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Hillary: Israel Lacks 'Empathy,' 'Generosity' Toward Palestinians

The comment by Hilliary was SO MEANINGLESS----that it is really not worth discussing except as an example of her idiocy. She made an attempt to lick LOTS OF ASSES all at once----her comment was a demonstration of her personal ambition and nothing more
The most imperialistic movement in the history of mankind---
is ISLAM -----the sad fact is the christianity ---together with
communism runs second-----but a fairly distant second----The good news is that christianity has repudiated its imperialist
outlook and communism is simply failing-----today the face of IMPERIALISM is islam-----a very very brutal imperialism

Most religions are just as bloodthirsty as Islam. Islam just happens to be the one doing the most shit NOW. Crusades and what the Zionist terrorists did.... Hindus.... Religion in general is about dividing everyone into little groups, who then go to war against each other.

no quite Ima----different IDEOLOGIES are imperialistic to different degrees----

Hindus?? not even close christians---used to be close. Jews---not even as much as christians---more like hindus Buddhists----even less so than hindus etc etc Yes---today it is MUSLIMS and for the past 1400 years it has been muslims---there was a bit of an HIATUS in activity----between the 17th and 20th centuries
It is less anti semitic than ludicrous. Where was the concern for the welfare of the Palestinian Arab people from the international community, especially of her husband, when they foisted Arafat and his gang of terrorists and thieves on the Palestinian Arabs? Where was their concern when Arafat and company stoled billions of dollars of foreign aid intended for economic development to fatten their foreign bank accounts? Where was their concern for the when Arafat murdered thousands of Palestinian Arabs for favoring peace with Israel or for opposing his policies?

Where is the concern for the Palestinian Arab people when the rule of law is routinely suspended or ignored to settle political feuds? Where was the international community's concern for the welfare of the Palestinian people when Abbas became a billionaire and his sons were given hundreds of millions of dollars of government contracts at a time when the PA couldn't pay the salaries of government workers, nearly half the workers in the West Bank? Where was the concern when those who protested against this corruption like Muhammed Dahlan were declared enemies of the state and forced to flee for their lives?

Where are the expressions of concern for the welfare of the Palestinian Arab people from the international community, especially from the UN, when again and again Hamas refuses to take any measures to protect the civilian population in times of conflict? Where is the concern of the international community for the Palestinian Arab people when they reward the corrupt and incompetent leadership in Ramallah for refusing to negotiate a peaceful two state solution because they believe that leadership is not quite as disruptive and the Gaza terrorists?

What should be clear to everyone is that no one in the world, most especially the leaderships in Gaza and Ramallah, cares about the welfare of the Palestinian Arab people. Imagine the chutzpah of this political whore to criticize Israelis for lacking sensitivity and empathy for the sufferings of the Palestinian Arab people when she and her husband are among those most responsible for imposing corrupt and incompetent governments on the Palestinian Arabs, which keep them impoverished and in fear for their lives if they protest, and who continue to support these governments because they are not as disruptive as the terrorists in Gaza!
The government wasn't "imposed", it was elected.

As far as international concern, there are over 200 UN resolutions telling the Israeli's to fuck off! That's 200 resolutions in defense of the Palestinian people.

You have to go back to the Holocaust to find how a similar population has been treated like the Pals. The whole world is disgusted with Israel and for good reason.
Evidently, Lamb Chop only follows the news about what is going on in Israel and the territories. Even though he just stated the other day that he doesn't care for the Jews or the Arabs, it looks like he has no interest in any other parts of the world. Therefore, he probably has no idea as to what happens to the minorities in Muslim countries, nor does he have any idea what is going on in Tibet. How many resolutions has the UN brought up against China for their treatment of the Tibetans? The monks surely are not setting themselves on fire just for the fun of it.
PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE----by "NUMBERS OF RESOLUTIONS" reminds me of the TINKERBELLE antidote to poison
i do believe in fairies
i do believe in fairies
i do believe in fairies
i do believe in fairies...............................
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has never been a friend to Israel. Today, speaking at the 2012 Saban Forum on US-Israel Relations, a liberal organization, she railed against Israel for supposed insensitivity, lack of empathy, and lack of generosity with regard to the Palestinians – even as the Palestinians unilaterally violated all agreements with Israel and attempted to declare statehood, and within days of Hamas firing rockets on Israeli population centers and bombing a bus.

Is anybody beside me NOT surprised by this? Read the rest @ Hillary: Israel Lacks 'Empathy,' 'Generosity' Toward Palestinians


it's breitbart...
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has never been a friend to Israel. Today, speaking at the 2012 Saban Forum on US-Israel Relations, a liberal organization, she railed against Israel for supposed insensitivity, lack of empathy, and lack of generosity with regard to the Palestinians – even as the Palestinians unilaterally violated all agreements with Israel and attempted to declare statehood, and within days of Hamas firing rockets on Israeli population centers and bombing a bus.

Is anybody beside me NOT surprised by this? Read the rest @ Hillary: Israel Lacks 'Empathy,' 'Generosity' Toward Palestinians


both Hillary-the-whore and her shameful husband are bought and paid for by the Jewish lobbies...Nothing this corrupted bitch says should really shock anyone...she is beneath contempt

LOL, you are a funny little man! If what an ignorant pussy like you says, then HILLARY would have stated the exact opposite of what she did!!! LAMO

Do the world a favor and kill yourself! :razz:
Leave huggy alone----he is BUSY---sewing seeds........

In embroidery----and even in knitting-----there are techniques
called a SEED STITCH-----but neither involves the very
difficult task of SEWING SEEDS. I am fascinated----I am
only a jewess of rather small stature and LEFT HANDED at
that. I am truly fascinated that a 'gentile' from the
northwest can SEW SEEDS. he must have the
patience and COURAGE---of a MUSTARD SEED (a symbol
from the new testament) Huggy ---is it
MUSTARD SEEDS that you sew? what sort of sewing
needle do you use?

