Hillary is full of...

If she's done nothing wrong she shouldnt have a problem with handing over the server right?
its not a question of she did nothing wrong... the real question here is why should she have to give up her personal emails at the whims of you righties ... she doesn't ...she like the rest of us has the right to privacy ... there isn't any amount of whining from the right that can make her give them up
Nor should she or any of us....

What is it that the republican congress critters are looking for, what crime do they think she has committed, or is this just the pontificating grand standing AS USUAL for them?

Do you think our personal emails are as important to national security as State Department emails?

Get real!!!
Do you have any evidence that there was any kind of National security breach or are you FISHING? Casting a huge net, HOPING to find something, anything, just a smidgeon of something you can use politically against her should NOT be the reason for demanding someone to give up their personal emails....do you not KNOW the Constitution......?

Doesnt matter. Government emails are not private.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...
She claimed she didnt want to carry two phones as an excuse as to why she used her own server.
So does she really believe we're so stupid as to think she doesnt know you can have more than one email account on a phone?

She's toast!!

yes full of shit

shit..shit... SHIT

we don't like smart asses like her....do we...

nope we do not...

I can not understand how Americans are not sick of the Clintonian shit....?

Are they stupid or what?

Ah well, Americans LOVE their Royal Families, don't they? Who cares if it means the death of a nation? The Clintons (and I would put the Bush's in the same boat) are the most corrupt assholes ever to hold public office. Completely above the law. Do the American people care? Nope.

Not enough of em to make a difference.
But yeah,if we continue down the path dems and repubs are leading us we're screwed.
We need to go back to a Constitutional government.

We're well on our way. I give it no more than 10 years.

its not a question of she did nothing wrong... the real question here is why should she have to give up her personal emails at the whims of you righties ... she doesn't ...she like the rest of us has the right to privacy ... there isn't any amount of whining from the right that can make her give them up
Nor should she or any of us....

What is it that the republican congress critters are looking for, what crime do they think she has committed, or is this just the pontificating grand standing AS USUAL for them?

Do you think our personal emails are as important to national security as State Department emails?

Get real!!!
Do you have any evidence that there was any kind of National security breach or are you FISHING? Casting a huge net, HOPING to find something, anything, just a smidgeon of something you can use politically against her should NOT be the reason for demanding someone to give up their personal emails....do you not KNOW the Constitution......?

Doesnt matter. Government emails are not private.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...

How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
Why is it that politicians can get away with this "dog ate the homework" bullshit that just does not hold water?? this is like saying you were not speeding to the judge, the endless lies are maddening and she has not even announced she is running yet.
Again I ask, if this was a republican what would all you liberals be saying????
any child can see through this BS.
the you can toast us when we say madame president with the democrats in super majority in the congress ... the whining will be deafening ... when you walk in the parks you will hear a high pitch sound ... why that's republicans whining .... I can hear it now... little billye says, mommy whats that noise ??? well Billye, that's the sound of repub-lie-cans being forced to do the will of the people :woohoo:

Yeah.....just like those mid terms.
mid terms is the only way they can get elected ... that the only time republicans ever get control... when you see it going down as I posted here you will here your self whining with the rest of them


and the whining begins ... as I said whiner, she doesn't have to show us any of her emails ... deal with it and stop your whining

She has to show the emails she sent under business of Sec of State.

And she DID turn them over.
Yeah.....just like those mid terms.
mid terms is the only way they can get elected ... that the only time republicans ever get control... when you see it going down as I posted here you will here your self whining with the rest of them


and the whining begins ... as I said whiner, she doesn't have to show us any of her emails ... deal with it and stop your whining

She has to show the emails she sent under business of Sec of State.

And she DID turn them over.

You don't know she turned them all over...stop with your nonsense
Nor should she or any of us....

What is it that the republican congress critters are looking for, what crime do they think she has committed, or is this just the pontificating grand standing AS USUAL for them?

Do you think our personal emails are as important to national security as State Department emails?

Get real!!!
Do you have any evidence that there was any kind of National security breach or are you FISHING? Casting a huge net, HOPING to find something, anything, just a smidgeon of something you can use politically against her should NOT be the reason for demanding someone to give up their personal emails....do you not KNOW the Constitution......?

Doesnt matter. Government emails are not private.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...

How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
Why do you think she did not? Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?
Do you think our personal emails are as important to national security as State Department emails?

Get real!!!
Do you have any evidence that there was any kind of National security breach or are you FISHING? Casting a huge net, HOPING to find something, anything, just a smidgeon of something you can use politically against her should NOT be the reason for demanding someone to give up their personal emails....do you not KNOW the Constitution......?

Doesnt matter. Government emails are not private.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...

How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
Why do you think she did not? Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

I can ask you why do you think she did? One way to solve it, turn over the server and she refuses....why?
Do you think our personal emails are as important to national security as State Department emails?

