Hillary is pissed, Obama planing raids to deport illegals

Agreed, but you certainly can't consider stopping them at the border a deportation simply to fudge the numbers.

You just don't get it, do you Ray? "Stopping at the border" is a euphemism for anyone that the BP caches anywhere in the USA that they do not take to court, but instead, drive them back to Mexico. Any you say that they don't count as having been deported.

Well I don't know what to tell you. Two left leaning sources say that those figures are skewed and even explains how.

Then there is this from Fact Check to show more skewing of the numbers:

"Specifically, TRAC examined the Obama administration’s claim that is has had “a high degree of success in achieving its objective of deporting ‘convicted criminals.'”

The TRAC report confirms that Obama’s 80 percent figure is accurate, but inflated. TRAC said there has been an 87 percent increase from fiscal year 2008 to fiscal year 2013 in the deportation of those classified by ICE as “convicted criminals.” But that’s because ICE uses an “exceedingly broad definition of criminal behavior,” the report said.

The 87 percent increase in the deportation of “convicted criminals” was driven almost exclusively by “those with a traffic violation (up 191 percent) and individuals convicted of immigration offenses (up 167 percent).”

By comparison, the deportation of those with serious crimes fell. “For example, the number of deportees convicted of vehicle theft was down by 27 percent. Robbery, burglary and forgery categories saw only a small increase — up 4 to 6 percent over this six year period. Although their numbers were small, declines also occurred for individuals convicted of arson (down 1 percent), embezzlement (down 14 percent) and bribery (down 41 percent).”

Behind the Rising Deportations of ‘Criminals’

Ok. It is all a conspiracy, as I said.

Not so much a conspiracy than it is a lie. I mean I'll give anybody credit for good accomplishments no matter who it is, but I also feel that Obama has made his immigration stance pretty clear.

...and yet, not one word of praise for Obama rounding up and deporting the thousands of illegals after this holiday, which is exactly what this thread is about.

Well let's see if it happens first before you start handing out credit. It's not supposed to happen until after the first of the year if it happens at all. I believe it will happen because of Obama's falling approval numbers partly due to his immigration stance, but saying and doing are two different things.

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