Hillary is full of...

Doesnt matter. Government emails are not private.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...

How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
Why do you think she did not? Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

should she be the one to decide which are personal and which are business? What would prevent her from calling all emails on benghazi personal and destroying them?
The Law. I would say, if it goes to any government agency, then it is the gvts, if it goes to personal friends or her mom or anything involved with the non profit foundation, then it is personal.

And maybe this should be changed, where higher up gvt officials can not use their own private, secure server, and just have to turn over State dept emails....but she did not break the Law by doing it and you can not expect her to all of a sudden turn over her private emails after the fact.

If you all are so insecure and want to see if she turned all of her emails over from the state dept....I am sure republicans could find a few of the state dept workers that you believe she did something wrong with and just get a count of how many emails their server said this worker had between him and her and then count the ones she turned over, and see if it matches....
Well....heck.....Hillary or any politician would never ever lie.

It just doesn't happen.

She never meant to steal those FBI files when she was making her enemies list. That was just sloppy paperwork. Sandy Burglar never meant to stuff those documents in his socks when he tried to steal damming evidence on the Clintons. He was just being messy. Honest mistake. Bill never lied about having sex with that woman because it was a vast rightwing conspiracy.
It's entertaining to watch the Left squirm.

Billary is far from invincible, she hasn't even started the Election grind yet and her side is all over her.

Oh yes and Jason?

Your free ride will be ending soon, a Republican President means you'll have to go back to work.
Maybe, maybe not. Right now there is almost no one that presents a real challenge to her taking the white house. Uncountably, a few will show up as we get closer to the election but I doubt she will not revive the nomination and if Jeb is the republican candidate (as I suspect because everyone will say he is 'electable') then Hillary will take the election.
You really believe every REP eligible voter in the country and at least half of the Independents aren't going to vote against having another Clinton in the White for four years? The REP turnout will be historic. I'm talking in the 90% range.
The DNC knows this of course.
'Pocahontas' would be laughed off the debate stage.
No one wants a fifty-something fucking Socialist witch going through a very nasty menopause screaming at them to close down Wall Street.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...

How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
Why do you think she did not? Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

should she be the one to decide which are personal and which are business? What would prevent her from calling all emails on benghazi personal and destroying them?
The Law. I would say, if it goes to any government agency, then it is the gvts, if it goes to personal friends or her mom or anything involved with the non profit foundation, then it is personal.

And maybe this should be changed, where higher up gvt officials can not use their own private, secure server, and just have to turn over State dept emails....but she did not break the Law by doing it and you can not expect her to all of a sudden turn over her private emails after the fact.

If you all are so insecure and want to see if she turned all of her emails over from the state dept....I am sure republicans could find a few of the state dept workers that you believe she did something wrong with and just get a count of how many emails their server said this worker had between him and her and then count the ones she turned over, and see if it matches....
Well....heck.....Hillary or any politician would never ever lie.

It just doesn't happen.

She never meant to steal those FBI files when she was making her enemies list. That was just sloppy paperwork. Sandy Burglar never meant to stuff those documents in his socks when he tried to steal damming evidence on the Clintons. He was just being messy. Honest mistake. Bill never lied about having sex with that woman because it was a vast rightwing conspiracy.
What are you and the republican critters looking for...? What is this fishing expedition for? What do you expect to find? Can you tell me? What is this outrage all about?

ps. i've gotta run, but will bbl.
How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
Why do you think she did not? Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

should she be the one to decide which are personal and which are business? What would prevent her from calling all emails on benghazi personal and destroying them?
The Law. I would say, if it goes to any government agency, then it is the gvts, if it goes to personal friends or her mom or anything involved with the non profit foundation, then it is personal.

And maybe this should be changed, where higher up gvt officials can not use their own private, secure server, and just have to turn over State dept emails....but she did not break the Law by doing it and you can not expect her to all of a sudden turn over her private emails after the fact.

