Hillary embarrassing the Democratic Party

Don't kid yourself, guy. I can't even tell you how many Clinton associates have been murdered. If a statistician did an analysis of that reality, he'd probably find the odds of the Clintons having no complicity to be about a trillion to one; and this is why I say you're the one peddling conspiracy theories that the Clintons don't have blood on their hands; and that's not even taking into account their completely immoral international dealings.

Again, you are claiming the Clintons' are mass murderers, but where's that pesky little thin called "proof"?

The proof's out there. Where's the motivation to rummage for someone like yourself who knows this and denies it?
Don't kid yourself, guy. I can't even tell you how many Clinton associates have been murdered. If a statistician did an analysis of that reality, he'd probably find the odds of the Clintons having no complicity to be about a trillion to one; and this is why I say you're the one peddling conspiracy theories that the Clintons don't have blood on their hands; and that's not even taking into account their completely immoral international dealings.

Again, you are claiming the Clintons' are mass murderers, but where's that pesky little thin called "proof"?

The proof's out there. Where's the motivation to rummage for someone like yourself who knows this and denies it?
Utter bull crud, there is no proof after millions and millions and millions spent by right wingers..... just mere propaganda.
They are corrupt. Why do you support corrupt politicians getting rich, making 100s of millions of dollars off their crony deals?

Same question. Where's your proof? Ken Starr Spent 70 million dollars trying to get the goods on the Clintons and all he proved was that Bill lied about getting a blow job.

No one died because Clinton got a blow job.

On the other hand, Bush and his Neo-Con Jew Cronies lied about Saddam having WMD's, and after killing 5000 Americans and 100,000 to 1 Million Iraqis, you don't seem to be too concenred about that.

You moron, The Clinton foundation is a slush fund. 150 million dollars worth:slap: The Clinton corruption goes way back from selling missile technology to the Chinese, to making crony deals for cash while Hillary was secretary of state, to private servers with classified information ec
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I know its the latest talking point to say that Trump is embarrassing the GOP. Lest, we forget that the Democratic Party has anointed Hillary (murders, bribes, insider trading, serial lying) to be their candidate for like this is two decades in the works. If Democrats had any shame, this would never have been the case. So liberals, don't be getting on your high horse, which is a flimsy straw pony at the end of the day. Cos after all, what difference does it make?

Luckily no one really cares what rightwingnut loons think is embarrassing. Especially when there is nothing as embarrassing as Donald trump.

now get your own material.
I know its the latest talking point to say that Trump is embarrassing the GOP. Lest, we forget that the Democratic Party has anointed Hillary (murders, bribes, insider trading, serial lying) to be their candidate for like this is two decades in the works. If Democrats had any shame, this would never have been the case. So liberals, don't be getting on your high horse, which is a flimsy straw pony at the end of the day. Cos after all, what difference does it make?

Luckily no one really cares what rightwingnut loons think is embarrassing. Especially when there is nothing as embarrassing as Donald trump.

now get your own material.

It's sad day when corruption doesn't embarrasses you
Okay, then.

Nice pic of her , at least she isn't some fat blob of shit with fake Orange hair, like your Orangutan, who will probably be stupid enough to blow the nomination to sleazy Cruz the most hated man in your sorry bitch party..


Get used to not posting on here Big Guy. Your days are getting shorter:

View attachment 57501
:fu:, We will see about that BITCH..
The proof's out there. Where's the motivation to rummage for someone like yourself who knows this and denies it?

So essentially, you can't prove your outlandish claims,and you are too lazy to make an intellectual argument against a Hillary candidacy. Got it.

You are going to be a very unhappy person when she's president for 8 years.

Come on, joe. Don't act like this is day 1 of you and me. I know better than to waste time trying to convince you of stuff you won't believe regardless of what proof I put forth. I'll think about it though.
I know its the latest talking point to say that Trump is embarrassing the GOP. Lest, we forget that the Democratic Party has anointed Hillary (murders, bribes, insider trading, serial lying) to be their candidate for like this is two decades in the works. If Democrats had any shame, this would never have been the case. So liberals, don't be getting on your high horse, which is a flimsy straw pony at the end of the day. Cos after all, what difference does it make?

Luckily no one really cares what rightwingnut loons think is embarrassing. Especially when there is nothing as embarrassing as Donald trump.

now get your own material.

Okay, then.

Nice pic of her , at least she isn't some fat blob of shit with fake Orange hair, like your Orangutan, who will probably be stupid enough to blow the nomination to sleazy Cruz the most hated man in your sorry bitch party..


