Hillary is full of...

Hillary Clintons Only Hope? Vice President Abe Lincoln ( assuming she can dig him up and wake him up with that infilihater-deliphilater thingy lol)

In a sane world you'd be right...Not this one. I fully expect hillary will win as this country is fucked.
Can you imagine a Hillary/Biden Ticket? Dumb and Senile?

Nightmare. They'd probably fight for the right to fuck your sister and your dog. I am not kidding as I knew this transgender crap was coming 5 years ago. We're going down the slide of insanity.

One day if we don't wake up the isis is going to look sane.
I think we'd see many Democrats and meaningful numbers of blacks sit out the 2016 election if Clinton is the nominee. No excitement there to say the least. may be looking good for the GOP.
Yo, she is burnt toast? You can`t use it or eat it Bill?
We on the right could run Pee Wee Herman and win!!!
Love it!!!

Hillary Clintons Only Hope? Vice President Abe Lincoln ( assuming she can dig him up and wake him up with that infilihater-deliphilater thingy lol)

In a sane world you'd be right...Not this one. I fully expect hillary will win as this country is fucked.
Can you imagine a Hillary/Biden Ticket? Dumb and Senile?

Nightmare. They'd probably fight for the right to fuck your sister and your dog. I am not kidding as I knew this transgender crap was coming 5 years ago. We're going down the slide of insanity.

One day if we don't wake up the isis is going to look sane.
it could be worse, can you imagine a Crisp/Wasserman ticket?
Hillary Clintons Only Hope? Vice President Abe Lincoln ( assuming she can dig him up and wake him up with that infilihater-deliphilater thingy lol)

In a sane world you'd be right...Not this one. I fully expect hillary will win as this country is fucked.
Can you imagine a Hillary/Biden Ticket? Dumb and Senile?

Nightmare. They'd probably fight for the right to fuck your sister and your dog. I am not kidding as I knew this transgender crap was coming 5 years ago. We're going down the slide of insanity.

One day if we don't wake up the isis is going to look sane.
it could be worse, can you imagine a Crisp/Wasserman ticket?
Americans will vote for a Kangaroo/Gerbil ticket before they vote for Charlie Crisp/Wasserman.

Hillary Clinton Uses Email Press Conference To Annihilate Republicans Over Iran Letter

Former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton turned the tables on Republicans by using the press conference about her emails to obliterate the 47 Republican senators who tried to…

You are a dumbfuck.

You'd swallow her jizz wouldn't you?
Only a fucked up white entitled worried about his manhood clown would write that.;..fuck you and every mother fornicating Right wing douche for your political asshole beliefs ...

get a job cretin.
Hillary Clintons Only Hope? Vice President Abe Lincoln ( assuming she can dig him up and wake him up with that infilihater-deliphilater thingy lol)

In a sane world you'd be right...Not this one. I fully expect hillary will win as this country is fucked.

If she does win at least in my case it'll be perfect timing.
The wife retires in a few years and we'll take or money and get the fuck out.
I would encourage all conservatives to do the same.
Liberals only think jobs moving over seas is a problem now...they havent seen shit yet. Companies will be bailing left and right.
and to think that Hillary is supporting Iran and their plans to make a bomb? go ahead and run on that issue! you would think that she would of supported the 47 republicans who are warning Iran.
Hillary Clinton's email controversy has made it clearer than ever that a lot of Democrats just aren't that crazy about her. The secretive habits she's displayed here bring back all sorts of bad memories of the needless headaches she and Bill created during their White House years. She's too close to Wall Street for Democrats, and she's at odds with the party's skepticism about military intervention abroad. And now this.


Clinton gives Biden an opening - Chicago Tribune
Hillary Clinton's email controversy has made it clearer than ever that a lot of Democrats just aren't that crazy about her. The secretive habits she's displayed here bring back all sorts of bad memories of the needless headaches she and Bill created during their White House years. She's too close to Wall Street for Democrats, and she's at odds with the party's skepticism about military intervention abroad. And now this.


Clinton gives Biden an opening - Chicago Tribune
Biden is preferred over Clinton. Once, years ago, I heard Biden speak with uncommonly good sense in the Senate. But I don't want another Democrat President. Eight years have been too many already.

We need a President with balls, honesty, statesmanship and a respect for the Constitution and the people it governs.
Hillary Clinton's Email Headaches Are Just Beginning

Townhall.com ^
WASHINGTON -- The furor over Hillary Clinton's decision to conduct her government communications through a personal, hideaway, email account isn't going away. Clinton's abbreviated, 20-minute news conference Tuesday raised more questions than answers. The chief one: Who gave her the right to determine which emails were personal and thus deleted? Not only is the secret email revelation growing into a politically damaging story, the Senate Judiciary Committee is also investigating a little-known government program Clinton used where some of her top political agents worked for her at the State Department while still in private employment. When the blockbuster story broke...
Ed Klein: W.H. Has Six Investigations Into Hillary

