Hillary Clinton's Speech Tomorrow. Can We Guess What Issues She Wont Bring Up?

"Obama had total control of congress, Barney Frank and CR caused the meltdown, there is a danger of Iraqi mushroom clouds, ACORN stole it, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol: Real factual lies that MATTER from Pubs never stop. Who Hillary was named after? lol BSand only a moron would care what she thought or WHATEVER!
Hill's MOTHER told her that, may have been mistaken. What a STUPID, irrelevant hater dupe turd of a lie. Try again. Do you have ANY lie like Pubs repeat no matter what, misguiding the dupes so they can steal some more for their greedy idiot billionaire masters....? Jeebus what a hater dupe waste of time....
Hill's MOTHER told her that, may have been mistaken. What a STUPID, irrelevant hater dupe turd of a lie. Try again. Do you have ANY lie like Pubs repeat no matter what, misguiding the dupes so they can steal some more for their greedy idiot billionaire masters....? Jeebus what a hater dupe waste of time....
You honestly think Hillary's mother told her that?

Lol! You are really stupid or in denial! :lmao: I can't believe you would post that! :lmao:
Hill's MOTHER told her that, may have been mistaken. What a STUPID, irrelevant hater dupe turd of a lie. Try again. Do you have ANY lie like Pubs repeat no matter what, misguiding the dupes so they can steal some more for their greedy idiot billionaire masters....? Jeebus what a hater dupe waste of time....
You honestly think Hillary's mother told her that?

Lol! You are really stupid or in denial! :lmao: I can't believe you would post that! :lmao:
You have no evidence of that, people remember things wrong, there was no internet or way to check it, just blind hate and rigorous bs brainwashing for the chumps, same deal with Warren, it's family mythology that can't be proven either way.Obsess much, dingbat hater dupe?
Hill's MOTHER told her that, may have been mistaken. What a STUPID, irrelevant hater dupe turd of a lie. Try again. Do you have ANY lie like Pubs repeat no matter what, misguiding the dupes so they can steal some more for their greedy idiot billionaire masters....? Jeebus what a hater dupe waste of time....
You honestly think Hillary's mother told her that?

Lol! You are really stupid or in denial! :lmao: I can't believe you would post that! :lmao:
You have no evidence of that, people remember things wrong, there was no internet or way to check it, just blind hate and rigorous bs brainwashing for the chumps, same deal with Warren, it's family mythology that can't be proven either way.Obsess much, dingbat hater dupe?

You have no evidence either way, yet Hillary is always "embellishing" stories. You will take a proven liars word over the mother. You are a precious partisan hack.
???? NO LIE.

Start with the Pub Watergate BS about Hillary...ZEIFMAN is the liar...

"ZEIFMAN: Well, let me put it this way. I terminated her, along with some other staff members who were — we no longer needed, and advised her that I would not — could not recommend her for any further positions.
But as noted above, Zeifman had no authority to "terminate" Hillary. They were members of different staffs, and Zeifman had no hiring or firing authority over members of the Impeachment Inquiry staff for which Hillary worked. (That authority rested with Special Counsel John Doar and, ultimately, with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Peter Rodino.) Quite tellingly, Zeifman made absolutely no mention of having "fired" or "terminated" Hillary Rodham, nor of telling her that he "could not recommend her for any further positions," in his 1995 book; he only started claiming so much later. Back in 1995 he noted that Hillary had remained with the inquiry staff up until the end, leaving only when President Nixon's August 1974 resignation made the issue of impeachment moot and the Judiciary Committee's impeachment inquiry staff was therefore disbanded:
Hillary was twenty-seven when the impeachment inquiry staff was disbanded. The next morning she took a train down to Little Rock, Arkansas. She moved in with Bill Clinton and they eventually married.
And again in 1998, Zeifman was undeniably quoted in a Scripps Howard News Service article as confirming that not only did he not "fire" Hillary, but that it was not even within his power to do so:
Jerome Zeifman, chief Democratic counsel on the House Judiciary Committee in 1974 ... does not have flattering memories of Rodham's work on the committee. "If I had the power to fire her, I would have fired her," he said.
Zeifman makes no bones about having an ax to grind with Hillary Clinton (putting out the anti-Clinton paperback Hillary's Pursuit of Power in 2006), and as its blades have grown sharper over the years, he has quite obviously shifted his recollections of events from the 1973-74 timeframe to conform to his current point of view rather than the other way around. Back in April 2008, Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign site responded to Zeifman's claims by asserting:
In a column circulating on the internet Jerry Zeifman alleges that Hillary was fired from her job on the House Judiciary Committee in the 1970s.

