Hillary drops attack ad on trump ! Boom!

Pretty funny . Using the GOPers statements against the great unifier !

I don't care what anybody says - that is really damning. An entire party on record talking about the endless flaws of this guy. If I were Hillary, I wouldn't even debate him. I would just play that video on a loop 24x7.

(Thankfully for America though - Hillary is dumb enough to debate him and she is going to get destroyed).

Turn about would be fair play. If I were Trump I would endlessly loop her Serbian sniper fire LIE. It is so egregious I don't see how one word from her mouth could ever be trusted. It is more than a fabrication, she tried to buy warrrior creds.

Very close friends of the Clintons said many years ago "they lie so much, they don't even know what is true any more". Hillary lies about her lies. She can't remember which way is up.

I would not only loop her "sniper fire" nonsense, but I would add how she stole from the White House, how she committed a felony by using a personal e-mail account/server to circumvent oversight, how she lied about the cause of death for 4 American's under her department, and how she lies about everything she's ever said (see link below)


One thing that was great about Obama is that he never lied. And it's funny to hear Republicans talk about him like he's a POS when that couldn't be further from the truth.

Obama's a lying, arrogant, incompetent POS
Well, here you have his competitors and they are not saying nice things about Trump...who knew?

You mean like Christie and Carson?
Happy Friday weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Not one living President or former nominee for President will endorse Trump, and none of them are going to the GOP convention.

And all the rabid retards who viciously attacked anyone who ever said a bad word against those people have done a full Orwell and are now calling them all RINOs and saying Trump, who signed up as a Republican five minutes ago, is the real Republican.

A pro abortion, pro gun ban, pro socialized medicine, close personal friend and financier of the Clintons and Terry McAuliffe, limousine liberal is the Republican nominee! But he's not a RINO!

You couldn't make this shit up.
Not one living President or former nominee for President will endorse Trump, and none of them are going to the GOP convention.And all the rabid retards who viciously attacked anyone who ever said a bad word against those people have done a full Orwell and are now calling them all RINOs and saying Trump, who signed up as a Republican five minutes ago, is the real Republican.
A pro abortion, pro gun ban, pro socialized medicine, close personal friend and financier of the Clintons and Terry McAuliffe, limousine liberal is the Republican nominee! But he's not a RINO!
You couldn't make this shit up.

Dude, Donald Trump’s greatest accomplishment may be managing to turn his party’s Speaker of the House and only living presidents into swing voters.
The OP does realize we don't like the folks in the ad right? We just kicked their ass so its not like we care.
I'm baffled as to how anyone could hate people like Mitt Romney and Ted Cruz (articulate, bright, conservatives) and embrace Donald Trump (an obnoxious, ego maniac, liberal).

Isn't articulate what they said about Obama? Someone clearly speaking bullshit doesn't mean it isn't bullshit.
Trump is not going to pull his "wildcat play" surprise on the Democrats....here comes the tsunami..........

Democratic advertising blitz awaits GOP's Trump
Source: AP

WASHINGTON (AP) — Long before Donald Trump swatted away his Republican presidential rivals, his likely Democratic opponent and her allies began laying traps for him.

Priorities USA, the lead super PAC backing Hillary Clinton, has already reserved $91 million in television advertising that will start next month and continue through Election Day. In addition, Clinton's campaign and Priorities USA have both debuted online videos that cast Trump in a negative light — a preview of what voters will see on TV over the next six months.

So far, Priorities USA is the only group on either side that has rolled out such an ambitious advertising plan geared toward the general election. The group's leaders say they're trying to avoid what they see as the core mistake made by Trump's Republican rivals — not pushing hard enough against him until it was too late.

"There's a reason that we have a head start," said Justin Barasky, a Priorities USA spokesman, "and it's that we've taken Donald Trump seriously all along, unlike the Republicans."

Read more: Democratic advertising blitz awaits GOP's Trump
Not one living President or former nominee for President will endorse Trump, and none of them are going to the GOP convention.

And all the rabid retards who viciously attacked anyone who ever said a bad word against those people have done a full Orwell and are now calling them all RINOs and saying Trump, who signed up as a Republican five minutes ago, is the real Republican.

A pro abortion, pro gun ban, pro socialized medicine, close personal friend and financier of the Clintons and Terry McAuliffe, limousine liberal is the Republican nominee! But he's not a RINO!

You couldn't make this shit up.
And they had him sign a pledge to his feet to the fire and now its theirs getting burnt.
Everyone should be familiar with (Saul) Alinsky's "rules for radicals. Hillary Clinton's senior thesis at Wellesley was about Saul Alinsky so she is acutely familiar with the tactics.
Trump is not going to pull his "wildcat play" surprise on the Democrats....here comes the tsunami..........

Democratic advertising blitz awaits GOP's Trump
Source: AP

WASHINGTON (AP) — Long before Donald Trump swatted away his Republican presidential rivals, his likely Democratic opponent and her allies began laying traps for him.

Priorities USA, the lead super PAC backing Hillary Clinton, has already reserved $91 million in television advertising that will start next month and continue through Election Day. In addition, Clinton's campaign and Priorities USA have both debuted online videos that cast Trump in a negative light — a preview of what voters will see on TV over the next six months.

So far, Priorities USA is the only group on either side that has rolled out such an ambitious advertising plan geared toward the general election. The group's leaders say they're trying to avoid what they see as the core mistake made by Trump's Republican rivals — not pushing hard enough against him until it was too late.

