Hillary Clinton's official kickoff speech at the Roosevelt Island Rally, 06/13/2015

Riker's Island would be a more fitting place.

Nice to hear the parrots repeating the Faux News lies and talking points.

You have to give them credit though. Rush, Fox and company have succeeded in convincing low income white folks to vote against their own best interests.

The racists on this board keep complaining about low information blacks voting for free stuff but at least they're smart enough not to vote for fewer jobs, lower income, and more money sucking wars.
The Justice Dept indicted Bob Menendez on much less evidence of corruption than currently exists for Hillary. Why is that, do you think?
The usual class warfare combined with free shit giveaways.
By the way, what accomplishments does Hillary Clinton have that qualify her to be president?

She seems to be superior than the current President in lying and dividing. Considering Obama has been the best at these points, Hillary is quite experienced.

If you have been "divided" by Obama, you were not that committed to whomever you have been divided from to start with.

Obama has worked at putting a wedge between rich and poor, black and white, insurance companies and average American, doctors against the average American, bankers and average Americans and on and on. He divides to win and what is amazing is he doesn't back up his own words.
The usual class warfare combined with free shit giveaways.
By the way, what accomplishments does Hillary Clinton have that qualify her to be president?

She seems to be superior than the current President in lying and dividing. Considering Obama has been the best at these points, Hillary is quite experienced.

If you have been "divided" by Obama, you were not that committed to whomever you have been divided from to start with.

Obama has worked at putting a wedge between rich and poor, black and white, insurance companies and average American, doctors against the average American, bankers and average Americans and on and on. He divides to win and what is amazing is he doesn't back up his own words.
Finally, an achievement!
The usual class warfare combined with free shit giveaways.
By the way, what accomplishments does Hillary Clinton have that qualify her to be president?

8 years as FLOTUS
8 years as US Senator
4 years as Secretary of State

Probably the best resume of any candidate since Bush 41.
Lol it doesn't matter how much actual experience she has had, the rightwing will still say she's incompetent.
Personally I would prefer Bernie Sanders as president. He probably won't come close, but I would love to see him go toe-to-toe with Hillary and the clown bus known as the GOP field.
The usual class warfare combined with free shit giveaways.
By the way, what accomplishments does Hillary Clinton have that qualify her to be president?

8 years as FLOTUS
8 years as US Senator
4 years as Secretary of State

Probably the best resume of any candidate since Bush 41.
Lol it doesn't matter how much actual experience she has had, the rightwing will still say she's incompetent.
I asked for accomplishments, not experience. Another Billy Triple Nought fail.
And she has bombed at every one of those jobs. Remember how the White House got sued successfully for violating the open records act?
The usual class warfare combined with free shit giveaways.
By the way, what accomplishments does Hillary Clinton have that qualify her to be president?

She seems to be superior than the current President in lying and dividing. Considering Obama has been the best at these points, Hillary is quite experienced.

If you have been "divided" by Obama, you were not that committed to whomever you have been divided from to start with.

