Hillary embarrassing the Democratic Party

Embarrassing...but true!

it's not just Hillary. look at their base going all ape shit over every little thing someone says. Lying is at all time high. making up crap that wasn't even close to what they said or meant, etc etc. they look pretty hard up and pathetic right now if you ask me. One thread asking how many Republican women is going to jump ship and go with the Hildabeast, I laughed my ass off over it.
I think they see the fan is getting ready to clear the stink (Progressive/commie/democrat party of the United States) out of our government and the Presidency.
The thread title is inaccurate.

It is impossible to embarrass the Democratic Party as they gave up any standards whatsoever years ago.
I know its the latest talking point to say that Trump is embarrassing the GOP. Lest, we forget that the Democratic Party has anointed Hillary (murders, bribes, insider trading, serial lying) to be their candidate for like this is two decades in the works. If Democrats had any shame, this would never have been the case. So liberals, don't be getting on your high horse, which is a flimsy straw pony at the end of the day. Cos after all, what difference does it make?

How can you still like yourself after making all that shit up?

:lmao: Getting indignation from the biggest phony on the board. Thanks, I needed that laugh.
The thread title is inaccurate.

It is impossible to embarrass the Democratic Party as they gave up any standards whatsoever years ago.

TBF, from the OP: "If Democrats had any shame...."

The term embarrass was being used ironically to parallel liberals faux indignation.
Okay, then.

Nice pic of her , at least she isn't some fat blob of shit with fake Orange hair, like your Orangutan, who will probably be stupid enough to blow the nomination to sleazy Cruz the most hated man in your sorry bitch party..


Yea, she's just an old lesbo hag with a wig instead.
Hilary doesn't talk up fascism. She is pretty excited in that photo though. Fear of Trump does not mean support of Hilary.

I could not be further from supporting Hillary. I think I would rather see the office vacant.

Trump is a fucking no go though. Just as bad of not WORSE than Hillary - and that is damn near impossible.

You seem to be criticizing Trump for his blunt talk that might get through to voters. Is this worse than RINOs trying to be inoffensive?
I am not criticizing Trump for blunt talk. I prefer blunt talk.

I am criticizing him because he says things that are insane and/or counter to the constitution. I really wish Trump was a no nonsense guy that wanted to uphold freedom and point the country in a good direction. I simply do not see that as the case at all.
Okay, then.

Nice pic of her , at least she isn't some fat blob of shit with fake Orange hair, like your Orangutan, who will probably be stupid enough to blow the nomination to sleazy Cruz the most hated man in your sorry bitch party..


Yea, she's just an old lesbo hag with a wig instead.
That fat Orangutan is older than her dumbass, and if you think his hair looks better than her's you are the dumbest cocksucker to ever walk the face of this earth..

And the woman has been married to the same dude since 1976, Dickhead Trump has been married 4 times, fitting since he has FILED BANKRUPTCY 4x , Asshole was born with a Silver spoon in his mouth, must be nice to get Million dollar loans from daddy Fred when you are young..

Judging from all the Toxic Bullshit that comes from Trumps piehole, i wouldn't trust this Nazi to run a taco stand in San Diego for me, HEY WHO'S GONNA PAY FOR THAT FUCKING WALL HE WANTS TO BUILD, BIG GOVERNMENT??
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Okay, then.

Nice pic of her , at least she isn't some fat blob of shit with fake Orange hair, like your Orangutan, who will probably be stupid enough to blow the nomination to sleazy Cruz the most hated man in your sorry bitch party..


Yea, she's just an old lesbo hag with a wig instead.
That fat Orangutan is older than her dumbass, and if you think his hair looks better than her's you are the dumbest cocksucker to ever walk the face of this earth..

And the woman has been married to the same dude since 1976, Dickhead Trump has been married 4 times, fitting since he has FILED BANKRUPTCY 4x , Asshole was born with a Silver spoon in his mouth, must be nice to get Million dollar loans from daddy Fred when you are young..

Judging from all the Toxic Bullshit that comes from Trumps piehole, i wouldn't trust this Nazi to run a taco stand in San Diego for me, HEY WHO'S GONNA PAY FOR THAT FUCKING WALL HE WANTS TO BUILD, BIG GOVERNMENT??

Wow, yer all up in Hillary's twat. Big government won't pay for a wall; that's not in their interest. But THE MOTHER FUCKING PEOPLE just might after they elect Trump:

Hillary without the wig:

Okay, then.

Nice pic of her , at least she isn't some fat blob of shit with fake Orange hair, like your Orangutan, who will probably be stupid enough to blow the nomination to sleazy Cruz the most hated man in your sorry bitch party..


Yea, she's just an old lesbo hag with a wig instead.
That fat Orangutan is older than her dumbass, and if you think his hair looks better than her's you are the dumbest cocksucker to ever walk the face of this earth..

And the woman has been married to the same dude since 1976, Dickhead Trump has been married 4 times, fitting since he has FILED BANKRUPTCY 4x , Asshole was born with a Silver spoon in his mouth, must be nice to get Million dollar loans from daddy Fred when you are young..

Judging from all the Toxic Bullshit that comes from Trumps piehole, i wouldn't trust this Nazi to run a taco stand in San Diego for me, HEY WHO'S GONNA PAY FOR THAT FUCKING WALL HE WANTS TO BUILD, BIG GOVERNMENT??