If you all are so insecure and want to see if she turned all of her emails over from the state dept....I am sure republicans could find a few of the state dept workers that you believe she did something wrong with and just get a count of how many emails their server said this worker had between him and her and then count the ones she turned over, and see if it matches....
Well....heck.....Hillary or any politician would never ever lie.

It just doesn't happen.

She never meant to steal those FBI files when she was making her enemies list. That was just sloppy paperwork. Sandy Burglar never meant to stuff those documents in his socks when he tried to steal damming evidence on the Clintons. He was just being messy. Honest mistake. Bill never lied about having sex with that woman because it was a vast rightwing conspiracy.
What are you and the republican critters looking for...? What is this fishing expedition for? What do you expect to find? Can you tell me? What is this outrage all about?

If there is nothing there, why not release them all? She decided to delete the ones that she, and only she, declared as "personal". How does anyone know if she deleted some that would have made her look bad on Benghazi or anything else?

She should not be the one to decide which ones stay and which ones go. She made the decision to use a personal server to she has to live with the results of that decision.
How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
Why do you think she did not? Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

should she be the one to decide which are personal and which are business? What would prevent her from calling all emails on benghazi personal and destroying them?
The Law. I would say, if it goes to any government agency, then it is the gvts, if it goes to personal friends or her mom or anything involved with the non profit foundation, then it is personal.

And maybe this should be changed, where higher up gvt officials can not use their own private, secure server, and just have to turn over State dept emails....but she did not break the Law by doing it and you can not expect her to all of a sudden turn over her private emails after the fact.

If you all are so insecure and want to see if she turned all of her emails over from the state dept....I am sure republicans could find a few of the state dept workers that you believe she did something wrong with and just get a count of how many emails their server said this worker had between him and her and then count the ones she turned over, and see if it matches....
Well....heck.....Hillary or any politician would never ever lie.

It just doesn't happen.

She never meant to steal those FBI files when she was making her enemies list. That was just sloppy paperwork. Sandy Burglar never meant to stuff those documents in his socks when he tried to steal damming evidence on the Clintons. He was just being messy. Honest mistake. Bill never lied about having sex with that woman because it was a vast rightwing conspiracy.
What are you and the republican critters looking for...? What is this fishing expedition for? What do you expect to find? Can you tell me? What is this outrage all about?

ps. i've gotta run, but will bbl.

of the ones she released there is nothing during the month of Benghazi. Does that make sense to you?
Why do you think she did not? Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

should she be the one to decide which are personal and which are business? What would prevent her from calling all emails on benghazi personal and destroying them?
The Law. I would say, if it goes to any government agency, then it is the gvts, if it goes to personal friends or her mom or anything involved with the non profit foundation, then it is personal.

And maybe this should be changed, where higher up gvt officials can not use their own private, secure server, and just have to turn over State dept emails....but she did not break the Law by doing it and you can not expect her to all of a sudden turn over her private emails after the fact.

If you all are so insecure and want to see if she turned all of her emails over from the state dept....I am sure republicans could find a few of the state dept workers that you believe she did something wrong with and just get a count of how many emails their server said this worker had between him and her and then count the ones she turned over, and see if it matches....
Well....heck.....Hillary or any politician would never ever lie.

It just doesn't happen.

She never meant to steal those FBI files when she was making her enemies list. That was just sloppy paperwork. Sandy Burglar never meant to stuff those documents in his socks when he tried to steal damming evidence on the Clintons. He was just being messy. Honest mistake. Bill never lied about having sex with that woman because it was a vast rightwing conspiracy.
What are you and the republican critters looking for...? What is this fishing expedition for? What do you expect to find? Can you tell me? What is this outrage all about?

ps. i've gotta run, but will bbl.

of the ones she released there is nothing during the month of Benghazi. Does that make sense to you?

Oh it makes sense alright....
Why do you think she did not? Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

should she be the one to decide which are personal and which are business? What would prevent her from calling all emails on benghazi personal and destroying them?
The Law. I would say, if it goes to any government agency, then it is the gvts, if it goes to personal friends or her mom or anything involved with the non profit foundation, then it is personal.

