Hillary in Catch-2 over Deposition

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Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
From FoxNews:

The ruling [to depose her] comes after conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch revealed at a December 2019 status conference that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) released "approximately thirty previously undisclosed Clinton emails" and that the State Department "failed to fully explain" where they came from.

"[The] Freedom of Information Act is a federal statute that allows anyone ... who seeks [them], copies of government documents," Napolitano remarked. "Judicial Watch has been trying to get copies of these documents. When they looked at the documents, some of which have been prepared by Mrs. Clinton, you heard what the judge said: the answers were deceptive, misleading, and generated more questions than they answered. Therefore, he ordered her to be deposed."

"She has never been deposed under oath on this," he continued. "She was interrogated, but not under oath, in a secret interrogation by the FBI three days before they exonerated her."

Additionally, he noted, this deposition will also be videotaped.

"She can't plead the fifth, right?" asked host Ainsley Earhardt.

"She can't plead the fifth because the statute of limitations to prosecute her for failure to safeguard state secrets has come and gone. She can't be prosecuted for that," he replied. "She could be prosecuted if she lies under oath in this deposition. She is represented in the deposition by lawyers form the Justice Department."

"The same Justice Department that would prosecute her if she lies under oath," he added.

While the date of the deposition is still to be determined, Napolitano told the "Friends" hosts he predicts it will likely be held in the spring or summer.

Judge Napolitano: Hillary Clinton faces a Catch-22 in deposition over private email server

My take on this, she's still going to say she doesn't remember anything, it was sooo long ago, y'know? Or she'll give answers that aren't answers, bloviating about Trump and the Right-Wing Conspiracy that she's been talking about for 30 some years. Maybe she gets caught in a lie, maybe she gets indicted, who knows? BUT - it seems unlikely that she would be the savior for the Dems if their convention is brokered; how could they nominate somebody with all that baggage even if she doesn't get indicted?

Of, course then there's the question of what other alternatives do they have? This is what happens when you go on a crusade against Trump for 3+ years and end up with nothin' to show for it. I dunno how well Biden will do in today's Super Tuesday primaries, but I still think he's gonna go down in flames when more information comes out about him and Hunter Biden's activities in Ukraine and other places, like china for instance.

Who else have they got besides Bernie?
No reason this couldn't have been added to previous threads on the same topic.

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