This is false. Hillary was not fired.
They also noted that the Washington Post's reviewer found (as we did) much of Zeifman's book to be mere repetition of speculation with little or no evidence to substantiate it:
[The book] will surely excite conspiracy buffs on the lookout for sinister coverups in high places. But those wary of such unsubstantiated theories (myself included) will find Zeifman's book an unconvincing, if imaginative, tale of intrigue.

The lack of evidence makes his theory hard to swallow. Zeifman's most reliable source — his diary — contains few revelations and seems little more than a chronicle of his suspicions and speculations. The book's jacket cover, which promises readers "truths even more startling than those brought out in Oliver Stone's movies 'Nixon' and 'JFK', " does not help matters. Perhaps the book's publicists forgot that "Nixon" and "JFK" were, after all, only Hollywood movies.
Last updated: 12 April 2015 Urban Legends Reference Pages © 1995-2015 by snopes.com. This material may not be reproduc
Read more at snopes.com Jerry Zeifman Fired Hillary Clinton from the Watergate Investigation
Let's have a proven lie then , dupe. LOL

I gave you three, she stated she didn't have two cell phones and then there was a tape of her saying she always carries two cell phone. She lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary, her mother would not have told her that because Hillary was born before Sir Edmund Hillary became famous, so that lie doesn't fly. The last one was Hillary lying about being under gun fire, she wasn't.

You can play semantics all you want, you can make dozens of excuses.

The bottom line is she LIED! She told untrue stories.

I can't believe you are stupid enough to defend out and out lie.

You are a partisan dupe.
Let's have a proven lie then , dupe. LOL

I gave you three, she stated she didn't have two cell phones and then there was a tape of her saying she always carries two cell phone. She lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary, her mother would not have told her that because Hillary was born before Sir Edmund Hillary became famous, so that lie doesn't fly. The last one was Hillary lying about being under gun fire, she wasn't.

You can play semantics all you want, you can make dozens of excuses.

The bottom line is she LIED! She told untrue stories.

I can't believe you are stupid enough to defend out and out lie.

You are a partisan dupe.
You don't even know what a lie IS anymore. You have to know what you're saying is wrong. Like Zeifman and the Watergate bs, or anything Rush, Savage, Hannity, etc parrot all the time. About FACTS, to get elected or start a war through lies. Not an innocent conversation with Sir Edmund ferchrissake. RW hater dupe idiocy.
You go into an area full of snipers and get rushed off the airfield, and see if you split hairs, Pubtroll...irrelevant to any serious political argument...ay caramba, hater dupe.
You go into an area full of snipers and get rushed off the airfield, and see if you split hairs, Pubtroll...irrelevant to any serious political argument...ay caramba, hater dupe.
No candidate in his/her right mind would bring up issues that would have a negative bearing on the campaign. The problem in Hillary's case is that it doesn't leave her with much to say except inane cliches. Anybody think she will invite questions from the media? Maybe a couple of scripted soft balls but that's about it.
You go into an area full of snipers and get rushed off the airfield, and see if you split hairs, Pubtroll...irrelevant to any serious political argument...ay caramba, hater dupe.

And she wasn't under fire like she claimed. Ignorant hater dupe.

Here is a link, have someone read it to you and explain it.

Video shows tarmac welcome no snipers PolitiFact

She even recanted her lie.
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Meanwhile, Pub lies start a war that wrecked the ME and the world, a world depression ditto, and that cripple the recovery and threaten our world's climate. Great job! While obsessing about what Hillary's mother told her about her name and the definition of under fire in a war zone. Functional morons.

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