Hillary drops attack ad on trump ! Boom!

If "Global Warming" existed - why did the polar ice-cap expand a mind-boggling 60% (or over 900,000 miles) when "scientists" (ie political activists on the Dumbocrat payroll) predicted it would be completely melted by 2014?

Easy answer. None of that happened. Your cult fed you a line of bull, and you fell for it. Seriously, a paid shill denier Forbes blogger is your go-to science source?

Bwahahahahaha! One of the links was to NASA stupid. :lmao:

You know NASA? Government run NASA? :lmao:

By the way stupid - did "Forbes" put satellites in space and then falsify these images?!? :lmao:

NASA satellite images show August 2012
and August 2013
. (Photo: NASA)

Global Cooling: Arctic Ice Cap Grows 60 Percent In A Year [NASA PHOTO]

Seriously mamooth how stupid do you look right now? You just got bent over in front of the entire world. Everyone knows how completely ignorant you are of the facts now and how you buy into liberal propaganda without asking any questions or doing any research.

1. Greenhouse effect.
2. Every other country is going green. The world know Republican voters are dumb. It not just us liberals who know your dumb and corporations lie.
3. This proves the media ain't liberal. The fact people like you can continue to suggest man made climate change is real.

You do understand we created the hole in the ozone with arosols, yes? Or was that a conspiracy theory too?

If going green is so awesome, why do you need the government to force us to do it?

It's the liberal regressive way...
Everyone knows why. It's what big business wants. Costs money to go green. Even newt admitted it. Duh

The poor and the middle class will be the ones paying the cost, not big business. What you're saying is that you're prefectly happy to impose crushing energy costs on the poor.
Absolutely! It servers two purposes for liberals....

First - it will place the masses on the government plantation where they are beholden to government for their most basic needs. As such, they will be more likely to vote Dumbocrat.

Second - they will use it to "prove" how capitalsm doesn't work (even though it was true socialism that caused the problem).
How did socialism send manufacturing jobs to china mexico canada and india? Arent those nations more socialist than us? Yet they are stealing our jobs? What are those nations doing right or better than us?

The socialist China has much lower taxes than USA. That's the point we are at.
1. Greenhouse effect.
2. Every other country is going green. The world know Republican voters are dumb. It not just us liberals who know your dumb and corporations lie.
3. This proves the media ain't liberal. The fact people like you can continue to suggest man made climate change is real.

You do understand we created the hole in the ozone with arosols, yes? Or was that a conspiracy theory too?

If going green is so awesome, why do you need the government to force us to do it?

It's the liberal regressive way...
Everyone knows why. It's what big business wants. Costs money to go green. Even newt admitted it. Duh

The poor and the middle class will be the ones paying the cost, not big business. What you're saying is that you're prefectly happy to impose crushing energy costs on the poor.
Absolutely! It servers two purposes for liberals....

First - it will place the masses on the government plantation where they are beholden to government for their most basic needs. As such, they will be more likely to vote Dumbocrat.

Second - they will use it to "prove" how capitalsm doesn't work (even though it was true socialism that caused the problem).
How did socialism send manufacturing jobs to china mexico canada and india? Arent those nations more socialist than us? Yet they are stealing our jobs? What are those nations doing right or better than us?
Because the socialist costs of regulation, taxes, and labor made it cheaper to manufacture overseas (you do realize that the U.S. has the highest corporate taxes in the world - well above China and Mexico, don't you???)
If going green is so awesome, why do you need the government to force us to do it?

It's the liberal regressive way...
Everyone knows why. It's what big business wants. Costs money to go green. Even newt admitted it. Duh

The poor and the middle class will be the ones paying the cost, not big business. What you're saying is that you're prefectly happy to impose crushing energy costs on the poor.
Absolutely! It servers two purposes for liberals....

First - it will place the masses on the government plantation where they are beholden to government for their most basic needs. As such, they will be more likely to vote Dumbocrat.

Second - they will use it to "prove" how capitalsm doesn't work (even though it was true socialism that caused the problem).
How did socialism send manufacturing jobs to china mexico canada and india? Arent those nations more socialist than us? Yet they are stealing our jobs? What are those nations doing right or better than us?

The socialist China has much lower taxes than USA. That's the point we are at.
So you are wrong that socialism caused the problem. Just wanted to point that out
Everyone knows why. It's what big business wants. Costs money to go green. Even newt admitted it. Duh

The poor and the middle class will be the ones paying the cost, not big business. What you're saying is that you're prefectly happy to impose crushing energy costs on the poor.
Absolutely! It servers two purposes for liberals....

