Hillary Makes ‘Desperate’ Appeal To Avoid Testifying About Emails — Says She’s Too Important

here we go again. but funny how her reasons keep changing. that didn't work, let me try this one...that didn't work, how about this???

Is this the same woman who was cleared by the blob’s FBI?
and the IG!

here we go again. but funny how her reasons keep changing. that didn't work, let me try this one...that didn't work, how about this???

Is this the same woman who was cleared by the blob’s FBI?
and the IG!
hey - trump was cleared by mueller but you still eat russia up like a drunker shriner eats up vegas hookers.

or at least wordsmith shit around to give you something to still bitch about.
this isn't going to change a thing. i just don't see how. any OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE would have done it by now. you can't keep putting a quarter in until you get the results you want.

not how our judicial system was formed or ran. well til recently.

Obama owned and ran the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI - it was all rigged to protect Hillary to assume the throne after he stepped down.

I know after everything exposed and how snowflakes have demonstrated they will ignore and any and all evidence of crimes committed by Hillary I should not still be surprised, but I am still amazed at the unparalleled level of denial by snowflakes.

Multiple laws, all cited and posted, make it perfectly clear:
- She had illegal access to TS-SCI material
- She illegally had TS-SCI material in her possession
- She illegally sent-received TS-SCI material
- She violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act, refusing to send thousands of documents for official archival as required by the law
- She illegally destroyed documents, devices, etc...

These are established fact, nothing in question. Former FBI Director Comey confirmed this when he testified under oath....yet Democrats and snowflakes swear she did nothing.

You can't get more partisan .. or in denial - than that.
this isn't going to change a thing. i just don't see how. any OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE would have done it by now. you can't keep putting a quarter in until you get the results you want.

not how our judicial system was formed or ran. well til recently.

Obama owned and ran the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI - it was all rigged to protect Hillary to assume the throne after he stepped down.

I know after everything exposed and how snowflakes have demonstrated they will ignore and any and all evidence of crimes committed by Hillary I should not still be surprised, but I am still amazed at the unparalleled level of denial by snowflakes.

Multiple laws, all cited and posted, make it perfectly clear:
- She had illegal access to TS-SCI material
- She illegally had TS-SCI material in her possession
- She illegally sent-received TS-SCI material
- She violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act, refusing to send thousands of documents for official archival as required by the law
- She illegally destroyed documents, devices, etc...

These are established fact, nothing in question. Former FBI Director Comey confirmed this when he testified under oath....yet Democrats and snowflakes swear she did nothing.

You can't get more partisan .. or in denial - than that.
it's not that i disagree, but i do think the right has had their turn, several of them in fact, to get her and have yet to do so. to keep at her til you get your way at this point is the same as the left keeping at trump til they get their way.

is this our "ME" society these days? I GET MY WAY OR I CRY TIL I DO? (not you per se, just the general mindset of people these days to me)
hey - trump was cleared by mueller but you still eat russia up like a drunker shriner eats up vegas hookers.

What do you expect - these are the same people who can still watch Biden's videotaped extortion confession and attempt to tell people what they just saw and heard is NOT really what they just saw and heard...


here we go again. but funny how her reasons keep changing. that didn't work, let me try this one...that didn't work, how about this???

She should tell them to go to hell.

Why do you endorse her deleting 33,000 emails after they were under a subpoena? Do you excuse her breaking the law just because you agree with her politics?
What's the over/under on "I don't recall" from that shit beast....

If it's 1500, I'll take the over for $5000.....
Well, legit they’re going to be asking her questions about events that occurred over a decade ago, so yeah. No one is going to remember everything.
11 straight hours of live testimony, with Trey Gowdy as inquisitor!
Gowdy is deep state. Didn't you know that?
is this our "ME" society these days? I GET MY WAY OR I CRY TIL I DO? (not you per se, just the general mindset of people these days to me)
I think it is a dedication to the false belief that 'Justice always wins in the end'. That is obviously NOT the case. Obama and his criminal administration carried out the largest scandal in US history...Hillary and Bill have been the king and queen of the crime syndicate for decades...and none of them have been held responsible for any of it.

At some point you have to decide to either continue to do your best impression of Don Quixote charging the windmill or let it go, chalk it up as a loss.


here we go again. but funny how her reasons keep changing. that didn't work, let me try this one...that didn't work, how about this???

Is this the same woman who was cleared by the blob’s FBI?
and the IG!
hey - trump was cleared by mueller but you still eat russia up like a drunker shriner eats up vegas hookers.

or at least wordsmith shit around to give you something to still bitch about.
he wasn't CLEARED by Mueller.... if you read the Mueller report, instead of just taking the Trumpian revisionist view as god's truth, you would know that..... but here we are a year later, and you still have not done so.

here we go again. but funny how her reasons keep changing. that didn't work, let me try this one...that didn't work, how about this???

She should tell them to go to hell.

Why do you endorse her deleting 33,000 emails after they were under a subpoena? Do you excuse her breaking the law just because you agree with her politics?
Pfft, a Congressional subpoena doesn't mean anything.
hey - trump was cleared by mueller but you still eat russia up like a drunker shriner eats up vegas hookers.

What do you expect - these are the same people who can still watch Biden's videotaped extortion confession and attempt to tell people what they just saw and heard is NOT really what they just saw and heard...

oh - this coming from "run 18,389 will get clinton this time"

both sides at this point have an endless supply of stupid.
I'm confused by the OP here. First they make a thread about this issue then they deride people for making this an issue.