Obama has worked at putting a wedge between rich and poor, black and white, insurance companies and average American, doctors against the average American, bankers and average Americans and on and on. He divides to win and what is amazing is he doesn't back up his own words.
Finally, an achievement!
if 100 million people watched the speech, at least 80 Million people would of screamed back at Hillary, "Yah Bitch, It Was You And Obama That Caused All Of These {fill in the blank}n' Problems !!!!!!
Personally I would prefer Bernie Sanders as president. He probably won't come close, but I would love to see him go toe-to-toe with Hillary and the clown bus known as the GOP field.
Bernie Sanders is driving the youth vote to Hillary.
Personally I would prefer Bernie Sanders as president. He probably won't come close, but I would love to see him go toe-to-toe with Hillary and the clown bus known as the GOP field.
Bernie Sanders is driving the youth vote to Hillary.
Good. I hope everyone votes democrat. I can't wait til you scumbag Rightwingers get embarrassed in another presidential election.
Personally I would prefer Bernie Sanders as president. He probably won't come close, but I would love to see him go toe-to-toe with Hillary and the clown bus known as the GOP field.
Bernie Sanders is driving the youth vote to Hillary.
Good. I hope everyone votes democrat. I can't wait til you scumbag Rightwingers get embarrassed in another presidential election.
You'll wait a long time.
Hillary will be the nominee. Failing indictment and conviction of course.
She is the old established candidate with nothing new to offer following 2 terms in the same party.
The GOP will nominate a younger energetic person with new ideas. History shows in every such contest the younger person wins. Every one.
Obama won the second term only because of high voter turnout among blacks in inner cities. They will not turn out to vote for Hillary in the same numbers. No matter how many times she fakes a black accent.
Personally I would prefer Bernie Sanders as president. He probably won't come close, but I would love to see him go toe-to-toe with Hillary and the clown bus known as the GOP field.
Bernie Sanders is driving the youth vote to Hillary.
Good. I hope everyone votes democrat. I can't wait til you scumbag Rightwingers get embarrassed in another presidential election.
You'll wait a long time.
Hillary will be the nominee. Failing indictment and conviction of course.
She is the old established candidate with nothing new to offer following 2 terms in the same party.
The GOP will nominate a younger energetic person with new ideas. History shows in every such contest the younger person wins. Every one.
Obama won the second term only because of high voter turnout among blacks in inner cities. They will not turn out to vote for Hillary in the same numbers. No matter how many times she fakes a black accent.
Where in your moronic brain do you get this thought that republicans ever offer "new ideas". They are younger and energetic sure, but republicans by definition do not have new ideas. It's more of the same you simpleton: Ridiculous tax cuts for the wealthy that do next to nothing to boost the economy for the lower classes and pointless deregulations. Oh and they'll repeal ObamaCare and replace it with nothing. God you are such a pawn.
Personally I would prefer Bernie Sanders as president. He probably won't come close, but I would love to see him go toe-to-toe with Hillary and the clown bus known as the GOP field.
Bernie Sanders is driving the youth vote to Hillary.
Good. I hope everyone votes democrat. I can't wait til you scumbag Rightwingers get embarrassed in another presidential election.
You'll wait a long time.
Hillary will be the nominee. Failing indictment and conviction of course.
She is the old established candidate with nothing new to offer following 2 terms in the same party.
The GOP will nominate a younger energetic person with new ideas. History shows in every such contest the younger person wins. Every one.
Obama won the second term only because of high voter turnout among blacks in inner cities. They will not turn out to vote for Hillary in the same numbers. No matter how many times she fakes a black accent.
Where in your moronic brain do you get this thought that republicans ever offer "new ideas". They are younger and energetic sure, but republicans by definition do not have new ideas. It's more of the same you simpleton: Ridiculous tax cuts for the wealthy that do next to nothing to boost the economy for the lower classes and pointless deregulations. Oh and they'll repeal ObamaCare and replace it with nothing. God you are such a pawn.
LOL! You've been pwned, once again Billy.
By definition they dont have new ideas. WHose definition? Yours? ThinkProgress'?
Personally I would prefer Bernie Sanders as president. He probably won't come close, but I would love to see him go toe-to-toe with Hillary and the clown bus known as the GOP field.
Bernie Sanders is driving the youth vote to Hillary.
Good. I hope everyone votes democrat. I can't wait til you scumbag Rightwingers get embarrassed in another presidential election.
You'll wait a long time.
Hillary will be the nominee. Failing indictment and conviction of course.
She is the old established candidate with nothing new to offer following 2 terms in the same party.
The GOP will nominate a younger energetic person with new ideas. History shows in every such contest the younger person wins. Every one.
Obama won the second term only because of high voter turnout among blacks in inner cities. They will not turn out to vote for Hillary in the same numbers. No matter how many times she fakes a black accent.
Where in your moronic brain do you get this thought that republicans ever offer "new ideas". They are younger and energetic sure, but republicans by definition do not have new ideas. It's more of the same you simpleton: Ridiculous tax cuts for the wealthy that do next to nothing to boost the economy for the lower classes and pointless deregulations. Oh and they'll repeal ObamaCare and replace it with nothing. God you are such a pawn.