Get used to not posting on here Big Guy. Your days are getting shorter:

View attachment 57501
:fu:, We will see about that BITCH..

Still spazzing?
I know its the latest talking point to say that Trump is embarrassing the GOP. Lest, we forget that the Democratic Party has anointed Hillary (murders, bribes, insider trading, serial lying) to be their candidate for like this is two decades in the works. If Democrats had any shame, this would never have been the case. So liberals, don't be getting on your high horse, which is a flimsy straw pony at the end of the day. Cos after all, what difference does it make?
She's not actually saying and doing anything to embarrass the party. She's laying as low as possible (at least for a presidential candidate) and letting the GOP do its weird reality show cage match.

She'll win the nomination like this, hoping that Trump or Cruz gets the nomination. I'd guess she'll continue to lay as low as possible during the General too. She has to, she's not terribly likable. Honest Democrats admit that. But it's all about who she's running against.
Without it, there are NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS, dumbass! AND it was NOT SECURED during the war by the U.N. as UNDER THE TERMS of the 1991 CEASE FIRE!

Bush's claim was Saddam HAD WMD's, not that he had something that could be made into a WMD if he had equipment that he clearly didn't have.

Bush lied, People died.

Clinton lied, a dress got ruined.

Not quite the same thing, is it?
Come on, joe. Don't act like this is day 1 of you and me. I know better than to waste time trying to convince you of stuff you won't believe regardless of what proof I put forth. I'll think about it though.

No, guy, you post shit from whackjob websites like they are true and ignore the fact that dozens of investigations have cleared Clinton of anything wrong. So I will take great pleasure in mocking you.
Without it, there are NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS, dumbass! AND it was NOT SECURED during the war by the U.N. as UNDER THE TERMS of the 1991 CEASE FIRE!

Bush's claim was Saddam HAD WMD's, not that he had something that could be made into a WMD if he had equipment that he clearly didn't have.

Bush lied, People died.

Clinton lied, a dress got ruined.

Not quite the same thing, is it?

There is NO DIFFERENCE, WITHOUT YELLOWCAKE there is NO nuclear weapons, AND it was unguarded during the Iraq War! you :ahole-1:.... How many did The Hildebeast KILL with HER LIBYAN POLICY?...You :ahole-1:

That reminds me, have Dims prosecuted "W" for his war crimes yet?

No? The hell you say.

Both parties are run by retards.

I agree, the Democrats should have arrested Bush and handed him over to the Hague on January 21st, 2009, right after he walked off the stage at the innaguration.

But we live in an imperfect world.
But Hillary voted for that war and you support her.
I know its the latest talking point to say that Trump is embarrassing the GOP. Lest, we forget that the Democratic Party has anointed Hillary (murders, bribes, insider trading, serial lying) to be their candidate for like this is two decades in the works. If Democrats had any shame, this would never have been the case. So liberals, don't be getting on your high horse, which is a flimsy straw pony at the end of the day. Cos after all, what difference does it make?
She's not actually saying and doing anything to embarrass the party. She's laying as low as possible (at least for a presidential candidate) and letting the GOP do its weird reality show cage match.

She'll win the nomination like this, hoping that Trump or Cruz gets the nomination. I'd guess she'll continue to lay as low as possible during the General too. She has to, she's not terribly likable. Honest Democrats admit that. But it's all about who she's running against.

the DNC is keeping her hidden because they know that the more people see of her, the less they like her.

she is a terrible candidate-------old, ugly, corrupt, liar, senile------------and now incontinent.

and don't forget the probable indictments when the FBI finishes investigating her illegal e-mail server.

what if she runs, wins, and then gets indicted? Wouldn't that be a fiasco?
A true conservative is like a Unicorn or those Carly Fiorina videos of Planned Parenthood celebrating a dead baby dismemberment; or like news reels of thousands of Muslims celebrating 9 11 in New York; or peer reviewed Climate papers that prove Global warming is fraud or like the fraudulent voter with no ID voting ...its all MYTHICAL...not real...
They are corrupt. Why do you support corrupt politicians getting rich, making 100s of millions of dollars off their crony deals?

Same question. Where's your proof? Ken Starr Spent 70 million dollars trying to get the goods on the Clintons and all he proved was that Bill lied about getting a blow job.

No one died because Clinton got a blow job.

On the other hand, Bush and his Neo-Con Jew Cronies lied about Saddam having WMD's, and after killing 5000 Americans and 100,000 to 1 Million Iraqis, you don't seem to be too concenred about that.
Bill was saying the exact same thing when he was president.

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