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Hillary: Israel Lacks 'Empathy,' 'Generosity' Toward Palestinians

I believe you missed Huggy's point ... that we pulled "their worthless (Jewish) asses out of the ovens." Clearly Huggy is pissed about that. :D

I couldn't care less. Just don't try and lay some song and dance about how Israel is some fine upstanding country. Like I said. They owe US big time and have done nothing to show it.

Riiiiight. If you didn't care you certainly wouldn't be here expressing your disdain for Jews and don't bother trying to change the subject to Israel, Bubba ... we both know that's just a cover.

Ya sure it is... just tell me what our super secret NAZI handshake is and I'll spill the beans!

:lol: You take yourself a smidge too seriously Sparky.
Oh I see...NOW I'M a NAZI... You people are laughable.

I see you have gone down a crazy tangent road and took your mind along with you.

It sure is funny seeing the Jews all rise up indignat like when someone asks them for so much as a polite thank you. Ungrateful pieces of shit.

Any chance you'll share with this board why you deserve anyone's thanks for anything you've done with your life, Adolph? :D

It's the internet fuckwit. You suppose yourself too much importance.

Ah ... a worthless Nazi troll posting about getting "worthless (Jewish) asses out of the ovens" from the comfort of his "rundown Seattle motel." What a surprise. :D
I couldn't care less. Just don't try and lay some song and dance about how Israel is some fine upstanding country. Like I said. They owe US big time and have done nothing to show it.

Riiiiight. If you didn't care you certainly wouldn't be here expressing your disdain for Jews and don't bother trying to change the subject to Israel, Bubba ... we both know that's just a cover.

Ya sure it is... just tell me what our super secret NAZI handshake is and I'll spill the beans!

:lol: You take yourself a smidge too seriously Sparky.

Here's something I'll bet you didn't know: We don't much care for you Nazi types here in America, Princess. In fact, one could make the argument we Americans overwhelmingly support Israel because we enjoy poking our collective thumb in your eye. :D
Hillarey is a fucking retard obama monkey. I don't show empathy or generosity to those who have a charter calling for my destruction. What is so hard to understand about that. You can love your enemy. Me I want to see them die-hopefully painfully.

You're a real charmer ain't ya Adolph...???

Aww you must be one who loves your enemies unless of course they happen to be Jews.
Ya sure it is... just tell me what our super secret NAZI handshake is and I'll spill the beans!

:lol: You take yourself a smidge too seriously Sparky.

Here's something I'll bet you didn't know: We don't much care for you Nazi types here in America, Princess. In fact, one could make the argument we Americans overwhelmingly support Israel because we enjoy poking our collective thumb in your eye. :D

beg pardon!!!!! Now the parasitic Jews are pluralizing "we" Americans???? I'm an American bubba, and I don't have a spit's worth of loyalty to Jews or their Nazified U.S. -supported fkg welfare state. If the American public had any idea how much money you parasites steal from them they would torch Washington, and lynch the entire congress that grovels at the feet of the Jewish lobbies. Far from "poking your thumb at Nazis" you Jews have morphed into them...who do you think you're kidding??? People are waking up to the reality of what Israeli is---in spite of herculean propaganda efforts to paint a sympathetic picture....Seig Heil baby!!!!

Like I said, Princess, we Americans don't much like you Nazi types and do enjoy poking our collective thumb in your eye. No wonder you're such a sorehead ... your eye must be killin' you. Oh, and always remember to click your heels before you say "Sieg Heil!" :D
Riiiiight. If you didn't care you certainly wouldn't be here expressing your disdain for Jews and don't bother trying to change the subject to Israel, Bubba ... we both know that's just a cover.

Ya sure it is... just tell me what our super secret NAZI handshake is and I'll spill the beans!

:lol: You take yourself a smidge too seriously Sparky.

Here's something I'll bet you didn't know: We don't much care for you Nazi types here in America, Princess. In fact, one could make the argument we Americans overwhelmingly support Israel because we enjoy poking our collective thumb in your eye. :D

You might have some support on the North East coast and in Florida and maybe some in Southern California but up here in the Northwest you rude little fuckers are nothing special. Just some comical dweebs with bad manners. Most of the "Americans" in my neck of the woods laugh at you pathetic fucks.

