Hillary has a double digit lead on a NEW Fox News poll

She shoudl take all her money and focus on the Senate.....and the lower expectations in the debates for Trump will make it easier for him to stage the "come from behind" story the media always sets up
Its a tried-and-true tactic of the Left. Hand the opponent the noose..... errr..... microphone and just stand back & let the Repub candidate

Works every time
are you a righty this week dottie?....
She shoudl take all her money and focus on the Senate.....and the lower expectations in the debates for Trump will make it easier for him to stage the "come from behind" story the media always sets up

The media is already setting it up…the race is nowhere near as close as Trumpians think it is.
Keep cheering Libs...it will make your pain in November that much worse...lmao one poll...:badgrin:
Time to get the pitch forks out for Fox news eh trumpbots?


Correct poll link

Fox News Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 10 points, both seen as flawed | Fox News

Sixty-one percent of voters think Hillary Clinton is dishonest, yet she’s opened up a big lead over Donald Trump in the latest Fox News Poll.

Here’s why: majorities think Clinton is nevertheless qualified to be president, and has the temperament and knowledge to serve effectively. It’s the opposite for Trump: over half feel he is not qualified, and lacks the temperament or knowledge to lead the country. And his 62 percent dishonesty rating tops hers.

After the conventions, the Clinton-Kaine ticket leads the Trump-Pence ticket by 10 points (49-39 percent) in the race for the White House. Clinton’s advantage is outside the poll’s margin of error. A month ago, Clinton was up by six points (44-38 percent, June 26-28).

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This is the first time the Fox News Poll included running mates. Trump announced his vice presidential pick of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence July 15. Clinton told supporters she’d picked Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine July 22
She shoudl take all her money and focus on the Senate.....and the lower expectations in the debates for Trump will make it easier for him to stage the "come from behind" story the media always sets up

The media is already setting it up…the race is nowhere near as close as Trumpians think it is.

The media does not want to do 3 months of "CLinton is still ahead" stories and they have so few reporters, they have to manufacture drama. Trump was down double digits because of the Judge thng and then he was ahead; he is down double digits because of this. He will come back. In 2 days the olympics will dominate MSNBC for two weeks and Hillary's propaganda team will have lost their sway again for awhile.
Not one poll.

There have been 10 polls since the DNC. The Dems have led in 9.

If you are a Trump supporter, it's like thinking your 1-9 NFL team is going to win the Super Bowl
Same poll.....He is leading in Florida and tied with Clinton in Pennsylvania and Ohio. He also leads her on the economy and defeating Isis....just sayin
Not one poll.

There have been 10 polls since the DNC. The Dems have led in 9.

If you are a Trump supporter, it's like thinking your 1-9 NFL team is going to win the Super Bowl
Same poll.....He is leading in Florida and tied with Clinton in Pennsylvania and Ohio. He also leads her on the economy and defeating Isis....just sayin

Is he leading on trashing our military this week?

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