Hillary embarrassing the Democratic Party

Hillary is a c-word and a b-word. If there's a worse word for it, let me know, so that I can use it. And she's not that cos she's a woman; she's that cos she's dross. Having that opinion does not make one a misogynist; but I know that is not of any consequence to you.

then why do all your arguments against her involve attacks on her personally RATHER than sensible argumetns about her policy positions (which frankly, aren't that far off from what Reagan stood for.)

I'm sure you're well aware of the mountains of evidence against Hillary. I'm not going to spin my wheels for you. But I tell you what, if you want to put together a preliminary profile detailing what swine she certainly is, then I'll help you build upon it. But if you're not at that starting point, then I see no point in wasting time on soothsayer such as yourself.

Guy, there are "mountains" of evidence that there are UFO's, the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, Trilateralists, and all sort of things that exist in your fever dreams.

Where's your evidence? not some nutty claim about how she killed Vince Foster because he was Chelsea's real father.
Hillary is a c-word and a b-word. If there's a worse word for it, let me know, so that I can use it. And she's not that cos she's a woman; she's that cos she's dross. Having that opinion does not make one a misogynist; but I know that is not of any consequence to you.

then why do all your arguments against her involve attacks on her personally RATHER than sensible argumetns about her policy positions (which frankly, aren't that far off from what Reagan stood for.)

I'm sure you're well aware of the mountains of evidence against Hillary. I'm not going to spin my wheels for you. But I tell you what, if you want to put together a preliminary profile detailing what swine she certainly is, then I'll help you build upon it. But if you're not at that starting point, then I see no point in wasting time on soothsayer such as yourself.

Guy, there are "mountains" of evidence that there are UFO's, the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, Trilateralists, and all sort of things that exist in your fever dreams.

Where's your evidence? not some nutty claim about how she killed Vince Foster because he was Chelsea's real father.

Hillary Clinton is a murder who is unfit for office. I could care less about her contrived come-ons ("policies"). As far as I'm concerned she should be impeached according to the Constitutional mandate that exists for it.

And Vince Foster is the tip of the ice burg. There's dozens of VF's in her past. I know you've overlooked this, long ago. I have standards. I'm not for sale like you.
Hillary Clinton is a murder who is unfit for office. I could care less about her contrived come-ons ("policies"). As far as I'm concerned she should be impeached according to the Constitutional mandate that exists for it.

And Vince Foster is the tip of the ice burg. There's dozens of VF's in her past. I know you've overlooked this, long ago. I have standards. I'm not for sale like you.

right, so Ken Starr spent hundreds of manhours investigating Foster's murder and found out he really killed himself. But you know what the REAL story is.

Guy, you don't have "standards", you have "dementia". They have medications for that now.
I know its the latest talking point to say that Trump is embarrassing the GOP. Lest, we forget that the Democratic Party has anointed Hillary (murders, bribes, insider trading, serial lying) to be their candidate for like this is two decades in the works. If Democrats had any shame, this would never have been the case. So liberals, don't be getting on your high horse, which is a flimsy straw pony at the end of the day. Cos after all, what difference does it make?

Guy, you've pissed away tens of millions of dollars trying to incriminate Hillary on something, and you've come up empty every time.

The fact you guys are being led around by a reality TV rodeo clown who says racist shit out loud, and your leaders are plotting ways to keep him from getting the nomination even if he wins all the primaries.

That reminds me, have Dims prosecuted "W" for his war crimes yet?

No? The hell you say.

Both parties are run by retards.
Not nearly as much as the tea turd party is embarrassing the republicans.
In the democratic debate trump was mentioned 9 times. The other 7 dwarfs were mentioned zero times. Whoever is the GOP nominee will have to defend everything trump has said. It'll be interesting to see how rubio handles it.
Hillary Clinton is a murder who is unfit for office. I could care less about her contrived come-ons ("policies"). As far as I'm concerned she should be impeached according to the Constitutional mandate that exists for it.

And Vince Foster is the tip of the ice burg. There's dozens of VF's in her past. I know you've overlooked this, long ago. I have standards. I'm not for sale like you.

right, so Ken Starr spent hundreds of manhours investigating Foster's murder and found out he really killed himself. But you know what the REAL story is.

Guy, you don't have "standards", you have "dementia". They have medications for that now.

Ken Starr didn't find that out at all. You live in your own made-up world.
Ken Starr didn't find that out at all. You live in your own made-up world.

No, Ken Starr spent a lot of time investigating Vince Foster's suicide, and concluded that it was a - SUICIDE.

Here you go...

Washingtonpost.com: Starr Probe Reaffirms Foster Killed Himself

An exhaustive three-year investigation by the office of Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr has reaffirmed previous findings that White House deputy counsel Vincent W. Foster Jr. commited suicide.

The report concludes that Foster was severely depressed about his work at the White House, took a revolver from a closet in his home, placed it in an oven mitt, and on the afternoon of July 20, 1993, drove to a Virginia park and shot himself. And it contains new forensic details that refute the conspiracy theories that have long surrounded his death – that Foster was a victim of foul play, or that his body was moved to Fort Marcy Park after his death at another location, perhaps the White House.

But Ken Starr was in on the conspiracy, too!

