Hillary is pissed, Obama planing raids to deport illegals

What do you mean makes no sense? Was she running in the 90's?

A spokeswoman for Hillary for America said Thursday: “Hillary Clinton has real concerns about these reports, especially as families are coming together during this holiday season. She believes it is critical that everyone has a full and fair hearing, and that our country provides refuge to those that need it. And we should be guided by a spirit of humanity and generosity as we approach these issues.”

These people are getting hearings.

They are having raids, rounding them up like cattle, remember the good ol' days of Bill Clinton?

View attachment 57879


"Congressman Henry Cuellar confirmed the deportations will affect adults and children who immigration judges have ordered to be removed. Local attorneys and advocates said it’s fine if the deportations happen, as long as those families get due process."

DHS Will Start Deporting Families Who Crossed Border Illegally

What's your objection to it?
What do you mean makes no sense? Was she running in the 90's?

A spokeswoman for Hillary for America said Thursday: “Hillary Clinton has real concerns about these reports, especially as families are coming together during this holiday season. She believes it is critical that everyone has a full and fair hearing, and that our country provides refuge to those that need it. And we should be guided by a spirit of humanity and generosity as we approach these issues.”

These people are getting hearings.

They are having raids, rounding them up like cattle, remember the good ol' days of Bill Clinton?

View attachment 57879


"Congressman Henry Cuellar confirmed the deportations will affect adults and children who immigration judges have ordered to be removed. Local attorneys and advocates said it’s fine if the deportations happen, as long as those families get due process."

DHS Will Start Deporting Families Who Crossed Border Illegally

What's your objection to it?

So they say..... Trump talks the talk but democrats walk the cruel walk, it's Christmas for Christ sake and obama is rounding them up as we speak.

I hope no one is falling for BS. what is going on is they see the polls and the majority want's something more done with immigrations that are OUT OF CONTROL under him. so they put out some story blaaa blaa because they need to fool you like they have in the past. this administration and that man is not one to Trust. THEY LIE their asses off. both he and Hillary has been caught in bald faced lies. it's the Democrats playing games on the people again. it's what
they do
THIS is a classic Kabuki theater
how anyone supports that party of liar and snakes is beyond me that all. people WAKE UP
What do you mean makes no sense? Was she running in the 90's?

A spokeswoman for Hillary for America said Thursday: “Hillary Clinton has real concerns about these reports, especially as families are coming together during this holiday season. She believes it is critical that everyone has a full and fair hearing, and that our country provides refuge to those that need it. And we should be guided by a spirit of humanity and generosity as we approach these issues.”

These people are getting hearings.

They are having raids, rounding them up like cattle, remember the good ol' days of Bill Clinton?

View attachment 57879


"Congressman Henry Cuellar confirmed the deportations will affect adults and children who immigration judges have ordered to be removed. Local attorneys and advocates said it’s fine if the deportations happen, as long as those families get due process."

DHS Will Start Deporting Families Who Crossed Border Illegally

What's your objection to it?

So they say..... Trump talks the talk but democrats walk the cruel walk, it's Christmas for Christ sake and obama is rounding them up as we speak.

no, fyi the article I read said this was to begin AFTER Christmas.

looks like Obama's focus on deporting criminals first is working and not affecting other deportations either

Except this administration considers turning people away at the border a deportation.

High deportation figures are misleading

WASHINGTON — Immigration activists have sharply criticized President Obama for a rising volume of deportations, labeling him the "deporter in chief" and staging large protests that have harmed his standing with some Latinos, a key group of voters for Democrats.

But the portrait of a steadily increasing number of deportations rests on statistics that conceal almost as much as they disclose. A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data.

High deportation figures are misleading

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years


Translation. Your facts don't agree with my misinformation. Therefore, your facts have been manipulated by the giant conspiracy going on in Washington....

What conspiracy? I even used left-wing sources.

