Hillary is full of...

She claimed she didnt want to carry two phones as an excuse as to why she used her own server.
So does she really believe we're so stupid as to think she doesnt know you can have more than one email account on a phone?

She's toast!!
the you can toast us when we say madame president with the democrats in super majority in the congress ... the whining will be deafening ... when you walk in the parks you will hear a high pitch sound ... why that's republicans whining .... I can hear it now... little billye says, mommy whats that noise ??? well Billye, that's the sound of repub-lie-cans being forced to do the will of the people :woohoo:

Yeah.....just like those mid terms.
mid terms is the only way they can get elected ... that the only time republicans ever get control... when you see it going down as I posted here you will here your self whining with the rest of them


and the whining begins ... as I said whiner, she doesn't have to show us any of her emails ... deal with it and stop your whining

She has to show the emails she sent under business of Sec of State.
Yes he used his own private server instead of the gvts when he was Secretary of State for his govt/state dept emails and he said it is not illegal to do such.
Course he didn't delete his emails either, or did he? I don't remember them requesting his emails after he caused a bunch of his diplomates to get get killed because of lax security, and I don't remember there being any investigation inside the State Department over emails. Hillary claims she has the right to destroy evidence because her emails (30,000 of them) were deemed personal.
deleting her emails does not destroy them...there is always a backup somewhere.

Deleting is the same as destroying regardless if there are copies elsewhere. She is destroying evidence along with obstructing justice. If they find out that she destroyed evidence of wrongdoing she's going to be charged with a crime. Regardless, she doesn't have the right to decide what emails need to be turned over. The only reason it was discovered that she only used a private account was because somebody leaked it to the press.

Deleting is the same as destroying

the intent to do so was there
so every time.e you delete an email from your mom, you Destroyed it?

My mom doesn't use email.

And no, it is not completely destroyed. There is always another record of it. However, my personal account doesn't fall under the same statute.
She claimed she didnt want to carry two phones as an excuse as to why she used her own server.
So does she really believe we're so stupid as to think she doesnt know you can have more than one email account on a phone?

She's toast!!
the you can toast us when we say madame president with the democrats in super majority in the congress ... the whining will be deafening ... when you walk in the parks you will hear a high pitch sound ... why that's republicans whining .... I can hear it now... little billye says, mommy whats that noise ??? well Billye, that's the sound of repub-lie-cans being forced to do the will of the people :woohoo:

dream on, take another hit on the crack pipe.
if any one is on crack that would be you and the rest of the right wing nut jobs here ... they totally ignore what the laws are... all they want to do is hear hillary talking dirty to bill

If she's done nothing wrong she shouldnt have a problem with handing over the server right?
its not a question of she did nothing wrong... the real question here is why should she have to give up her personal emails at the whims of you righties ... she doesn't ...she like the rest of us has the right to privacy ... there isn't any amount of whining from the right that can make her give them up
Nor should she or any of us....

What is it that the republican congress critters are looking for, what crime do they think she has committed, or is this just the pontificating grand standing AS USUAL for them?
the you can toast us when we say madame president with the democrats in super majority in the congress ... the whining will be deafening ... when you walk in the parks you will hear a high pitch sound ... why that's republicans whining .... I can hear it now... little billye says, mommy whats that noise ??? well Billye, that's the sound of repub-lie-cans being forced to do the will of the people :woohoo:

dream on, take another hit on the crack pipe.
if any one is on crack that would be you and the rest of the right wing nut jobs here ... they totally ignore what the laws are... all they want to do is hear hillary talking dirty to bill

If she's done nothing wrong she shouldnt have a problem with handing over the server right?
its not a question of she did nothing wrong... the real question here is why should she have to give up her personal emails at the whims of you righties ... she doesn't ...she like the rest of us has the right to privacy ... there isn't any amount of whining from the right that can make her give them up

If she didnt want to give em up she should have used a government email account for government business. Ya ignoranus...
there no law that say she has to use a government email account ya ignoranus ... I challenge you to produce a law that say you have to use a government account ... there is a law that say you have to turn over emails on government accounts ... this was a private account ... there isn't any law that say you have to turn over your private account to the government yet...
the you can toast us when we say madame president with the democrats in super majority in the congress ... the whining will be deafening ... when you walk in the parks you will hear a high pitch sound ... why that's republicans whining .... I can hear it now... little billye says, mommy whats that noise ??? well Billye, that's the sound of repub-lie-cans being forced to do the will of the people :woohoo:

Yeah.....just like those mid terms.
mid terms is the only way they can get elected ... that the only time republicans ever get control... when you see it going down as I posted here you will here your self whining with the rest of them


and the whining begins ... as I said whiner, she doesn't have to show us any of her emails ... deal with it and stop your whining

She has to show the emails she sent under business of Sec of State.

