Hillary doubles down on premise of never lying

Hillary Clinton Stands By FBI Remarks, Denies Lying To The Public

Does this make any sense to anyone? It is with a 100% certainty that Hillary lied, at least according to FBI director Comey, yet Hillary insists she stands by the remarks of Comey while saying she never lied.

Does anyone here believe this?

Does anyone here think she actually believes this? Is this behavior of a sociopath or merely someone who has no shame and no ability to be accountable for anything?

For those who have not seen it, judge for yourself

But Trump is your nominee – and a majority of voters won’t vote for him, understandably and appropriately so.

Consequently, your attempts to vilify and demonize Clinton are pointless.

Now, had you nominated Jeb!, or Kasich, or even Cruz, your thread premise might have some merit, justifying not voting for Clinton.

But again, you nominated Trump.
The Clintons refuse to admit any imperfection or humanity and retreat to these legalistic language parsing games to confuse people. It is what keeps these stories going to their detriment. She would have been better off saying, "Okay, I didn't realize these emails slipped through I was getting so many every day. I was wrong when I said what I said, but I wasn't trying to trick you. I'm just human."
Hillary has NEVER said a single word without knowing what it means and how it will be understood.
She really is a pathological liar.
She believes the 'little people' are stupid.
There's an October Surprise heading her way courtesy of the grade ten hackers who have all her 'deleted' emails.
The Clinton Foundation and her demands to 'Pay To Play' are going to destroy her politically.
The FBI is currently investigating the Foundation.
Bullshit. It's right wingernut political leaders who are on another witch hunt.

Lawmakers renew push for investigation of Clinton Foundation

Republican lawmakers are pushing the IRS, the Federal Trade Commission and the FBI to investigate the Clinton Foundation for potential criminal activity.

Now get this:

Blackburn led an unsuccessful effort last year to request an IRS investigation of the Clinton Foundation's status as a 501(c)(3) organization.

Republicans are just dirty fucks. They could help their constituents but instead, spend all their time going after political opponents. Why do you think the GOP base is revolting. Oh, that could have a double meaning, and does.

Translation, I could care less about the lies Hillary told the public.

Thanks for that.
The Clintons refuse to admit any imperfection or humanity and retreat to these legalistic language parsing games to confuse people. It is what keeps these stories going to their detriment. She would have been better off saying, "Okay, I didn't realize these emails slipped through I was getting so many every day. I was wrong when I said what I said, but I wasn't trying to trick you. I'm just human."

The problem is, Dekster...if Clinton had admitted to having the illegal servers and using them to circumvent Congressional oversight...then she would have had to explain what it was that she was DOING that she didn't want Congress or the public to know about! That's the REAL issue with what she did even more damaging to her than putting national security at risk or lying about Benghazi. I think her missing emails have more to do with money being funneled into the Clinton Foundation than anything else. I don't think Hillary wanted anyone to see how she used her position as Secretary of State and her potential position as President of the United States to make money off people seeking political favors.

We're talking about a woman who's so tight with her own money that she once wrote off a donation of used underwear to a charity on her taxes but spent over a hundred thousand dollars out of pocket to set up two private servers in her own home...doing so when the State Department would have set up servers for her for free! You don't DO that unless what you're doing needs to be kept out of the public eye!

Personally I think she did it to spy on Bill, but that is neither here nor there. Apparently the State Department doesn't know its ass from its elbow when it comes to cyber security. Even if they would have set it up at all, free or otherwise, is a problem.

If you step[ back from the politicking issues for a moment, there is a real fundamental discussion we never had because Bush rammed the Homeland Security stuff down people's throats that could be had as a result of this. Is it really better to have one unified federal network of government data or not? It comes in handy under certain situations, like agencies not sharing information, but when they share that information, there is an increased risk that it will be exposed and compromised by the weakest link in the network.

With all due respect, Dekster...what was going on with Hillary's two servers hidden away in her house was neither about "spying" on Bill nor was it about the security of government data! The thing that is most troubling about what Clinton did was that it was a blatant attempt to hide from Congress how she was conducting the business of the State Department. I say blatant because she hid the existence of those two servers from Congressional investigators when they were asking her to provide all communications having to do with the deaths in Benghazi. I say blatant because when the existence of those servers became known Clinton had 33,000 emails erased from those two servers.