Ray, I live on the border and I know what is going on down here. When you say that the BP is not counting illegals who they stop at the border, you are misstating the facts, by implying that someone saw them climbing a fence and told them to climb back, or something like that. When illegals are apprehended inside the US, crossing the desert, they are often given the choice of being taken back across the border, with no charges, or going to trial. Since the courts are totally bogged down with trying illegals (the federal court in Tucson can only process 70 per day), it is cheaper to take them back to the border than it is to pay a private prison $100 per day while they await trial. Either way, the BP is deporting from US soil more illegals than ever before, during the Obama administration. For years, I have been posting ICE figures proving this, and for years the reply I get from the Right is that the figures are being manipulated by the government...and Juan Valdez was on the grassy knoll.
Last edited:
Now if I was hillary would I want to see headlines like this next year?

ICE Detains 67-Year-Old Grandfather Who Has Been In The U.S. For 23 Years Without A Criminal Record

ICE Detains 67-Year-Old Grandfather Who Has Been In The U.S. For 23 Years Without A Criminal Record

Apolinar Sanchez Cornejo is a 67-year-old undocumented grandfather from Mexico who has lived in California since 1992 and works in an auto repair shop. Last week, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents took him into custody in an early morning raid at his house. By noon, Sanchez Cornejo was put into deportation proceedings.


Why all of a sudden obama is getting tough on deportation? From the liberal huffpost

U.S. Deportation Rates Hit A 10-Year Low

U.S. Deportation Rates Hit A 10-Year Low
Total deportations dropped 42 percent since 2012.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration deported fewer immigrants over the past 12 months than at any time since 2006, according to internal figures obtained by The Associated Press as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton called Obama's deportation policies too harsh.

Deportations of criminal immigrants have fallen to the lowest levels since President Barack Obama took office in 2009, despite his pledge to focus on finding and deporting criminals living in the country illegally. The share of criminal immigrants deported in relation to overall immigrants deported rose slightly, from 56 percent to 59 percent
Now if I was hillary would I want to see headlines like this next year?

ICE Detains 67-Year-Old Grandfather Who Has Been In The U.S. For 23 Years Without A Criminal Record

ICE Detains 67-Year-Old Grandfather Who Has Been In The U.S. For 23 Years Without A Criminal Record

Apolinar Sanchez Cornejo is a 67-year-old undocumented grandfather from Mexico who has lived in California since 1992 and works in an auto repair shop. Last week, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents took him into custody in an early morning raid at his house. By noon, Sanchez Cornejo was put into deportation proceedings.


Why all of a sudden obama is getting tough on deportation? From the liberal huffpost

U.S. Deportation Rates Hit A 10-Year Low

U.S. Deportation Rates Hit A 10-Year Low
Total deportations dropped 42 percent since 2012.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration deported fewer immigrants over the past 12 months than at any time since 2006, according to internal figures obtained by The Associated Press as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton called Obama's deportation policies too harsh.

Deportations of criminal immigrants have fallen to the lowest levels since President Barack Obama took office in 2009, despite his pledge to focus on finding and deporting criminals living in the country illegally. The share of criminal immigrants deported in relation to overall immigrants deported rose slightly, from 56 percent to 59 percent

The Obama administration is simply making it easier for Trump to deport all 12 million illegals within his first 2 years in office.

looks like Obama's focus on deporting criminals first is working and not affecting other deportations either

Except this administration considers turning people away at the border a deportation.

High deportation figures are misleading

WASHINGTON — Immigration activists have sharply criticized President Obama for a rising volume of deportations, labeling him the "deporter in chief" and staging large protests that have harmed his standing with some Latinos, a key group of voters for Democrats.

But the portrait of a steadily increasing number of deportations rests on statistics that conceal almost as much as they disclose. A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data.

High deportation figures are misleading

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years


Translation. Your facts don't agree with my misinformation. Therefore, your facts have been manipulated by the giant conspiracy going on in Washington....

What conspiracy? I even used left-wing sources.

Ray, I live on the border and I know what is going on down here. When you say that the BP is not counting illegals who they stop at the border, you are misstating the facts, by implying that someone saw them climbing a fence and told them to climb back, or something like that. When illegals are apprehended inside the US, crossing the desert, they are often given the choice of being taken back across the border, with no charges, or going to trial. Since the courts are totally bogged down with trying illegals (the federal court in Tucson can only process 70 per day), it is cheaper to take them back to the border than it is to pay a private prison $100 per day while they await trial. Either way, the BP is deporting from US soil more illegals than ever before, during the Obama administration. For years, I have been posting ICE figures proving this, and for years the reply I get from the Right is that the figures are being manipulated by the government...and Juan Valdez was on the grassy knoll.

