Hillary kills Donald in latest Wall Street Journal Poll

Nope, it is truth and you are going to have to come out of denial at some point.
You've been in denial since you started calling Bob KKK Byrd the "conscience of the Senate" and made him your majority leader. Your party is now being led by a black racist and you see nothing wrong with that either. The Democratic Party has always been the party of racial division and hatred and you have a proven track record of embracing racists (I just gave you 2 examples), and your constant attempts to assign your own racist history to the Republican Party doesn't change reality.

Save your silly rant for a Democrat. Everyone in the world knows Republicans have become particularly bigoted since they began sodomy with the Tea Party. Even registered independents and non affiliated voters like me understand that.
I provided facts, you provided an opinion. Come back when you can make your case, loser.
what facts? it's the same republican propaganda you've been spewing since you just recently discovered the Klan started out as democrat and refuse to acknowledge that democratic party has changed.
your party has become the refuge for the Klan the neo Nazis and every other raving nut job or group .
that's the irrefutable facts
I'm sorry you can't read or can't take the time to read what I posted but history is history, pal. Your argument consists of "everybody knows" and "Republicans are nazis" but you fail to back up any of your ridiculous comments with proof. All you can do is throw shit and hope it sticks.
you're sorry alright ,just not the way you mean.
I read all that before.
what argument you have is plurium interrogationum and argumentum ad populum.
You've been in denial since you started calling Bob KKK Byrd the "conscience of the Senate" and made him your majority leader. Your party is now being led by a black racist and you see nothing wrong with that either. The Democratic Party has always been the party of racial division and hatred and you have a proven track record of embracing racists (I just gave you 2 examples), and your constant attempts to assign your own racist history to the Republican Party doesn't change reality.

Save your silly rant for a Democrat. Everyone in the world knows Republicans have become particularly bigoted since they began sodomy with the Tea Party. Even registered independents and non affiliated voters like me understand that.
I provided facts, you provided an opinion. Come back when you can make your case, loser.
what facts? it's the same republican propaganda you've been spewing since you just recently discovered the Klan started out as democrat and refuse to acknowledge that democratic party has changed.
your party has become the refuge for the Klan the neo Nazis and every other raving nut job or group .
that's the irrefutable facts
I'm sorry you can't read or can't take the time to read what I posted but history is history, pal. Your argument consists of "everybody knows" and "Republicans are nazis" but you fail to back up any of your ridiculous comments with proof. All you can do is throw shit and hope it sticks.
you're sorry alright ,just not the way you mean.
I read all that before.
what argument you have is plurium interrogationum and argumentum ad populum.
Another empty post. Not surprising.
Save your silly rant for a Democrat. Everyone in the world knows Republicans have become particularly bigoted since they began sodomy with the Tea Party. Even registered independents and non affiliated voters like me understand that.
I provided facts, you provided an opinion. Come back when you can make your case, loser.
what facts? it's the same republican propaganda you've been spewing since you just recently discovered the Klan started out as democrat and refuse to acknowledge that democratic party has changed.
your party has become the refuge for the Klan the neo Nazis and every other raving nut job or group .
that's the irrefutable facts
I'm sorry you can't read or can't take the time to read what I posted but history is history, pal. Your argument consists of "everybody knows" and "Republicans are nazis" but you fail to back up any of your ridiculous comments with proof. All you can do is throw shit and hope it sticks.
you're sorry alright ,just not the way you mean.
I read all that before.
what argument you have is plurium interrogationum and argumentum ad populum.
Another empty post. Not surprising.
more denial even less surprising.
It will be a hard choice since Trump's family were KKK members...
Like most good Democrats.
Educating Republicans: Why You Can’t Spell KKK Without the Letters G-O-P

It was Lee Atwater who showed Republicans how to appeal to the racist vote without sounding racist. He was the refiner of the finally backfiring Republican Southern Strategy. Atwater taught Republicans how to hide the racism upon which the Southern Strategy was built.

Educating Republicans: Why You Can’t Spell KKK Without the Letters G-O-P
Oh look, another lib invoking the KKK when Democrats were the ones who created them.
Who cares about that decades old never ending debate about how the KKK got started and how conservative Democrats turned into conservative Republicans when the Democrats became the party of liberals. The point is that today the KKK and racist are connected to the Republicans, libertarians and conservative. Republicans are the party of bigots and intolerance. We can all agree on that.
Trump has most certainly tapped into this voting block. Even me,a liberal wants illegals OUT

Trump's calling out the crazy open border policy is what's led to his popularity. That and his anti free trade proposals.

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