Hillary kills Donald in latest Wall Street Journal Poll

Something to keep in mind is that most polls at this time are going to be presented in a way to make people believe that Trump can't win. NONE of the major news outlets want him to be POTUS and have been actively campaigning against him so it's no surprise they would cast him in an unfavorable light. How many times have we heard "Trump is leading in all the polls BUT....."? This strategy has been backfiring so far but I'm sure it will continue because it's all they have.

This was a Wall Street Journal survey, Sherlock...
What's your point, asshole? Did I say it was ONLY liberal Democrats who want him to lose?
With all these bimbo eruptions, Bill Clinton won't be a candidate much longer...

With TrooperGate and Whitewater and blowjobs in the Oval Office, Bill Clinton won't be President much longer...
Flashback, December 18th 2007.


Clinton Maintains Large Lead
Over Obama Nationally

Clinton Maintains Large Lead Over Obama Nationally

Sorry, you were saying?

Note: That was DECEMBER. We are like in September. That is like a whole season out in comparison.

Historically, the 1st Democratic front runner rarely wins the party nomination anyway. Don't cry when "unseen candidate" comes out of nowhere, steals the peoples hearts and minds, and trumples Hillary in the primaries.

Deja vu?
Flashback, December 18th 2007.


Clinton Maintains Large Lead
Over Obama Nationally

Clinton Maintains Large Lead Over Obama Nationally

Sorry, you were saying?

Note: That was DECEMBER. We are like in September. That is like a whole season out in comparison.

Historically, the 1st Democratic front runner rarely wins the party nomination anyway. Don't cry when "unseen candidate" comes out of nowhere, steals the peoples hearts and minds, and trumples Hillary in the primaries.

Deja vu?

No matter. I am not a huge Hillary fan. If Donald wins the nomination, the GOP loses......
Flashback, December 18th 2007.


Clinton Maintains Large Lead
Over Obama Nationally

Clinton Maintains Large Lead Over Obama Nationally

Sorry, you were saying?

Note: That was DECEMBER. We are like in September. That is like a whole season out in comparison.

Historically, the 1st Democratic front runner rarely wins the party nomination anyway. Don't cry when "unseen candidate" comes out of nowhere, steals the peoples hearts and minds, and trumples Hillary in the primaries.

Deja vu?

No matter. I am not a huge Hillary fan. If Donald wins the nomination, the GOP loses......

Wait, they have a nominee they can win with? Who?
Flashback, December 18th 2007.


Clinton Maintains Large Lead
Over Obama Nationally

Clinton Maintains Large Lead Over Obama Nationally

Sorry, you were saying?

Note: That was DECEMBER. We are like in September. That is like a whole season out in comparison.

Historically, the 1st Democratic front runner rarely wins the party nomination anyway. Don't cry when "unseen candidate" comes out of nowhere, steals the peoples hearts and minds, and trumples Hillary in the primaries.

Deja vu?

No matter. I am not a huge Hillary fan. If Donald wins the nomination, the GOP loses......

Wait, they have a nominee they can win with? Who?


Is that simple enough?
Flashback, December 18th 2007.


Clinton Maintains Large Lead
Over Obama Nationally

Clinton Maintains Large Lead Over Obama Nationally

Sorry, you were saying?

Note: That was DECEMBER. We are like in September. That is like a whole season out in comparison.

Historically, the 1st Democratic front runner rarely wins the party nomination anyway. Don't cry when "unseen candidate" comes out of nowhere, steals the peoples hearts and minds, and trumples Hillary in the primaries.

Deja vu?

No matter. I am not a huge Hillary fan. If Donald wins the nomination, the GOP loses......

Wait, they have a nominee they can win with? Who?


Is that simple enough?

More altruism? Thanks for the advice, liberal...but to be honest, it really seems like just the thought that Trump may be the nominee is scaring you shitless. How many anti-Trump threads is this for you this week? Ten? Twenty?
Flashback, December 18th 2007.


Clinton Maintains Large Lead
Over Obama Nationally

Clinton Maintains Large Lead Over Obama Nationally

Sorry, you were saying?

Note: That was DECEMBER. We are like in September. That is like a whole season out in comparison.

Historically, the 1st Democratic front runner rarely wins the party nomination anyway. Don't cry when "unseen candidate" comes out of nowhere, steals the peoples hearts and minds, and trumples Hillary in the primaries.

Deja vu?

No matter. I am not a huge Hillary fan. If Donald wins the nomination, the GOP loses......

Wait, they have a nominee they can win with? Who?


Is that simple enough?

More altruism? Thanks for the advice, liberal...but to be honest, it really seems like just the thought that Trump may be the nominee is scaring you shitless. How many anti-Trump threads is this for you this week? Ten? Twenty?
Are there more anti Clinton threads or are there more anti Trump threads?
Note: That was DECEMBER. We are like in September. That is like a whole season out in comparison.

Historically, the 1st Democratic front runner rarely wins the party nomination anyway. Don't cry when "unseen candidate" comes out of nowhere, steals the peoples hearts and minds, and trumples Hillary in the primaries.

Deja vu?

No matter. I am not a huge Hillary fan. If Donald wins the nomination, the GOP loses......

Wait, they have a nominee they can win with? Who?


Is that simple enough?