As for the best way to keep government data secure? It sure as hell isn't having some low level tech guy come over on his off hours to install servers for you! I'm not a tech guy but I know that trained professionals in cyber security are going to have a better chance of keeping our secrets secret then some guy with little to no cyber security training. What Clinton did setting up that system was reckless. She put people's lives in danger with the cavalier attitude she had about US intelligence.
The Clintons refuse to admit any imperfection or humanity and retreat to these legalistic language parsing games to confuse people. It is what keeps these stories going to their detriment. She would have been better off saying, "Okay, I didn't realize these emails slipped through I was getting so many every day. I was wrong when I said what I said, but I wasn't trying to trick you. I'm just human."

The problem is, Dekster...if Clinton had admitted to having the illegal servers and using them to circumvent Congressional oversight...then she would have had to explain what it was that she was DOING that she didn't want Congress or the public to know about! That's the REAL issue with what she did even more damaging to her than putting national security at risk or lying about Benghazi. I think her missing emails have more to do with money being funneled into the Clinton Foundation than anything else. I don't think Hillary wanted anyone to see how she used her position as Secretary of State and her potential position as President of the United States to make money off people seeking political favors.

We're talking about a woman who's so tight with her own money that she once wrote off a donation of used underwear to a charity on her taxes but spent over a hundred thousand dollars out of pocket to set up two private servers in her own home...doing so when the State Department would have set up servers for her for free! You don't DO that unless what you're doing needs to be kept out of the public eye!

Personally I think she did it to spy on Bill, but that is neither here nor there. Apparently the State Department doesn't know its ass from its elbow when it comes to cyber security. Even if they would have set it up at all, free or otherwise, is a problem.

If you step[ back from the politicking issues for a moment, there is a real fundamental discussion we never had because Bush rammed the Homeland Security stuff down people's throats that could be had as a result of this. Is it really better to have one unified federal network of government data or not? It comes in handy under certain situations, like agencies not sharing information, but when they share that information, there is an increased risk that it will be exposed and compromised by the weakest link in the network.

With all due respect, Dekster...what was going on with Hillary's two servers hidden away in her house was neither about "spying" on Bill nor was it about the security of government data! The thing that is most troubling about what Clinton did was that it was a blatant attempt to hide from Congress how she was conducting the business of the State Department. I say blatant because she hid the existence of those two servers from Congressional investigators when they were asking her to provide all communications having to do with the deaths in Benghazi. I say blatant because when the existence of those servers became known Clinton had 33,000 emails erased from those two servers.

As for the best way to keep government data secure? It sure as hell isn't having some low level tech guy come over on his off hours to install servers for you! I'm not a tech guy but I know that trained professionals in cyber security are going to have a better chance of keeping our secrets secret then some guy with little to no cyber security training. What Clinton did setting up that system was reckless. She put people's lives in danger with the cavalier attitude she had about US intelligence.

Unless you know what those classified emails pertained to, you really have no way of knowing if she put someone's life in danger or not.
Hillary Clinton Stands By FBI Remarks, Denies Lying To The Public

Does this make any sense to anyone? It is with a 100% certainty that Hillary lied, at least according to FBI director Comey, yet Hillary insists she stands by the remarks of Comey while saying she never lied.

Does anyone here believe this?

Does anyone here think she actually believes this? Is this behavior of a sociopath or merely someone who has no shame and no ability to be accountable for anything?

For those who have not seen it, judge for yourself

She never lied.... or she lied again?

I will go with she lied again. It comes naturally to her. She is crooked...
The Clintons refuse to admit any imperfection or humanity and retreat to these legalistic language parsing games to confuse people. It is what keeps these stories going to their detriment. She would have been better off saying, "Okay, I didn't realize these emails slipped through I was getting so many every day. I was wrong when I said what I said, but I wasn't trying to trick you. I'm just human."

The problem is, Dekster...if Clinton had admitted to having the illegal servers and using them to circumvent Congressional oversight...then she would have had to explain what it was that she was DOING that she didn't want Congress or the public to know about! That's the REAL issue with what she did even more damaging to her than putting national security at risk or lying about Benghazi. I think her missing emails have more to do with money being funneled into the Clinton Foundation than anything else. I don't think Hillary wanted anyone to see how she used her position as Secretary of State and her potential position as President of the United States to make money off people seeking political favors.