Calling me a NAZI doesn't mean a fucking thing. You piss ants call everyone a NAZI that points out what a joke you people are. I know from experience what pushy rude assholes you are. Up here where I live you Jews just keep your mouths shut and mind your own buisness.
Please, the concept that Israel has attacked Arabs without provocation ignores 60 plus YEARS of non-stop attacks by Israel's Arab neighbors on that country. Israel treats the Palestinians as they do because the Palestinians have let themselves be run by terrorists since the 1970's. Israel treats the Palestinians the way they do because groups like Hamas and the PLO have wiping Israel off the face of the earth as part of their "charters".
That's not an accurate depiction of what has transpired since the zionist migrations into Palestine. Before that, there were no major incidents of violence between jewish and arab communities in that area. It wasn't until the zionists showed up with their racist, aparthied policies, demonstating no regard for the rights of the indigenous arab population, did the violence and hatred kick into high gear.

Between 1945 - 1948, over 700,000 arabs were driven from their homes because of the violence (or threat of violence) at the hands of jewish terrorist groups like Irgun. You can't move into an area and just start removing people from their homes. And you certainly can't blame the ones who lost their homes, as the cause of the conflict.

Nice "story" the only problem with it is that the majority of the Arabs that left Israel did so because they believed that the Arab armies assembled on Israel's borders would make short work of the fledgling country and then they could come back to a land without Jews. It didn't work out that way. Despite facing far superior forces the Israel defense forces routed the attackers. Israel has ALWAYS treated its "indigenous" Arab population far better than Arabs have treated Jews in their countries.
Here's something I'll bet you didn't know: We don't much care for you Nazi types here in America, Princess. In fact, one could make the argument we Americans overwhelmingly support Israel because we enjoy poking our collective thumb in your eye. :D

You might have some support on the North East coast and in Florida and maybe some in Southern California but up here in the Northwest you rude little fuckers are nothing special. Just some comical dweebs with bad manners. Most of the "Americans" in my neck of the woods laugh at you pathetic fucks.

Calling me a NAZI doesn't mean a fucking thing. You piss ants call everyone a NAZI that points out what a joke you people are. I know from experience what pushy rude assholes you are. Up here where I live you Jews just keep your mouths shut and mind your own buisness.

You must come from that place where men are men and sheep are nervous, Bubba, and obviously Jews are the reason you're holed up in that fleabag motel.

Not any more. I've got the local vermin well under control. I don't work for Jews. I work for Greeks ... Christian Greeks. It is true I am stuck here in a matter of speaking. I gave my word I would do this job and I am doing what I promised.
loinboy, read this
1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are right about the 700 000 Arabs leaving, but not all because of the Jews. Read the article and tell me what you think
From your own link...

Nur-eldeen Masalha writes that over 80 percent of the Arab inhabitants left their towns and villages in 1948, while Rashid Khalidi puts the percentage at 50. Factors involved in the flight include Jewish military advances, attacks against Arab villages and fears of massacre after Deir Yassin, which caused many to leave out of panic; expulsion orders by Zionist authorities; the voluntary self-removal of the wealthier classes, the collapse in Palestinian leadership, and an unwillingness to live under Jewish control. Later, a series of laws passed by the first Israeli government prevented them from returning to their homes, or claiming their property. They and many of their descendants remain refugees. Later in the war, Palestinians were expelled as part of Plan Dalet. The expulsion of the Palestinians has since been described by some historians as ethnic cleansing, while others dispute this charge.
I can't help but wonder, if zionists had been a little more respectful of the land rights of the people already living there, all this violence might not have gotten out of hand, like it has?
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has never been a friend to Israel. Today, speaking at the 2012 Saban Forum on US-Israel Relations, a liberal organization, she railed against Israel for supposed insensitivity, lack of empathy, and lack of generosity with regard to the Palestinians – even as the Palestinians unilaterally violated all agreements with Israel and attempted to declare statehood, and within days of Hamas firing rockets on Israeli population centers and bombing a bus.

Is anybody beside me NOT surprised by this? Read the rest @ Hillary: Israel Lacks 'Empathy,' 'Generosity' Toward Palestinians


It's not surprising because most countries in the world don't hold any "sympathy", or "generosity" towards their enemies.

And well, most countries, don't feed, give electricity, water, weapon, and taxes, to their enemies, either.

Crazy world it is, eh?
That skanks long history of anti-semitic feelings are well known and well documented so who gives a crap what that greasy haired pig says?
What's anti-semitic about saying the Israeli's should show some empathy towards the Palestinian's?

people don't show empathy towards their enemies. that's just the way the world works.

If I feel sympathy towards someone, he won't be my enemy.