Why call attention to something that you want to move on from?
maybe this months old shit turned up in his social media feed, and he could not control his emotions and had to post it.
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is this our "ME" society these days? I GET MY WAY OR I CRY TIL I DO? (not you per se, just the general mindset of people these days to me)
I think it is a dedication to the false belief that 'Justice always wins in the end'. That is obviously NOT the case. Obama and his criminal administration carried out the largest scandal in US history...Hillary and Bill have been the king and queen of the crime syndicate for decades...and none of them have been held responsible for any of it.

At some point you have to decide to either continue to do your best impression of Don Quixote charging the windmill or let it go, chalk it up as a loss.

justice for who?


what is how we "feel" entitled to social justice or verification? where did that come from? as much as you hate hillary the other side hates trump and swears JUST AS HARD AS YOU he's guilty. it's a huge battle of wills with nothing to win in the end except the pile of ashes we've left behind trying.

we can't keep tearing each other up and pushing the other side further away. that needs to come to an end.

here we go again. but funny how her reasons keep changing. that didn't work, let me try this one...that didn't work, how about this???

She should tell them to go to hell.

Why do you endorse her deleting 33,000 emails after they were under a subpoena? Do you excuse her breaking the law just because you agree with her politics?
i agree. this is pure 100% bullshit that amazes me the left defends. trump can't say things about looters getting shot without days of protest and anger coming at him yet she can delete requested evidence and they're good with that. it *is* a contradiction i'm never going to understand.

there's a lot of those in this world. i'm just not going to let them keep me tearing shit up til i do.

here we go again. but funny how her reasons keep changing. that didn't work, let me try this one...that didn't work, how about this???

Is this the same woman who was cleared by the blob’s FBI?
and the IG!
hey - trump was cleared by mueller but you still eat russia up like a drunker shriner eats up vegas hookers.

or at least wordsmith shit around to give you something to still bitch about.
he wasn't CLEARED by Mueller.... if you read the Mueller report, instead of just taking the Trumpian revisionist view as god's truth, you would know that..... but here we are a year later, and you still have not done so.
You don't have to be "cleared" when you've done NOTHING WRONG.

Mueller was illegally appointed to go on a fishing expedition. An investigation looking for a crime. For you to still harp on this as though a clear crime had been committed makes you look really, really, stupid.

Mueller said in his report that he found NO WRONG DOING by Trump, period, end of story. His additional innuendo wasn't worth the paper it was printed on. It was Mueller and his team of radical Trump hating investigators throwing all their personal opinion and mud at Trump they could without having to admit he'd done NOTHING WRONG.

What fucking part about that do you STILL NOT GET? Are you SERIOUSLY that stupid?
this isn't going to change a thing. i just don't see how. any OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE would have done it by now. you can't keep putting a quarter in until you get the results you want.

not how our judicial system was formed or ran. well til recently.

Obama owned and ran the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI - it was all rigged to protect Hillary to assume the throne after he stepped down.

I know after everything exposed and how snowflakes have demonstrated they will ignore and any and all evidence of crimes committed by Hillary I should not still be surprised, but I am still amazed at the unparalleled level of denial by snowflakes.

Multiple laws, all cited and posted, make it perfectly clear:
- She had illegal access to TS-SCI material
- She illegally had TS-SCI material in her possession
- She illegally sent-received TS-SCI material
- She violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act, refusing to send thousands of documents for official archival as required by the law
- She illegally destroyed documents, devices, etc...

These are established fact, nothing in question. Former FBI Director Comey confirmed this when he testified under oath....yet Democrats and snowflakes swear she did nothing.

You can't get more partisan .. or in denial - than that.

yet gowdy and others have said otherwise to what should be done and i've put my faith in gowdy to be that bulldog. did he sell out or is there simply nothing there but our anger and fictional stories?

fair question isn't it? why is everyone who disagrees with all this a sellout?
Hillary was guilty of mishandling official gov't documents and information, some of which was classified data. Comey said so himself in testimony before the Congress, but he declined to recommend charges cuz he didn't think the prosecution could prove intent, even though the applicable law does not require proof of intent. The plain truth is that if you mishandle classified data then you have committed a crime, end of story and you should be prosecuted for that. But the Deep State was not going to indict her for what was obviously a crime, so they totally whitewashed the whole sorry episode and let her off. Does anyone here want to tell me that Michael Flynn was treated the same way that Hillary Clinton was, for a far less important crime that meant NOTHING to our national security. There are guys sitting in prison today who did less than Hillary did and that is not right. Nobody should get preferential treatment, but she did.
hey - trump was cleared by mueller but you still eat russia up like a drunker shriner eats up vegas hookers.

What do you expect - these are the same people who can still watch Biden's videotaped extortion confession and attempt to tell people what they just saw and heard is NOT really what they just saw and heard...

oh - this coming from "run 18,389 will get clinton this time"

both sides at this point have an endless supply of stupid.

What is 'run 18,389'? Who said that? What doers Hillary specifically have to do with Biden's video-taped confession?
hey - trump was cleared by mueller but you still eat russia up like a drunker shriner eats up vegas hookers.

What do you expect - these are the same people who can still watch Biden's videotaped extortion confession and attempt to tell people what they just saw and heard is NOT really what they just saw and heard...

oh - this coming from "run 18,389 will get clinton this time"

both sides at this point have an endless supply of stupid.

What is 'run 18,389'? Who said that? What doers Hillary specifically have to do with Biden's video-taped confession?
its me exaggerating because it seems like we've had her testify that many times anymore.

why is *this* going to do more than any previous attempt that failed? we've stacked the system with our guys to get even with them for stacking the system with their guys?

that's LITERALLY where this is going, if not there already.

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