Breitbart ^
Author Ed Klein claimed that Hillary Clinton is under six investigations prompted by the White House on Wednesday’s “Fox & Friends” on the Fox News Channel. Klein said that the White House was leaking unfriendly stories to the press about the Clintons and “it’s not only me who thinks this, Bill Clinton thinks this as well. He has said, according to my sources, that the White House is leaking to their friendly — their friends in the mainstream media stories about the Clintons, not only about Hillary, but about him and about what she did while she was in the...
Yes he used his own private server instead of the gvts when he was Secretary of State for his govt/state dept emails and he said it is not illegal to do such.
Course he didn't delete his emails either, or did he? I don't remember them requesting his emails after he caused a bunch of his diplomates to get get killed because of lax security, and I don't remember there being any investigation inside the State Department over emails. Hillary claims she has the right to destroy evidence because her emails (30,000 of them) were deemed personal.
deleting her emails does not destroy them...there is always a backup somewhere.

Deleting is the same as destroying regardless if there are copies elsewhere. She is destroying evidence along with obstructing justice. If they find out that she destroyed evidence of wrongdoing she's going to be charged with a crime. Regardless, she doesn't have the right to decide what emails need to be turned over. The only reason it was discovered that she only used a private account was because somebody leaked it to the press.

Deleting is the same as destroying

the intent to do so was there
so every time.e you delete an email from your mom, you Destroyed it?

are you fucking stupid or what
Yes he used his own private server instead of the gvts when he was Secretary of State for his govt/state dept emails and he said it is not illegal to do such.
Course he didn't delete his emails either, or did he? I don't remember them requesting his emails after he caused a bunch of his diplomates to get get killed because of lax security, and I don't remember there being any investigation inside the State Department over emails. Hillary claims she has the right to destroy evidence because her emails (30,000 of them) were deemed personal.
deleting her emails does not destroy them...there is always a backup somewhere.

Deleting is the same as destroying regardless if there are copies elsewhere. She is destroying evidence along with obstructing justice. If they find out that she destroyed evidence of wrongdoing she's going to be charged with a crime. Regardless, she doesn't have the right to decide what emails need to be turned over. The only reason it was discovered that she only used a private account was because somebody leaked it to the press.

Deleting is the same as destroying

the intent to do so was there
so every time.e you delete an email from your mom, you Destroyed it?

it doesnt matter stupid

as i posted the 'intent" was there
Yeah.....just like those mid terms.
mid terms is the only way they can get elected ... that the only time republicans ever get control... when you see it going down as I posted here you will here your self whining with the rest of them


and the whining begins ... as I said whiner, she doesn't have to show us any of her emails ... deal with it and stop your whining

She has to show the emails she sent under business of Sec of State.

Which SHE DID, didn't she send them all the emails they requested?

well what she didnt do

was turn over all of her emails

upon her departure as required by law
the you can toast us when we say madame president with the democrats in super majority in the congress ... the whining will be deafening ... when you walk in the parks you will hear a high pitch sound ... why that's republicans whining .... I can hear it now... little billye says, mommy whats that noise ??? well Billye, that's the sound of repub-lie-cans being forced to do the will of the people :woohoo:

Yeah.....just like those mid terms.
mid terms is the only way they can get elected ... that the only time republicans ever get control... when you see it going down as I posted here you will here your self whining with the rest of them


and the whining begins ... as I said whiner, she doesn't have to show us any of her emails ... deal with it and stop your whining

She has to show the emails she sent under business of Sec of State.

She has to show the emails she sent under business of Sec of State

well the law is more clear then that

she was to as everyone else turn over all documents related to the business of S of S

upon departure from office

she did not do that
Yeah.....just like those mid terms.
mid terms is the only way they can get elected ... that the only time republicans ever get control... when you see it going down as I posted here you will here your self whining with the rest of them


and the whining begins ... as I said whiner, she doesn't have to show us any of her emails ... deal with it and stop your whining

She has to show the emails she sent under business of Sec of State.

She has to show the emails she sent under business of Sec of State

well the law is more clear then that

she was to as everyone else turn over all documents related to the business of S of S

upon departure from office

she did not do that

I believe that is true...that she did not turn them over after she had left the department....her excuse (lame in my opinion) was that the State department had a record of all of them through the people she sent them to....
Hillary Clinton's email controversy has made it clearer than ever that a lot of Democrats just aren't that crazy about her. The secretive habits she's displayed here bring back all sorts of bad memories of the needless headaches she and Bill created during their White House years. She's too close to Wall Street for Democrats, and she's at odds with the party's skepticism about military intervention abroad. And now this.


Clinton gives Biden an opening - Chicago Tribune
Biden is preferred over Clinton. Once, years ago, I heard Biden speak with uncommonly good sense in the Senate. But I don't want another Democrat President. Eight years have been too many already.

We need a President with balls, honesty, statesmanship and a respect for the Constitution and the people it governs.

Another thing that will very likely work against Hillary is the way she ran her primary campaign against Barack Obama. Although she denied it but it was believed by many that it was her side which released Obama's pictures wearing turban. The objective was to punctuate Obama's ethnic root.
Hillary doesnt have to turn over personal emails and she wont...might as well accept it

The Republicans are offended...get over it...GOP ...at least she isn't black

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