Wow, yer all up in Hillary's twat. Big government won't pay for a wall; that's not in their interest. But THE MOTHER FUCKING PEOPLE just might after they elect Trump:

Hillary without the wig:

Just like you love to get down on your knees and blow your Oligarch masters like fat fuck Trump, The motherfucking people can't even build and repair the rotting Infrastructure anymore, let alone build a 2000 mile wall:rofl:

When Hillary kicks that cocksuckers ass you are banned from here , if Hillary loses (which won't happen) im gone forever..

Take the bet you pussy:deal:

Or are you afraid to lose everything you have to live for in your pathetic life Like this message board:crybaby:, 15 thousand posts:fu:

Okay, then.

Nice pic of her , at least she isn't some fat blob of shit with fake Orange hair, like your Orangutan, who will probably be stupid enough to blow the nomination to sleazy Cruz the most hated man in your sorry bitch party..


Yea, she's just an old lesbo hag with a wig instead.
That fat Orangutan is older than her dumbass, and if you think his hair looks better than her's you are the dumbest cocksucker to ever walk the face of this earth..

And the woman has been married to the same dude since 1976, Dickhead Trump has been married 4 times, fitting since he has FILED BANKRUPTCY 4x , Asshole was born with a Silver spoon in his mouth, must be nice to get Million dollar loans from daddy Fred when you are young..

Judging from all the Toxic Bullshit that comes from Trumps piehole, i wouldn't trust this Nazi to run a taco stand in San Diego for me, HEY WHO'S GONNA PAY FOR THAT FUCKING WALL HE WANTS TO BUILD, BIG GOVERNMENT??

Wow, yer all up in Hillary's twat. Big government won't pay for a wall; that's not in their interest. But THE MOTHER FUCKING PEOPLE just might after they elect Trump:

Hillary without the wig:

Just like you love to get down on your knees and blow your Oligarch masters like fat fuck Trump, The motherfucking people can't even build and repair the rotting Infrastructure anymore, let alone build a 2000 mile wall:rofl:

When Hillary kicks that cocksuckers ass you are banned from here , if Hillary loses (which won't happen) im gone forever..

Take the bet you pussy:deal:

Or are you afraid to lose everything you have to live for in your pathetic life Like this message board:crybaby:, 15 thousand posts:fu:


Not that I care (I mean, you're nothing more than a bug to me); but you'd never leave. You'd be back here with a new screen name. You have no honor; and that's why you have no problem throwing out that bet offer. We see this from your ilk every election cycle from the loser trolls. I mean, you act like you have Turrets because you're that much of a tool.

And no Hillary supporter has any standing to call me a pussy. You couldn't support a bigger tyrant.
Guy, you've pissed away tens of millions of dollars trying to incriminate Hillary on something, and you've come up empty every time.

Oh yea, surely Hillary is the salt of the Earth.

No, she's a politician. They are all politicians, even Trump and Carson.

The thing is, she really didn't do any of the crazy shit you all have been accusing her of for the last 25 years. She didn't kill Vince Foster or Christopher Stevens. She didn't give our secrets to the North Koreans. She didn't hold down any interns while Bill raped them.

Now, you see, here's the thing. I think there IS a very good case to be made against the policies HIllary is proposing. We can't afford free college for everyone, for instance. That's silly.

But if you guys keep going around with your "Clinton Death List" or some such shit, you all are going to come off like crazy people.
I know its the latest talking point to say that Trump is embarrassing the GOP. Lest, we forget that the Democratic Party has anointed Hillary (murders, bribes, insider trading, serial lying) to be their candidate for like this is two decades in the works. If Democrats had any shame, this would never have been the case. So liberals, don't be getting on your high horse, which is a flimsy straw pony at the end of the day. Cos after all, what difference does it make?

You can't embarrass democrats....they are incapable of it.....they love bill clinton...a guy with legitimate allegations of rape and sexual assault...and his wife used the power of his political offices and their wealth to silence the victims....
Guy, you've pissed away tens of millions of dollars trying to incriminate Hillary on something, and you've come up empty every time.

Oh yea, surely Hillary is the salt of the Earth.

No, she's a politician. They are all politicians, even Trump and Carson.

The thing is, she really didn't do any of the crazy shit you all have been accusing her of for the last 25 years. She didn't kill Vince Foster or Christopher Stevens. She didn't give our secrets to the North Koreans. She didn't hold down any interns while Bill raped them.

Now, you see, here's the thing. I think there IS a very good case to be made against the policies HIllary is proposing. We can't afford free college for everyone, for instance. That's silly.

But if you guys keep going around with your "Clinton Death List" or some such shit, you all are going to come off like crazy people.

Hillary's done plenty of sh**, dude. She's slimy as the day is long. You're willfully ignorant.
it's not just Hillary. look at their base going all ape shit over every little thing someone says. Lying is at all time high. making up crap that wasn't even close to what they said or meant, etc etc. they look pretty hard up and pathetic right now if you ask me. One thread asking how many Republican women is going to jump ship and go with the Hildabeast, I laughed my ass off over it.
I think they see the fan is getting ready to clear the stink (Progressive/commie/democrat party of the United States) out of our government and the Presidency.

Yes, Staph, all those polls showing that Hillary would easily beat anyone in the Clown Car is a carefully orchestrated lie. I know you need to believe that.

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