Hillary Last ad: " Our core values will be tested."


May 23, 2014
Yep...and your crooked core values and support for cop killers and abortions...was REJECTED. You spent over 100 million $$$$ on they greatest public display of narcissism and ego masturbation in history. Buh- bye...
"Core values" of the US was (is?) based upon the Constitution, Democratic principles, Law, Order, and Justice, Hillary. Or was I lied to?
Our values were tested, and we failed.

- "Come on Hillary! Your eyes tell what a fucking liar you are!"
- "Make up! See if you can do something with her eyes!"
- "And Hillary .... try to look sincere for God's sake!"
- "From the top! Take 47!"
- "Action!"
Democratic core values. Let's list them:

-Label Americans who don't support you as deplorable
-Ridicule non-Democratic states as "fly-over country".
-Ignore the working class
-Idolize actors and entertainers
-Inflame Black/White Racism at every opportunity
-Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Don't
-Label anyone against the spread of Islam in America as a hater
-make multi-gender bathrooms a top priority for the nation
-Label all White non-DEMs as part of the Alt-Right

Stick to your core values DEMs it's working great!

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