Us deporting more then ever before

Lie unless your liberal huffpost is lying?

U.S. Deportation Rates Hit A 10-Year Low
From your own link, Bear:

"The overall total of 231,000 deportations generally does not include Mexicans who were caught at the border and quickly returned home by the U.S. Border Patrol. The figure does include roughly 136,700 convicted criminals deported in the last 12 months."

If you are going to post a link, it would be a good idea to read it.

looks like Obama's focus on deporting criminals first is working and not affecting other deportations either

Except this administration considers turning people away at the border a deportation.

High deportation figures are misleading

WASHINGTON — Immigration activists have sharply criticized President Obama for a rising volume of deportations, labeling him the "deporter in chief" and staging large protests that have harmed his standing with some Latinos, a key group of voters for Democrats.

But the portrait of a steadily increasing number of deportations rests on statistics that conceal almost as much as they disclose. A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data.

High deportation figures are misleading

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years


Translation. Your facts don't agree with my misinformation. Therefore, your facts have been manipulated by the giant conspiracy going on in Washington....

What conspiracy? I even used left-wing sources.
The Borders have seen more border patrols, spending the limited money there, and with the program coordinated with the States to remove criminals first.

Stopping them at the border has been very effective, they don't have to bring them to a court hearing, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, we are sending a message of NO MORE, and the message of NO MORE will be able to come in and drop a baby, for their reason to be allowed to stay.... Stopping them at the border is the beginning to the end of this mess.....

It's a GOOD THING.... our illegal immigrant influx has leveled out, flat lined....

HARD Decisions still need to be made about the illegals here, especially those who have American born children with citizenship...

BUT STOPPING THEM at the border and sending them back from there, eliminates the cost of having them get their due process in court, like what has to happen if they are caught after they crossed the border and established themselves.

looks like Obama's focus on deporting criminals first is working and not affecting other deportations either

Except this administration considers turning people away at the border a deportation.

High deportation figures are misleading

WASHINGTON — Immigration activists have sharply criticized President Obama for a rising volume of deportations, labeling him the "deporter in chief" and staging large protests that have harmed his standing with some Latinos, a key group of voters for Democrats.

But the portrait of a steadily increasing number of deportations rests on statistics that conceal almost as much as they disclose. A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data.

High deportation figures are misleading

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years


Translation. Your facts don't agree with my misinformation. Therefore, your facts have been manipulated by the giant conspiracy going on in Washington....

What conspiracy? I even used left-wing sources.
The Borders have seen more border patrols, spending the limited money there, and with the program coordinated with the States to remove criminals first.

Stopping them at the border has been very effective, they don't have to bring them to a court hearing, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, we are sending a message of NO MORE, and the message of NO MORE will be able to come in and drop a baby, for their reason to be allowed to stay.... Stopping them at the border is the beginning to the end of this mess.....

It's a GOOD THING.... our illegal immigrant influx has leveled out, flat lined....

HARD Decisions still need to be made about the illegals here, especially those who have American born children with citizenship...

BUT STOPPING THEM at the border and sending them back from there, eliminates the cost of having them get their due process in court, like what has to happen if they are caught after they crossed the border and established themselves.

Agreed, but you certainly can't consider stopping them at the border a deportation simply to fudge the numbers.

looks like Obama's focus on deporting criminals first is working and not affecting other deportations either

Except this administration considers turning people away at the border a deportation.

High deportation figures are misleading

WASHINGTON — Immigration activists have sharply criticized President Obama for a rising volume of deportations, labeling him the "deporter in chief" and staging large protests that have harmed his standing with some Latinos, a key group of voters for Democrats.

But the portrait of a steadily increasing number of deportations rests on statistics that conceal almost as much as they disclose. A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data.

High deportation figures are misleading

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years


Translation. Your facts don't agree with my misinformation. Therefore, your facts have been manipulated by the giant conspiracy going on in Washington....

