Hillary expresses sympathy, Trump boasts about Orlando

Amazingly, Frump NEVER expresses any degree of sorrow or empathy. His statement that "I don't want congrats" is the very definition of Narcissism, and Extreme Egomania. he is literally patting himself on the back.

Trump put out a statement wishing condolences for the families of the victims. And?

Did someone in his campaign finally tell him to stop gloating and express sympathy? Let me see a link to his expression of sympathy. I have not found it.
"Winning" is more important to Donnie that the feelings of others. He is a shallow Narcissist.
These were his first tweets about it-

Donald J. Trump


Horrific incident in FL. Praying for all the victims & their families. When will this stop? When will we get tough, smart & vigilant?

11:45 AM - 12 Jun 2016

Donald J. Trump


Really bad shooting in Orlando. Police investigating possible terrorism. Many people dead and wounded.

8:07 AM - 12 Jun 2016


Amazingly, Frump NEVER expresses any degree of sorrow or empathy. His statement that "I don't want congrats" is the very definition of Narcissism, and Extreme Egomania. he is literally patting himself on the back.
I just posted it above this.
Amazingly, Frump NEVER expresses any degree of sorrow or empathy. His statement that "I don't want congrats" is the very definition of Narcissism, and Extreme Egomania. he is literally patting himself on the back.

Trump put out a statement wishing condolences for the families of the victims. And?

Did someone in his campaign finally tell him to stop gloating and express sympathy? Let me see a link to his expression of sympathy. I have not found it.
Orlando shooting exposes Donald Trump’s biggest weakness: A total lack of empathy

For Frump, it is all about him. Forget the victims. Frump says he called it. Probably high fiving his servants.

Why do you lefties have to lie and take everything out of context?

Part two of the tweet.

'I don't want congrats,' he pushed back. 'I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!'

Trump and Clinton react to the 'devastating' news out of Orlando

I wonder how much the unfavorable opinion is going to increase now from that 61% in November 2015?


Not too shocking that the Left like Muslims and Islam more than the Right and the Independents.


Here's the Left's pathological altruism for you, a full 71% think that they can have "common ground" and that the Islamic world has "similar needs and wants" to what the West does :rolleyes-41:

Meaning that everyone's all just the same or something :rolleyes-41:


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Orlando shooting exposes Donald Trump’s biggest weakness: A total lack of empathy

For Frump, it is all about him. Forget the victims. Frump says he called it. Probably high fiving his servants.

Why do you lefties have to lie and take everything out of context?

Part two of the tweet.

'I don't want congrats,' he pushed back. 'I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!'

Trump and Clinton react to the 'devastating' news out of Orlando

As I have been saying, the Media has been and continues to lie about what Trump says.
Orlando shooting exposes Donald Trump’s biggest weakness: A total lack of empathy

For Frump, it is all about him. Forget the victims. Frump says he called it. Probably high fiving his servants.

Why do you lefties have to lie and take everything out of context?

Part two of the tweet.

'I don't want congrats,' he pushed back. 'I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!'

Trump and Clinton react to the 'devastating' news out of Orlando
You see, they have to only pay attention to what works for their BS to seem real to them. The rest is totally ignored.
Orlando shooting exposes Donald Trump’s biggest weakness: A total lack of empathy

For Frump, it is all about him. Forget the victims. Frump says he called it. Probably high fiving his servants.

What Trump is doing is using tough words. This is how you fight things, with tough words.

He's playing up to those who think being tough is the answer to everything.

The problem? Bush was tough on Saddam, and this is why the US is under threat now.

The right create the environment for fear, then preach how being tough is the only answer. It's a simple strategy that people fall for, they end up with a more unsafe world, but feel they need the right to protect them from the very unsafe world the right created in the first place.
Amazingly, Frump NEVER expresses any degree of sorrow or empathy. His statement that "I don't want congrats" is the very definition of Narcissism, and Extreme Egomania. he is literally patting himself on the back.
Empathy, LOL
How much empathy did your boy show by being a minister of trying to marry ramadan with gay pride month.
It's obvious you know nothing of empathy.
So, are you saying that they brought it on themselves?
I thought the right to free expression without being shot was a basic right...much like burning a Koran or drawing a cartoon.
------------------------ guess is that he was never Legally charged with any of those possible crimes outlined in your post . Legally speaking the claims are just talk by the wife aren't they ?? Remember , innocent till Proven guilty . -------------------- And , I am not defending this muslim but there is a tried and true method of law in the USA FWierdo !!
------------------------ guess is that he was never Legally charged with any of those possible crimes outlined in your post . Legally speaking the claims are just talk by the wife aren't they ?? Remember , innocent till Proven guilty . -------------------- And , I am not defending this muslim but there is a tried and true method of law in the USA FWierdo !!

Of course, and I agree with you. The point being made in this is that anyone can buy a gun, and anyone can buy a gun and shoot people up.

The right will criticize Islam and the left will criticize the availability of guns.
islam and its adherents are the problem . Too bad that the gays in the club didn't have firearms like the 'pink pistols' recommend . Florida is 'shall issue' , maybe the gay community will smarten up and get armed FWierdo .
islam and its adherents are the problem . Too bad that the gays in the club didn't have firearms like the 'pink pistols' recommend . Florida is 'shall issue' , maybe the gay community will smarten up and get armed FWierdo .

Some people in Islam are a problem. However the problem seems to have escalated ever since Bush decided to annoy the crap out of Islam by invading.

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