Hillary is full of...

Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...

How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
[B[Why do you think she did not?[/B] Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

Good lord....Because her first name is Hillary and her last name is Clinton. Bill and Hillary. The two most corrupt people to EVER inhabit the White House. THAT'S how I know.
Seriously? So that's all it takes... just because of who they are, you can throw out the constitution and their right to privacy?

Guess she should have kept her personal email separate.

It's all just another vast rightwing conspiracy....
okay....so we have gowdy grandstanding and showing the picture of Hillary reading her emails or texts, which to him proves she sent emails during that period...... SERIOUSLY?

Then you have gowdy, not willing to release the emails they do have..... and you have gowdy waiting a half year before bringing this up and making a stink about it....cuz it is getting closer to the 2016 election and this whole Bengazi dog and pony show is starting to ramp up again....this is the 7th investigation that congress has had....7TH.....with no bad results on the other 6.....

surely they can easily get the emails from the people that worked for Hillary in the State department if there even were any others....but nooooooooooo, that doesn't help their true cause, of trying to hurt Hillary in her 2016 presidential run.

AND INSTEAD we have another bout with pontificating asses....filled with innuendos and speculating and accusations from the right wing CIRCUS and right wing media....even with Ari Fleisher piping in without any knowledge of the circumstances....

I'm sorry but this is just more political posturing crapola from the right wing, and I honestly can't see how you guys don't see this.....???? hmmmm, but then again, you are their "audience" and they know you well!!!
They are now looking at evidence that the tax payers paid for the server.
I want my server.
Oh Jebus..... it's a secure server that was/is set up for President Clinton...so if it is paid by the tax payer's then it is paid by the tax payers for President Clinton.
okay....so we have gowdy grandstanding and showing the picture of Hillary reading her emails or texts, which to him proves she sent emails during that period...... SERIOUSLY?

Then you have gowdy, not willing to release the emails they do have..... and you have gowdy waiting a half year before bringing this up and making a stink about it....cuz it is getting closer to the 2016 election and this whole Bengazi dog and pony show is starting to ramp up again....this is the 7th investigation that congress has had....7TH.....with no bad results on the other 6.....

surely they can easily get the emails from the people that worked for Hillary in the State department if there even were any others....but nooooooooooo, that doesn't help their true cause, of trying to hurt Hillary in her 2016 presidential run.

AND INSTEAD we have another bout with pontificating asses....filled with innuendos and speculating and accusations from the right wing CIRCUS and right wing media....even with Ari Fleisher piping in without any knowledge of the circumstances....

I'm sorry but this is just more political posturing crapola from the right wing, and I honestly can't see how you guys don't see this.....???? hmmmm, but then again, you are their "audience" and they know you well!!!
If Hillary and the administration had been honest and forthcoming rather than deceptive and evasive in the first place, this would have been over within months after the attack. Instead they chose to lie about the cause of the attack and stonewall the investigation at every turn. Sometimes the cover-up is worse than the original screwup.
And she only ever emailed 2 people, which were with the state dept, even though proclaiming to be a hoarder??

during a 'Lead On' Silicon Valley conference for female executives and entrepreneurs, she described herself as a bona fide portable communications pack-rat.

'iPhone or Android?" the Feb. 24 event's host asked, in a video later posted on YouTube

"iPhone,' Clinton said, before adding: 'In full disclosure – and a Blackberry.'

'There are reasons when you start out in Washington on a Blackberry you stay on it in many instances,' she said.

'But it's also – I don't know, I don't throw anything away. I'm like two steps short of a hoarder. So I have an iPad, a mini iPad, an iPhone and a Blackberry."

" and in order to address the requirements I was under, I did exactly what I have said. I emailed two people, and I not only knew, I expected that then to be captured in the State Department or any other government agency that I was emailing to at a .gov account."
She claimed she didnt want to carry two phones as an excuse as to why she used her own server.
So does she really believe we're so stupid as to think she doesnt know you can have more than one email account on a phone?

She's toast!!
So this dumb ass thinks that not only nobody else knows you can have multiple email accounts on one phone. That we also don't know she has many assistants around at all times that could carry the extra phone for her. We would also think it sounds reasonable that setting up an entire server and private domain was easier than getting a .gov account set up.

In order for her to think this shit excuse is going to fly she has to believe all of that. And sadly someone will be along shortly and prove there are indeed some that are dumb enough to believe her.
Of course there are people dumb enough to believe her. And whether they believe her or not, emotionally driven women and die-hard liberals may provide enough votes to put her in the White House despite her obvious incompetence and blatant dishonesty. If not, there are always the ones who are unaware of anything that exists outside of their own little boom-box world. They will vote for whomever they are told to.
And those women drive me nuts! :(
She claimed she didnt want to carry two phones as an excuse as to why she used her own server.
So does she really believe we're so stupid as to think she doesnt know you can have more than one email account on a phone?

