Hillary Emails; Call Stevens wrong name

naw, i am done. you can try to educate her. if you have time to spare.

It grieves me to say this, but some keyboard warriors are unteachable. However, they make excellent foils. :FIREdevil:
This is why you're confused the media lied for him.

"Most biographical sketches of Sanders list his son Levi (for the record, pronounced LEH-vee) as a product of his first marriage."

Levi not a product of first marriage.

A lying uninformed media, how shocking.
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He never had custody. If I wrote that it was a typo.

You didn't write it. You linked to an article that said it, suggesting that you either didn't read or didn't understand the article.

That's a commonality with people who are sloppy in their communication habits.
Show me the passage where it says that because most media outlets have the story completely wrong listing his first wife as mother of Levi which is not true.
naw, i am done. you can try to educate her. if you have time to spare.

It grieves me to say this, but some keyboard warriors are unteachable. However, they make excellent foils. :FIREdevil:
I don't need to learn from you.

I'm not attempting to teach you anything. That's why I used the word "unteachable."

It seems you're bored with your own topic...not that I'd blame you.

You keep monitoring Hillary, though. Let us know if she breaks a nail. Enquiring Minds, and all that...
You're the one that defends the indefensible. A SOS who lies about a man who died claiming he's a friend and yet doesn't know his name.
naw, i am done. you can try to educate her. if you have time to spare.

It grieves me to say this, but some keyboard warriors are unteachable. However, they make excellent foils. :FIREdevil:
I don't need to learn from you.

I'm not attempting to teach you anything. That's why I used the word "unteachable."

It seems you're bored with your own topic...not that I'd blame you.

You keep monitoring Hillary, though. Let us know if she breaks a nail. Enquiring Minds, and all that...
You're the one that defends the indefensible. A SOS who lies about a man who died claiming he's a friend and yet doesn't know his name.

Oh, you meant "you're" but you wrote "your." See why grammar, spelling, and punctuation are important? Now we're getting somewhere.

But I thought you didn't want to talk about Sanders. Didn't you say you wanted this to be All Hillary, All the Time?
naw, i am done. you can try to educate her. if you have time to spare.

It grieves me to say this, but some keyboard warriors are unteachable. However, they make excellent foils. :FIREdevil:
I don't need to learn from you.

I'm not attempting to teach you anything. That's why I used the word "unteachable."

It seems you're bored with your own topic...not that I'd blame you.

You keep monitoring Hillary, though. Let us know if she breaks a nail. Enquiring Minds, and all that...
You're the one that defends the indefensible. A SOS who lies about a man who died claiming he's a friend and yet doesn't know his name.

Oh, you meant "you're" but you wrote "your." See why grammar, spelling, and punctuation are important? Now we're getting somewhere.

But I thought you didn't want to talk about Sanders. Didn't you say you wanted this to be All Hillary, All the Time?
Fuck off lol.
Look if Bernie couldn't even pay his electric bill because he had no job, how could he pay child support?

And why won't his baby mama talk about him?

You people brought it into this thread so I have no choice but to do the math for all you liberals.

The only job Bernie ever had was being a politician. He's a loser.
“The electricity was turned off a lot,” Barnett said. “I remember him running an extension cord down to the basement. He couldn’t pay his bills.”

He worked some as a carpenter, although “he was a shitty carpenter,” Bloch told me. “His carpentry,” Morrisseau said, “was not going to support him, and didn’t.”

Bernie couldn't even support himself. Couldn't even be a carpenter. Couldn't pay his bills. Couldn't support his love child.

Read more: Bernie Sanders Has a Secret
“The electricity was turned off a lot,” Barnett said. “I remember him running an extension cord down to the basement. He couldn’t pay his bills.”

He worked some as a carpenter, although “he was a shitty carpenter,” Bloch told me. “His carpentry,” Morrisseau said, “was not going to support him, and didn’t.”

Bernie couldn't even support himself. Couldn't even be a carpenter. Couldn't pay his bills. Couldn't support his love child.

Read more: Bernie Sanders Has a Secret
Are you sure you've linked to the correct article? That one refutes every point you've made.
You guys are just upset because Hillary and Sanders are incompetent losers and liars and they are the only two idiots you have to choose from for President.
You guys are just upset because Hillary and Sanders are incompetent losers and liars and they are the only two idiots you have to choose from for President.
we can just see Hillary on Jeopardy: Hillary: I will take fallen heroes for 200.00. Host: I tried to call for help 600 times in 2012, and then it was too late,,I died.
“The electricity was turned off a lot,” Barnett said. “I remember him running an extension cord down to the basement. He couldn’t pay his bills.”

He worked some as a carpenter, although “he was a shitty carpenter,” Bloch told me. “His carpentry,” Morrisseau said, “was not going to support him, and didn’t.”

Bernie couldn't even support himself. Couldn't even be a carpenter. Couldn't pay his bills. Couldn't support his love child.

Read more: Bernie Sanders Has a Secret
Are you sure you've linked to the correct article? That one refutes every point you've made.
Informal custody arrangement ? So that means no arrangement.

No electricity. Couldn't pay his bills.

His son called him Bernard?

His son stayed there with no electricity? I doubt it. Use your brain.
“The electricity was turned off a lot,” Barnett said. “I remember him running an extension cord down to the basement. He couldn’t pay his bills.”

He worked some as a carpenter, although “he was a shitty carpenter,” Bloch told me. “His carpentry,” Morrisseau said, “was not going to support him, and didn’t.”

Bernie couldn't even support himself. Couldn't even be a carpenter. Couldn't pay his bills. Couldn't support his love child.

Read more: Bernie Sanders Has a Secret
Are you sure you've linked to the correct article? That one refutes every point you've made.
Informal custody arrangement ? So that means no arrangement.

No electricity. Couldn't pay his bills.

His son called him Bernard?

His son stayed there with no electricity?

So you're just extrapolating now. Punctuation is improving, though.
Anyone that can put an X under Clinton's name in November is just out of touch. She looked in the face of the parents of four dead Americans and had no problem lying to them. Why would she ever be trusted by anyone is a mystery to me.
If Bernie was such a great father why is it that none of them, not his ex wife, not his ex girlfriend, nor his son, will talk about that time?

If he had been a great dad they would espouse his greatness but they don't. They won't talk about it.

He was only concerned with himself and getting elected so he could live off the government for the rest of his life.

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