And maybe this should be changed, where higher up gvt officials can not use their own private, secure server, and just have to turn over State dept emails....but she did not break the Law by doing it and you can not expect her to all of a sudden turn over her private emails after the fact.

If you all are so insecure and want to see if she turned all of her emails over from the state dept....I am sure republicans could find a few of the state dept workers that you believe she did something wrong with and just get a count of how many emails their server said this worker had between him and her and then count the ones she turned over, and see if it matches....
Well....heck.....Hillary or any politician would never ever lie.

It just doesn't happen.

She never meant to steal those FBI files when she was making her enemies list. That was just sloppy paperwork. Sandy Burglar never meant to stuff those documents in his socks when he tried to steal damming evidence on the Clintons. He was just being messy. Honest mistake. Bill never lied about having sex with that woman because it was a vast rightwing conspiracy.
What are you and the republican critters looking for...? What is this fishing expedition for? What do you expect to find? Can you tell me? What is this outrage all about?

If there is nothing there, why not release them all? She decided to delete the ones that she, and only she, declared as "personal". How does anyone know if she deleted some that would have made her look bad on Benghazi or anything else?

She should not be the one to decide which ones stay and which ones go. She made the decision to use a personal server to she has to live with the results of that decision.

That is the big question!!! Why hoard that server like it has the State's secrets? No one gives a damn about the wedding and funeral plans Hillary! And she full well knows it. Why the refusal to a third party taking the server and seeing what is in it. They will nit reveal how much each dinner cost at Chesea's wedding, promise.
should she be the one to decide which are personal and which are business? What would prevent her from calling all emails on benghazi personal and destroying them?
The Law. I would say, if it goes to any government agency, then it is the gvts, if it goes to personal friends or her mom or anything involved with the non profit foundation, then it is personal.

And maybe this should be changed, where higher up gvt officials can not use their own private, secure server, and just have to turn over State dept emails....but she did not break the Law by doing it and you can not expect her to all of a sudden turn over her private emails after the fact.

If you all are so insecure and want to see if she turned all of her emails over from the state dept....I am sure republicans could find a few of the state dept workers that you believe she did something wrong with and just get a count of how many emails their server said this worker had between him and her and then count the ones she turned over, and see if it matches....
Well....heck.....Hillary or any politician would never ever lie.

It just doesn't happen.

She never meant to steal those FBI files when she was making her enemies list. That was just sloppy paperwork. Sandy Burglar never meant to stuff those documents in his socks when he tried to steal damming evidence on the Clintons. He was just being messy. Honest mistake. Bill never lied about having sex with that woman because it was a vast rightwing conspiracy.
What are you and the republican critters looking for...? What is this fishing expedition for? What do you expect to find? Can you tell me? What is this outrage all about?

If there is nothing there, why not release them all? She decided to delete the ones that she, and only she, declared as "personal". How does anyone know if she deleted some that would have made her look bad on Benghazi or anything else?

She should not be the one to decide which ones stay and which ones go. She made the decision to use a personal server to she has to live with the results of that decision.

That is the big question!!! Why hoard that server like it has the State's secrets? No one gives a damn about the wedding and funeral plans Hillary! And she full well knows it. Why the refusal to a third party taking the server and seeing what is in it. They will nit reveal how much each dinner cost at Chesea's wedding, promise.

"he who hides stuff has something to hide" anonymous
should she be the one to decide which are personal and which are business? What would prevent her from calling all emails on benghazi personal and destroying them?
The Law. I would say, if it goes to any government agency, then it is the gvts, if it goes to personal friends or her mom or anything involved with the non profit foundation, then it is personal.

And maybe this should be changed, where higher up gvt officials can not use their own private, secure server, and just have to turn over State dept emails....but she did not break the Law by doing it and you can not expect her to all of a sudden turn over her private emails after the fact.