What conspiracy? I even used left-wing sources.
The Borders have seen more border patrols, spending the limited money there, and with the program coordinated with the States to remove criminals first.

Stopping them at the border has been very effective, they don't have to bring them to a court hearing, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, we are sending a message of NO MORE, and the message of NO MORE will be able to come in and drop a baby, for their reason to be allowed to stay.... Stopping them at the border is the beginning to the end of this mess.....

It's a GOOD THING.... our illegal immigrant influx has leveled out, flat lined....

HARD Decisions still need to be made about the illegals here, especially those who have American born children with citizenship...

BUT STOPPING THEM at the border and sending them back from there, eliminates the cost of having them get their due process in court, like what has to happen if they are caught after they crossed the border and established themselves.

Agreed, but you certainly can't consider stopping them at the border a deportation simply to fudge the numbers.

You just don't get it, do you Ray? "Stopping at the border" is a euphemism for anyone that the BP caches anywhere in the USA that they do not take to court, but instead, drive them back to Mexico. Any you say that they don't count as having been deported.

looks like Obama's focus on deporting criminals first is working and not affecting other deportations either

Except this administration considers turning people away at the border a deportation.

High deportation figures are misleading

WASHINGTON — Immigration activists have sharply criticized President Obama for a rising volume of deportations, labeling him the "deporter in chief" and staging large protests that have harmed his standing with some Latinos, a key group of voters for Democrats.

But the portrait of a steadily increasing number of deportations rests on statistics that conceal almost as much as they disclose. A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data.

High deportation figures are misleading

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years


Translation. Your facts don't agree with my misinformation. Therefore, your facts have been manipulated by the giant conspiracy going on in Washington....

What conspiracy? I even used left-wing sources.
The Borders have seen more border patrols, spending the limited money there, and with the program coordinated with the States to remove criminals first.

Stopping them at the border has been very effective, they don't have to bring them to a court hearing, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, we are sending a message of NO MORE, and the message of NO MORE will be able to come in and drop a baby, for their reason to be allowed to stay.... Stopping them at the border is the beginning to the end of this mess.....

It's a GOOD THING.... our illegal immigrant influx has leveled out, flat lined....

HARD Decisions still need to be made about the illegals here, especially those who have American born children with citizenship...

BUT STOPPING THEM at the border and sending them back from there, eliminates the cost of having them get their due process in court, like what has to happen if they are caught after they crossed the border and established themselves.

Agreed, but you certainly can't consider stopping them at the border a deportation simply to fudge the numbers.
i don't think its being done just to fudge the numbers, the numbers speak for themselves, and show that the increase in undocumented immigrants have flat lined... whether we are deporting them from Illinois or stopping the influx of illegal aliens at the border and sending them back on a bus from there is just as good or better than from inland, and spending the money on border patrol has been effective....without tracking the deportations at or near the border, where our tax monies are going for the added border patrol, would appear the extra money and border patrol were useless and a waste....which would be a disservice to what they are actually accomplishing with the added money spent there.
Except this administration considers turning people away at the border a deportation.

High deportation figures are misleading

WASHINGTON — Immigration activists have sharply criticized President Obama for a rising volume of deportations, labeling him the "deporter in chief" and staging large protests that have harmed his standing with some Latinos, a key group of voters for Democrats.

But the portrait of a steadily increasing number of deportations rests on statistics that conceal almost as much as they disclose. A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data.

High deportation figures are misleading

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years


Translation. Your facts don't agree with my misinformation. Therefore, your facts have been manipulated by the giant conspiracy going on in Washington....

What conspiracy? I even used left-wing sources.
The Borders have seen more border patrols, spending the limited money there, and with the program coordinated with the States to remove criminals first.

Stopping them at the border has been very effective, they don't have to bring them to a court hearing, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, we are sending a message of NO MORE, and the message of NO MORE will be able to come in and drop a baby, for their reason to be allowed to stay.... Stopping them at the border is the beginning to the end of this mess.....

It's a GOOD THING.... our illegal immigrant influx has leveled out, flat lined....

HARD Decisions still need to be made about the illegals here, especially those who have American born children with citizenship...

