Hillary Going Into Hiding.But What If Polls Give Cruz&Walker 15 Point Lead In May & June?

Can you imagine what Putin would do to Hillary with her foreign policy "RESET" button, compared to what he has done to the Manchurian muslim?? Ukraine would just be the stepping stone!
:dig:So Hillary wants to "Go Underground" for about five months. Needs some time off to figure out who she is and what she stands for.(as if we don't know ?).OK, fine, take a vacation till Summer. But what if in the meantime, Cruz and Walker have already started their rallies, filling arenas, both work their way up rapidly as the top two contenders for the GOP, and meanwhile, Hillary is still hiding from all of us. She finds herself way behind any of the top conservative candidates, especially in the rust belt and the west. Do you think she will have the strength to dig herself out of the ground? Or will she just ignore the polls and sleep right through June as all pollsters have Ted Cruz and Scott Walker with a commanding 12 to 15 point lead over Hillary in all purple states?:smoke::eek-52:

HA! If those two nuts ever have such a lead I know Hell is freezing over for sure.

Cruz won't be President. Walker might but his biggest obstacle is no one knows who the fuck he is. Hell, I hardly know who he is and what he has done outside of allowing people to not be forced into paying unions.
Cruz won't be President because he's a dolt, and sounds like a fag.

That's my take.

Next American President will have an Anglo-Saxon surname; we've done the token minority thing, it's over.
The Hildebeast, like all animals, sneaks up to her target like a snake in the grass....

Cruz won't be President. Walker might but his biggest obstacle is no one knows who the fuck he is. Hell, I hardly know who he is and what he has done outside of allowing people to not be forced into paying unions.
Cruz won't be President because he's a dolt, and sounds like a fag.

That's my take.

Next American President will have an Anglo-Saxon surname; we've done the token minority thing, it's over.
Cruz is a fucking canadian...and an idiot to boot, eh.
I'm not sure it's a "smart" move. Fred Thompson and Rick Perry show the dangers of starting your campaign too late in the cycle.

Obviously, Hillary has the advantage in that she has no credible challengers at this point.

Nothing is set in stone. Hillary has been building a power base since 2008. She is effectively in the race, she has done her 'rubber chicken' circuit before all the other candidates. This is more of a chess move.

She has the base she doesn't need to seem weak overreacting to other challanges
Hillary is the best of a really crappy D bench and since Bill is a known sexual predator and that didn't hurt him in 1992 and 1996, I don't see a problem. Even if he was caught with a dead molested child and DNA evidence showed him to be the rapist D voters wouldn't care.

Except no one ever convicted him of that.

What they did find after Ken Starr's 70 million dollar panty sniffing investigation is that Clinton had sex with a willing adult who still thought he was an okay guy.

And they looked at peace, prosperity and good incomes and wondered what all the fuss was about.
Clinton sexually molested a subordinate. In the real world that gets you fired. Google Harry Stonecipher.

Hilly has no Gravitas....poll numbers tanking, and no bimbo rapid response team can paper over Bills latest mess
Her BAGGAGE shall be MONUMENTAL...IF the Republican's can actually play on the DummycRATs "WAR ON WOMEN" and the Hildebeast being the head of Blow Job Bill's "BIMBO ERUPTION SQUAD"!

So we are going to try and dig into Bill's past as some way of harming Hillary.

Lest just say this was done before over 15 years ago by a guy called Ken Star. Cost about $70 million dollars and the US people rejected it and made Bill more popular... So go after it again... Please you dumb fucks, Please...

Once an idiot.... People don't care what bill was supposed to have done. Where do you have an allegation of rape which can hold water? All the ones above are a joke.
You have nothing... You see if a Democrat is accused they are guilty, there was never enough proof for even a civil case on any of these."
The Public saw it for what it was a witch hunt.
Hillary will follow a similar track to Obama in 2012

Sit back and laugh as Republicans consume themselves
We dont have to do the digging....we simply highlite current events........an emergency call has been placed to lizzie Warren its so bad.
I hate Hillary as much as I do Mittens, yet trying to drag her down with guilt by association will help create Hillary into a feminine symbol being harassed for no real reason, and women tend to flock together when that happens...She already has the female vote and the young female vote..The GOP better get hoppin' on something concrete and likable to run on, how about something positive for change??..
I hate Hillary as much as I do Mittens, yet trying to drag her down with guilt by association will help create Hillary into a feminine symbol being harassed for no real reason, and women tend to flock together when that happens...She already has the female vote and the young female vote..The GOP better get hoppin' on something concrete and likable to run on, how about something positive for change??..

The best thing the right can do for Hillary is to turn her into a victim
I hate Hillary as much as I do Mittens, yet trying to drag her down with guilt by association will help create Hillary into a feminine symbol being harassed for no real reason, and women tend to flock together when that happens...She already has the female vote and the young female vote..The GOP better get hoppin' on something concrete and likable to run on, how about something positive for change??..

The best thing the right can do for Hillary is to turn her into a victim
Or find someone that can match her moxy and make her stumble...
Women are damn determined to get a woman in the White House,,as president..They have taken a back seat for too long....So the GOP needs a woman, one that can think on her feet without a teleprompter....
:dig:So Hillary wants to "Go Underground" for about five months. Needs some time off to figure out who she is and what she stands for.(as if we don't know ?).OK, fine, take a vacation till Summer. But what if in the meantime, Cruz and Walker have already started their rallies, filling arenas, both work their way up rapidly as the top two contenders for the GOP, and meanwhile, Hillary is still hiding from all of us. She finds herself way behind any of the top conservative candidates, especially in the rust belt and the west. Do you think she will have the strength to dig herself out of the ground? Or will she just ignore the polls and sleep right through June as all pollsters have Ted Cruz and Scott Walker with a commanding 12 to 15 point lead over Hillary in all purple states?:smoke::eek-52:

LOL....what if Jeb Bush has already crushed Cruz and Walker- and still is behind Hillary?

Really this is some weird speculation.
Women are damn determined to get a woman in the White House,,as president..They have taken a back seat for too long....So the GOP needs a woman, one that can think on her feet without a teleprompter....


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