"There's a reason that we have a head start," said Justin Barasky, a Priorities USA spokesman, "and it's that we've taken Donald Trump seriously all along, unlike the Republicans."

Read more: Democratic advertising blitz awaits GOP's Trump

And that ad is what they got?

They should take Trump seriously. However, no one should take these impotent clowns seriously.
They should take Trump seriously. However, no one should take these impotent clowns seriously.

Dude so many Republicans are saying "I'll support the Nominee" that "the Nominee 2016" shirts are selling like crazy.....They cannot quite make their mind ok with saying "I support Trump"...
It’s interesting that Crooked Clinton recycled exactly what didn’t work for Trump's Republican opposition! This is the kind of ad that will backfire on her - everyone hates the guys who are hating on Trump, that’s how he won in the first place.


The comments on Twitter are raging hilarious!
Seems Hillary’s ads are actually energizing voters for TRUMP

Here’s one of them

And one response

If this is her best shot right out of the hole, The Trumpster is just going to ROLL all over her....Perhaps a Bernie REPLY ad to the Hildebeast?
But, that was in the primaries with angry rw desperate for some one new!!

The generals do not reflect the parties in the same way.You have a different group of voters to appeal to.

Voters that may want a professional !!
It’s interesting that Crooked Clinton recycled exactly what didn’t work for Trump's Republican opposition! This is the kind of ad that will backfire on her - everyone hates the guys who are hating on Trump, that’s how he won in the first place.


The comments on Twitter are raging hilarious!
Seems Hillary’s ads are actually energizing voters for TRUMP

Here’s one of them

And one response

If this is her best shot right out of the hole, The Trumpster is just going to ROLL all over her....Perhaps a Bernie REPLY ad to the Hildebeast?
But, that was in the primaries with angry rw desperate for some one new!!

The generals do not reflect the parties in the same way.You have a different group of voters to appeal to.

Voters that may want a professional !!
Clinton is poking and prodding the chaos and dissent in the Republican Party. The add is meant to promote that chaos and dissent.
Show me a democrat who won't endorse hillary. Now show me a Republican who will support trump.

How about I show you 20% of the Democrats who won't vote for Hillary....

Poll: 20% of Dems would defect for Trump
And 30% will defect to Hillary from the GOP OR just stay home this November.
That might very well be true. But in your supreme and infinite arrogance, you keep predicting what will happen and defiantly proclaimed "show me a Democrat who won't endorse Hillary". Well, I just showed you millions of them according to one poll.

Strut around like a rooster all you want - but your false bravado doesn't influence elections.
One thing that was great about Obama is that he never lied. And it's funny to hear Republicans talk about him like he's a POS when that couldn't be further from the truth.

Obama never lied?!? :lmao:

Well, despite the fact that I could literally give you thousands of examples of him egregiously lying (in some of the worst ways we've ever seen politicians lie), I'll just hit you with this little gem for now...

Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance - NBC News

I can only imagine how embarrassed you have to feel right now showing people not only how partisan you are, but how extremely ignorant you are. You have no idea what your own leaders are saying or doing. You just blindly worshiping them. Man, I would be mortified and humiliated if I had made that statement.
Show me a democrat who won't endorse hillary. Now show me a Republican who will support trump.

How about I show you 20% of the Democrats who won't vote for Hillary....

Poll: 20% of Dems would defect for Trump
And 30% will defect to Hillary from the GOP OR just stay home this November.

Ridiculous. Trump has to motivate them to show up, but they aren't voting for Hillary. You're just gratifying yourself again.

Trump is in the same boat with Hillary who'd having the exact same problem with Democrats, getting them to give a shit about voting for her and show up
Sorry, Democrats are doing just fine. Your negative attacks on Hillary has had some impact on independents undecideds and moderates and swing voters but the truth is going to come out.

I would say your party should be embarrassed nominating Trump but the fact is I'd rather have a President Trump than I would a President Romney McCain Rubio Cruz or Kasich anyday.

Show me a democrat who won't endorse hillary. Now show me a Republican who will support trump.

How about I show you 20% of the Democrats who won't vote for Hillary....

Poll: 20% of Dems would defect for Trump
And 30% will defect to Hillary from the GOP OR just stay home this November.
That might very well be true. But in your supreme and infinite arrogance, you keep predicting what will happen and defiantly proclaimed "show me a Democrat who won't endorse Hillary". Well, I just showed you millions of them according to one poll.

Strut around like a rooster all you want - but your false bravado doesn't influence elections.
They say that now but you'll see they'll show up and vote for Hillary. You'll see.

And I notice you aren't cocky, which means you guys are certainly not confident. This will be your face the day after the election

Show me a democrat who won't endorse hillary. Now show me a Republican who will support trump.

How about I show you 20% of the Democrats who won't vote for Hillary....

Poll: 20% of Dems would defect for Trump
And 30% will defect to Hillary from the GOP OR just stay home this November.
That might very well be true. But in your supreme and infinite arrogance, you keep predicting what will happen and defiantly proclaimed "show me a Democrat who won't endorse Hillary". Well, I just showed you millions of them according to one poll.

Strut around like a rooster all you want - but your false bravado doesn't influence elections.
They say that now but you'll see they'll show up and vote for Hillary. You'll see.

And I notice you aren't cocky, which means you guys are certainly not confident. This will be your face the day after the election

You're right....I'm not cocky. You seem to think that's an admirable trait for some bizarre reason. You false bravado doesn't decide elections (apparently you wish it would - but it doesn't).

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