This is the problem with conspiracy nuts is that no matter how many times you PROVE it was a weather balloon, they will STILL insist it was a flying saucer.
Ken Starr didn't find that out at all. You live in your own made-up world.

No, Ken Starr spent a lot of time investigating Vince Foster's suicide, and concluded that it was a - SUICIDE.

Here you go...

Washingtonpost.com: Starr Probe Reaffirms Foster Killed Himself

An exhaustive three-year investigation by the office of Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr has reaffirmed previous findings that White House deputy counsel Vincent W. Foster Jr. commited suicide.

The report concludes that Foster was severely depressed about his work at the White House, took a revolver from a closet in his home, placed it in an oven mitt, and on the afternoon of July 20, 1993, drove to a Virginia park and shot himself. And it contains new forensic details that refute the conspiracy theories that have long surrounded his death – that Foster was a victim of foul play, or that his body was moved to Fort Marcy Park after his death at another location, perhaps the White House.

But Ken Starr was in on the conspiracy, too!

This is the problem with conspiracy nuts is that no matter how many times you PROVE it was a weather balloon, they will STILL insist it was a flying saucer.

According your hack link, it was reaffirmed by Kenneth Starr even though there's no document or quote directly saying that. Good ole in the tank Washington post journalism for ya.
According your hack link, it was reaffirmed by Kenneth Starr even though there's no document or quote directly saying that. Good ole in the tank Washington post journalism for ya.

again, never argue with a conspiracy theorist, they are immune to truth, even from their own hacks.

I couldn't think of a bigger conspiracy theory than Hillary is not a murderer or an accessory to murder. The evidence is overwhelming. And you bring up Vince Foster like there aren't dozens of cases. No, he's just supposedly the highest profile person to be murdered by the Clintons.
I couldn't think of a bigger conspiracy theory than Hillary is not a murderer or an accessory to murder. The evidence is overwhelming. And you bring up Vince Foster like there aren't dozens of cases. No, he's just supposedly the highest profile person to be murdered by the Clintons.

Again, guy, Foster is the guy whose name has come up, and since he was the only one who died in something other than an accident or disease, it was the most thoroughly investigated.

And three investigations all found that the guy shot himself because he was depressed about being run down in the press every day.
I couldn't think of a bigger conspiracy theory than Hillary is not a murderer or an accessory to murder. The evidence is overwhelming. And you bring up Vince Foster like there aren't dozens of cases. No, he's just supposedly the highest profile person to be murdered by the Clintons.

Again, guy, Foster is the guy whose name has come up, and since he was the only one who died in something other than an accident or disease, it was the most thoroughly investigated.

And three investigations all found that the guy shot himself because he was depressed about being run down in the press every day.

Don't kid yourself, guy. I can't even tell you how many Clinton associates have been murdered. If a statistician did an analysis of that reality, he'd probably find the odds of the Clintons having no complicity to be about a trillion to one; and this is why I say you're the one peddling conspiracy theories that the Clintons don't have blood on their hands; and that's not even taking into account their completely immoral international dealings.
Don't kid yourself, guy. I can't even tell you how many Clinton associates have been murdered. If a statistician did an analysis of that reality, he'd probably find the odds of the Clintons having no complicity to be about a trillion to one; and this is why I say you're the one peddling conspiracy theories that the Clintons don't have blood on their hands; and that's not even taking into account their completely immoral international dealings.

Again, you are claiming the Clintons' are mass murderers, but where's that pesky little thin called "proof"?
Don't kid yourself, guy. I can't even tell you how many Clinton associates have been murdered. If a statistician did an analysis of that reality, he'd probably find the odds of the Clintons having no complicity to be about a trillion to one; and this is why I say you're the one peddling conspiracy theories that the Clintons don't have blood on their hands; and that's not even taking into account their completely immoral international dealings.

Again, you are claiming the Clinton's are mass murderers, but where's that pesky little thin called "proof"?

They are corrupt. Why do you support corrupt politicians getting rich, making 100s of millions of dollars off their crony deals?
They are corrupt. Why do you support corrupt politicians getting rich, making 100s of millions of dollars off their crony deals?

Same question. Where's your proof? Ken Starr Spent 70 million dollars trying to get the goods on the Clintons and all he proved was that Bill lied about getting a blow job.

No one died because Clinton got a blow job.

On the other hand, Bush and his Neo-Con Jew Cronies lied about Saddam having WMD's, and after killing 5000 Americans and 100,000 to 1 Million Iraqis, you don't seem to be too concenred about that.
They are corrupt. Why do you support corrupt politicians getting rich, making 100s of millions of dollars off their crony deals?

Same question. Where's your proof? Ken Starr Spent 70 million dollars trying to get the goods on the Clintons and all he proved was that Bill lied about getting a blow job.

No one died because Clinton got a blow job.

On the other hand, Bush and his Neo-Con Jew Cronies lied about Saddam having WMD's, and after killing 5000 Americans and 100,000 to 1 Million Iraqis, you don't seem to be too concenred about that.

You're WRONG, as usual!

US removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - NBC News
Jul 5, 2008 - Secret U.S. mission hauls uranium from Iraq ... The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear ...

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