BUT STOPPING THEM at the border and sending them back from there, eliminates the cost of having them get their due process in court, like what has to happen if they are caught after they crossed the border and established themselves.

Agreed, but you certainly can't consider stopping them at the border a deportation simply to fudge the numbers.

You just don't get it, do you Ray? "Stopping at the border" is a euphemism for anyone that the BP caches anywhere in the USA that they do not take to court, but instead, drive them back to Mexico. Any you say that they don't count as having been deported.

Well I don't know what to tell you. Two left leaning sources say that those figures are skewed and even explains how.

Then there is this from Fact Check to show more skewing of the numbers:

"Specifically, TRAC examined the Obama administration’s claim that is has had “a high degree of success in achieving its objective of deporting ‘convicted criminals.'”

The TRAC report confirms that Obama’s 80 percent figure is accurate, but inflated. TRAC said there has been an 87 percent increase from fiscal year 2008 to fiscal year 2013 in the deportation of those classified by ICE as “convicted criminals.” But that’s because ICE uses an “exceedingly broad definition of criminal behavior,” the report said.

The 87 percent increase in the deportation of “convicted criminals” was driven almost exclusively by “those with a traffic violation (up 191 percent) and individuals convicted of immigration offenses (up 167 percent).”

By comparison, the deportation of those with serious crimes fell. “For example, the number of deportees convicted of vehicle theft was down by 27 percent. Robbery, burglary and forgery categories saw only a small increase — up 4 to 6 percent over this six year period. Although their numbers were small, declines also occurred for individuals convicted of arson (down 1 percent), embezzlement (down 14 percent) and bribery (down 41 percent).”

Behind the Rising Deportations of ‘Criminals’
Translation. Your facts don't agree with my misinformation. Therefore, your facts have been manipulated by the giant conspiracy going on in Washington....

What conspiracy? I even used left-wing sources.
The Borders have seen more border patrols, spending the limited money there, and with the program coordinated with the States to remove criminals first.

Stopping them at the border has been very effective, they don't have to bring them to a court hearing, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, we are sending a message of NO MORE, and the message of NO MORE will be able to come in and drop a baby, for their reason to be allowed to stay.... Stopping them at the border is the beginning to the end of this mess.....

It's a GOOD THING.... our illegal immigrant influx has leveled out, flat lined....

HARD Decisions still need to be made about the illegals here, especially those who have American born children with citizenship...

BUT STOPPING THEM at the border and sending them back from there, eliminates the cost of having them get their due process in court, like what has to happen if they are caught after they crossed the border and established themselves.

Agreed, but you certainly can't consider stopping them at the border a deportation simply to fudge the numbers.

You just don't get it, do you Ray? "Stopping at the border" is a euphemism for anyone that the BP caches anywhere in the USA that they do not take to court, but instead, drive them back to Mexico. Any you say that they don't count as having been deported.

Well I don't know what to tell you. Two left leaning sources say that those figures are skewed and even explains how.

Then there is this from Fact Check to show more skewing of the numbers:

"Specifically, TRAC examined the Obama administration’s claim that is has had “a high degree of success in achieving its objective of deporting ‘convicted criminals.'”

The TRAC report confirms that Obama’s 80 percent figure is accurate, but inflated. TRAC said there has been an 87 percent increase from fiscal year 2008 to fiscal year 2013 in the deportation of those classified by ICE as “convicted criminals.” But that’s because ICE uses an “exceedingly broad definition of criminal behavior,” the report said.

The 87 percent increase in the deportation of “convicted criminals” was driven almost exclusively by “those with a traffic violation (up 191 percent) and individuals convicted of immigration offenses (up 167 percent).”

By comparison, the deportation of those with serious crimes fell. “For example, the number of deportees convicted of vehicle theft was down by 27 percent. Robbery, burglary and forgery categories saw only a small increase — up 4 to 6 percent over this six year period. Although their numbers were small, declines also occurred for individuals convicted of arson (down 1 percent), embezzlement (down 14 percent) and bribery (down 41 percent).”

Behind the Rising Deportations of ‘Criminals’

Ok. It is all a conspiracy, as I said.
Except this administration considers turning people away at the border a deportation.