Which SHE DID, didn't she send them all the emails they requested?
dream on, take another hit on the crack pipe.
if any one is on crack that would be you and the rest of the right wing nut jobs here ... they totally ignore what the laws are... all they want to do is hear hillary talking dirty to bill

If she's done nothing wrong she shouldnt have a problem with handing over the server right?
its not a question of she did nothing wrong... the real question here is why should she have to give up her personal emails at the whims of you righties ... she doesn't ...she like the rest of us has the right to privacy ... there isn't any amount of whining from the right that can make her give them up

If she didnt want to give em up she should have used a government email account for government business. Ya ignoranus...
there no law that say she has to use a government email account ya ignoranus ... I challenge you to produce a law that say you have to use a government account ... there is a law that say you have to turn over emails on government accounts ... this was a private account ... there isn't any law that say you have to turn over your private account to the government yet...

That doesnt mean she can withhold government emails.
If she didnt want anyone seeing her personal shit she should of used a government email account for government business.
Yeah.....just like those mid terms.
mid terms is the only way they can get elected ... that the only time republicans ever get control... when you see it going down as I posted here you will here your self whining with the rest of them


and the whining begins ... as I said whiner, she doesn't have to show us any of her emails ... deal with it and stop your whining

She has to show the emails she sent under business of Sec of State.

Which SHE DID, didn't she send them all the emails they requested?

So what about all the missing emails? Are you really so dense as to believe she didnt use email for government business for months?
We just have to take her word that she never transmitted classified information on her server. No discussions with the president (classified), no talking about her schedule (classified), nothing to do with private discussions with foreign dignitaries (classified).

Did she ever do her job, or was she just greasing everyone for donations? Nigeria paid her foundation half a billion. I wonder what they expected in return?
I'm sure she had plenty of conversations with the president and others in the state dept.... So did Colin Powell using his private SECURE server.

Which means she transmitted classified information, which means she's lying about never doing so on her account.

She claimed her server was at home yet the IP address is listed at an office in New York. She claimed she followed the law, but she destroyed documents she was told to turn over. And she claimed she never transmitted classified information, but if this is her only email account then this most likely is total Bullshit as well.
the you can toast us when we say madame president with the democrats in super majority in the congress ... the whining will be deafening ... when you walk in the parks you will hear a high pitch sound ... why that's republicans whining .... I can hear it now... little billye says, mommy whats that noise ??? well Billye, that's the sound of repub-lie-cans being forced to do the will of the people :woohoo:

dream on, take another hit on the crack pipe.
if any one is on crack that would be you and the rest of the right wing nut jobs here ... they totally ignore what the laws are... all they want to do is hear hillary talking dirty to bill

If she's done nothing wrong she shouldnt have a problem with handing over the server right?
its not a question of she did nothing wrong... the real question here is why should she have to give up her personal emails at the whims of you righties ... she doesn't ...she like the rest of us has the right to privacy ... there isn't any amount of whining from the right that can make her give them up
Nor should she or any of us....

What is it that the republican congress critters are looking for, what crime do they think she has committed, or is this just the pontificating grand standing AS USUAL for them?
that's all they want ... they want to find a way to stop her from becoming president ... that's their best ... take something that they have been doing for ever now they want to make it look criminal when we on the left do the same thing ...
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mid terms is the only way they can get elected ... that the only time republicans ever get control... when you see it going down as I posted here you will here your self whining with the rest of them


and the whining begins ... as I said whiner, she doesn't have to show us any of her emails ... deal with it and stop your whining

She has to show the emails she sent under business of Sec of State.

Which SHE DID, didn't she send them all the emails they requested?

So what about all the missing emails? Are you really so dense as to believe she didnt use email for government business for months?

thats not the question ...the question is does she get to do the same thing republicans are doing this very minute ... where you believe she doesn't get the same right as you on the right are getting ... look at Scott walker ... look at chris christie ... they refused to give up their private emails ...shell I go on to all of the republicans that refuse to give up their private emails ??? or is it just only democrats get to give up their private emails ... if the government wants all emails by the government employeesl be turned over, then they need to pass a law stating that all emails from government employees be on government sites ... so far there isn't any law that say you must

and the whining begins ... as I said whiner, she doesn't have to show us any of her emails ... deal with it and stop your whining

She has to show the emails she sent under business of Sec of State.

Which SHE DID, didn't she send them all the emails they requested?