LOL! You've been pwned, once again Billy.
By definition they dont have new ideas. WHose definition? Yours? ThinkProgress'?
Uh, no pawn, they are conservative. Do I need spell out the definition for you? Seriously what is Ted Cruz even running on besides repealing ObamaCare? Nothing. He is a scumbag who has billionaires in his pocket.
Personally I would prefer Bernie Sanders as president. He probably won't come close, but I would love to see him go toe-to-toe with Hillary and the clown bus known as the GOP field.
Bernie Sanders is driving the youth vote to Hillary.
Good. I hope everyone votes democrat. I can't wait til you scumbag Rightwingers get embarrassed in another presidential election.
You'll wait a long time.
Hillary will be the nominee. Failing indictment and conviction of course.
She is the old established candidate with nothing new to offer following 2 terms in the same party.
The GOP will nominate a younger energetic person with new ideas. History shows in every such contest the younger person wins. Every one.
Obama won the second term only because of high voter turnout among blacks in inner cities. They will not turn out to vote for Hillary in the same numbers. No matter how many times she fakes a black accent.
although we love Cruz, Rubio may be our only weapon to take out hillary in all 57 states,
Personally I would prefer Bernie Sanders as president. He probably won't come close, but I would love to see him go toe-to-toe with Hillary and the clown bus known as the GOP field.
Bernie Sanders is driving the youth vote to Hillary.
Good. I hope everyone votes democrat. I can't wait til you scumbag Rightwingers get embarrassed in another presidential election.
You'll wait a long time.
Hillary will be the nominee. Failing indictment and conviction of course.
She is the old established candidate with nothing new to offer following 2 terms in the same party.
The GOP will nominate a younger energetic person with new ideas. History shows in every such contest the younger person wins. Every one.
Obama won the second term only because of high voter turnout among blacks in inner cities. They will not turn out to vote for Hillary in the same numbers. No matter how many times she fakes a black accent.
although we love Cruz, Rubio may be our only weapon to take out hillary in all 57 states,
It's interesting how you people harp so much on that Obama-ism. I mean the countless stupid things Bush said are inexcusable yet it doesn't take much rationale to assume Obama simply misspoke. You're so embarrassed by Bush that you have to harp on any verbal gaffe made by Obama. It's insecurity really.
Bernie Sanders is driving the youth vote to Hillary.
Good. I hope everyone votes democrat. I can't wait til you scumbag Rightwingers get embarrassed in another presidential election.
You'll wait a long time.
Hillary will be the nominee. Failing indictment and conviction of course.
She is the old established candidate with nothing new to offer following 2 terms in the same party.
The GOP will nominate a younger energetic person with new ideas. History shows in every such contest the younger person wins. Every one.
Obama won the second term only because of high voter turnout among blacks in inner cities. They will not turn out to vote for Hillary in the same numbers. No matter how many times she fakes a black accent.
Where in your moronic brain do you get this thought that republicans ever offer "new ideas". They are younger and energetic sure, but republicans by definition do not have new ideas. It's more of the same you simpleton: Ridiculous tax cuts for the wealthy that do next to nothing to boost the economy for the lower classes and pointless deregulations. Oh and they'll repeal ObamaCare and replace it with nothing. God you are such a pawn.
LOL! You've been pwned, once again Billy.
By definition they dont have new ideas. WHose definition? Yours? ThinkProgress'?
Uh, no pawn, they are conservative. Do I need spell out the definition for you? Seriously what is Ted Cruz even running on besides repealing ObamaCare? Nothing. He is a scumbag who has billionaires in his pocket.
LOL! Do you even know what Cruz's platform is?
Scumbag with billionaires in the pocket? That must mean Hillary. She's gotten hundreds of millions of dollars from billionaire scumbags.
Since the speech was your standard liberal speech which covered all the usual liberal talking points and there was nothing new or orginal in it I suspect historians in the future won't give it much if any thought at all.
Personally I would prefer Bernie Sanders as president. He probably won't come close, but I would love to see him go toe-to-toe with Hillary and the clown bus known as the GOP field.
Bernie Sanders is driving the youth vote to Hillary.
Good. I hope everyone votes democrat. I can't wait til you scumbag Rightwingers get embarrassed in another presidential election.
You'll wait a long time.
Hillary will be the nominee. Failing indictment and conviction of course.
She is the old established candidate with nothing new to offer following 2 terms in the same party.
The GOP will nominate a younger energetic person with new ideas. History shows in every such contest the younger person wins. Every one.
Obama won the second term only because of high voter turnout among blacks in inner cities. They will not turn out to vote for Hillary in the same numbers. No matter how many times she fakes a black accent.
although we love Cruz, Rubio may be our only weapon to take out hillary in all 57 states,
It's interesting how you people harp so much on that Obama-ism. I mean the countless stupid things Bush said are inexcusable yet it doesn't take much rationale to assume Obama simply misspoke. You're so embarrassed by Bush that you have to harp on any verbal gaffe made by Obama. It's insecurity really.
But we were told Bush's verbal gaffes indicated how stupid he is. But when Obama does the same, or worse, we're told to ignore it. How do you explain this?

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