Hillary flaunts her dishonesty in the debate

Hillary knows she can flaunt it because she knows Obama and lynch have her back.

It doesn't take an Ex-US Attorney to point out the conflict of interest in their incestuous partisan relationship (Lynch owes one of her job appointments to Slick Willey), but it helps....

"A former U.S. attorney is calling for a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton’s emails, as the Democratic presidential frontrunner insisted Monday that neither she nor her top staff were targets of the FBI probe of her private email server.

Primarily, the Obama Justice Department and Attorney General Loretta Lynch cannot be trusted to rise above politics, said Matthew Whitaker, former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Iowa.

“I am certain there are many of my former colleagues that share my concern about partisan nature of the attorney general,” Whitaker, executive director of the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust, told TheBlaze. “Loretta Lynch, while a good prosecutor and former U.S. attorney herself, has only donated to Democrats. She owes her political patronage to a president that has tacitly endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.”"

Obama DOJ Too Conflicted to Handle Hillary Email Probe, Former U.S. Attorney Says
BUT those new companies would have had to have a union representation vote-------------that scared the UAW and the dem party shitless-------hence the bailout.

Your implication is that auto workers do NOT want to be unionized.....and if that is your assertion, you're dead wrong.
I think autoworkers like the protection unions give the but hate having money automatically sucked out of their pay and going to union bosses and to fund political candidates they do not support.
In front of all the democrats, Hillary tried to say the Bernie Sanders was against bailing out the auto industry. She knew it was a lie. She knew that Bernie was against the Wall Street bail out. She also knew that Bernie nailed her on being owned by Wall Street. There is no difference between Hillary and Trump. They are both lying, narcissists that will say anything to get elected. I hope she gets indicted for her corruption....soon.

Bailing out the auto industry was bailing out the unions who put the auto industry on the skids.

For future donations, endorsements and favors.

Honest and hard working people need unions like fish need a bicycle.
Calling auto workers dishonest and not workers, is proof that cons hate the American people, and out to destroy this country. You are the American ISIS.
In front of all the democrats, Hillary tried to say the Bernie Sanders was against bailing out the auto industry. She knew it was a lie. She knew that Bernie was against the Wall Street bail out. She also knew that Bernie nailed her on being owned by Wall Street. There is no difference between Hillary and Trump. They are both lying, narcissists that will say anything to get elected. I hope she gets indicted for her corruption....soon.
No difference between Hillary and Trump?

Let's see, Trump has been compared to the KKK, HITLER, MUSSOLINI, AND THE DEVIL, but comparing him to Hillary.......that's going too God Damned far.
Hillary tries to tell the truth.
According to her she's never lied in her life.

Is that sniper fire I hear?
In front of all the democrats, Hillary tried to say the Bernie Sanders was against bailing out the auto industry. She knew it was a lie. She knew that Bernie was against the Wall Street bail out. She also knew that Bernie nailed her on being owned by Wall Street. There is no difference between Hillary and Trump. They are both lying, narcissists that will say anything to get elected. I hope she gets indicted for her corruption....soon.

Wow, you're not completely braindead after all.
In front of all the democrats, Hillary tried to say the Bernie Sanders was against bailing out the auto industry. She knew it was a lie. She knew that Bernie was against the Wall Street bail out. She also knew that Bernie nailed her on being owned by Wall Street. There is no difference between Hillary and Trump. They are both lying, narcissists that will say anything to get elected. I hope she gets indicted for her corruption....soon.

Trump doesn't sell his soul to the big campaign campaign contributers like hillary and all the other republicans. Big difference. Will Trump work for the people? Who knows, but we know hillary and ted won't because they can't.
There's a big difference between being backed by the people like Bernie, and trying to "buy" the election by a billionaire. Trump only works for himself, nobody else. He plays stupid people like a fiddle. When he said that he could murder someone on 5th avenue and not lose any votes...he was calling you a bunch of morons.
In front of all the democrats, Hillary tried to say the Bernie Sanders was against bailing out the auto industry. She knew it was a lie. She knew that Bernie was against the Wall Street bail out. She also knew that Bernie nailed her on being owned by Wall Street. There is no difference between Hillary and Trump. They are both lying, narcissists that will say anything to get elected. I hope she gets indicted for her corruption....soon.

Trump doesn't sell his soul to the big campaign campaign contributers like hillary and all the other republicans. Big difference. Will Trump work for the people? Who knows, but we know hillary and ted won't because they can't.
There's a big difference between being backed by the people like Bernie, and trying to "buy" the election by a billionaire. Trump only works for himself, nobody else. He plays stupid people like a fiddle. When he said that he could murder someone on 5th avenue and not lose any votes...he was calling you a bunch of morons.
Actually he implied the media talks like if he murdered someone it wouldn't change anything.
In front of all the democrats, Hillary tried to say the Bernie Sanders was against bailing out the auto industry. She knew it was a lie. She knew that Bernie was against the Wall Street bail out. She also knew that Bernie nailed her on being owned by Wall Street. There is no difference between Hillary and Trump. They are both lying, narcissists that will say anything to get elected. I hope she gets indicted for her corruption....soon.

Bailing out the auto industry was bailing out the unions who put the auto industry on the skids.

For future donations, endorsements and favors.

Honest and hard working people need unions like fish need a bicycle.
Calling auto workers dishonest and not workers, is proof that cons hate the American people, and out to destroy this country. You are the American ISIS.

SO much idiocy in two short sentences!!
In front of all the democrats, Hillary tried to say the Bernie Sanders was against bailing out the auto industry. She knew it was a lie. She knew that Bernie was against the Wall Street bail out. She also knew that Bernie nailed her on being owned by Wall Street. There is no difference between Hillary and Trump. They are both lying, narcissists that will say anything to get elected. I hope she gets indicted for her corruption....soon.

Trump doesn't sell his soul to the big campaign campaign contributers like hillary and all the other republicans. Big difference. Will Trump work for the people? Who knows, but we know hillary and ted won't because they can't.

How could he when Trump has already sold his soul for unbridled greed and indifference to the people he steps on.

Why deal with middle men while the devil is at the table?

You mean the thousands that he has employed?
There were two moments in the Democratic debate Sunday night which turned the tide from Sanders being 20+ points behind Clinton in Michigan to winning the primary there.

The first was Clinton's bullshit about Sanders voting against the auto bailout. The audience saw right through that. And Bernie's face when she said that was priceless.

The second was Clinton doing her classic triangulation routine on the issue of fracking. She might have gotten away with it if she wasn't on stage with Sanders.

Clinton gave a long, prevaricating reply which she had clearly practiced. It was a classic Clintonian response worded in such a way that she could later claim to oil interests meant she supported fracking, and which she could later claim to environmentalists that she was going to shut down fracking.

Then came Sanders. "My answer is a lot shorter. No, I do not support fracking."

Wild applause.

Clinton was finished in Michigan.

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