Hillary embarrassing the Democratic Party

it's not just Hillary. look at their base going all ape shit over every little thing someone says. Lying is at all time high. making up crap that wasn't even close to what they said or meant, etc etc. they look pretty hard up and pathetic right now if you ask me. One thread asking how many Republican women is going to jump ship and go with the Hildabeast, I laughed my ass off over it.
I think they see the fan is getting ready to clear the stink (Progressive/commie/democrat party of the United States) out of our government and the Presidency.

Yes, Staph, all those polls showing that Hillary would easily beat anyone in the Clown Car is a carefully orchestrated lie. I know you need to believe that.

OK, all together now, repeat after me---------->

Joe is an ASTRO TURFING ASSH***, paid for his posts, and we laugh at him because he is a weak, wannabee, political, operative-)
OK, all together now, repeat after me---------->

Joe is an ASTRO TURFING ASSH***, paid for his posts, and we laugh at him because he is a weak, wannabee, political, operative-)

Frankly, I wish I could make money doing this, it would be fun. But clearly, Soros and the Koch Brothers got rich paying people to post things on a board where everyone has already made up his or her mind because that's a great investment.

Your inability to refute the point is duly noted.
Hillary's done plenty of sh**, dude. She's slimy as the day is long. You're willfully ignorant.

and yet you guys have spent millions of dollars trying to prove it and have come up empty every time.

Hillary is Keyser Soze and Professor Moriarty all rolled up in one, to hear you guys tell it.

If the establishment wanted Hillary fully exposed, it would happen. Those that have presented the facts are stifled by elitists. There's been untold billions in effect protecting her; so stop with the tiresome sh** about millions by whomever.
And the best way to show confidence in your plight is to tell the opposition to "not get on it's high horse"? Can't wait until November!!!
If the establishment wanted Hillary fully exposed, it would happen. Those that have presented the facts are stifled by elitists. There's been untold billions in effect protecting her; so stop with the tiresome sh** about millions by whomever.

You know what, you are really moving beyond the rhetoric of a political hack and into that of a crazy conspiracy theorist.

Yes, this grandmother from Chappaqua is in fact a criminal mastermind, able to manipulate the entire political structure to her will!
If the establishment wanted Hillary fully exposed, it would happen. Those that have presented the facts are stifled by elitists. There's been untold billions in effect protecting her; so stop with the tiresome sh** about millions by whomever.

You know what, you are really moving beyond the rhetoric of a political hack and into that of a crazy conspiracy theorist.

Yes, this grandmother from Chappaqua is in fact a criminal mastermind, able to manipulate the entire political structure to her will!

I don't care if you call her a mastermind or not; she has the very strong backing of the establishment. That's patently obvious.
Young fella, a regular who always goes on about his conquests, came into the coffee shop very subdued this morning. He confessed to having had a wet dream about Hillary.

In the dream he was at a party indulging in a game of bobbing-for-pineapples in the punch bowl when she snuck up behind him and pushed his head under the surface whispering that she was going to hold him there until he came up for air and shouted he was going to vote her.

In the dream, he said, she then released her hold - hand poised to push him back under if he didn't say it.

But she never had to.

He kept his head under and sucked......

Said it was ten minutes before he could decide whether he had awakened or was dead.

Gave new meaning to his "death before dishonor" tattoo.........

We were so relieved to learn what he meant by "wet".
I don't care if you call her a mastermind or not; she has the very strong backing of the establishment. That's patently obvious.

I just want to point out to you how completely unhinged and irrational you sound when you say these things.

What you are saying is that the 'Establishment', whoever they are, are so invested in this woman that they will ignore obvious corruption, treason and murder. and that despite hundreds of millions of dollars being invested in investigating her, they've come up empty because of some vast conspiracy to protect her.

Because that's a lot more reasonable than a bunch of misogynistic nuts making accussations on hate radio to get ratings from dumb shits like you.
I don't care if you call her a mastermind or not; she has the very strong backing of the establishment. That's patently obvious.

I just want to point out to you how completely unhinged and irrational you sound when you say these things.

What you are saying is that the 'Establishment', whoever they are, are so invested in this woman that they will ignore obvious corruption, treason and murder. and that despite hundreds of millions of dollars being invested in investigating her, they've come up empty because of some vast conspiracy to protect her.

Because that's a lot more reasonable than a bunch of misogynistic nuts making accussations on hate radio to get ratings from dumb shits like you.

Grow up, Joe. You constantly spam about how the powers don't care about this and that (murder/blood included); and then you somehow think that someone like Hillary is above the fray. You're the one being "irrational" with your cloudy viewpoints.

Ah....Obama going out, Hillary coming in. I guess we get dubbed misogynists instead of racists now. Thanks for that honorable distinction.
Grow up, Joe. You constantly spam about how the powers don't care about this and that (murder/blood included); and then you somehow think that someone like Hillary is above the fray. You're the one being "irrational" with your cloudy viewpoints.

Ah....Obama going out, Hillary coming in. I guess we get dubbed misogynists instead of racists now. Thanks for that honorable distinction.

You're welcome, because I know you won't see it even when you are calling her the "C-word" and the "B-word" and talking about her looks

Oh, when I point out that the powers don't really care about your "Bitter Clinger" issues, I usually back it up with evidence, like WalMart putting the Kibosh on the "Religious Freedom" laws in Arkansas.
Grow up, Joe. You constantly spam about how the powers don't care about this and that (murder/blood included); and then you somehow think that someone like Hillary is above the fray. You're the one being "irrational" with your cloudy viewpoints.

Ah....Obama going out, Hillary coming in. I guess we get dubbed misogynists instead of racists now. Thanks for that honorable distinction.

You're welcome, because I know you won't see it even when you are calling her the "C-word" and the "B-word" and talking about her looks

Oh, when I point out that the powers don't really care about your "Bitter Clinger" issues, I usually back it up with evidence, like WalMart putting the Kibosh on the "Religious Freedom" laws in Arkansas.

Hillary is a c-word and a b-word. If there's a worse word for it, let me know, so that I can use it. And she's not that cos she's a woman; she's that cos she's dross. Having that opinion does not make one a misogynist; but I know that is not of any consequence to you.

I'm sure you're well aware of the mountains of evidence against Hillary. I'm not going to spin my wheels for you. But I tell you what, if you want to put together a preliminary profile detailing what swine she certainly is, then I'll help you build upon it. But if you're not at that starting point, then I see no point in wasting time on soothsayer such as yourself.
Okay, then.

Nice pic of her , at least she isn't some fat blob of shit with fake Orange hair, like your Orangutan, who will probably be stupid enough to blow the nomination to sleazy Cruz the most hated man in your sorry bitch party..


Get used to not posting on here Big Guy. Your days are getting shorter:

I know its the latest talking point to say that Trump is embarrassing the GOP. Lest, we forget that the Democratic Party has anointed Hillary (murders, bribes, insider trading, serial lying) to be their candidate for like this is two decades in the works. If Democrats had any shame, this would never have been the case. So liberals, don't be getting on your high horse, which is a flimsy straw pony at the end of the day. Cos after all, what difference does it make?

Guy, you've pissed away tens of millions of dollars trying to incriminate Hillary on something, and you've come up empty every time.

The fact you guys are being led around by a reality TV rodeo clown who says racist shit out loud, and your leaders are plotting ways to keep him from getting the nomination even if he wins all the primaries.

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