge you say is there (which it isn't).
We'll get to whether Obama is responsible or if you're responsible for it (which you are ultimately) later on.

Race relations are a bigger issue now than four years ago.
And that is Obama's fault? They were big during the Rodney King beatings, trials, acquittals too. They were big when OJ was released too. When Susan Smith fingered a black man, tensions flared then too. The next President will have her share of issues to deal with.

0.0% of these tensions are Obama's fault. There is no wedge between blacks and whites much less one placed there by our President.

Obamacare pitted and drove a wedge between insurance companies, doctors, hospitals and the working class.
If there is a wedge, you wouldn't know it from our hospitals where doctors see patients every day. You also wouldn't know it by looking at insurance companies who pay for most of those visits and procedures.

Again, no wedge.

Obama pitted big bad bankers that stole money from the middle class and yet never prosecuted anyone.
You're accidentally right about this; those banks that were too big to fail are still too big to fail. I'm not sure how legislation passed during Bush's administration are Obama's fault but this "wedge" between the middle class and the banks are probably big news to account holders and the banks as well because Americans still continue to bank there.

He pitted gun grabbers and those that follower the bible against the rest of the country.
Non-sense. I had four gun owners in my residence today. I have no firearms. By the way, most of them came from going to church earlier in the day. I do not attend church regularly.

I am not responsible for Obama's actions, I see the results.
No, you imagine the results. You give zero evidence of these wedges (your word)and even less evidence that any of it is Obama's fault.
So spare me your BS.
I'm sorry you find the truth so horrifying...it's amazing how silly you sound when you are forced to examine your own positions.

BTW, who are you leaning on voting for? I notice you dodge this question.

It's Summer 2015, you're asking me a question today about 17 months into the future. If she's on the ballot, it will be Hillary Clinton. If not...well...we will see.

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