If you all are so insecure and want to see if she turned all of her emails over from the state dept....I am sure republicans could find a few of the state dept workers that you believe she did something wrong with and just get a count of how many emails their server said this worker had between him and her and then count the ones she turned over, and see if it matches....
Well....heck.....Hillary or any politician would never ever lie.

It just doesn't happen.

She never meant to steal those FBI files when she was making her enemies list. That was just sloppy paperwork. Sandy Burglar never meant to stuff those documents in his socks when he tried to steal damming evidence on the Clintons. He was just being messy. Honest mistake. Bill never lied about having sex with that woman because it was a vast rightwing conspiracy.
What are you and the republican critters looking for...? What is this fishing expedition for? What do you expect to find? Can you tell me? What is this outrage all about?

If there is nothing there, why not release them all? She decided to delete the ones that she, and only she, declared as "personal". How does anyone know if she deleted some that would have made her look bad on Benghazi or anything else?

She should not be the one to decide which ones stay and which ones go. She made the decision to use a personal server to she has to live with the results of that decision.

That is the big question!!! Why hoard that server like it has the State's secrets? No one gives a damn about the wedding and funeral plans Hillary! And she full well knows it. Why the refusal to a third party taking the server and seeing what is in it. They will nit reveal how much each dinner cost at Chesea's wedding, promise.

You can bet every thing is gone from the server already,and as much as she doesnt want that found out,it cant be worse than what they would have found before she sanitized it.
The Law. I would say, if it goes to any government agency, then it is the gvts, if it goes to personal friends or her mom or anything involved with the non profit foundation, then it is personal.

And maybe this should be changed, where higher up gvt officials can not use their own private, secure server, and just have to turn over State dept emails....but she did not break the Law by doing it and you can not expect her to all of a sudden turn over her private emails after the fact.

If you all are so insecure and want to see if she turned all of her emails over from the state dept....I am sure republicans could find a few of the state dept workers that you believe she did something wrong with and just get a count of how many emails their server said this worker had between him and her and then count the ones she turned over, and see if it matches....
Well....heck.....Hillary or any politician would never ever lie.

It just doesn't happen.

She never meant to steal those FBI files when she was making her enemies list. That was just sloppy paperwork. Sandy Burglar never meant to stuff those documents in his socks when he tried to steal damming evidence on the Clintons. He was just being messy. Honest mistake. Bill never lied about having sex with that woman because it was a vast rightwing conspiracy.
What are you and the republican critters looking for...? What is this fishing expedition for? What do you expect to find? Can you tell me? What is this outrage all about?

If there is nothing there, why not release them all? She decided to delete the ones that she, and only she, declared as "personal". How does anyone know if she deleted some that would have made her look bad on Benghazi or anything else?

She should not be the one to decide which ones stay and which ones go. She made the decision to use a personal server to she has to live with the results of that decision.

That is the big question!!! Why hoard that server like it has the State's secrets? No one gives a damn about the wedding and funeral plans Hillary! And she full well knows it. Why the refusal to a third party taking the server and seeing what is in it. They will nit reveal how much each dinner cost at Chesea's wedding, promise.

You can bet every thing is gone from the server already,and as much as she doesnt want that found out,it cant be worse than what they would have found before she sanitized it.

I don't know. Can a server actually be sanitized?
Why do you think she did not? Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

should she be the one to decide which are personal and which are business? What would prevent her from calling all emails on benghazi personal and destroying them?
The Law. I would say, if it goes to any government agency, then it is the gvts, if it goes to personal friends or her mom or anything involved with the non profit foundation, then it is personal.

And maybe this should be changed, where higher up gvt officials can not use their own private, secure server, and just have to turn over State dept emails....but she did not break the Law by doing it and you can not expect her to all of a sudden turn over her private emails after the fact.

If you all are so insecure and want to see if she turned all of her emails over from the state dept....I am sure repub
Why do you think she did not? Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

should she be the one to decide which are personal and which are business? What would prevent her from calling all emails on benghazi personal and destroying them?
The Law. I would say, if it goes to any government agency, then it is the gvts, if it goes to personal friends or her mom or anything involved with the non profit foundation, then it is personal.