We're talking about a woman who's so tight with her own money that she once wrote off a donation of used underwear to a charity on her taxes but spent over a hundred thousand dollars out of pocket to set up two private servers in her own home...doing so when the State Department would have set up servers for her for free! You don't DO that unless what you're doing needs to be kept out of the public eye!

Personally I think she did it to spy on Bill, but that is neither here nor there. Apparently the State Department doesn't know its ass from its elbow when it comes to cyber security. Even if they would have set it up at all, free or otherwise, is a problem.

If you step[ back from the politicking issues for a moment, there is a real fundamental discussion we never had because Bush rammed the Homeland Security stuff down people's throats that could be had as a result of this. Is it really better to have one unified federal network of government data or not? It comes in handy under certain situations, like agencies not sharing information, but when they share that information, there is an increased risk that it will be exposed and compromised by the weakest link in the network.

With all due respect, Dekster...what was going on with Hillary's two servers hidden away in her house was neither about "spying" on Bill nor was it about the security of government data! The thing that is most troubling about what Clinton did was that it was a blatant attempt to hide from Congress how she was conducting the business of the State Department. I say blatant because she hid the existence of those two servers from Congressional investigators when they were asking her to provide all communications having to do with the deaths in Benghazi. I say blatant because when the existence of those servers became known Clinton had 33,000 emails erased from those two servers.

As for the best way to keep government data secure? It sure as hell isn't having some low level tech guy come over on his off hours to install servers for you! I'm not a tech guy but I know that trained professionals in cyber security are going to have a better chance of keeping our secrets secret then some guy with little to no cyber security training. What Clinton did setting up that system was reckless. She put people's lives in danger with the cavalier attitude she had about US intelligence.

Unless you know what those classified emails pertained to, you really have no way of knowing if she put someone's life in danger or not.

You mean like the lives lost in Benghazi?

Yep, we will never know unless WikiLeaks decides to tell us.

Then again, if you are WikiLeaks and you want to destroy the US, you simply withhold those e-mails, if they exist, and use them to extort Hillary once in office.
The Clintons refuse to admit any imperfection or humanity and retreat to these legalistic language parsing games to confuse people. It is what keeps these stories going to their detriment. She would have been better off saying, "Okay, I didn't realize these emails slipped through I was getting so many every day. I was wrong when I said what I said, but I wasn't trying to trick you. I'm just human."

The problem is, Dekster...if Clinton had admitted to having the illegal servers and using them to circumvent Congressional oversight...then she would have had to explain what it was that she was DOING that she didn't want Congress or the public to know about! That's the REAL issue with what she did even more damaging to her than putting national security at risk or lying about Benghazi. I think her missing emails have more to do with money being funneled into the Clinton Foundation than anything else. I don't think Hillary wanted anyone to see how she used her position as Secretary of State and her potential position as President of the United States to make money off people seeking political favors.

We're talking about a woman who's so tight with her own money that she once wrote off a donation of used underwear to a charity on her taxes but spent over a hundred thousand dollars out of pocket to set up two private servers in her own home...doing so when the State Department would have set up servers for her for free! You don't DO that unless what you're doing needs to be kept out of the public eye!

Personally I think she did it to spy on Bill, but that is neither here nor there. Apparently the State Department doesn't know its ass from its elbow when it comes to cyber security. Even if they would have set it up at all, free or otherwise, is a problem.

If you step[ back from the politicking issues for a moment, there is a real fundamental discussion we never had because Bush rammed the Homeland Security stuff down people's throats that could be had as a result of this. Is it really better to have one unified federal network of government data or not? It comes in handy under certain situations, like agencies not sharing information, but when they share that information, there is an increased risk that it will be exposed and compromised by the weakest link in the network.

With all due respect, Dekster...what was going on with Hillary's two servers hidden away in her house was neither about "spying" on Bill nor was it about the security of government data! The thing that is most troubling about what Clinton did was that it was a blatant attempt to hide from Congress how she was conducting the business of the State Department. I say blatant because she hid the existence of those two servers from Congressional investigators when they were asking her to provide all communications having to do with the deaths in Benghazi. I say blatant because when the existence of those servers became known Clinton had 33,000 emails erased from those two servers.