High deportation figures are misleading

WASHINGTON — Immigration activists have sharply criticized President Obama for a rising volume of deportations, labeling him the "deporter in chief" and staging large protests that have harmed his standing with some Latinos, a key group of voters for Democrats.

But the portrait of a steadily increasing number of deportations rests on statistics that conceal almost as much as they disclose. A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data.

High deportation figures are misleading

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years


Translation. Your facts don't agree with my misinformation. Therefore, your facts have been manipulated by the giant conspiracy going on in Washington....

What conspiracy? I even used left-wing sources.
The Borders have seen more border patrols, spending the limited money there, and with the program coordinated with the States to remove criminals first.

Stopping them at the border has been very effective, they don't have to bring them to a court hearing, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, we are sending a message of NO MORE, and the message of NO MORE will be able to come in and drop a baby, for their reason to be allowed to stay.... Stopping them at the border is the beginning to the end of this mess.....

It's a GOOD THING.... our illegal immigrant influx has leveled out, flat lined....

HARD Decisions still need to be made about the illegals here, especially those who have American born children with citizenship...

BUT STOPPING THEM at the border and sending them back from there, eliminates the cost of having them get their due process in court, like what has to happen if they are caught after they crossed the border and established themselves.

Agreed, but you certainly can't consider stopping them at the border a deportation simply to fudge the numbers.
i don't think its being done just to fudge the numbers, the numbers speak for themselves, and show that the increase in undocumented immigrants have flat lined... whether we are deporting them from Illinois or stopping the influx of illegal aliens at the border and sending them back on a bus from there is just as good or better than from inland, and spending the money on border patrol has been effective....without tracking the deportations at or near the border, where our tax monies are going for the added border patrol, would appear the extra money and border patrol were useless and a waste....which would be a disservice to what they are actually accomplishing with the added money spent there.

Well yeah, but DumBama isn't responsible for those extra border agents--Bush is. DumBama just takes credit for them. Again, from FactCheck.org:

Reliable figures on illegal immigration and border enforcement are hard to come by. The U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agency reports that it deported 409,849 individuals in fiscal 2012, an increase of 11 percent over the total for the same period four years earlier (fiscal 2008, the last full fiscal year completed under Bush). But the reported increases under Obama have been the subject of dispute. The Washington Post reported that the Obama administration inflated the deportation numbers in fiscal 2010. Numbers USA, a group urging stricter controls on immigration, and Republican Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas have accused ICE of continuing to inflate the figures. ICE did not return our phone calls or respond to requests for clarification and for more up-to-date monthly figures.

One figure we deemed solid enough to include in our graphic is the number of border patrol agents, which increased 6.3 percent between fiscal 2009 (for which Bush was mostly responsible) and last fiscal year. In essence, Bush roughly doubled the number of agents, and Obama has maintained and even slightly increased that high level, at least until the recent automatic budget cuts, which may cause some agents to be furloughed."

Obama’s Numbers (Quarterly Update)
What conspiracy? I even used left-wing sources.
The Borders have seen more border patrols, spending the limited money there, and with the program coordinated with the States to remove criminals first.

Stopping them at the border has been very effective, they don't have to bring them to a court hearing, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, we are sending a message of NO MORE, and the message of NO MORE will be able to come in and drop a baby, for their reason to be allowed to stay.... Stopping them at the border is the beginning to the end of this mess.....

It's a GOOD THING.... our illegal immigrant influx has leveled out, flat lined....

HARD Decisions still need to be made about the illegals here, especially those who have American born children with citizenship...

BUT STOPPING THEM at the border and sending them back from there, eliminates the cost of having them get their due process in court, like what has to happen if they are caught after they crossed the border and established themselves.

Agreed, but you certainly can't consider stopping them at the border a deportation simply to fudge the numbers.

You just don't get it, do you Ray? "Stopping at the border" is a euphemism for anyone that the BP caches anywhere in the USA that they do not take to court, but instead, drive them back to Mexico. Any you say that they don't count as having been deported.

Well I don't know what to tell you. Two left leaning sources say that those figures are skewed and even explains how.