So what about all the missing emails? Are you really so dense as to believe she didnt use email for government business for months?

thats not the question ...the question is does she get to do the same thing republicans are doing this very minute ... where you believe she doesn't get the same right as you on the right are getting ... look at Scott walker ... look at chris christie ... they refused to give up their private emails ...shell I go on to all of the republicans that refuse to give up their private emails ??? or is it just only democrats get to give up their private emails ... if the government wants all emails by the government employeesl be turned over, then they need to pass a law stating that all emails from government employees be on government sites ... so far there isn't any law that say you must

Government emails are not private.
you know, its quite DUMB of the Republican Congress Critters to think they have not already played their hand on this email issue.... The boy cried wolf story comes to mind....

they have spent millions of my tax dollars and your tax dollars with their dog and pony shows on the irs/lois learner emails OF WHICH NOT ONE OF THEM... even NOW, after they have recovered many more of them, incriminates Lois Learner or the white house or anyone of criminal or collusion actions..... but but bu bu but....there are still some more missing, IT'S IN THEM, for SURE.... :rolleyes:

This, "What is in the ones that are missing, it must be illegal doings BULL CRUD" can only tantalize the masses for soooo long, until they are "on to you"!

These congress critters have no credibility at this point, for anyone with eyes to see... we know the games they play, the pontificating for political posturing, the grandstanding like the letter to Iran leaders, the dog and pony shows..... they don't have much credibility left as far as I am concerned....
She claimed she didnt want to carry two phones as an excuse as to why she used her own server.
So does she really believe we're so stupid as to think she doesnt know you can have more than one email account on a phone?

She's toast!!
the you can toast us when we say madame president with the democrats in super majority in the congress ... the whining will be deafening ... when you walk in the parks you will hear a high pitch sound ... why that's republicans whining .... I can hear it now... little billye says, mommy whats that noise ??? well Billye, that's the sound of repub-lie-cans being forced to do the will of the people :woohoo:

dream on, take another hit on the crack pipe.
if any one is on crack that would be you and the rest of the right wing nut jobs here ... they totally ignore what the laws are... all they want to do is hear hillary talking dirty to bill

If she's done nothing wrong she shouldnt have a problem with handing over the server right?
its not a question of she did nothing wrong... the real question here is why should she have to give up her personal emails at the whims of you righties ... she doesn't ...she like the rest of us has the right to privacy ... there isn't any amount of whining from the right that can make her give them up

It doesn't make any difference which political party requests her emails because they have the authority to do so.

She has to follow the law like everyone else, regardless how it burns your ass.
the you can toast us when we say madame president with the democrats in super majority in the congress ... the whining will be deafening ... when you walk in the parks you will hear a high pitch sound ... why that's republicans whining .... I can hear it now... little billye says, mommy whats that noise ??? well Billye, that's the sound of repub-lie-cans being forced to do the will of the people :woohoo:

dream on, take another hit on the crack pipe.
if any one is on crack that would be you and the rest of the right wing nut jobs here ... they totally ignore what the laws are... all they want to do is hear hillary talking dirty to bill

If she's done nothing wrong she shouldnt have a problem with handing over the server right?
its not a question of she did nothing wrong... the real question here is why should she have to give up her personal emails at the whims of you righties ... she doesn't ...she like the rest of us has the right to privacy ... there isn't any amount of whining from the right that can make her give them up

She has to give up the emails regarding her duties as Sec of State. That' the law, and w/o the server there is no way of knowing if she released all those emails. She's trying to use "personal" to hide what she has to release.
kind of like what Scott walker did or Chris Christie did .. we still haven't been able to get those emails .. what do they have to hide??? closing down lanes illegally just to piss off a mayer or using campaign money for illegal activities ... is this what your trying to get done here ??? or is it only about degrading dems thats on your mind
dream on, take another hit on the crack pipe.
if any one is on crack that would be you and the rest of the right wing nut jobs here ... they totally ignore what the laws are... all they want to do is hear hillary talking dirty to bill

If she's done nothing wrong she shouldnt have a problem with handing over the server right?
its not a question of she did nothing wrong... the real question here is why should she have to give up her personal emails at the whims of you righties ... she doesn't ...she like the rest of us has the right to privacy ... there isn't any amount of whining from the right that can make her give them up

She has to give up the emails regarding her duties as Sec of State. That' the law, and w/o the server there is no way of knowing if she released all those emails. She's trying to use "personal" to hide what she has to release.
kind of like what Scott walker did or Chris Christie did .. we still haven't been able to get those emails .. what do they have to hide??? closing down lanes illegally just to piss off a mayer or using campaign money for illegal activities ... is this what your trying to get done here ??? or is it only about degrading dems thats on your mind

You have selective outrage, you're upset over Walker and Christie but not Hillary? All govt emails should be made available

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