First - it will place the masses on the government plantation where they are beholden to government for their most basic needs. As such, they will be more likely to vote Dumbocrat.

Second - they will use it to "prove" how capitalsm doesn't work (even though it was true socialism that caused the problem).
How did socialism send manufacturing jobs to china mexico canada and india? Arent those nations more socialist than us? Yet they are stealing our jobs? What are those nations doing right or better than us?

The socialist China has much lower taxes than USA. That's the point we are at.
So you are wrong that socialism caused the problem. Just wanted to point that out

Where did I say that?

The high taxes in the USA did contribute a great deal to the problem. In many ways USA is more socialist than China was my point.
If going green is so awesome, why do you need the government to force us to do it?

It's the liberal regressive way...
Everyone knows why. It's what big business wants. Costs money to go green. Even newt admitted it. Duh

The poor and the middle class will be the ones paying the cost, not big business. What you're saying is that you're prefectly happy to impose crushing energy costs on the poor.
Absolutely! It servers two purposes for liberals....

First - it will place the masses on the government plantation where they are beholden to government for their most basic needs. As such, they will be more likely to vote Dumbocrat.

Second - they will use it to "prove" how capitalsm doesn't work (even though it was true socialism that caused the problem).
How did socialism send manufacturing jobs to china mexico canada and india? Arent those nations more socialist than us? Yet they are stealing our jobs? What are those nations doing right or better than us?
Because the socialist costs of regulation, taxes, and labor made it cheaper to manufacture overseas (you do realize that the U.S. has the highest corporate taxes in the world - well above China and Mexico, don't you???)
I don't think you know what the word means to be honest
The poor and the middle class will be the ones paying the cost, not big business. What you're saying is that you're prefectly happy to impose crushing energy costs on the poor.
Absolutely! It servers two purposes for liberals....

First - it will place the masses on the government plantation where they are beholden to government for their most basic needs. As such, they will be more likely to vote Dumbocrat.

Second - they will use it to "prove" how capitalsm doesn't work (even though it was true socialism that caused the problem).
How did socialism send manufacturing jobs to china mexico canada and india? Arent those nations more socialist than us? Yet they are stealing our jobs? What are those nations doing right or better than us?

The socialist China has much lower taxes than USA. That's the point we are at.
So you are wrong that socialism caused the problem. Just wanted to point that out

Where did I say that?

The high taxes in the USA did contribute a great deal to the problem. In many ways USA is more socialist than China was my point.
You guys don't know what socialism means.
Given the scientific fact that the polar ice-cap expand a mind-boggling 60% (over 900,000 square miles)

And back on this planet, Arctic sea ice extent is at a record low level for this date of the year. Yep, you're actually claiming that "record low" is "mind-boggling expansion."

VIsualization Service of Horizontal scale Observations at Polar region

Now, I know what sleaze tactics your cult leaders used in order to push that fraudulent claim. Clearly, you don't. I could explain it to you, but toying with you is more fun. I want to see you double down on the stupid, so I can have even more fun ripping it to pieces. I want to see you cry even harder, my sweet little weeping bitch.

and the fact that the planet has been on a natural cooling cycle

Then why is the planet warming so strongly? You're not making any sense.

(which had been predicted long in advance based on the previous documented cycles),

Yes, the natural cycles are driving the earth towards cooling, yet the earth is warming strongly. That's because humans are overwhelming the natural cooling cycles with human-caused warming.

I guarantee you that sane and informed people are laughing their ass off at you right now. You're completely uninformed and it shows. All you do is swallow down the liberal propaganda as fast as they can spoon feed it to you.

Given how you got the ice thing so hilariously wrong, might that not cause you to consider what other false information you've been fed?

Naaah. You're just going to rage at me even more hysterically now. That's how Dunning-Kruger Syndrome sufferers react. D-K Syndrome means you're too stupid to understand that you're stupid. Since you can't even comprehend the possibility of being wrong, you go into on of those very amusing belligerent ignorance routines whenever your loony claims get debunked.
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Absolutely! It servers two purposes for liberals....

First - it will place the masses on the government plantation where they are beholden to government for their most basic needs. As such, they will be more likely to vote Dumbocrat.

Second - they will use it to "prove" how capitalsm doesn't work (even though it was true socialism that caused the problem).
How did socialism send manufacturing jobs to china mexico canada and india? Arent those nations more socialist than us? Yet they are stealing our jobs? What are those nations doing right or better than us?

The socialist China has much lower taxes than USA. That's the point we are at.
So you are wrong that socialism caused the problem. Just wanted to point that out

Where did I say that?

The high taxes in the USA did contribute a great deal to the problem. In many ways USA is more socialist than China was my point.
You guys don't know what socialism means.