She's toast!!
So this dumb ass thinks that not only nobody else knows you can have multiple email accounts on one phone. That we also don't know she has many assistants around at all times that could carry the extra phone for her. We would also think it sounds reasonable that setting up an entire server and private domain was easier than getting a .gov account set up.

In order for her to think this shit excuse is going to fly she has to believe all of that. And sadly someone will be along shortly and prove there are indeed some that are dumb enough to believe her.
Of course there are people dumb enough to believe her. And whether they believe her or not, emotionally driven women and die-hard liberals may provide enough votes to put her in the White House despite her obvious incompetence and blatant dishonesty. If not, there are always the ones who are unaware of anything that exists outside of their own little boom-box world. They will vote for whomever they are told to.
Doesnt matter. Government emails are not private.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...

How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
[B[Why do you think she did not?[/B] Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

Good lord....Because her first name is Hillary and her last name is Clinton. Bill and Hillary. The two most corrupt people to EVER inhabit the White House. THAT'S how I know.
Seriously? So that's all it takes... just because of who they are, you can throw out the constitution and their right to privacy?

I hate to break this to you, but, as a public servant she has (by definition) given her "right" to privacy away. EVERY email she has written (when concerning public business) belongs to you and me. NOT her. But, since the Clintons and the Bush's consider themselves above the law - she simply ignores it and does what SHE wants.

Gee....sounds like the very definition of a tyrant - does it not?

Understand this: She carries (or carried) the very same Security Clearance that the President of the United States has. Her correspondence MUST be kept secure. Apparently it means nothing to her. Is she entitled to a private Email account? You bet. But when conducting THE PEOPLE'S business - it MUST remain secure.

Who knows? She may have been continuing her insider trading - making hundreds of thousands of dollars illegally. Would we know? Nope. She would simply erase them off the server that SHE kept in HER home. Perhaps she was corresponding with the UAE - arranging to accept hundreds of millions of dollars for her "foundation". Who Knows? She would have erased the info from the server.

She is a TYRANT. always has been - always will be.
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Hillary sure seems to become more manly over the last 20 years. anyone notice? maybe she is 1/2 Female and 1/2 Man. or maybe even 1/2 Man Bear Pig too !!
They are now looking at evidence that the tax payers paid for the server.
I want my server.
Oh Jebus..... it's a secure server that was/is set up for President Clinton...so if it is paid by the tax payer's then it is paid by the tax payers for President Clinton.

Funny.....that woman chaser has already stated that he used Email TWICE in his life. Hardly needs a server for that, now does he?
They are now looking at evidence that the tax payers paid for the server.
I want my server.
Oh Jebus..... it's a secure server that was/is set up for President Clinton...so if it is paid by the tax payer's then it is paid by the tax payers for President Clinton.

I highly doubt hillary is using a 23 year old server and i'm sure you dont believe that either.
Hillary Clintons Only Hope? Vice President Abe Lincoln ( assuming she can dig him up and wake him up with that infilihater-deliphilater thingy lol)
They are now looking at evidence that the tax payers paid for the server.
I want my server.
Oh Jebus..... it's a secure server that was/is set up for President Clinton...so if it is paid by the tax payer's then it is paid by the tax payers for President Clinton.

I highly doubt hillary is using a 23 year old server and i'm sure you dont believe that either.

....And that's the other rather obvious BS lie. Bill Clinton's server (that he wrote two emails on) would be an aging dinosaur that a 12 year old kid in Mom's basement could hack in about 3 minutes. Again, she lies repeatedly and her base eats it up - hook, line and sinker. Why? Because they don't give a damn about America - they just want her elected - regardless of her sketchy past. Win at all cost. And that will be the death of this country.
Hillary Clintons Only Hope? Vice President Abe Lincoln ( assuming she can dig him up and wake him up with that infilihater-deliphilater thingy lol)

In a sane world you'd be right...Not this one. I fully expect hillary will win as this country is fucked.

Indeed. This is NOT the country I grew up in. Bad things are going to happen here - and soon. Evil of monumental proportions. This country (I fear) will not survive it.
In an age of hyper sensitivity toward women and minorities how could low information Hillary supporters not be aware that she spent her entire adult life covering for her pervert husband's infidelities and hating the women he seduced? When she was co-governor of Arkansas Hillary used the Arkansas State Police to go after her husband's conquests to insure that they didn't talk and when Bubba Bill became president Hillary headed up the "bimbo-eruption squad" that the liberal media giggled about and used the resources of the federal government and the liberal media to intimidate women who had a relationship with her husband. How could she not know about her husband's DNA on Monica's dress when she blamed "the vast right wing conspiracy" for her pervert husband's political problems?

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