As for the best way to keep government data secure? It sure as hell isn't having some low level tech guy come over on his off hours to install servers for you! I'm not a tech guy but I know that trained professionals in cyber security are going to have a better chance of keeping our secrets secret then some guy with little to no cyber security training. What Clinton did setting up that system was reckless. She put people's lives in danger with the cavalier attitude she had about US intelligence.

Unless you know what those classified emails pertained to, you really have no way of knowing if she put someone's life in danger or not.

You mean like the lives lost in Benghazi?

Yep, we will never know unless WikiLeaks decides to tell us.

Then again, if you are WikiLeaks and you want to destroy the US, you simply withhold those e-mails, if they exist, and use them to extort Hillary once in office.

Perhaps but until one knows, one really can't say for certain. I remember when wiki did their first big dump of classified docs. I went through it trying to triangulate on things I knew for certain happened. A lot of it was just rather humdrum stuff like "Unit X reported small arms fire engagement at Y; injured personnel transported to Z hospital." "Z hospital reports receiving injured individual at 22:30 from Unit X; Individual died at 23:15"
The Clintons refuse to admit any imperfection or humanity and retreat to these legalistic language parsing games to confuse people. It is what keeps these stories going to their detriment. She would have been better off saying, "Okay, I didn't realize these emails slipped through I was getting so many every day. I was wrong when I said what I said, but I wasn't trying to trick you. I'm just human."

The problem is, Dekster...if Clinton had admitted to having the illegal servers and using them to circumvent Congressional oversight...then she would have had to explain what it was that she was DOING that she didn't want Congress or the public to know about! That's the REAL issue with what she did even more damaging to her than putting national security at risk or lying about Benghazi. I think her missing emails have more to do with money being funneled into the Clinton Foundation than anything else. I don't think Hillary wanted anyone to see how she used her position as Secretary of State and her potential position as President of the United States to make money off people seeking political favors.

We're talking about a woman who's so tight with her own money that she once wrote off a donation of used underwear to a charity on her taxes but spent over a hundred thousand dollars out of pocket to set up two private servers in her own home...doing so when the State Department would have set up servers for her for free! You don't DO that unless what you're doing needs to be kept out of the public eye!

Personally I think she did it to spy on Bill, but that is neither here nor there. Apparently the State Department doesn't know its ass from its elbow when it comes to cyber security. Even if they would have set it up at all, free or otherwise, is a problem.

If you step[ back from the politicking issues for a moment, there is a real fundamental discussion we never had because Bush rammed the Homeland Security stuff down people's throats that could be had as a result of this. Is it really better to have one unified federal network of government data or not? It comes in handy under certain situations, like agencies not sharing information, but when they share that information, there is an increased risk that it will be exposed and compromised by the weakest link in the network.

With all due respect, Dekster...what was going on with Hillary's two servers hidden away in her house was neither about "spying" on Bill nor was it about the security of government data! The thing that is most troubling about what Clinton did was that it was a blatant attempt to hide from Congress how she was conducting the business of the State Department. I say blatant because she hid the existence of those two servers from Congressional investigators when they were asking her to provide all communications having to do with the deaths in Benghazi. I say blatant because when the existence of those servers became known Clinton had 33,000 emails erased from those two servers.

As for the best way to keep government data secure? It sure as hell isn't having some low level tech guy come over on his off hours to install servers for you! I'm not a tech guy but I know that trained professionals in cyber security are going to have a better chance of keeping our secrets secret then some guy with little to no cyber security training. What Clinton did setting up that system was reckless. She put people's lives in danger with the cavalier attitude she had about US intelligence.

Unless you know what those classified emails pertained to, you really have no way of knowing if she put someone's life in danger or not.

As I said before, I think the missing 33,000 emails have less to do with national security and a whole lot to do with payoffs made to the Clinton Foundation. I think Hillary had those private servers installed because she wanted to be able to conduct "business" without Congressional oversight.

As for whether she did or didn't put people's lives in danger? I would find it very hard to believe that with Clinton running all of her State Department emails through those private servers that there were no emails that would endanger others if they were made public.
The Clintons refuse to admit any imperfection or humanity and retreat to these legalistic language parsing games to confuse people. It is what keeps these stories going to their detriment. She would have been better off saying, "Okay, I didn't realize these emails slipped through I was getting so many every day. I was wrong when I said what I said, but I wasn't trying to trick you. I'm just human."