More altruism? Thanks for the advice, liberal...but to be honest, it really seems like just the thought that Trump may be the nominee is scaring you shitless. How many anti-Trump threads is this for you this week? Ten? Twenty?
Are there more anti Clinton threads or are there more anti Trump threads?

I'd say it's about evenly split.

The real question is, how many anti Sanders threads are there.

Hell, I'll tell you honestly, I don't think Sanders has a snowballs chance in hades of winning a general election, and I won't be starting a single negative thread about him...I WANT him to win the nomination.
Any person listening to this tripe, is dumb as a box of rocks! No Republican is running against Hillary, they are running against each other! Who cares what the polls say about repub versus democrat? Who even knows if Hillary s going to win the dem nomination?

Point is, support your candidate, and worry about the Democrat later! Don't let the Democrats pick YOUR candidate, that is how they win, even when they lose. The last thing any LEFTY wants, is to have any of the Republican nominees win the GOP that will stand against illegal immigration. Why? Because if they get in someone; regardless of if it is GOP or Democrat who will look away, they will control America for the next 100 years starting in 2020. You may NOT be able to win this year, but you might as well stop thinking about politics in 2020, if it is Sanders, Clinton, Biden, or Warren V Bush or Kasich. You will have absolutely ZERO chance if those are the nominees in ANY combination, to put America back under our constitution. It really is that simple. No matter who/whom wins if this is the nominees, the country will accelerate on the path it is on, till it collapses.

The reason you see lefties so vociferous, is they are very, very, very, good at handling the GOP establishment. They do not know how to handle the outsiders, just as the GOP doesn't either. They do not like that they can mix, and match their message, not having to adhere to GOP dogma. They fear that they will draw Democratic voters, who are as pissed with their leaders, as we are with ours.

Just remember to let this play out and support whomever you support. I have absolutely no doubt, that Hillary will get hosed in head-to-head debates, by any of the GOPers. That is when the tide will turn, if the Democrats are dumb enough to put her up; for the reality is.............. Trump is not the weakest candidate, for Mrs, Hillary, Clinton is a paper tiger.(ess) On paper, she may sound good, but when push comes to shove; she will be so busy defending her screw-ups, she will be laughed out of the general election.
I agree.

Polls are pretty meaningless right now.

Was watching the news and apparently Hilbat could be in some real big trouble reference her e-mails.

Sounding worse and worse for that POS.

Will have to wait and see.

The Dems are praying that Trump gets the GOP nomination. He carries more baggage than Delta Airlines. He has insulted nearly everyone. It really does not matter who the Dems nominate. They will beat Mister Comb Over.

It will be a hard choice since Trump's family were KKK members...
Like most good Democrats.
I agree.

Polls are pretty meaningless right now.

Was watching the news and apparently Hilbat could be in some real big trouble reference her e-mails.

Sounding worse and worse for that POS.

Will have to wait and see.

The Dems are praying that Trump gets the GOP nomination. He carries more baggage than Delta Airlines. He has insulted nearly everyone. It really does not matter who the Dems nominate. They will beat Mister Comb Over.

It will be a hard choice since Trump's family were KKK members...
Like most good Democrats.
Educating Republicans: Why You Can’t Spell KKK Without the Letters G-O-P

It was Lee Atwater who showed Republicans how to appeal to the racist vote without sounding racist. He was the refiner of the finally backfiring Republican Southern Strategy. Atwater taught Republicans how to hide the racism upon which the Southern Strategy was built.

Educating Republicans: Why You Can’t Spell KKK Without the Letters G-O-P
I agree.

Polls are pretty meaningless right now.

Was watching the news and apparently Hilbat could be in some real big trouble reference her e-mails.

Sounding worse and worse for that POS.

Will have to wait and see.

The Dems are praying that Trump gets the GOP nomination. He carries more baggage than Delta Airlines. He has insulted nearly everyone. It really does not matter who the Dems nominate. They will beat Mister Comb Over.

It will be a hard choice since Trump's family were KKK members...
Like most good Democrats.
Educating Republicans: Why You Can’t Spell KKK Without the Letters G-O-P

It was Lee Atwater who showed Republicans how to appeal to the racist vote without sounding racist. He was the refiner of the finally backfiring Republican Southern Strategy. Atwater taught Republicans how to hide the racism upon which the Southern Strategy was built.

Educating Republicans: Why You Can’t Spell KKK Without the Letters G-O-P
Oh look, another lib invoking the KKK when Democrats were the ones who created them.
I agree.

Polls are pretty meaningless right now.

Was watching the news and apparently Hilbat could be in some real big trouble reference her e-mails.

Sounding worse and worse for that POS.

Will have to wait and see.

The Dems are praying that Trump gets the GOP nomination. He carries more baggage than Delta Airlines. He has insulted nearly everyone. It really does not matter who the Dems nominate. They will beat Mister Comb Over.

It will be a hard choice since Trump's family were KKK members...
Like most good Democrats.
Educating Republicans: Why You Can’t Spell KKK Without the Letters G-O-P

It was Lee Atwater who showed Republicans how to appeal to the racist vote without sounding racist. He was the refiner of the finally backfiring Republican Southern Strategy. Atwater taught Republicans how to hide the racism upon which the Southern Strategy was built.

Educating Republicans: Why You Can’t Spell KKK Without the Letters G-O-P
Oh look, another lib invoking the KKK when Democrats were the ones who created them.
True but the Klan is buttbuddies with the gop now.

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