And maybe this should be changed, where higher up gvt officials can not use their own private, secure server, and just have to turn over State dept emails....but she did not break the Law by doing it and you can not expect her to all of a sudden turn over her private emails after the fact.

If you all are so insecure and want to see if she turned all of her emails over from the state dept....I am sure republicans could find a few of the state dept workers that you believe she did something wrong with and just get a count of how many emails their server said this worker had between him and her and then count the ones she turned over, and see if it matches....
Well....heck.....Hillary or any politician would never ever lie.

It just doesn't happen.

She never meant to steal those FBI files when she was making her enemies list. That was just sloppy paperwork. Sandy Burglar never meant to stuff those documents in his socks when he tried to steal damming evidence on the Clintons. He was just being messy. Honest mistake. Bill never lied about having sex with that woman because it was a vast rightwing conspiracy.
What are you and the republican critters looking for...? What is this fishing expedition for? What do you expect to find? Can you tell me? What is this outrage all about?

ps. i've gotta run, but will bbl.

of the ones she released there is nothing during the month of Benghazi. Does that make sense to you?
really? The month preceding or the month afterwards?
Well....heck.....Hillary or any politician would never ever lie.

It just doesn't happen.

She never meant to steal those FBI files when she was making her enemies list. That was just sloppy paperwork. Sandy Burglar never meant to stuff those documents in his socks when he tried to steal damming evidence on the Clintons. He was just being messy. Honest mistake. Bill never lied about having sex with that woman because it was a vast rightwing conspiracy.
What are you and the republican critters looking for...? What is this fishing expedition for? What do you expect to find? Can you tell me? What is this outrage all about?

If there is nothing there, why not release them all? She decided to delete the ones that she, and only she, declared as "personal". How does anyone know if she deleted some that would have made her look bad on Benghazi or anything else?

She should not be the one to decide which ones stay and which ones go. She made the decision to use a personal server to she has to live with the results of that decision.

That is the big question!!! Why hoard that server like it has the State's secrets? No one gives a damn about the wedding and funeral plans Hillary! And she full well knows it. Why the refusal to a third party taking the server and seeing what is in it. They will nit reveal how much each dinner cost at Chesea's wedding, promise.

You can bet every thing is gone from the server already,and as much as she doesnt want that found out,it cant be worse than what they would have found before she sanitized it.

I don't know. Can a server actually be sanitized?

Not sure but a google search doesnt tell you shit.
But I did find this interesting point of view.
Hillary said she deleted all here personal emails from her server.
If she did that why wouldnt she turn it over?
should she be the one to decide which are personal and which are business? What would prevent her from calling all emails on benghazi personal and destroying them?
The Law. I would say, if it goes to any government agency, then it is the gvts, if it goes to personal friends or her mom or anything involved with the non profit foundation, then it is personal.

And maybe this should be changed, where higher up gvt officials can not use their own private, secure server, and just have to turn over State dept emails....but she did not break the Law by doing it and you can not expect her to all of a sudden turn over her private emails after the fact.

If you all are so insecure and want to see if she turned all of her emails over from the state dept....I am sure repub
of the ones she released there is nothing during the month of Benghazi. Does that make sense to you?
really? The month preceding or the month afterwards?

not sure of the timeframe. But it was addressed by Trey Gowdy yesterday. If you really care, look it up.
its not a question of she did nothing wrong... the real question here is why should she have to give up her personal emails at the whims of you righties ... she doesn't ...she like the rest of us has the right to privacy ... there isn't any amount of whining from the right that can make her give them up
Nor should she or any of us....

What is it that the republican congress critters are looking for, what crime do they think she has committed, or is this just the pontificating grand standing AS USUAL for them?

Do you think our personal emails are as important to national security as State Department emails?

Get real!!!
Do you have any evidence that there was any kind of National security breach or are you FISHING? Casting a huge net, HOPING to find something, anything, just a smidgeon of something you can use politically against her should NOT be the reason for demanding someone to give up their personal emails....do you not KNOW the Constitution......?