Then there is this from Fact Check to show more skewing of the numbers:

"Specifically, TRAC examined the Obama administration’s claim that is has had “a high degree of success in achieving its objective of deporting ‘convicted criminals.'”

The TRAC report confirms that Obama’s 80 percent figure is accurate, but inflated. TRAC said there has been an 87 percent increase from fiscal year 2008 to fiscal year 2013 in the deportation of those classified by ICE as “convicted criminals.” But that’s because ICE uses an “exceedingly broad definition of criminal behavior,” the report said.

The 87 percent increase in the deportation of “convicted criminals” was driven almost exclusively by “those with a traffic violation (up 191 percent) and individuals convicted of immigration offenses (up 167 percent).”

By comparison, the deportation of those with serious crimes fell. “For example, the number of deportees convicted of vehicle theft was down by 27 percent. Robbery, burglary and forgery categories saw only a small increase — up 4 to 6 percent over this six year period. Although their numbers were small, declines also occurred for individuals convicted of arson (down 1 percent), embezzlement (down 14 percent) and bribery (down 41 percent).”

Behind the Rising Deportations of ‘Criminals’

Ok. It is all a conspiracy, as I said.

Not so much a conspiracy than it is a lie. I mean I'll give anybody credit for good accomplishments no matter who it is, but I also feel that Obama has made his immigration stance pretty clear.
The Borders have seen more border patrols, spending the limited money there, and with the program coordinated with the States to remove criminals first.

Stopping them at the border has been very effective, they don't have to bring them to a court hearing, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, we are sending a message of NO MORE, and the message of NO MORE will be able to come in and drop a baby, for their reason to be allowed to stay.... Stopping them at the border is the beginning to the end of this mess.....

It's a GOOD THING.... our illegal immigrant influx has leveled out, flat lined....

HARD Decisions still need to be made about the illegals here, especially those who have American born children with citizenship...

BUT STOPPING THEM at the border and sending them back from there, eliminates the cost of having them get their due process in court, like what has to happen if they are caught after they crossed the border and established themselves.

Agreed, but you certainly can't consider stopping them at the border a deportation simply to fudge the numbers.

You just don't get it, do you Ray? "Stopping at the border" is a euphemism for anyone that the BP caches anywhere in the USA that they do not take to court, but instead, drive them back to Mexico. Any you say that they don't count as having been deported.

Well I don't know what to tell you. Two left leaning sources say that those figures are skewed and even explains how.

Then there is this from Fact Check to show more skewing of the numbers:

"Specifically, TRAC examined the Obama administration’s claim that is has had “a high degree of success in achieving its objective of deporting ‘convicted criminals.'”

The TRAC report confirms that Obama’s 80 percent figure is accurate, but inflated. TRAC said there has been an 87 percent increase from fiscal year 2008 to fiscal year 2013 in the deportation of those classified by ICE as “convicted criminals.” But that’s because ICE uses an “exceedingly broad definition of criminal behavior,” the report said.

The 87 percent increase in the deportation of “convicted criminals” was driven almost exclusively by “those with a traffic violation (up 191 percent) and individuals convicted of immigration offenses (up 167 percent).”

By comparison, the deportation of those with serious crimes fell. “For example, the number of deportees convicted of vehicle theft was down by 27 percent. Robbery, burglary and forgery categories saw only a small increase — up 4 to 6 percent over this six year period. Although their numbers were small, declines also occurred for individuals convicted of arson (down 1 percent), embezzlement (down 14 percent) and bribery (down 41 percent).”

Behind the Rising Deportations of ‘Criminals’

Ok. It is all a conspiracy, as I said.

Not so much a conspiracy than it is a lie. I mean I'll give anybody credit for good accomplishments no matter who it is, but I also feel that Obama has made his immigration stance pretty clear.

...and yet, not one word of praise for Obama rounding up and deporting the thousands of illegals after this holiday, which is exactly what this thread is about.
In the meantime, this is the truth of what is going on down here, regarding those illegals that are being prosecuted, instead of simply driven back over the border. Under Obama's direction, illegals who are convicted criminals always follow this route, since they need to be convicted of being an illegal alien, too, so that if they come back, they are now guilty of a a felony:


And this is great, but who are you giving credit to for this new law?

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