Like most jews you are a pain in the ass. Thanks for proving my point. Pointing out spelling errors on the internet is rediculous. Jews are rediculous. Thanks for pointing that out. A whole paragraph on a spelling error is psychotic. You are psychotic. Thanks for pointing out that Jews are crazy.
huggy----you got RIDICULOUS wrong, too

I LIKED THE IMAGERY of sewing little tiny seeds---
your rejoinder was BOTH REDICULOUS and
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has never been a friend to Israel. Today, speaking at the 2012 Saban Forum on US-Israel Relations, a liberal organization, she railed against Israel for supposed insensitivity, lack of empathy, and lack of generosity with regard to the Palestinians – even as the Palestinians unilaterally violated all agreements with Israel and attempted to declare statehood, and within days of Hamas firing rockets on Israeli population centers and bombing a bus.

Is anybody beside me NOT surprised by this? Read the rest @ Hillary: Israel Lacks 'Empathy,' 'Generosity' Toward Palestinians


it's breitbart...

Ummm....Here you go special video just for you. Now make an ass out of yourself some more

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBONzCBI0eM]Hillary Accuses Israel of Lacking Generosity and Empathy with Palestinians - YouTube[/ame]
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Hillary Praises PA; Blasts Israel

During a press conference in Washington yesterday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton praised the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad for "their real achievements on the ground" citing the safe streets of the West Bank, the overhaul of government institutions and helping to enhance Israel's security.

Clinton then berated Israel for announcing new settlement construction stating such activities "set back the cause of a negotiated peace." I suppose Hillary thinks Palestinian unilateral declarations of independence are just fine and dandy.

Well, last I checked Palestinians were throwing stones at PA buildings because of high prices, low wages and government corruption.

The PA will never achieve anything tangible until it stops naming its schools after suicide bombers, refrains from using its official newspaper from printing cartoons insinuating that Israel poisoned Yasser Arafat, and using its state run TV to air music videos calling Israel "the enemy" and a "snake".

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Hillary Praises PA; Blasts Israel
huggy----you got RIDICULOUS wrong, too

I LIKED THE IMAGERY of sewing little tiny seeds---
your rejoinder was BOTH REDICULOUS and

Cut Huggy some slack, Rosie. You've got to take into account that he's only got three functioning brain cells which means if he's typing on his keyboard then he's not going to able to simultaneously handle something as complex as spelling:cool:.
It’s starting now with Obama's reelection comes pressure on Israel as Israeli's enemies are praised

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xt9TNFXqsGw]Man of the moment Morsi to rule Egypt by decree - YouTube[/ame]
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So the UN is now the arbiter of right and wrong in the world? Wow...we're really screwed then, Loinboy because they're about as corrupt an organization as there is.
Maybe in the UNSC because we keep protecting Israel from being held accountable for their war crimes with our veto, but not the general assembly.
Jews and arabs had been living there for generations.

Then zionists showed up treating one of the groups like garbage.

Everytime a Pro- Pal lies is when they open their mouth

Sunday, January 23, 2011
Massacres of Jews by Muslims before 1948

"Jews lived happily together with Muslims and in harmony before Israel was established."
How many times have you heard this said?

We are indebted to Torbjorn Karfunkel, who has blown the myth of peaceful coexistence sky-high with his pre-1948 'massacre map' of Jews by Muslims (click on the map to enlarge). The map should not be considered exhaustive, but it does go back to the 7th century, when Mohammed's followers massacred Jewish tribes in Arabia. It reminds us that Jews were murdered in Spain in 1066, in spite of the 'Andalusian Golden Age'. The cluster of explosive dots over Morocco recalls that relationships between Jews and Muslims during the 19th century were not always plain sailing.

To this 'massacre map' one might add the blood libels which spread like wildfire across the Ottoman empire, often resulting not in massacres, but in individuals arrested, tortured and unfairly accused.

As the great Tunisian-Jewish writer Albert Memmi has written: "coexistence with the Arabs was not just uncomfortable, it was marked by threats periodically carried out.":clap2:
Where's the map and the link?

And while your at it, where are your computer skills?
Evidently, Lamb Chop only follows the news about what is going on in Israel and the territories. Even though he just stated the other day that he doesn't care for the Jews or the Arabs, it looks like he has no interest in any other parts of the world. Therefore, he probably has no idea as to what happens to the minorities in Muslim countries, nor does he have any idea what is going on in Tibet. How many resolutions has the UN brought up against China for their treatment of the Tibetans? The monks surely are not setting themselves on fire just for the fun of it.
And so goes the complimentary "change the subject" spam from Hossfly.

Every thread has at least one.
All I can do is shake my head when I hear someone like you prattle on about Israel's "war crimes". It's neighbor fires thousands of rockets deliberately aimed at civilian targets from launchers that are purposely put in close proximity to women and children and when Israel responds with targeted missiles to take out those rocket launchers and women and children are killed? Then Hamas calls for the news media to see what those "barbaric" Israelis have done! Hamas uses innocents as human shields hoping that an Israeli missile kills them yet you call out Israel for "war crimes".
The truth of the matter is that groups like Hamas scuttle around like cock roaches launching terror attacks against Israel. They do that because every time the Arabs have tried to have a REAL war with Israel they've gotten their asses kicked so badly it's almost laughable. So instead of waging war...now they wage terror campaigns from behind the skirts of their women and behind the bodies of their children...taking shots at the Israelis and then running away to let the return fire kill innocent civilians.

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