Doesnt matter. Government emails are not private.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...

If she had her own server, what State Department emails she turned over?

All of them. "Welcome to Outlook". Any other?
should she be the one to decide which are personal and which are business? What would prevent her from calling all emails on benghazi personal and destroying them?
The Law. I would say, if it goes to any government agency, then it is the gvts, if it goes to personal friends or her mom or anything involved with the non profit foundation, then it is personal.

And maybe this should be changed, where higher up gvt officials can not use their own private, secure server, and just have to turn over State dept emails....but she did not break the Law by doing it and you can not expect her to all of a sudden turn over her private emails after the fact.

If you all are so insecure and want to see if she turned all of her emails over from the state dept....I am sure repub
of the ones she released there is nothing during the month of Benghazi. Does that make sense to you?
really? The month preceding or the month afterwards?

Pretty sure that was addressed in this thread actually.
How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
Why do you think she did not? Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

should she be the one to decide which are personal and which are business? What would prevent her from calling all emails on benghazi personal and destroying them?
The Law. I would say, if it goes to any government agency, then it is the gvts, if it goes to personal friends or her mom or anything involved with the non profit foundation, then it is personal.

And maybe this should be changed, where higher up gvt officials can not use their own private, secure server, and just have to turn over State dept emails....but she did not break the Law by doing it and you can not expect her to all of a sudden turn over her private emails after the fact.

If you all are so insecure and want to see if she turned all of her emails over from the state dept....I am sure republicans could find a few of the state dept workers that you believe she did something wrong with and just get a count of how many emails their server said this worker had between him and her and then count the ones she turned over, and see if it matches....
Well....heck.....Hillary or any politician would never ever lie.

It just doesn't happen.

She never meant to steal those FBI files when she was making her enemies list. That was just sloppy paperwork. Sandy Burglar never meant to stuff those documents in his socks when he tried to steal damming evidence on the Clintons. He was just being messy. Honest mistake. Bill never lied about having sex with that woman because it was a vast rightwing conspiracy.
What are you and the republican critters looking for...? What is this fishing expedition for? What do you expect to find? Can you tell me? What is this outrage all about?

ps. i've gotta run, but will bbl.
Evidence of corruption. Pay to play. Bribes for special favors. Benghazi is the least of her worries.
Do you think our personal emails are as important to national security as State Department emails?

Get real!!!
Do you have any evidence that there was any kind of National security breach or are you FISHING? Casting a huge net, HOPING to find something, anything, just a smidgeon of something you can use politically against her should NOT be the reason for demanding someone to give up their personal emails....do you not KNOW the Constitution......?

Doesnt matter. Government emails are not private.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...

How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
[B[Why do you think she did not?[/B] Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

Good lord....Because her first name is Hillary and her last name is Clinton. Bill and Hillary. The two most corrupt people to EVER inhabit the White House. THAT'S how I know.
Do you have any evidence that there was any kind of National security breach or are you FISHING? Casting a huge net, HOPING to find something, anything, just a smidgeon of something you can use politically against her should NOT be the reason for demanding someone to give up their personal emails....do you not KNOW the Constitution......?

Doesnt matter. Government emails are not private.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...

How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
[B[Why do you think she did not?[/B] Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

Good lord....Because her first name is Hillary and her last name is Clinton. Bill and Hillary. The two most corrupt people to EVER inhabit the White House. THAT'S how I know.
Seriously? So that's all it takes... just because of who they are, you can throw out the constitution and their right to privacy?
Doesnt matter. Government emails are not private.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...

How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
[B[Why do you think she did not?[/B] Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

Good lord....Because her first name is Hillary and her last name is Clinton. Bill and Hillary. The two most corrupt people to EVER inhabit the White House. THAT'S how I know.
Seriously? So that's all it takes... just because of who they are, you can throw out the constitution and their right to privacy?

Guess she should have kept her personal email separate.

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