Hillary Clinton's youngest brother, Tony Rodham, dies

"Rodham also engaged in a several business deals that landed him in the middle of controversy. For example, Chinese investors sued Rodham and then-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe in 2017 for fraud, accusing the Americans of misrepresenting the gains to be made from investing in a struggling electric car company. A federal judge dismissed the lawsuit in 2018.

‘Hard to find words’: Hillary Clinton mourns brother Tony, dead at 65

Death, a steep price to pay for a dismissed lawsuit. RIP Tony.
This is the one that was all about ripping of Haiti via mining....innit?
Wonderful and schadenfreudic; anything that hurts that Hillary c**t is a good thing; for the past two years that treasonous, psychopathic waste of fallopian tubes has been prancing around the world giving speeches SPEWING HATRED at Americans for her election loss - calling the American public every vile name in the book (WAAAAYCIST, sexist, xenophobic, Islamophobic) and blaming everybody but HERSELF for her loss. That woman-like monstrosity of anti-American HATE is so odious and reprehensible to me, if that piece of female shit were to die of cancer, not only would I dance on that whore's grave, I would lead an entire C-walking shuffle class across it. I think Hillary should be strangled with its own cancerous, diseased fallopian tubes. NEVER has this man seen a more reprehensible, puerile piece of female trash in the public eye than Bill Clinton's wife-like THING, who makes Bill Clinton look like an innocent boy scout by comparison.

I'm dead serious; if I saw a Hillary or Bernie fan dying of a medical emergency, I wouldn't even call an ambulance for these violent, America-hating traitors. I'd simply spit in their faces and go on my merry way. This white male American has seen that Bernie/Hillary/Obamaggot traitors are the most odious, treasonous, American-haters in the history of this country.

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