Socialism? This guy would know:

What next, feminism is equality between sexes? You will buy anything so long as it comes with free stuff...
Naaah. You're just going to rage at me even more hysterically now. That's how Dunning-Kruger Syndrome sufferers react. D-K Syndrome means you're too stupid to understand that you're stupid. Since you can't even comprehend the possibility of being wrong, you fly off the handle whenever your mistakes get pointed out.

Uh...what "raging"? I provided satellite photos from NASA proving the polar ice-cap expand 60% (which equated to over 900,000 square miles) after liberal political activists - posing as "scientists" - predicted that it would be completely melted by January 1, 2014.

Oops.... Only a liberal could deny NASA satellite photos. :lmao:
You want proof Hispanics are going for Trump I got photographic proof...those are sombreros and serapes that the "Mexicanos" always wear and carry everywhere...genuine Mexicans right there ...
Vigi and the boys and girls are sooooooo screwed, they aren't even aware of it. They do NOT have the votes to win dog catcher in a normal national race, and are betting the farm, and their credibility on one thing--------------->that Hilly is so disliked by everyone, the left will shun her more than the right shuns Trump. (100 votes for Trump nationwide, and 50 for Hilly)

I don't think so, and as Trump moves further left, I could see the right being forced to vote for Hillary as Trump ends up further left, then she does. But I digress!

I was going to start a thread about this fact, but since educating the illiterate does not fill my treasury, I will just post it here, and reference it later for the masses, lol.

Trump can't win without a coalition. Trump supporters aren't enough to get him elected to anything nationally. You wet behind the ears college and young people can think, just like Bernie and Company did, you will overcome. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

People over 55, laugh at all of you arrogant dweebs. Here is the truth---------------->the only ones we care about are those who can not vote. The rest of you, wallow in your poop, lol. You are only screwing yourselves, not us, because by the time you MIGHT get your way, we will be like Bernie and friends and have wealth off shore. If you know people who don't, confiscate their money, cause they didn't have anything, any way!

When you get screwed, people feel sorry for you. When you screw yourselves, people laugh at you! So let me be the 1st on here to come out and go, hahahahahahahahahahaha to the Trump supporters. You are either going to get slapped around in the general, or be tied in knots by both party's if you get elected against all the odds. Just think, either by this December, or for the next 4 years, your supply of the "little blue pill" is going to be non-refillable, and everyone standing behind you is going to get their prescription, and yours-) If I was you, I would buy some petroleum jelly, but feel confidant, you will only need it till early December, unless you people decide to switch gears and run for septic tank cleaners-)
Trump just blasted Hillary for being a 'mean nasty enabler' for helping enable her husband's criminal sexual assault, sexual harassment, rape, and adultery by demonizing, attacking, threatening, bullying, and attempting to silence his victims.

She THINKS she wants to take on Trump, but he is going to bury her under her own closet-full of skeletons. She's going to try to pull out that 'woman/gender' card, but he's going to shove it up her ass by exposing her for the 'war on women' warrior she has been and still is.
The OP does realize we don't like the folks in the ad right? We just kicked their ass so its not like we care.

You do realize that Hillary's ad isn't aimed at your "we" of Trump cultists, right? It's aimed at everyone else.

But you just go on with your false sense of invincibility. Since the country is screwed either way, and there's nothing anyone can do about it any more, I can at least get the schadenfreude of watching the world crumble around the ears of every slack-jawed Trumpette.
If you have a big beautiful club in a nice area you can charge $5 for a beer. America is the nice club. If you have a dive bar in a bad area you charge $1 for a beer. Mexico is the dive bar

What you cant do is bring beer from the dive bar into the nice club and sell beers for $2
How did socialism send manufacturing jobs to china mexico canada and india? Arent those nations more socialist than us? Yet they are stealing our jobs? What are those nations doing right or better than us?

The socialist China has much lower taxes than USA. That's the point we are at.
So you are wrong that socialism caused the problem. Just wanted to point that out

Where did I say that?

The high taxes in the USA did contribute a great deal to the problem. In many ways USA is more socialist than China was my point.
You guys don't know what socialism means.

Socialism? This guy would know:

What next, feminism is equality between sexes? You will buy anything so long as it comes with free stuff...
What free stuff? I make somewhere between $50k and $100k. You tell me what free stuff I want?

You mean I don't want the healthcare companies to wipe out every middle class persons when they get sick?

If going to see a doctor cost $10,000 I can see how a rich person would think "we want something for free" when we demand affordable healthcare.

You probably have good employer provided healthcare. So do I.

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