Get the draft?
Only a total dumbass would think anyone, or any nation, should show empathy to a people that have spend decades murdering your fellow citizens, which I why I'm not surprised you think Israel should show the murderous scumbags some empathy.
Well, for one thing, junior, treating them all like they're the same entity (murderous skumbags), is pretty retarded. And the ones that actually do want to kill Israeli's, how can you blame them, after what Israel did to them? You once again show your ignorance, or is it bigotry? I don't know. Hamas Sweeps Palestinian Elections, You do know who Hamas is and what they are repsonsible for don't you? http://http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/26/AR2006012600372.html

In fact, Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's is so bad, has become so toxic, that liberal jews all over the world are starting to distance themselves from the "jewish state". Any civilized human being, cannot in good concience, show support for Israel's complete disregard for IHL and human rights. You have to go back to the Holocaust, to find anything similar to the way Israel treats the Pals. Quit getting your information from Al-Jezzera and try actually looking into the atrocities commited by the arabs in the past 50yrs alone then get back to me.

No one wants to be associate with that. Except dumbfuck, narcissists like you, who go around talking tall, but eventually whind up as a "tossed salad". I don't know what salad has to do with this boy, but the facts are the facts and the arabs there are murderous, terrorist scumbags who showed overwhelming support for the terrorist organization hamas that is responsible for the almost all the violence in Israel since the the hey day of the PLO, where hamas got most of it's members anyway. Empathy, no, the gallows, yes.
10 bucks she's gonna be forced to change her statement in the next coming days and she will have to apologize to the Jews.

Eh, she's still pissed her husband screwed a "****". it rotten her mind and she simply doesn't think clearly when it comes to the Jews.

You're back shlomo :)

Hillary might be one ugly beatch, but she's right, and Lips (even though she's a beaner and not a real Jew) is a good example of what she's talking about.
loinboy, read this
1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are right about the 700 000 Arabs leaving, but not all because of the Jews. Read the article and tell me what you think
From your own link...

Nur-eldeen Masalha writes that over 80 percent of the Arab inhabitants left their towns and villages in 1948, while Rashid Khalidi puts the percentage at 50. Factors involved in the flight include Jewish military advances, attacks against Arab villages and fears of massacre after Deir Yassin, which caused many to leave out of panic; expulsion orders by Zionist authorities; the voluntary self-removal of the wealthier classes, the collapse in Palestinian leadership, and an unwillingness to live under Jewish control. Later, a series of laws passed by the first Israeli government prevented them from returning to their homes, or claiming their property. They and many of their descendants remain refugees. Later in the war, Palestinians were expelled as part of Plan Dalet. The expulsion of the Palestinians has since been described by some historians as ethnic cleansing, while others dispute this charge.
I can't help but wonder, if zionists had been a little more respectful of the land rights of the people already living there, all this violence might not have gotten out of hand, like it has?

Respectful of the land rights of the very same people who were gleefully waiting for your extermination? A better question is..if the Arabs had been a little less eager to wipe out Israel wouldn't the entire region have been much more prosperous? Israel took a barren piece of land with few natural resources and grew a vibrant economy. Arabs that stayed in Israel and participated in that growth were treated far better than Jew were ever treated in neighboring Arab countries. Contrast the success that Israel has had with little to work with, with the Palestinians who have been wallowing in "violence" for decades. Violence is what they DO. It's their national sport. It's their national export. One of the main Israeli methods of punishing Palestinians is to not allow them to enter into Israel to work. Palestinians go to Israel for work because their own leaders care more about eradicating Jews than they do about taking care of their own people.
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Respectful of the land rights of the very same people who were gleefully waiting for your extermination? A better question is..if the Arabs had been a little less eager to wipe out Israel wouldn't the entire region have been much more prosperous? Israel took a barren piece of land with few natural resources and grew a vibrant economy. Arabs that stayed in Israel and participated in that growth were treated far better than Jew were ever treated in neighboring Arab countries. Contrast the success that Israel has had with little to work with, with the Palestinians who have been wallowing in "violence" for decades. Violence is what they DO. It's their national sport. It's their national export. One of the main Israeli methods of punishing Palestinians is to not allow them to enter into Israel to work. Palestinians go to Israel for work because their own leaders care more about eradicating Jews than they do about taking care of their own people.
It wasn't a barren piece of land!

Jews and arabs had been living there for generations.

Then zionists showed up treating one of the groups like garbage.
Give crtoch-boy a chance-----In what way and WHEN were
jews NOT RESPECTFUL of the land rights of arabs in Palestine?

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