The problem is, Dekster...if Clinton had admitted to having the illegal servers and using them to circumvent Congressional oversight...then she would have had to explain what it was that she was DOING that she didn't want Congress or the public to know about! That's the REAL issue with what she did even more damaging to her than putting national security at risk or lying about Benghazi. I think her missing emails have more to do with money being funneled into the Clinton Foundation than anything else. I don't think Hillary wanted anyone to see how she used her position as Secretary of State and her potential position as President of the United States to make money off people seeking political favors.

We're talking about a woman who's so tight with her own money that she once wrote off a donation of used underwear to a charity on her taxes but spent over a hundred thousand dollars out of pocket to set up two private servers in her own home...doing so when the State Department would have set up servers for her for free! You don't DO that unless what you're doing needs to be kept out of the public eye!

Personally I think she did it to spy on Bill, but that is neither here nor there. Apparently the State Department doesn't know its ass from its elbow when it comes to cyber security. Even if they would have set it up at all, free or otherwise, is a problem.

If you step[ back from the politicking issues for a moment, there is a real fundamental discussion we never had because Bush rammed the Homeland Security stuff down people's throats that could be had as a result of this. Is it really better to have one unified federal network of government data or not? It comes in handy under certain situations, like agencies not sharing information, but when they share that information, there is an increased risk that it will be exposed and compromised by the weakest link in the network.

With all due respect, Dekster...what was going on with Hillary's two servers hidden away in her house was neither about "spying" on Bill nor was it about the security of government data! The thing that is most troubling about what Clinton did was that it was a blatant attempt to hide from Congress how she was conducting the business of the State Department. I say blatant because she hid the existence of those two servers from Congressional investigators when they were asking her to provide all communications having to do with the deaths in Benghazi. I say blatant because when the existence of those servers became known Clinton had 33,000 emails erased from those two servers.

As for the best way to keep government data secure? It sure as hell isn't having some low level tech guy come over on his off hours to install servers for you! I'm not a tech guy but I know that trained professionals in cyber security are going to have a better chance of keeping our secrets secret then some guy with little to no cyber security training. What Clinton did setting up that system was reckless. She put people's lives in danger with the cavalier attitude she had about US intelligence.

Unless you know what those classified emails pertained to, you really have no way of knowing if she put someone's life in danger or not.

As I said before, I think the missing 33,000 emails have less to do with national security and a whole lot to do with payoffs made to the Clinton Foundation. I think Hillary had those private servers installed because she wanted to be able to conduct "business" without Congressional oversight.

As for whether she did or didn't put people's lives in danger? I would find it very hard to believe that with Clinton running all of her State Department emails through those private servers that there were no emails that would endanger others if they were made public.

Possibly, but a lot of times docs get classified in bulk under the assumption that some of the things in them may be sensitive and then don't get declassified because people are not sure why it was classified but surely a broken port o potty report must be tied to something important or it wouldn't have been classified in the first place. Old docs aren't a priority when you have tons of new ones flying in by the hour.
The three emails in question were NOT MARKED Classified....they only had partial markings is what Comey said.

Also, those partial markings in the content were inaccurate and the tree emails were not Classified emails at all, they were three emails scheduling a phone call with a diplomat.

For anyone to call her a liar on that, are liars themselves....distorting the truth.
The three emails in question were NOT MARKED Classified....they only had partial markings is what Comey said.

Also, those partial markings in the content were inaccurate and the tree emails were not Classified emails at all, they were three emails scheduling a phone call with a diplomat.

For anyone to call her a liar on that, are liars themselves....distorting the truth.

I believe the number of emails Hillary Clinton turned into investigators that turned out to be classified is at 110, Care. That of course doesn't count all the ones that she got rid of so that nobody could tell what was in them. Distorting the truth? Saying 3 emails were classified is the distortion. What you conveniently overlook is that when Clinton and her minions are sending emails to each other they wouldn't be classified because nobody from the State Department who would do that is seeing them because they were kept out of the official system. Clinton's excuse is that because they were designated as classified LATER that she wasn't in fact sending classified material over an unsecured email system which is laughable! She was indeed doing just that!
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