Get real!!!
Do you have any evidence that there was any kind of National security breach or are you FISHING? Casting a huge net, HOPING to find something, anything, just a smidgeon of something you can use politically against her should NOT be the reason for demanding someone to give up their personal emails....do you not KNOW the Constitution......?

Doesnt matter. Government emails are not private.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...

How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
Why do you think she did not? Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

should she be the one to decide which are personal and which are business? What would prevent her from calling all emails on benghazi personal and destroying them?
Do you think our personal emails are as important to national security as State Department emails?

Get real!!!
Do you have any evidence that there was any kind of National security breach or are you FISHING? Casting a huge net, HOPING to find something, anything, just a smidgeon of something you can use politically against her should NOT be the reason for demanding someone to give up their personal emails....do you not KNOW the Constitution......?

Doesnt matter. Government emails are not private.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...

How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
Why do you think she did not? Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

because she is Hillary Clinton and has a history of lying and corruption.
its not a question of she did nothing wrong... the real question here is why should she have to give up her personal emails at the whims of you righties ... she doesn't ...she like the rest of us has the right to privacy ... there isn't any amount of whining from the right that can make her give them up
Nor should she or any of us....

What is it that the republican congress critters are looking for, what crime do they think she has committed, or is this just the pontificating grand standing AS USUAL for them?

Do you think our personal emails are as important to national security as State Department emails?

Get real!!!
Do you have any evidence that there was any kind of National security breach or are you FISHING? Casting a huge net, HOPING to find something, anything, just a smidgeon of something you can use politically against her should NOT be the reason for demanding someone to give up their personal emails....do you not KNOW the Constitution......?

Doesnt matter. Government emails are not private.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...

What about the month long gap? She didnt do her job for a month?
Do you have any evidence that there was any kind of National security breach or are you FISHING? Casting a huge net, HOPING to find something, anything, just a smidgeon of something you can use politically against her should NOT be the reason for demanding someone to give up their personal emails....do you not KNOW the Constitution......?

Doesnt matter. Government emails are not private.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...

How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
Why do you think she did not? Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

should she be the one to decide which are personal and which are business? What would prevent her from calling all emails on benghazi personal and destroying them?

Or from telling bill to pick up a loaf of bread and then asking about Benghazi.
Is it still personal? Of course not.
its not a question of she did nothing wrong... the real question here is why should she have to give up her personal emails at the whims of you righties ... she doesn't ...she like the rest of us has the right to privacy ... there isn't any amount of whining from the right that can make her give them up
Nor should she or any of us....

What is it that the republican congress critters are looking for, what crime do they think she has committed, or is this just the pontificating grand standing AS USUAL for them?

Do you think our personal emails are as important to national security as State Department emails?

Get real!!!
Do you have any evidence that there was any kind of National security breach or are you FISHING? Casting a huge net, HOPING to find something, anything, just a smidgeon of something you can use politically against her should NOT be the reason for demanding someone to give up their personal emails....do you not KNOW the Constitution......?

Doesnt matter. Government emails are not private.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...
She turned over what she claimed were all of her State Department emails, but there was a gap of a couple of months that was missing....conveniently during the Benghazi time period. So they asked to see any that were not turned over, but Hillary claimed she deleted her so-called "private" emails. 30,000 of them. Highly suspicious.
Calls for her to bypass the 2016 election may be heard if she doesn't turn over that server. Can you imagine her in a debate situation?
Do you have any evidence that there was any kind of National security breach or are you FISHING? Casting a huge net, HOPING to find something, anything, just a smidgeon of something you can use politically against her should NOT be the reason for demanding someone to give up their personal emails....do you not KNOW the Constitution......?

Doesnt matter. Government emails are not private.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...

How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
Why do you think she did not? Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

should she be the one to decide which are personal and which are business? What would prevent her from calling all emails on benghazi personal and destroying them?
The Law. I would say, if it goes to any government agency, then it is the gvts, if it goes to personal friends or her mom or anything involved with the non profit foundation, then it is personal.

And maybe this should be changed, where higher up gvt officials can not use their own private, secure server, and just have to turn over State dept emails....but she did not break the Law by doing it and you can not expect her to all of a sudden turn over her private emails after the fact.

If you all are so insecure and want to see if she turned all of her emails over from the state dept....I am sure republicans could find a few of the state dept workers that you believe she did something wrong with and just get a count of how many emails their server said this worker had between him and her and then count the ones she turned over, and see if it matches....
Doesnt matter. Government emails are not private.
Didnt she turn over her State Department emails? the answer is YES, she did turn them over....which she should have to do...

How do we know she turned over all of them? Oh yeah...it's not like she's never been caught lying
Why do you think she did not? Why this presumption of guilt with no facts to back it?

should she be the one to decide which are personal and which are business? What would prevent her from calling all emails on benghazi personal and destroying them?

Or from telling bill to pick up a loaf of bread and then asking about Benghazi.
Is it still personal? Of course not.

No, Bill's email would be more like, "Im going to the Islands to pick up a child prostitute. Don't answer any questions on Benghazi!

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